Hospital honors late Dr. Stoller By TOM DeWITT IT WAS FURTHER recommended that the The staff Is planning on a public dedica­ , , , , Co-Editor department of pediatrics be known as the •••••vAM«K»M«IO'>KM*K.W*K*&'I» tion of the department when the project is P. F. Stoller Pediatric Department and that completed. ST. JOHNS —^Because of his greatinterest an appropriate memorial plaque be placed The revamping of the department would 1 and love of children," the Pediatrics Depart­ to signify this action. « ment of Clinton Memorial Hospital will be include a playroom, new furnishings, paint­ The medical staff said anyone wishing to ing and fixing up of the walls with decals known as the P.F.StollerPedlatricDepart- participate in the memorial may do so by ment. and other pictures. It would involve revamp­ sending contributions to the Stoller ing of five existing rooms and creation of The announcement was made Monday fol­ Memorial Fund in care of the hospital. lowing a meeting of the medical staff of a playroom. the hospital. They acted after the late Dr. P. F, Stoller's widow requested they so be I used. # In a letter Mrs. Stoller said, "After con­ sidering the various uses of the funds so Work program 1 kindly given in memory of Dr. Stoller, at the time of his death, it is our desire ' t& that if possible the funds which are not otherwise specified, be used in the Pediatric Department. We feel this would be particu­ offers new hope larly fitting because of his great interest and love of children,* By TOM DeWITT security act, works the same as an em­ The medical staff statement said: *In Co-Editor ployment service but deals with persons 8S recognition of the long years that Dr. Stoller being serviced by the Clinton County De­ acted as chief of pediatrics at this hospital ST. JOHNS—There's new hope for un­ partment of Social Services, Berndt said and served as school physician to the chil­ employed persons on the public assistance the office was established in Clinton County 1 dren of this community, the medical staff rolls in Clinton County. because there were persons who wanted of Clinton Memorial Hospital, in a special The Michigan Employment Security Com­ to-work but did not have transportation meeting on Oct. 29, recognized the request mission announced the opening of a work to Owosso or Lansing to enroll at the of­ S from the family of Dr. P. F. Stoller Incentive program within the county to be fices there, or to look for jobs. Also, that memorial funds donated at the time of headed by Donald O. Berndt of Owosso. clients won't have to call long distance his death without specific indication of their The announcement was made by Fred anymore. use be included in remodeling and provision Hanses, branch manager of the Lansing of new furnishings and equipment in the MESC office. •WE ALREADY HAVE a couple of them pediatric department." v. The work incentive program (WIN) hopes working," he said. Social Services Director Roger Semites s/ to move men and women and out of school youths 16 or older off the public assistance said he was very happy with the opening rolls and into productive employment. of the office and was looking forward to Berndt has set up an office at 1002 its success. E. State St. (in front of the Schmitt Electric "In the past, we have not had the staff Warehous) and he is open for business. available to provide this type of service," K Schutes said. "THE MAIN GOAL of the local office Schutes said every effort would be made is satisfactory employment of all WIN en- to employ those persons on the public rollees as a result of this service,* Berndt assistance rolls as long as they meet 1 said. "At the present time, services at the requirements. the local office will be limited to those enrollees who are employable.* "HOWEVER, IF someone should refuse 1 Persons considered employable are those to enter into employment their assistance as who have no health and child careproblems could be cut off," Schutes said. "But there >y QUEEN CINDY and also have transportation. are many things taken into consideration "We feel there are approximately 50 such before that extreme would be taken." | ' Rich Welsh, president of the Senior 'night. Watching are members of the court, persons now on the public assistance rolls In some cases, persons could both work in .Clinton County,* Berndt said. "The tar­ and receive public assistance. ADC cases | Class, crowns Cindy Lanterman 1971 Cathy Stoddard, Jill guernsey and Anita get will be to place all employable enrollees could be considered in this area. Again, % Homecoming Queen at St. Johns Friday Strgar. , . * in jobs'and get them off of the public as­ there are many things taken into con­ sistance rolls.* sideration. |vA w, WtV,. w,,.v,,^^ DR, STOLLER The WIN program, which went into effect "There are people receiving public as- in 1967 as part of amendments of the social Continued on Page 2A Clinton may get new center Helping hand project updated Auxiliary in 1967 is in the process of The signs are posted two to a block By ANNETTE WHITE by the St. Johns Jaycee Auxiliary for a News Society Editor being updated. To date the revised list School officials study includes Helping Hands in some 240 homes program appropriately called Helping in the city of St. Johns. Hands. Children in the neighborhood are ST. JOHNS~The Helping Hands project instructed to go to homes posting the signs which was started by the St. Johns Jaycee Chairman of thecommittee is Mrs,. Donna when In need of help. These homes have Humenik and other members working on been recommended by civic leaders prior the project are Mrs. Roberta O'Connor and to placing the symbol in., their window. new vocational ed plan Mrs. Martha Wyles. Index Persons displaying this emblem are in­ structed to assist the child by summoning By TIM YOUNKMAN « the formal agreement by the Clinton County "It is strongly felt by local school of­ These hands are wordless signs which board could coma during their regular children can "read* as symbols of help the parents and the proper emergency ficials that the growth of the intermediate Classifieds 12A agency. They are advised against any ap­ meeting Nov. 11. staff and programs in recent years makes it and haven when In trouble outside their ST, JOHNS—Clinton County maybe own homes. If they have an injury, are plication of medication. getting a vocational training center. At The school officials also pointed out essential that additional facilities be ob­ Church Page 9B •i\ the inadequate facilities which house the tained," Pocuis said. being bullied by other children, become lost The symbol of help is a 8 inch by nine least it could, if the county intermediate Editorial Page ....;. 2B or, more terrifying are threatened by a inch card on which a dark blue hand has office and the state can agree onaproposal. intermediate offices, currenUy located The two recommendations have been across from the county courthouse. They Football Contest 8B child molester, the youngsters know they been'placed. On the back of the placard Representatives from the six Clinton taken under advisement by the intermediate are listed the local emergency telephone expressed an interest in investigating the board of education and adeclsionregarding can run to a home displaying a hand to County boards of education met last week Legal Page 4B receive aid. numbers and instructions to volunteers. with the intermediate board and super­ possibility of finding more adequate facil­ -them "will be reached in the near future," intendent and voted to go ahead with plans ities for the intermediate staff. Pocuis said. , Obituaries 4A to develop a county-wide vocational school. Society 5A B. Stanley Focuis, Intermediate district superintendent, said the recommendation followed a joint meeting of school super­ intendents and board presidents^and mem­ bers of the intermediate board* * The 20 school officials met to discuss Local officials see career change the findings and recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Tri-County Co­ LANSING—A state vocational education districts and may be asked to join a regional efforts. ordinating Committee on Vocational Ed­ department official has vowed there will be district, most likely located in Ingham He also represented Clinton County In a ucation." some changes made In the planning of County. tri-county study on career education, "We Pbc.uls'* -said the vocational education vocational education in Clinton County. School officials were asked to establish need more of what we have going now," facility would have a program designed A new concept in vocational education a plan to present to tfre tri-county group Lashaway said. Thus far, the programs specifically for career education "for 11th will be the establishment of a series of by Nov. 19, "There will be a special meet­ designated as "county-wide" only include a ' .{ and 12th grade 'high school students from planning districts, following a master plan ing Nov. 30* for all 49 coordinators In handful of students from Fowler and Bath. the six, constituent districts in the county. beginning in 1972. One of the problems this area to lay out detailed plans on Other schools were not able to join a The districts include St. Johns, Fowler, facing the department is what to do with vocational education centers. St. Johns program this year and are hoping Pewamo'-Westphalia, Ovid-Elsie, DeWltt Clinton County, Final plans will then be worked out for further developments which might in­ and Bath.
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