M 0 N A S H UNIVERSITY • • 4 • AUSTRALIA Calendar Volume Two 1990 Postal address MONASH UNIVERSITY Clayton Victoria 3168 Telephone (03) 565 4000 lSD (61) (3) 565 4000 Telex AA32691 Fax (61) (3) 565 4007 Visitor HIS EXCELLENCY DR DAVIS McCAUGHEY Governor of Victoria Chancellor THE HoN. SIR GEoRGE HERMANN LusH LLMMelb. Deputy Chancellor JAMES ARNOLD HANCOCK OBE BCom Me/b. FCA AASA Vice-Chancellor MALCOLM IAN LOGAN BA PhD DipEd Syd. FASSA Deputy Vice-Chancellor JoHN ANTHONY HAY MA Cantab. academic BA PhD WAust. FACE Deputy Vice-Chancellor IAN JAMEs PoLMEAR BMetE MSc research DEng Me/b. FTS FIM FIEAust Comptroller PETER BRIAN WADE BCom (Hons) MA Me/b. FASA Registrar ANTHONY LANGLEY PRITCHARD BSc DipEd Me/b. BEd Qld Librarian HucK TEE LIM PKT BA Sing. DipLib N.S. W GradDiplnfSys C. C.A.E. ALAA FLA Faculties and deans Arts RoBERT JOHN PARGETTER BSc MA Me/b. PhD LaT. DipEd Economics and Politics WILLIAM ANGUS SINCLAIR MCom Me/b. DPhil Oxon. FASSA I Education DAVID NICHOLSON AsPIN BA DipEd Durh. I, PhD Nott. FRSA Engineering PETER LEPOER DARVALL BCE Me/b. MS Ohio State MSE MA PhD Prin. DipEd MIEAust I Law CHARLES RoBERT WILLIAMS BCL Oxon. BJuris LLB (Hons) Barrister-at-Law (Vic.) Medicine RoBERT PoRTER BMedSc DSc Adel. MA BCh DM Oxon. FAA FRACP Science WILLIAM RoNALD AYLETT MuNTZ BA DPhil Oxon. FRSE Volume Two 1990 Published by Monash University Clayton Victoria Australia 3168 Typeset by Abb-typesetting Pty Ltd Collingwood Victoria Printed by The Book Printer Maryborough Victoria All rights reserved. This book or any part of it may not be reproduced in any form whatsoever, whether by graphic, visual, electronic, filming, microfilming, tape recording or any means, except in the case of brief passages for the information of students, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Copyright© Monash University 1990 ISSN 1031 4350 The contents of this volume have been brought up to date as at 2 January 1990. The Statutes and Regulations included are those in force on that date with the exception of those made since 30 October 1989. Calendar Volume 1 Published in December of the previous year. Volume one contains the degree regulations, outlines of courses and details of subjects offered by each of the seven faculties. It also sets out general information about enrolment, re-enrolment, and University services and facilities. It contains lecture timetables and lists the principal dates for students. Introduction 2 Principal Dates 3 Officers and Staff 4 The Monash University Act 5 Statutes of the University 6 Regulations 7 Standing Committees 8 Special Purpose Centres 9 Scholarships, Exchanges & Prizes 10 Honorary Graduates 11 Index ntents A detailed table of contents is shown at the beginning of each section Introduction Monash University 112 Sir John Monash 112 Affiliated Institutions 1/3 Coat of Arms 113 Donations and Bequests 1/3 I Introduction ing and research efforts through an interconnected net­ INTRODUCTION work of some 1,500 terminals. Monash University The on-campus work of the faculties is expanded and supported in a variety of areas by affiliated institutions. The work of the Faculty of Medicine is assisted by affili­ ated teaching hospitals and community health centres. Other affiliated institutions cooperate with the University Monash University was established by an Act of the Vic­ in research and teaching programs. torian Parliament on 15 April 1958. The first meeting of In addition to the faculties, there are numerous special­ the Interim Council, appointed under the transitory pro­ ist centres catering for the research interests of particular visions of the Act, was held in June of that year. The Vice­ groups of staff and providing a nucleus for postgraduate Chancellor, Registrar, and the first professor took up duty and some undergraduate studies. Many of these act as a early in 1960. focus for interdisciplinary research. By the Monash University Act 1958, Monash University The University offers bachelor degree courses in Arts, I is a body politic and corporate, governed by a Council. Social Work, Economics, Information Systems, Edu­ The Monash University Council comprises a maximum cation (postgraduate), Special Education (postgraduate), of thirty-eight members either appointed or elected by Engineering, Law, Jurisprudence, Medicine, Surgery, various constituents so as to be broadly representative of Medical Science, and Science. All faculties offer postgrad­ all sections of the University and of the community it uate diploma courses or masters by course work in various serves. The Chancellor and the Deputy Chancellor are specialised fields. The degrees of master and doctor and elected by the Council, which also appoints the Vice­ the degree of Doctor of Philosophy are available in all Chancellor, professors and other members of the teaching faculties. and non-teaching staff. The Council manages and super­ Funding is derived in the main from the Australian vises the affairs of the University and is advised by its Government which also supports the University's re­ subordinate standing committees, other boards and com­ search effort directly through the Australian Research mittees, the Vice-Chancellor, and senior officers of the Council and indirectly through funding bodies such as the University. Australian Research Grants Scheme and the National The seven faculties are Arts, Economics and Politics, Health and Medical Research Council. The Victorian Education, Engineering, Law, Medicine, and Science. Government and a number of private charitable foun­ Each faculty is headed by a dean who is chairman of the dations also support Monash research. The Monash Uni­ faculty board and is responsible for exercising general versity Foundation operates to encourage an increase in superintendence over the academic and administrative non-government funding to the University in support of affairs of the faculty. All faculties except Education and its teaching and research programs. Law are sub-divided into departments. This Calendar, within its two volumes, carries as much The Professorial Board, through Council, is responsible information as possible about the operation and govern­ for all academic matters relating to the University. The mtmt of the University, details about courses and subjects Vice-Chancellor is, ex-officio, chairman of the Board. offered for study. The Annual Report and the Research Membership includes all professors, the University Li­ Report, published annually, give more detailed infor­ brarian, the directors of some of the University's research mation respectively about the life and affairs of Monash, and service centres, and representatives elected by non­ and the nature of research being conducted in the Uni­ professorial teaching staff and students. versity. Copies of these publications may be purchased The Committee of Deans is chaired by the Vice-Chan­ from the Monash University Bookshop or by application cellor and comprises the deans of the seven faculties, and to the Registrar, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria the Deputy Vice-Chancellors. The Committee advises the 3168, Australia. Vice-Chancellor on many aspects ofU ni versity policy and management. The Vice-Chancellor is advised on the framing of the University's annual operating budget by the Central Budgets Committee. Responsibility for ex­ penditure within faculties is delegated to deans, and similar delegation is made to heads of other budgetary areas. When teaching began at the University in 1961, there Sir John Monash were ten professors and an enrolment of 363 under­ graduates and graduate students. Enrolments increased rapidly and there are now over I 00 professors and a student population of about 14,000. The University site of some I 00 hectares at Clayton is General Sir John Monash was born on 27 June 1865 at 20 km south-east from the city of Melbourne. The Uni­ West Melbourne of German-Polish, Jewish parents. He versity is not primarily a residential institution, but there was educated until the age of twelve at local schools at are five halls of residence, some University-owned flats Richmond and Jerilderie, where his father kept a store. He and an affiliated residential college which provide accom­ then attended Scotch College, Melbourne, for four years modation for students. The University has extensive and was equal dux of the school in 1881. He entered the sporting and recreation facilities, including twelve University of Melbourne in 1882 but after two years had hectares of playing fields and an ornamental lake. The to continue part-time because of financial hardship. In Alexander Theatre and Robert Blackwood Hall are used 1895 he had completed degrees in Arts, Engineering, and for theatrical and musical performances, conferences, and Law and had also qualified as a municipal surveyor, an graduation ceremonies and the Monash University engineer of water-supply and a patent attorney. In 1894 he Gallery mounts a range of temporary exhibitions as well began private practice as a civil engineer, specialising in as housing some of the more important works that com­ the new techniques of reinforced concrete, and in the prise the extensive Monash University Art Collection. following twenty years prospered from railway- and The Religious Centre provides an appropriate venue and bridge-building especially. place of worship for all faiths and religious societies at the Monash had joined the militia in 1884 and was com­ University. missioned in 1887; by 1913 he was commanding a brig­ The University library, with a collection of some ade. On the outbreak of war in 1914 he took command of I ,300,000 volumes and 14,000 periodical subscriptions, the 4th Brigade, AIF, and served with it throughout the is divided into branch libraries catering for the needs of Gallipoli campaign and in France in 1916. He then the humanities and social sciences, physical sciences, bio­ became major-general commanding the 3rd Division un­ logical sciences and medicine, and law. A well-equipped til May 1918 when he was given charge of the Australian Computer Centre with an associated computing labora­ Corps.
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