• f'-'ytJ ■r:M OCEAN a ROVE TIMES Vol. XL No. 10 OCEAN GROVE, NEV/ JERSEY, SATURDAY, MARCH 7, 1903. One Dollar thtf Year. SABBATH WORKERS PRAISE FOR REV. ROE BRADLEY BEACH POLITICS SENATORS FAVOR A Wednesday Next Will Be Field Bay Quarterly Conference Adopts Reso- Lively TlmSs at the Primaries Last VOTING MACHINES ‘ of County Association ST. PAUL’S CHURCH ;• iuiions to Tliat End TUESDAY, MARCH 17 Saturday Evening Wednesday. next,. March 11th, • will At the Fourth Quarterly Conference- Bradley Beach's two primary meet­ of St. Paul’s M. 13. Ciiurch, Ocean ings were held last Saturday evening. be ohseryed as “field day” by the Mon­ THREE VACANCIES IN THE BOARD BILI. FOR THEIR USE PASSED ON mouth . County Sunday School Associa­ TWENTY-EIGHT PERSONS ADMIT­ Grove, held on' Thursday evening of The Citizens met at the Pioneer en­ tion. The. exercises iwill be held in last week, the following resolutions gine house and the Republicans, as­ WElr'ESDAY the First Refdrmed Ghuroh 'at Long TED TO MEMBERSHIP were unanimously adopted; TO BE FILLbD sembled at the independence com­ • \ t ' Branch. W ..A*- Fouhtaln, of Matawan, Whoreas, Our esteemed brother. pany’s quarters, • ' • . • has been chosen to preside,; The day’s Rev. J/L. Roe will, at the end of this The following Is the ticket nominate, program will be as follows.... ,; . v conference year, terminate his presid­ ANKbAL BUDGET $21,060 ed by. the Citizens: Collector, Wesley WEEK IN THE LEGISLATIVE i ' 10.30. Devotions, led by Ji H. De­ GREAT WAVE OF EfflOTIGN ing eldership of the Ne\y Brunswick K. Bradner; assessor, John R. Rogers; nise, Freeholdpresident; of the asso­ District of the Neiv Jersey Conier- councllmen, three years, Addison ence; and Hutchinson, Charles Rogers; two. ciation. " ’■ J Total Sum Needed' is $2,440 Less Tu*n Tramps to Be Pttf to Work on Public . 10.50. Address, “The Teacher’s Re? Audience Stirred as perhaps Never Be- Whereas, During all the six years of years. Stewart Rogers; commission- , ers of appeal, Burdett Poland.?" . lation to the Class During the week,” • fore—Majority o f . New Members Are his term the relations existing between- Lasi Year—A Small Increase Id Janl- Highways—George Lutts Continued ai Rev. J. .W,T Lissenden, Freehold. *. • ■ ■ himself and St./Paul’s church;: Ocean These nominations were made by * 11.20. 1 Question box. ' \ ,. Adults—Sundayr School ana Ep worth GroVei have, been of . the m o st' pleas­ tors' Salaries—rrustees Woolley and the Republicans: Collector, Wesley Sergeant-at-Arms—Separate Courts for ant and ;agreeable, nature; therefore K. Bradner; assessor, Henry P. Gant; 11.35. Singing. S/v*;;. • i Taylor Will Stand for Re-clection— Juvenile Offenders—Speed hr Automo­ 11.40; “Pedagogics,” Miss Josephine League Meetiag—pr. John Love Oc­ be it y ..... cotincilmen, three years, David F .1 . Resolved^ That • we jsart ' with Brb. Gant, J. H. Scott; two years, Albert L. Baldwin, Newark^ cupies ihe Pulpit at Evening Service flatter of Increased Accommodations biles Fixed By Law ‘ 12.10. Question box. • Roe with keen 'regret* and with the Yarnall; commissioners of appeal. 12.15. Recess for luncheon, • S q c lal ;hppe th at his. future church relations Carles Meglll. • Existing circumstances made last may be most happy and congenial to On Tuesday evening, March 17th, There was a lively sccne at the Citi­ ’ On Wednesday Senator Shinn, of hour; Round table for primary and an election for three members of the Ocean county, introduced a repealer junior workers. ; v Sunday at St. Paul’s church the great him. zen’s primary. Some of the attend­ est day in Rev: E. C. Hancock’s minis­ . Resolved, That copies of theSo. reso- Neptune Township. Board- of Educa­ ants bccome so warm in their political of-w hat Inst year was known as the L30. Song service, tion will he held. This election oc­ “Steel Trust hill,” which was .passed 1.4 5/ Address; ‘‘The * • Teadherfs.try iii Ocean Grovel in' the minds. Of Iutions-.be furnished .to Bro. Roe and arguments that to cool them off a some it. was. th e greatest- day- in the the newspapers, and that they be en­ curs In connection with the annual stream from the Pioneer engine was and was approved on March 28. 1902. Study ot the Bible,'1; Revl Wv. B. Matte- school meeting in the assembly room The purpose of the act of last' year son,’ Red Bank. •, .. .; • history - of the churcb;' A. number bf tered on -the minutes of th.e confer^, played upon them. There was at once was to authorize the Steel Corpora­ 2.15. Question box. Singing and col­ things contributed to an .unusual .event1 ^ence; - X f/. ' .'\-4 of the high' school building, Ocean a scramble that quickly cleared tho in religious circles. First- there; was Grove! : ' room. tion to convert $200,000,000 of 7 per lection, ! • / V , * ' The trustees whose, term s expire ore. r ;eent. preferred stock into ,5: per cent;' 2:30: Address, “Grading and Supple­ the large ..number of persons that pre­ Vote for William R;' b'Brien for As­ , Another primary was held at Brad­ sented • themselves for admission- ,t0 Messrs. G. C: Clayton, Stephen U. Wool- ley Beach on Monday night. The La­ second mortgage bonds. Recent liti-’ mental Work/’ Miss Baldwin.; ; ‘ : sessor; . • ’• ley and Nathan J. Taylor. It'is under­ gation resulted favorably to the; steel ^.00.' Question box; ' , ' :;- membershiij^-tsyenty-eight. :And theii bor adherents nominated the following there; 'was the w aveof - emotion that stood that personally. Mr, Clayton does ticket: Collector, Patrick Manion; as­ ’ corporation. ‘ It:was because- of the 3.15. Address, “The Teacher's . Re­ not desire a re-election, hut his many fear that the. general law did ndt con- sponsibilities,” Prof. Charles W- swept over the audience- which melted; DEMOCRATIC TICKET * sessor, E verettt B. Foster. The party* ' fer the, power of which' the. Court of Blakesiee, Long Branch. to tears iri contemplating >Ue character friends are anxious to have him con­ endorsed Addison Hutchinson, David E rrors: af ter war d.; saitl th ai it did that 3.45. Question box. ; . and influence of the candidates for.ad-, tinue In the board and will bend every Gant and Albert Yarnall for Councll­ mission to the church. There were Harry Ross, of Ocean Grove,: effort to dissuade him from .retiring. men, and Burdett Poland‘for commis­ tho 1902 legislature was sought by the 3.55. Singing and prayer. Doth Mr. Woolley and Air: Taylor will Steel corporation. The repealer now 4.00. Adjournment. , numerous “Amena!" and many glad sioner of appeal. i “Hallelujahs!” when those seeking the . Named For Collector - stand for-re-election. Their return.to introduced, in the opinion of k, V. tlie hoard will be a deserved compli­ Llndabury, who was counsol for the ministrations of the church assembled Last{Satiirday.the Democrats of Nep­ Vote for David E. HavenB for Com­ Vote for William Moran for Com­ at the altar, .. tune township; held their priniury, ment to their untiring efforts to .pro­ mitteeman. • • V steel trust in the Burger case, would missioner of Appeal. • not affect tho trust in.any way.: Eighteen persons were* admitted on l^rank Pr Butcher- presiding. 1'he meet­ mote the educational Interests of this Senator McKee said that the probation—C. C. Clayton, Captain L. ing was neld in the Good will engine township. \ ROBERTSON BUYS BONDS Senate, sitting as a committee of the MFS. SULGER CALLED HuME Rainear, -W ill jam, G. Dodge, Mr. and ' ; houc^. West Park. , , , , • After- dun consideration the hoard Mrs. :Fi,ederlck Siiibiai Mr.^and fMrs; 'i$ ‘John . Cook was, secretary^ : Frank has determined upon the following whole, would give a hearing on the Asbury Park Couhen Sells Him $150,. Passaic Pollution bill on March 11, at New^oii Grant Hughes, Mr. ana Mrs. Robinson was chosen . as bulge, und amounts as the school budget for the 10.30 a. m., in the Senate Chamber. Death' ot a Summer Resident at Her Charles F.' Kenydn. 'Mrs. Anna Tilton/ Jarries D. Thompson, ' William - White coming year: 000 Worth at Par Senator McKee is preparing several Trenton Resldeuce: Mrs. Edna Johnston, Thomas Heale, and I.lenry. Layton as Inspectors. Teachers’ saiarie'a ........ $ 12,-000 Ethel M. Prldham, Ethel G.. Truax, •The following ticket was nominated : janitors’ salaries....................... 3,1go At a meeting .of the Asbury Park amendments to the bill; some of which city council on Monday evening J1'50,- it Beems safe to say, .will be adopted The Ocean Grove friends of Mrs.-; Helen M. White, Richard S. Gassner. : Collector—Harry Ross. F u e l . 1,10.7 before the bill. receives the endorse­ W ilHara S. Sulger,r of; Trenton. will - be Willie McBride, Lees Broome. The Assessor—Joseph Harris. Text books and supplies ..... 1.500 000 worth of beach and sewer bonds ment of the Senate. saddened. to. learn' thaton" February name of Dr. I. N. Beegle was presented Committeeman—Frank L. O aklew Construction and repairs .1,500 was sold. The purchaser was George The Automobile bill passed by tho 20 slie passed to the. world beyond. For. by letter for probationary member­ Justices of the Peace—Jeremiah’ Current expenses .....,.1,500 W. Robertson, of Pottsvllle. Pal, who House Axes the maximum rates of nearly three; years she had - been an. In­ ship. • • ' Bennetti John Cook.. got the bonds at par. Some time ago speed at twenty miles an hour .In the valid ■ and for t wo months h ad been al- In addition to the • foregoing, nine Constable—George M.
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