18 PROFILE ISOCARP 19 When the International Society of City 50 years of ISOCARP and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) was founded in 1965, the population of western cities was increasing rapidly. It was also Planning becoming clear that town and regional planners had tasks beyond housing and that good planning was important to without stimulate economic development, manage social change and tackle environmental challenges. The inaugural congress was held borders in the Netherlands. In 2015 the congress will come home, exactly 50 years later. In the past five decades, ISOCARP has grown into a worldwide platform where planning professionals from all corners of the world and all ages and backgrounds share their knowledge, experience and passion for the planning profession. By Harry Harsema ISOCARP was founded in Amsterdam (The Netherland) in 1965. 20 PROFILE ISOCARP 21 The first ten ISOCARP congresses were quests is resented as an always farther increasing restric- ning, but also (and from our point of view this is Urban planner and designer prof. for what urban and regional planning in the tion and narrowing of freedom, as a regimenta- the most important side) of those who are actively Sam van Embden (1904-2000) second half of the twentieth century was all about, tion of life, as the end of all adventure? And would involved in the planning-work. For all of them the founded the International So- how it related to cultural heritage, transport plan- not the impact of this experience on the mind of main objective should be to find out how to plan ciety of City and Regional Plan- ning and economic planning and how planning men be much stronger than the somewhat poor freedom. In my opinion this means: to learn how ners (ISOCARP) in 1965 with 40 education should be organized. In his State of the qualities of their daily environments?’ to plan as if we were not planning. This is more a other planning professionals. Van Profession in 1969, Sam van Embden, founder question of mental attitude than of method, more Embden was the first President of and first president of ISOCARP from 1965-1975, ‘Here we are on the horns of a dilemma,’ van of wisdom than of knowledge. To this, just as to the Society (1965-1975). ISOCARP sketched a paradox that raised, what he called, a Embden continued, ‘for there is no doubt what- every other really fundamental problem, there has a strong record and reputation warning voice in his conscience. ‘I have pointed ever that we simply cannot stop, or even slow is no real and lasting answer. Each new genera- for a number of regular activities all the time at gaps in our planning system, gaps down, planning and organizing without imme- tion will meet it under another appearance, each including the annual congress, to be filled. I have pointed out the necessity to diately endangering the existence of the three, generation will have to find its own solution. We a strong series of publications, improve and complete that system, to introduce soon six billion inhabitants of this planet. But the should search for ours.’ Today, Van Embden’s awards for best practices, train- corrections and add extensions. However, it might more these planning-systems extend and tend to words are as topical as 45 years ago. ing programmes, workshops for be asked (though in reality we have long known organise their lives, the more each separate indi- young planning professionals, and the answer) whether the prevailing uncomfortable vidual will feel exasperated and the stronger it will The Urban millennium urban planning advisory teams feeling about planning-results among the general oppose the restrictions laid upon it in the name ISOCARP was founded to study and discuss for professional support in urban public really originated in the first place from the of the Community. The only answer I would the process of urbanisation that was perceived planning. ISOCARP is also a society quality of the plans, or whether there are much know to this dilemma for the moment refers to to be proceeding inexorably in the 1960s. Today, where individual members meet, deeper roots for this general discussion. Is it not a renewal of our mental disposition. In the first more than 50% of the world population is living exchange ideas and work together so that planning itself, omnipresent, inescapable, place it concerns those who have to accept plan- in cities and this percentage is increasing. ‘The regularly. The membership, wich is motto of ISOCARP, “Knowledge for Better Cities”, evenly divided between academics, describes exactly what we as a society of plan- planning professionals who work ning professionals stand for,’ says Milica Bajic- for local and regional planning Brkovic, professor of urban planning and design organisations and designers and at the University of Belgrade and now the 15th consultants from the private sector, President of ISOCARP. ‘The active involvement provides a network of around 800 of our members in the preparation and participa- members who are active in more tion of our congress, publications and workshops than 80 countries. ISOCARP is is our greatest strength.’ Milica Bajic-Brkovic is recognized as a non-governmental refering to the annual congresses in the past organization by the United Nations five years (2009-2013) in Porto, Nairobi, Wuhan, (UN), the United Nations Human Perm and Brisbane, all of wich tackled topics like Settlements Programme (UNHCS/ low-carbon cities, planning in a hyper dynamic UN-HABITAT), and the Council age and changing frontiers of planning, ahead of Europe. The Society also has a of the mainstream discussions in the planning formal consultative status with the profession. Parallel to the congresses ISOCARP United Nations Education, Societal has published a wide variety of essays and articles and Cultural Organisation (UN- on these topics in their annual Review. Bajic- ESCO). The Secretariat of ISOCARP Brkovic: ‘The ISOCARP congresses have brought has its office in The Hague. Mem- our members in contact with many other plan- bership is open to all planning ning professionals and organizations that find professionals. planning important. One of our highlights was our congress on sustainable development in the developing world in Nairobi, attended by over a thousand participants and partially held in the headquarters of UN-HABITAT. Since that congress we have close working relation with UN-HABITAT.’ Jeffrey Featherstone, director and professor at Young Planning Professionals on a field trip the Center for Sustainable Communities, Temple in Kibera, prior to the ISOCARP Congress in Sam van Embden. Nairobi, Kenya. 22 PROFILE ISOCARP 23 University in Philadelphia, was the General quate planning. Water-related issues like drinking Rapporteur for the ISOCARP congress in Brisbane water, food, safety, trade, nomadic lifestyle and in 2013. His conclusion: contemporary urbaniza- other issues may have been some of the most tion is totally different from past city development. important aspects that shaped planning, societies, Featherstone: ‘Above all else we have now entered cultures and the environment.’ He reminds us that the urban millennium in which cities and city over time, and in different continents, countries, planning are critical to the majority of the world’s climates, civilizations and cultures, the role of now urbanized population. In this sense we have water in planning has changed. Brandeis: ‘Today, entered a “new world” that maybe can be com- water related issues, and their role in urban and pared with the first years of ISOCARP. The scale regional planning, set a wide array of different and speed of change challenge the traditional major challenges, from providing cities in arid plans of governments in rapidly changing urban areas with access to drinking water to protecting regions. The drivers of urbanization may still be cities in river deltas from flooding. These chal- what they have always been – agglomeration lenges need to be addressed in almost any plan advantages, economic opportunity, more exiting or project worldwide, and influence and enhance lifestyles, and intensified interactions – but their “Urban Transformations” in many ways.’ impacts are now multiplied many times over.’ The congress team and the authors of almost The theme Urban Transformations – Cities and 200 papers asked themselves what effective plan- Water is topical and reflects one of the current ning practice is at the global frontiers: whether priorities in planning in Poland. In the past few it is planning for the local community, mature years, cities in Poland have suffered from flood- metro, mega-city, or vast urbanizing region. ing. Unusual heavy and continuous rainfall in Featherstone: ‘We learned about the critical Central Europe combined with the extension importance for cities to become more resilient to and intensification of urban areas has shown Excisting situating in Poznan, Poland. ings. The urban transformations and the regional planning congress of ISOCARP change and uncertainty. And we became aware that the catchment areas of the rivers are in need Unusual heavy and continuous rainfall relationship between cities and water is that will take place 23-26 September of the necessity to bridge theory and practice by of extension as well. ‘Some affected cities, like the main theme of the next urban and in Central Europe led to heavy flood- 2014 in Poland. implementing experimental learning and involv- Poznan, reacted immediately and hired lead- ing multiple stakeholders. This is important ing experts from the Netherlands who advised because we need to define or redefine the plan- reopening former riverbeds so they could be ning discipline, especially for the education of the used again for water catchment’ says Slawomir next generation of planners.’ Ledwon, adjunct professor at the Department of Urban Design and Regional Planning, Gdansk Urban Transformation University of Technology and Vice President of Urban transformation and the relationship ISOCARP Congresses and Events.
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