NOTES sTerlIng chIlDren's books sprIng 2019 106 NOTES CHECK OUT OUR o 't i s i t d n m s l s POLAR BEAR sTerlIng ISLAND by Lindsay Bonilla illustrated by Cinta Villalobos chIlDren's ISBN 9781454928119 ISBN 9781454929932 ISBN 9781454928706 books ISBN 9781618372697 ISBN 9781454930891 ISBN 9781454923589 ISBN 9781454930884 ISBN 9781454929178 107 table of contents MiddLe grade FictioN & chaPter books.............02 Picture books ...........................................................11 board & NoveLty books ........................................ 34 earLy LearNiNg activity ........................................43 Literature & FictioN .............................................. 47 scieNce, Nature & techNoLogy..............................52 reFereNce ..................................................................63 biograPhy ................................................................ 67 history ......................................................................73 hobbies, craFts & activities...................................76 huMor .......................................................................88 sPorts ........................................................................ 90 PuZZLes ....................................................................... 93 backList highLights................................................96 disPLays ......................................................................98 aWards & NoMiNatioNs.........................................100 author/iLLustrator resideNces..........................101 iNdeX ......................................................................... 102 middle grade fiction & chapTer books MIDDLE GRADE FICTION & CHAPTER BOOKS Sam Wu Is Not Afraid of Sharks by Katie and Kevin Tsang, illustrated by Nathan Reed A er the ghosts . come the sharks! Sam Wu is not araid o sharks. Except . he is. Can Sam conquer his ear beore he misses out on his riends’ beach party un? On a class trip to the aquarium, certi ied ghost hunter Sam Wu encounters something even scarier than ghosts: a giant shark who TOTALLY tries to eat him. Sam has no intentions o taking any more chances with these people-eating creatures. But then his classmates plan a birthday bash . on the BEACH! Can Sam overcome his ear o becoming ish ood be ore he misses out on the un? Key Selling Points • Addresses one o the issues acing its audience, 7-to 12-year-olds, with humor and reassurance • Introduces a goo y, lovable, relatable chapter-book character • This continues the series ollowing Sam Wu Is Not Araid o Ghosts; the next title is Sam Wu Is Not Araid o the Dark ISBN 9781454932567 • $12.95 ($17.50 CAN) • Hardcover • 224 pages (b/w illus. throughout) • 5 × 7 ⁄ • Ages: 7 to 12 • Carton Qty: 24 Marketing & Publicity Territory: US/Can • Sterling Children’s Books • March 2019 • Featured title at ABA Winter Institute, ALA Midwinter Con erence, and at Select Librarian Book Buzz Also Available Preview events • Trade and consumer advertising Sam Wu Is Not Araid o Ghosts • National print and online publicity campaign ISBN 9781454932550 $12.95 ($17.50 CAN) • Targeted mailing to librarians and booksellers Hardcover • 5 × 7 ⁄ Territory: US/Can • Classroom discussion guide with activities • Heavy promotion on all author social media channels • Twitter: @kwebberwrites, @kevtsang • Instagram: @kwebberwanders • Authors Skype sessions or classroom and bookstore events Katie and Kevin Tsang are Americans who met while studying at the Chinese University o Hong Kong. Some o Sam Wu’s experiences are based on Kevin’s childhood. He works as a healthcare technology consultant. Katie writes YA as Katherine Webber. They currently live in London and the books in the Sam Wu series are their irst together. COMING FALL 2019 SAM WU IS NOT AFRAID OF THE DARK 3 MIDDLE GRADE FICTION & CHAPTER BOOKS Insignifi cant Events in the Life of a Cactus by Dusti Bowling The paperback edition o the bestselling and critically acclaimed middle grade novel about a spunky girl born without arms. Aven Green was born without arms—so when her parents take a job running a dying western theme park in Arizona, she knows she’ll become the center o unwanted attention at her new school. But she bonds with Connor, a classmate with his own disability to conquer. Then they discover a room at the park that holds bigger secrets than Aven ever could have imagined. Can Aven ace her ears, solve a mystery, and help her riend, too? Key Selling Points • This book received three starred reviews, won the 2017 Reading the West Book Award or Children’s Books, and was chosen or the Autumn 2017 Kids' Indie Next list and the 2018 Youth One Book, One Denver program, among other honors • New in paper edition o our success ul hardcover, which sold 28,000 copies in just eight months—a ormat that's per ect or summer reading groups ISBN 9781454932994 • $7.95 ($10.95 CAN) • Paperback • 272 pages • Addresses kids’ di erences in a genuine way; 5 ¥⁄¦ × 7 §⁄¦ • Ages: 8 to 12 • Carton Qty: 39 • Territory: W lighthearted and touching at the same time Sterling Children’s Books • March 2019 • Includes discussion questions at the end o the book or readers, parents, and educators Dusti Bowling holds a Bachelor o Psychology and a Master o Education, but her true passion is writing. She is the author o the well-reviewed 24 Hours in Nowhere (Sterling); The Day We Met, her Awards & Nominations sel-published YA novel, sold over 20,000 copies. She currently lives See page 100 in Careree, AZ, with her husband, three daughters, one bobcat, a pack o coyotes, a couple o chuckwallas, several rattlesnakes, and a ew herds o javelina. 4 MIDDLE GRADE FICTION & CHAPTER BOOKS PRAISE FOR THE HARDCOVER EDITION OF INSIGNIFICANT EVENTS IN THE LIFE OF A CACTUS «“She is a perky, hilarious, and inspiring protagonist “Connor’s Tourette’s support-group meetings and whose attitude and humor will linger even a er the Aven’s witty, increasingly honest discussions o last page has turned. The tale o Stagecoach Pass the pros and cons o 'lack o armage' give the book is just as compelling as the story o Aven, and the excellent educational potential. its portrayal setting, like the many colorul characters who people o characters with rarely depicted disabilities is this novel, is so vivid and quirky that it’s practically inormative, unny, and supportive.” —Kirkus cinematic. VERDICT Charming and memorable. An excellent choice or middle grade collections and classrooms.” —School Library Journal (Starred review) “[A] sensitive and unny novel . an openhearted, empathic book. —Publishers Weekly «"Dusti Bowling’s story o a regular, hugely likable kid who deals with her unusual challenges with grace and humor is pitch-perect.” “A remarkable, original story with true heart, a resh —Shel Awareness (Starred review) voice, and an absolutely unorgettable hero. It’s a book sure to give any reader goosebumps, teary eyes, and out-loud laughs. It’s a book that doesn’t just open your eyes, it opens your heart.” —Dan Gemeinhart, author o The Honest Truth «“A tale that is not about having di erences, but accepting them in onesel and others." —Booklist (Starred review) ALSO AVAILABLE FROM DUSTI BOWLING: «“ A blend o taut suspense and laugh-out-loud humor . proves a winning combination . With playul elements reminiscent o Richard Peck, this slightly 24 Hours in Nowhere larger-than-lie adventure o ers plentiul surprises and a lovable antihero.” ISBN 9781454929246 —Publishers Weekly (Starred review) $14.95 ($19.95 CAN) Hardcover with Jacket «“ This story eatures wonderully unny, surprising characters with witty, realistic 5 ¥⁄¦ × 7 §⁄¦ • Territory: W dialogue. Reminiscent o Louis Sachar’s Holes with its quirky characters and unique desert setting, this is a middle-grade read that will easily transport readers somewhere special.” —School Library Journal (Starred review) «“ In this unny, moving novel, our teens explore an abandoned gold mine in order to placate their town's resident bully, making discoveries about the past—and themselves—along the way.” —Shel Awareness (Starred review) 5 MIDDLE GRADE FICTION & CHAPTER BOOKS MEET STUPENDOUS DREW PENDOUS AND HIS MIGHTY PEN ULTIMATE! Drew Pendous and the Camp Color War It’s Camp Cool School vs. Camp Cruel School in color war. Let the games begin! Even though Cruel School students love to cheat, it looks like Team Cool will rule the day . until Grace Cale arrives determined to suck all the colors out o the world. Can Drew use teamwork—and his drawing skills—to stop her evil plot? ISBN 9781454931072 • $6.95 ($9.50 CAN) Paperback • 96 pages (all in color) • 5 ¥⁄° × 7 §⁄¦ Ages: 5 to 9 • Carton Qty: 80 • Territory: W Sterling Children’s Books • August 2019 Drew Pendous Travels to Ancient Egypt When the Cool School takes a ield trip to the art museum, they notice something strange: the Sphinx is missing his nose! Drew Pendous uses his Mighty Pen Ultimate to sketch a time machine, and he and Ella travel back to ancient Egypt to investigate. It turns out Drew’s evil twin Ray Blank has rewritten history by erasing the nose! Can Drew and Ella stop Ray and set the time- line straight? Driver Studios is a youth and amily entertainment company that creates original content or kids, including the Cool School series on YouTube. Cool School and Drew Pendous were created by writer/producer Rob Kurtz. Rob has written and/or produced over 100 hours o prime-time television, including Boy Meets World and Grace Under Fire, as well as the Fox animated ilm Everyone’s Hero (2006). Rob previously served as the
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