SPA SMOOTH INTRODUCING THE NEW MEMBER OF PEARL FLAVORED VODKA PLEASE ENJOY RESPONSIBLY pearlvodka.com ©2010 Pearl® Vodka, 40% Alc./Vol. (80 Proof). Flavored Vodkas 35% Alc./Vol. (70 Proof). Imported from Canada by Pearl Spirits Inc., St. Louis, MO. TTHEHE OFFICIAOFFICIALL PRICELIST OF THE IOWA ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES DIVISION FEBRUARY 2011 IowaABD.com PUBLISHED BY DavisDenny 2545 Highland Avenue, (PHUJLQJ3XEOLF Suite 102 Birmingham, AL 35205 E-mail: [email protected] 3ROLF\,VVXHV CREATIVE DIRECTOR Pilar Taylor CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Luke Anthony Every year, after the winter holidays wind down, state employees and elected Norma Butterworth-McKittrick RIÀFLDOVEXVLO\SUHSDUHIRUWKHXSFRPLQJOHJLVODWLYHVHVVLRQ6WDWHDJHQFLHVDQG IABD CONTRIBUTIONS Tonya Dusold OHJLVODWRUVKDYHÀOHGDURXQGWZRWKRXVDQGELOOUHTXHVWVWRWKH/HJLVODWLYH6HUYLFHV Shannon Hagge Judy Seib $JHQF\ IRU FRQVLGHUDWLRQ E\ WKH WK ,RZD *HQHUDO $VVHPEO\ 7KH 'LYLVLRQ Rick Swizdor VXEPLWWHGWZRSUHÀOHGELOOVDQGLVDZDUHRIDQXPEHURIDOFRKROUHODWHGSXEOLF ADVERTISING & SROLF\LVVXHVWKDWPD\EHEURXJKWXSIRUGLVFXVVLRQ+HUHLVDTXLFNORRNDWDIHZ PRODUCTION MANAGER Margriet Linthout WKDWFRXOGLPSDFW\RXDVDOLFHQVHH For more information about this publication and/or advertising rates, call Margriet Linthout at ,'HOLYHU\RI$OFRKROLF%HYHUDJHVE\5HWDLOHUV 205.933.0355. /DVW\HDU,RZDFKDQJHGIURPDZLQHUHFLSURFLW\VWDWHWRDGLUHFWVKLSPHQWVWDWHE\ ILLUSTRATIONS FUHDWLQJDZLQHVKLSSHU·VOLFHQVH7KLVOHJLVODWLYHFKDQJHUHPRYHGWKHVWDWXWRU\ Pilar Taylor DXWKRULW\WKDWDOORZHGUHWDLOHUVWRGHOLYHUDOFRKROLFEHYHUDJHVWRKRPHVDQGRWKHU Iowa Liquor Quarterly is published quarterly under the direction of ORFDWLRQV7KH'LYLVLRQLVZRUNLQJZLWKLQWHUHVWHGSDUWLHVWRFUDIWODQJXDJHWKDW the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division (IABD). Prices are subject ZRXOGSHUPLWKRPHGHOLYHU\RIZLQHEHHUDQGVSLULWV to change at the discretion of the IABD without prior notice. All art in this publication ©2010 ,,6SLULW6DOHVE\&KDULW\$XFWLRQV DavisDenny. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in 6HYHUDO PHPEHUV RI QRQSURÀW HQWLWLHV ZRXOG OLNH WR DPHQG &KDSWHU WR part without written permission prohibited. DavisDenny makes DOORZ VSLULWV WR EH DXFWLRQHG DW FKDULW\ IXQFWLRQV LQ DGGLWLRQ WR EHHU DQG ZLQH every effort to publish a correct price list and editorial content, $GGLWLRQDOO\VRPHJURXSVZDQWWKHODZWRDOORZGRQDWLRQVRIDOFRKROLFEHYHUDJHV however certain information is E\ZKROHVDOHUVIRUFRQVXPSWLRQDWIXQGUDLVLQJHYHQWV furnished to DavisDenny by oth- ers. DavisDenny is responsible for any errors or misrepresentations within its control and not the Iowa ,,,5HOHDVHRI,QIRUPDWLRQIRU3XEOLF3XUSRVHV Alcoholic Beverages Division. DavisDenny will indemnify the divi- 3ULYDWHLQGXVWU\JURXSVKDYHH[SUHVVHGLQWHUHVWLQREWDLQLQJUHFRUGVRIOLFHQVHH sion regarding any such errors or misrepresentations. The materials SXUFKDVHVIURPWKH'LYLVLRQE\DPHQGLQJ&RGHVXEVHFWLRQWRH[HPSW contained in this publication may WKHLQIRUPDWLRQIURPFRQÀGHQWLDOUHFRUGVWDWXV7KLVFKDQJHZLOOXSGDWHWKH&RGH not be copied, duplicated or used E\DQ\RWKHUSHUVRQ¿UPRURUJD WRUHÁHFWFXUUHQWSUDFWLFHVUHJDUGLQJWKHXVHRIWKHGDWD nizations in whole or part, without the express written consent of 1 American Wine & Liquor Quarter- lies and DavisDenny. ,97HFKQLFDO&KDQJHV 9&RQFOXVLRQ 7KH'LYLVLRQKDVVXEPLWWHGWRWKH,RZDOHJLVODWXUHWZR $V WKHVH LVVXHV HPHUJH DQG SURFHHG WKURXJK WKH SUHÀOHGELOOVWKDWPDNHWHFKQLFDODQGSROLF\FKDQJHVWR OHJLVODWLYH SURFHVV , HQFRXUDJH \RX WR VWD\ LQIRUPHG &KDSWHU7KHSROLF\SUHÀOHGELOODGGUHVVHVLVVXHV E\ YLVLWLQJ ,RZD$%'FRP ZKLFK ZLOO SURYLGH ZHHNO\ UHODWHGWRJUDSHEUDQG\PDNHVFKDQJHVWRSUHFRQGLWLRQV XSGDWHV EHJLQQLQJ LQ )HEUXDU\ )LQDOO\ LI \RX KDYH IRU KROGLQJ D PDQXIDFWXUHUV OLFHQVH DQG HQKDQFHV TXHVWLRQV SOHDVH IHHO IUHH WR FRQWDFW PH RU 'LYLVLRQ DFFRXQWDELOLW\DQGWUDQVSDUHQF\UHJDUGLQJWKH'LYLVLRQ·V VWDII DFFRXQWV Sincerely, 7KH WHFKQLFDO SUHÀOHG ELOO IRFXVHV RQ PRYLQJ DQG FODULI\LQJ D IHZ GHÀQLWLRQV DV ZHOO DV DPHQGLQJ DQG UHPRYLQJVHYHUDOVHFWLRQVWKDWDUHQRORQJHUDSSOLFDEOH Stephen Larson $GGLWLRQDOO\WKHGUDIWXSGDWHVOLFHQVLQJSURFHGXUHVWR Administrator WRGD\·VHOHFWURQLFVWDQGDUGV /DUVRQ#,RZD$%'FRP youhavequestions We have answers. Have a question about Iowa laws, administrative rules, Division policies or anything else that affects you and your business? If you need clarifi cation on an issue, chances are that others do too. The Iowa Liquor Quarterly Magazine’s “Legally Speaking” is changing to a Q&A format. Submit your questions by email to [email protected]. Use “legally speaking” as the subject of your email. 2 3 EYE ON IOWA Something Old SOMETHING NEW Injecting a sense of discovery into the marketplace, suppliers have been introducing a range of classic spirits— some new to US consumers, but many a reemergence of traditional products. BY PAMELADEVI GOVINDA its barely seen on retail its comeback is also due to Note: This excerpt is printed with permis - shelves as recently as the interest in classic cock - sion from the May/June 2010 issue of StateWays—the Beverage Alcohol five years ago. Here’s a tails. So many classics Merchandising Magazine for brief discussion of contain absinthe Control States. some of these “out - including what is New products are lier” spirits cate - considered the lifeblood of gories and America’s first the bever - products that cocktail, age are creating a the alcohol buzz. industry, as are RYE new and rediscovered Rye is in the midst of a real Sazerac, usages of tra - resurgence. Remember the but ditional products. If noth - small-batch bourbon craze? beyond ing else, the popularity Well rye is aspiring to take that it is of the cocktail culture its place. When it comes to leading to and the new wave of classic cocktails such as the experimen - mixologists have Manhattan and the Old- tation and spurred interest in Fashioned, some consumers nouveau cock - some forgotten are taking up rye in lieu of bourbon. tails,” says Jamie and seldom-used Gordon, brand spe - ABSINTHE spirits. And sup - cialist at Pernod Ricard pliers, always After the legalization of absinthe two years USA. sensitive to ago, countless new and old recipes for the CACHAÇA untapped markets anise spirit have launched and relaunched. and emerging trends, Word has is that the spirit is gaining momen - The cachaça trend is still going strong, and have taken note and are tum and drawing cocktail-geek consumers some might argue that it isn’t so much creating, importing, and and the curious alike. “Absinthe attracts emerging as it has arrived, but Steve reintroducing a range of spir - because of the mystique surrounding it, but Luttman, owner of Leblon Cachaça, says 4 continued on page 12 EYE ON IOWA 5 - Frank Hines, Manager 6 8.5” THE SMOOTHEST ALWAYS RISE TO THE TOP. CANADIAN CLUB 6-YEAR CANADIAN CATEGORY VOLUME +12.1% SALES +7.3% +2% +1.2% - Frank Hines, Manager 13 WEEK PERIOD ENDING 12/11/10* With your help, Canadian Club® soared 11” above the competition in 2010. Thanks to your continued support, we look forward to carrying this momentum into a very successful 2011. Visit canadianclub.com for exciting recipes and more great ways to enjoy Canadian Club. BLENDED BEFORE AGING FOR SUPERIOR SMOOTHNESS. SINCE 1858. .IELSEN53&$,0LUS LATESTWEEKDATAENDING#ANADIAN#LUB§"LENDED#ANADIAN7HISKY ALCVOLÚ#ANADIAN#LUB)MPORT#OMPANY $EERFIELD ), .IELSEN53&$,0LUS LATESTWEEKDATAENDING#ANADIAN#LUB§"LENDED#ANADIAN7HISKY ALCVOLÚ#ANADIAN#LUB)MPORT#OMPANY $EERFIELD ), PT(ELV-ED#OND .IELSEN53&$,0LUS LATESTWEEKDATAENDING#ANADIAN#LUB§"LENDED#ANADIAN7HISKY ALCVOLÚ#ANADIAN#LUB)MPORT#OMPANY $EERFIELD ), DATE CREATED DOCUMENT NAME COLORS PROOF VERSION orange red green keyline blue keyline keyline indicates keyline indicates indicates live text indicates bleed - dieline - area - fold line - 01/06/11 4232_CC_TradeAd_0106.ai CMYK ROUND 1DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT TIME ACCRUED PRINT! PRINT! PRINT! PRINT! PROJECT NO: 4232:1 PROJECT: Canadian Club JOB: Trade Ad CLIENT CONTACT: KL OPERATOR: BC x TRIM: 8.5”(w) x 11”(h) LIVE/TYPE AREA 8.25”(w) x 10.75”(h) BLEED: 8.75”(w) x 11.25”(h) FILE BUILT AT: 100% PROOF SIZE: 100% CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK RELEASE APPROVALS CONFIRMATION A Clear Winner Vodka, the largest spirits category in the US, continues to increase its market share, and despite the recession shows few signs of slowing down. The vodka machine keeps on humming. The category’s sheer size is one big advan - BY TOM STRENK Indeed vodka is the single largest spirits cate - tage, especially in this difficult economy. With Note: This excerpt is printed with permission from the May/June 2010 issue of StateWays—the gory by far, accounting for nearly 31 percent the proliferation of brands, flavors, varieties, Beverage Alcohol Merchandising Magazine for of total US spirits sales by volume, according and price points, consumers know there’s a Control States. to the latest figures from the Handbook vodka for every preference, taste, and pock - Advance 2010, published by the Beverage etbook—and more to choose from all the Information Group. time. “I would say vodka had a pretty good year CLEAR ADVANTAGES in a tough environment,” comments Paul Tuell, director of Finlandia Vodka for the The white spirit has a number of advan - North America and Latin America Regions. tages that have enabled vodka to thrive “In terms of dollars, it’s been a bit flat; in including drinkability, mixability, and a prod - terms of case volume it’s been a pretty good uct to match every drinking occasion. Those year.” qualities are important to younger adult con - 8 t VODKA KA t V D O O D V K A t t A V O K D D K O A V t t V A O K D D K O t A V V sumers, who are often the target of flavored will eventually regain is open to debate. vodkas,
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