IN1TERNATIONAL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CORPORATION U. S. AND CANADIAN DIVISIONS� SUBSIDIARIES, AND ASSOCIATES DIVISIONS - lniernational Standal'd Electric corporation .New York, N. Y. Components Division . .............Olifton, lnternational Telecommunication Laboratories, Inc. B' arnsworth Electronics Company ..... .....l!'ort \Vayne,N. Ind. J. New York, N. Y. 'l'eJecommunication J"abm·atories .........Nutley, . .T. lnternation l '.reJephone Building Corporation . Ne York, l<'ederal •relephone and Radio Company ..........Clifton, N . J·'<«leral N Kellogg Credita Corporation . .... .... .... Neww York N. Y. ndustrial Products Division ............San l!'ernando, Calif. .J. Kuthe Laboratories, Inc .... ........ , ...., ....Newat'k, , N. J. JKellogg Switchboard and Supply Company .......C hicago, Ill. Royal Electric Corporation ....................Pawtucke t, R. I. SUBSIDIARIES - Electric Cords 8upply Corporation ......Los Angeles, CnL b'arnswort Electronics Company-Pacific Division & h Palo Alto, Calif. ASSOCIATES - l<' ecieral Carlbe, Inc. .......................Santa Isabel, P.R. Cable & Radio Corporation Fe<leral lDlectric Corporation ..... .............Paramus, .J. New York, IT&T Electronic.>S Service Company of Canada, Ltd. N . Ameri<�an (58% owned) Montr al Canada All America Cables and Radio, Inc . ... York, N. Y. li1telex Syste >! Incorporated ................ New Ye or, k, Y. Commercial Cable Company, '£ he ... .New York, N. Y. Airmatic Systemsm Conioration ...........Sa ddle Brook, N. Mackay Radio and 1'elegraph Company (Inc.) New'-rew York. N. Y. N. J. N. OVERSEAS AND SALES COMPANIES RESEARCH MANUFAC.TURING (SubsMiaries. INTERNATIONAL, STANDARD, ELECTRIC CORPORATION ) af IRAN - British Commanwealth of Nations AUSTRALIA - Standard Elektrizitiits-Gesellschaft l an A. 'l'eheran r G. Standard Telephones and Cables Pty. l.-imited . ... Sydney Austral Standard Cables Pty. Limited owned) Melbourne ITALYF'abb- rica Apparec<,hiature per Comunicazioni Elettriche Silovac Electrical Products Pty, Limi(50%t d .......••••.Sy dney Standard S.p.A. .., ......................... , . i\lilan CANADA - e NE.THERLANDS - Cables Mfg, Co. (<'anatla), f,td.. Montreal Nederlandsche Standard Electt'ic Maatschappij ..The Hague NEW8tarulard ZEA LAND '£elephones - & NORWAY - N.V New Zealand Electric Totalisators Limited . .... Wellington Standard Telefon og Kabelfabrik A/S ...................O slo UNITED KINGDOM - . PORTUGAL - Cr<>ed and Company Limited ... , ... ..... .... ... Croydon Standard Electrica, S.A.R.L. ... ..L isbon Standard 'l'elephones, and Cables, Limited .............London SPAIN - .......................••....S idcup Kolster-Brandes Limited Standard FJ!ectrica, S.A. Madrid Standard 'l'cleeommunicalion Labora ories, Limited . London t SWEDEN - Europe and the Middle East 'l' elefon AB . Stockholm AUSTRIA - SWIStandardTZERLAND Radio - & 8tandard 'l 'elephon and •relegraphen .. Czeija, Nissl & Co. Standard '.l' elephone et Radio S.A. .Zuric'h A. C Vienna TURKEY - BELGIUM - Standard Electric Turk Ltd. ( Sirketi) . .Ankara Bell T lephone l\1a11ufaeluring Com!Jany . Antwerp DENMARKe- . Latin America and the. West Indies Htandard Eleetrie Aktieselskab ....................Copenhagen ARGENTINA - o n FINLAND - Capehart Argentina S.A.I.C. w ed .......Buenos Aires Compania Standard Electric A(50%rgen tina, S.A.I.C) ... Buenos Aires Suomen Standard Electric AB ..........•.........Hel sinki BRAZIL. - FRANCE-Oy Standard Electrica, . Rio de Janeiro Compagnie Generale de Constructions 'l'elephoniques . ..P aris Les Teteimprimeurs . ....... ......... ..P aris CH/LE - S.A. LaboratoireS.A. Central de Telecommunications . ..............Paris Compania Standard Electric, S.A.C. ...... Santiago Telephoniqu ................................Paris CUBA - GERMALe MaterielNY - e Equipos elef6nicos Standard de Cuba .............•..H avana Lorenz, . ......... Stuttgart and Berlin International'.l' Standard Products Corporation . ..... Havana C.S•·haub ApA.Gpa ra�ebau (division) ......... ...........P forzheim MEX/CO - .. .. .. .. tgart i::itandard Elektrik A.G. ... ... .. Stut Standard Electrica de :Mexico, S.A. ...............Mexico City ................. ........... Stuttgart Informatikwerk (division) PUERTO RICO - Kabelwerk (division) . ... ... .... .. .. .... .... ... Stuttgart Standard Electric Corporation of Puerto Rico ........San Juan :Vlix & Genest division) . .......... .....Stuttgart and Berlin VENEZUELA - Standard Central( Laboratories <division) ...........Stuttgart Silddeutsehe Apparatefabrik (division) ............N ilrnberg Standard Telecommunications C.A. ...........Cara cm• ASSOCIATE LICENSEES FOR SALES MANUFACTURE AND FRANCE - JAPAN - . Nippon ... .. ...... Lignes Telegraphiques et Te!ephoniques . .. ..... ... Paris Electric company, Limited . .... .. Tokyo . Sumitomo Electric Industries, I.. imited . ... ... ... ... ITALY - SPAIN - . Osaka Rceti 'l'elefoniche Interurbane ..........M:ilan Marconi Espanola, S.A. ... ............ ... Madrid Hocieta ltaliana OV ERSEAS .TELEPHONE AND .TELEGRAPH OPERATING COMPANIES ARGENTINA - CUBA - Cuban American 'l'elephone and Telegraph Company Compaiiia Internaeional de Radio, S.A. ... Buenos Air s owned) .. .................................... , .Havana Sociedad An6nima Radio Argentina (subsidiary. of e Cuban(50% Telephone Company . Havana American cable & Radio Corporation) . .... Buenos Aires Radio Corporation of Cuba . Havana BOLIVIA - PERU - Compania Internacional de Radio Bo!iviana ...........La Paz Compaiita Peruana Telefonos Limitada Lima PUERTO RICO - de BRAZIL - Porto Rico Telephone Company . .....San Juan do Brasil ......Rio de Janeiro Companhia Radio Internacional Radio Corporation Puerto Rico , ........ ...... ... San Juan ...............Rio de Janeiro Companhia '£elef6nica Nacional SPAIN - of CH/LE. - Compania Radio Aerea Maritima. Espanola . ...:Vladrid Compania de Telefonos de Chile ..........•..........•Santiago UNITED KINGDOM - Compaiiia lnternacionail de Radio, S.A. ..............Santiago International Marine Radio Company Limited ........C roydon .
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