55. BLACK CYPRESS PINE 49. KURRAJONG Callitris endlicheri - Termite resistant timber. Brachychiton populneus - Good shade & fodder tree. 56. PRICKLY TEA-TREE 72. WILGA Leptospermum continentale - White flower in Spring. Geijera parviflora - Good wind-break & fodder tree. 57. NATIVE CHERRY 73. ROCK CORREA Exocarpus cupressiformis - Weeping tree, with orange edible fruit. Correa reflexa - Green bell-like flowers. 58. TWIGGY DAISY-BUSH 74. WHITE CYPRESS PINE Olearia ramulosa - Pink, white or blue flowers in Winter. Callitris endlicheri - Termite resistant timber. 59. FUZZY BOX 55. BLACK CYPRESS PINE Eucalyptus conica - Confined to a small area in the Weddin Mountains. Callitris endlicheri - Termite resistant timber. 60. HICKORY WATTLE 75. FRINGE MYRTLE Acacia implexa - Cream flowers in Summer. Calytrix tetragona - Pink or white star-like flowers followed by reddish calyx. Grenfell GARDEN 7 76. AUSTRALIAN BUGLE Ajuga australis - Mauve or purple flowers in Spring & Summer. 61. GREY BOX Endemic Garden Eucalyptus microcarpa - A good nectar producing tree, for honey. 77. EMU BUSH Eremophila longifolia - Pinkish flowers in Winter & Spring. 62. WILLOW WATTLE Acacia stenophylla - Very hard, close grained timber. 78. NODDING BLUE LILY Stypandra glauca - Blue flowers on 1 metre long stems, Spring. 63. MOUNTAIN OAK Casuarina stricta - The seeds of this plant are the main diet of the Glossy Black 79. HAIRY WATTLE Cockatoo. Acacia vestita - Showy wattle with grey leaves, yellow flowers. Plant List 31. CREEPING SALTBUSH 80. KNIFE-LEAF WATTLE Rhagodia spinescens - A useful forage plant. Acacia cultriformis - Yellow flowers Spring - early Summer. 64. STREAKED WATTLE 31. CREEPING SALT BUSH Acacia lineata - Bushy shrub, yellow flowers in Spring. Rhagodia spinescens - A useful forage plant. 65. GARGALOO GARDEN 10 Parsonsia eucalyptophylla - Climber, with sweet fragrant yellow flowers in Summer 1. MAT-RUSH Created by the families of to Autumn. Lomandra longifolia - Once used as temporary bootlace. 66. SHRUBBY PLATYSACE 82. MOUNTAIN VIOLET Platysace lanceolata - White flowers in Spring to Autumn. Noel Cartwright & Peter Luthje Viola betonicifolia - Purplish-blue flowers. 55. BLACK CYPRESS PINE 83. BELAH Callitris endlicheri - Termite resistant timber. Casuarina cristata - Good shade tree. Officially opened 16th Aug 1997 GARDEN 8 84. FIVE CORNERS 67. VARNISH WATTLE Styphelia triflora - Cream tubular flowers & edible fruit. Acacia verniciflua - Shiny young foliage. 85. BLUE DAMPIERA 68. YELLOW BOX Dampiera purpurea - Small shurb with blue flowers. Eucalyptus melliodora - Good nectar producer for honey. Located at O’Brien’s Hill, Mid Western Highway 86. ROSY HONEY MYRTLE 8. WESTERN GOLDEN WATTLE Melaleuca diosmatifolia - Pinkish flowers in Spring - Summer. Acacia decora - An original plant from this site. For more information call the 87. HEATH MYRTLE 69. MOUNTAIN HICKORY WATTLE Sannantha cunninghamii - Small shurb with white flowers in Spring. Grenfell Visitor Information Centre Acacia penninervis - Yellow flowers in Summer. 88. NARDOO 70. WESTERN BOOBIALLA Marsilea drummondii - Once used by Aborigines to make bread. (02) 6343 2059 Myoporum montanum - Used for wind breaks 89. CREEK BOTTLE BRUSH 55. BLACK CYPRESS PINE Callistemon sieberi - Pale pink to cream flowers in Spring. Callitris endlicheri - Termite resistant timber. 90. STELLARIA 71. SILKY GUINEA FLOWER Stellaria angustifolia - Ground cover with white flowers. Hibbertia sericea - Bright yellow flowers in Spring. 91. BLACKTHORN GARDEN 9 Bursaria spinosa - White flowers in Summer. 92. GOLD-DUST WATTLE 56. PRICKLY TEA-TREE Acacia acinacea - Golden flowers in Spring. Leptospermum continentale - White flowers in Spring. GARDEN 1 22. FLAX LILY GARDEN 4 Dianella revoluta - An original plant from this site. 42. CURRAWANG or BRIGALOW 1. IRON BARK 23. NATIVE PELARGONIUM Acacia doratoxylon - Highly perfumed timber & flowers. Eucalyptus Sideroxylon—Hardwood Timber Pelargonium australe - Pink flowers Spring & Summer. 67. VARNISH WATTLE 2. MUDGEE or GLORY WATTLE 24. CRYPTANDRA Acacia verniciflua - shiny young foliage yellow flower. Acacia Spectabilis—Golden Flowers, Spring Cryptandra amara - White to pink flowers Winter & Spring. 25. STICKY WALLABY BUSH 43. WONGA VINE 3. BURRAWANG Pandorea pandorana - Climber with cream flowers spotted red inside. Beyeria viscosa - Small yellowish flowers, without petals. Macrozamia Secunda—Vey Ancient Cycad 26. SMALL CROWEA 22. FLAX LILY 4. SARSPARILLA Dianella revoluta - An original plant from this site. Crowea exalata - Deep pink star-like flowers in Winter. Hardenbergia Violacea—An orginal plant from this site 27. SHOWY INDIGO 44. STRINGY BARK 5. QUANDONG Eucalyptus macrorhyncha - Timber is highly regarded. Indigofera adesmiifolia - Purple pea flowers in Spring. Santalum Acuminatum—Edible fruit, pie filling or jam 10. AMULLA 45. PRICKLY HAKEA Hakea sericea - Pink or white flowers in Spring. 6. WAXFLOWER Eremophila debilis - White star flowers & Pink fruit. Philotheca Myoporides—Pink starry flowers, spring 46. GARLAND LILY GARDEN 3 Calostemma purpureum - White, yellow, pink or red flowers in summer 7. GRASS TREE 4. SARSPARILLA 47. ROCK ISOTOMA Xanthorrhoea Australis Hardenbergi violacea - Climber with pea flowers. Isotoma axillaris - Blue star-like flowers, Spring & Summer. 8. WESTERN GOLDEN WATTLE 28. SCRIBBLY GUM 48. KANGAROO THORN Acacia decora - An original plant from this site. Eucalyptus rossii - Scribbles on bark are made by a moth larva. Acacia paradoxa. Can be grown as a hedge plant. 9. EGG & BACON 29. GRENFELL GREVILLEA 2. MUDGEE or GLORY WATTLE Grevillea lanigera ( Grenfell form) - Beautiful small Grevillea, yet to be Dillwynia sericea - Red & yellow pea-flowers in Spring. Acacia spectabilis - Golden flowers in Spring. brought into cultivation. Deep Pink & Cream flowers Winter & Spring. 10. AMULLA 49. KURRAJONG Eremophila debilis - White star shaped flowers & pink fruit. 30. MINT BUSH Brachychiton populneus - Good shade & fodder tree. Prostanthera ovalifolia ( Brundah Form ) Largest natural stand occurs in the 11. SPUR - WING WATTLE G r e n f e l l District. Comes in many colour forms. GARDEN 5 Acacia triptera - New growth pink to reddish. 31. CREEPING SALTBUSH 12. GREY BUSH-PEA 50. MYALL Rhagodia spinescens - A useful forage plant. Acacia pendula - Good shade tree. Grey weeping foliage. Pultenaea spinosa - Orange-Red pea-flowers in Spring. 32. GOODENIA 51. SAGO BUSH 13. FINGER FLOWER Goodenia glabra - Ground cover with yellow flowers. Ozothamnus diosmifolius - Flowers used in flower arrangements. Cheiranthera cyanea - Violet flowers with prominent yellow anthers. 52. BUTTER BUSH 33. EARLY WATTLE 14. HEATH MYRTLE Pittosporum angustifolium. Cream fragrant flowers,orange fruit. Micromyrtus ciliata - Minute white flowers age to red. Acacia genistifolia - Original plant, with cream flowers early Spring. 15. BENT-LEAF WATTLE 34. BROAD-LEAF HOPBUSH 43. WONGA VINE Acacia flexifolia - Small winter flowering wattle. Dodonaea viscosa - Red or purplish fruit in Summer. Pandorea pandorana - Climber,Cream flowers,spotted red inside. 16. DWYER’S MALLEE 35. VIOLET KUNZEA Eucalyptus dwyeri - Mallee with creamy-white flowers. Kunzea parvifolia - Violet, pink flowers in late Spring. 53. SILVER SENNA Senna artemisioides - Silver foliage, yellow flowers in Spring. 36. SMOOTH DARLING PEA GARDEN 2 Swainsona galegifolia - Brick red flowers in Spring. 46. GARLAND LILY Calostemma purpureum - Bulb with white, yellow,pink or red flowers in Sum- 17. TUMBLEDOWN RED GUM 22. FLAX LILY mer after rain. Eucalyptus dealbata - An original plant from this site. Dianella revoluta - An original plant from this site. 54. BLUE BELL 18. INDIGO 37. SOUTHERN SENNA Wahlenbergia stricta - An original plant from this site. Indigofera australis - Once used for making ink. Senna aciphylla - Deep yellow flowers in Spring. 31. CREEPING SALTBUSH 19. SEVEN DWARFS GREVILLEA 38. MANY-FLOWERED MAT-RUSH Rhagodia spinescens - A useful forage plant. Grevillea floribunda - Brown woolly flowers. Lomandra multiflora - Yellowish flowers in Spring. GARDEN 6 20. HILL GREVILLEA 39. HOVEA Grevillea polybractea - Yellow-orange woolly flowers. 92. GOLD-DUST WATTLE Hovea linearis - Purple, blue pea-flowers in Spring. Acacia acinacea - Golden flowers in Spring. 21. FAN GREVILLEA 40. BEARDED HEATH Grevillea ramosissima - Holly-like leaves & cream flowers. 53. SILVER SENNA Leucopogon microphyllus - Small shrub with small white flowers. 8. WESTERN GOLDEN WATTLE Senna artemisioides - Silver foliage & yellow flowers in Spring. 41. SILKY GEEBUNG Acacia decora - An original plant from this site. 52. CURRAWANG or BRIGALOW Persoonia rigida - Yellow flowers & edible fruit. Acacia doratoxylon - Highly perfumed timber & flowers. .
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