- v —....... - - r ' COAL! COAL! Hall & Walker BURT’S 1232 Government Street 736 PANDORA 8T. k"'i£‘-.'A' t-JJ.t & ••MSÜf*/ y -- t;A Experienced Men. H »i(trace Phone R710. VICTORIA, B. 0., SATURDAY, JANUARY 14, 1911. NO 11. VOL. 51. PROTEST AGAINST THE j ... LINES TO NORTH MUNICIPAL ELECTION i. j. Perry, Defeated Aldermanie Candidate, ‘Will ADMIRAL’S SPEECH APPLICATIONS TO Appeal to Courts on Alleged Irregular Lists SUBJECT OF INQUIRY DOMINION HOUSE —Counter Action by Aid. Langley X —— Railways to Cross Continent Yashlno Will Be Reprimanded If He Criticized Taft's Thursday'* election for mayor and er this morning that he had now de­ From Hudson Bay to Pa­ clared war on the liquor interests. council has been protested by B. J. Fortification Plan Up to the time of the closing of the cific- Coast Perry, who dffc* a defeated candidate Supreme court registrar’s office thle Ward 1 for alderman. afterndbn no documents had been filed ThU morning Mr Perry served no­ with the registrar In connection with (Times' Lea set! Wire.) tice 7511 thé my étorlt àï ttt mtentiwi ’ (RoeHal to the .Imes* The. protest presented to the . it/ Tokio. Jan. 14.—Prompt steps to pun­ Ottawa. Jan. «.-AppHcatton wttl 1a> resent a petition to Supreme or clerk this morning, reads as follojrs. ish Admiral Yashlro for his criticism County court asking that the election mad. to parliament thU year for tlie of President Taft s plan to fortify the “Victoria, B. C. be voided by reason of the voters* lists Incorporation of the Hudson» Bay Panama canal will be taken by the "January 14. 1911 Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the peace River and Pacific Railway Com Japaniirse government. If an Investi not having been compiled In accord­ City of Victoria: — puny, which proposed to build from gjitton now under way should verify ance with the law. the reported remarks of the admiral 'Take notice that I petition wtH be Pori Nelson to Fort Churchill, then M-.re 'particularly the petition deal» made while a guest .of Col. Ooethals at with the matter of holders of agree­ presented to the Supreme or County westerly to Fort Vermillion, on Peace Panama. ments of «ale being registered as pro- court In my behalf as a voter for the River, then southwesterly to Fort, at The navy and foreign offices hero are perly-owners It» the city of-Victoria,. A. Ity of Victoria, praying that the elec- tlon of the Mayor and Aldermen, hfeld John, then westerly to I-aurler Pass greatly concerned over the Incident question on which It 1* stated that City and have Intimated openly that If the Solicitor Me Diarm Id gave an opinion at In this city on the 12th day of Tanuary, and on to Port Stmpaon. also from St M voided oiL.Jhf following ground», remarks are found to have been cor­ the court of .revision-prior- to-tiu.. elec­ namely:—By reason of the voters’ lists John l- Kdmonlon. rectly -quoted-. Yashlro will be sharp­ tion. •The city sollcItor’H opinion Is raid not hating been compiled or revised or The Alaska and Yukon railway will ly reprimanded. Further punishment to have been along the lines of Mr. entitled In accordance with Isw, apply for an extension of time for con­ may be administered. erry's present contention. struction and for legislation to expend There is a disposition In some quar­ toinit Irfpn rhaa b per cent, of the amount of Its capi­ tets. however, to believe that the words vT*To»r~And this petition shall he taken t.een served on City Clerk powler this under the Municipal Clauses Act, 189$, tal for four years, and for completion Oh*. A d m Irai w art elther-mtatmated.- morning 'bv Mr. Perry In person a no­ ------ ——- 1 ■ 59 Victoria, Chapter 38. so as to give them a false meaning, tice of motion was p sited on the no­ The Dominion Development Railway that the whole story was fabricated “BERNARD J. PERRY.” tice board 4»f the city hall by Aid. XV. r.tmnanv will seek Incorporation 1e Aid. Isangley's notice of motion ask­ by anti-Japanese partisans In the H." I .angle>• to the effect that the leg- aTid X’niti ing that the election be validated by will run from the Naaa Hiver" e-r State*, and the government will rlnture be a*k«>d to validate the elec- t.. and take no steps until the most careful the legtsllture is as follows: Portland Canal Fort Ctmrchlll • lonv „ . ........ ............. ..................... Investigation of the affair ha» b *T hereby give notice that at the next J ^ t'lifort .. -S. Immediately after »he mayor and aldermen had been sworn In by Judge meeting of the city council I shall The Incident lx being wliiely dinette»- PULP MILLS TO BE SOLD. Young in the County court this morn­ move that the Petition to the Legisla­ ed In the Japanese press. Most of the tive Assembly of the Province of Brit­ 1 ing. they repaired to the city hall and ish Columbia, praying for the valida­ ‘(Special to the Times.) papers take the attitude that the Am­ held a meeting In the committee room, erican government la Inclined to view tion and confirmation of certain By­ Toronto. Jan. 14.-E R. C. Clarkson where the city solicitor was present the matter In too serious a light, even laws of this Corporation be ordered to appointed liquidator of the Sturgeon B J Perry, after hnvlng served his supposing that the Admiral did criticise be signed and have the Corporate Beal Fulls Pulp and Sulphite mills In 1 A NOVEL SIGHT ON THE STREETS Of VICTORIA. protest on the city clerk, gave out the plan as alleged. statement that his action had been attached." announces that the requests for op It ts claimed by Mr. Perry that so far No other affair 1or a long time has taken because the election was Illegal ti«ms on the property had all heen de> as property-owners are concerned the brought forth so much open discussion Referring to Ids own candidature, he clihvd nnd that thé shareholders who list should he made up from the regis­ of the relations between the two na said that he had been the victim of two m^t In London. England, had ordered try office rolls and not from the assess­ tiohs. in official circles it is admitted cliques In Victoria West, what he him to sell the property at auction ment roll. The city assessor here has that the matter ha» caused sMous termed the mayor’s clique on the one early In April The mills have an es­ WILL SOON LOSE followed the practice of every assessor concern. The Japanese government side and the Licensed Victuallers’ As­ timated value of $1,Î5<M>00 and hold in the province In making up the lists. would doubly regret. It Is •aid.’any re­ sociation on the other side. Mr. Perry valuable concession*. One of the ap marks on the part of Yashlro that ptlcants for options was Wm Ran announced to a prominent liquor deal- (Concluded on page 7.) might cause offence to America, .eape- dolph Hnarst of New York. ( Con eluded on page 4.) PLACE OF INURE NEW WATER SUPPLIES WILL BE _ STALLED TRAINS REGARDS BOURASSA W. H. HAYWARD IS LAUNCH OF THE SENT TO SETTLERS AS DANGEROUS DEPUTY SPEAKER LARGEST DREADNOUGHT ARE LIBERATED COMMITTEE SOON Man Makes Long Trip Over Battleships Now Being Built Great Northern Passengers One Man Killed and Five Others London Writer Declares Quebec Snow With Body of PopularMember for Cowlchan . Will Surpass Uncle Sam's Will Arrive at Spokane Injured—Inquiry in Politician is as Ambitious First to Be Elected to His Wife This Afternoon Arkansas Progress is Parnelj That Position (Special In the Times.) (Times Leased Wire.) Now that the Hooks by-law has pass­ (Times Leased Wire.) J Moose Jew. Husk . Jen. 14.—The first Bpokane, Wash.. Jan. 14.—At the Of­ fSpeclal to the Ttmea.l ed by such a large majority, thus com­ Legislative Press Gallery, Jail. 19 Camden, N J.. Jan M—Tbs battte- team* since Christmas to reach this fice of General Superintendent Brown, of the Great Northern. It Is announced fymflon. Jan. 14 -William Maxwell Under the new rules adopted at the shlp Arkansas. the largest Dreadnought city from Levllle and Dewdrop. 45 miles mitting the rlty to the project of brings that through passengor trains No. 3 the well known war correspondent, m lose of last session of the legislature afloat, was launched from the ways of south west- of here, arrived Thursday Ing water from Sooke lake, it is an­ concluding a series of articles to the and No 27, stalled in a snowbank at the House ha» hereafter to elect a the New York Shipbuilding Company evening ticipated that one of the first acta of Dally Mall, declares that the new ele­ deputy speaker and a chairman of The six members of the party told Hlghgate, Mont., since last Sunday, at noon to-day. ments crowding Into the Canadian committee of way* and means. Here story of much hardship and suffer­ were relieved this morning and will Mayor M or ley, after the newly elected Secretary of the Navy Meyers, Assist­ west will readjust the balance of tot(.re the Speaker has named his ing. They had to break through bad arrive in Spokane at 1 o’clock this af­ city council hae got down to business, ant Secretary Wlnthrop and a delega­ power.
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