Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 23 June 2016 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the North West team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Approve – Conditions 8 2016/02477/PA 3 Oaklands Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B74 2TB Erection of first floor extension to rear Page 1 of 1 Director of Planning and Regeneration Committee Date: 23/06/2016 Application Number: 2016/02477/PA Accepted: 07/04/2016 Application Type: Householder Target Date: 02/06/2016 Ward: Sutton Four Oaks 3 Oaklands Road, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, B74 2TB Erection of first floor extension to rear Applicant: Dr Manoj Prasad 3 Oaklands Road, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham, B74 2TB Agent: Dunwoody Developments 163 Woodville Road, Overseal, Swadlincote, Derbyshire, DE12 6LX Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. Consent is sought for the erection of a first floor extension to the rear elevation. 1.2. The first floor extension would measure 4.7m in depth, with a width of 3.4m. The first floor extension would be situated above an existing single storey extension to the rear of the property. The extension would have a pitched roof design and be constructed of facing brickwork and roof tiles to match the existing property. 1.3. Link to Documents 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site comprises a large detached property located within a residential cul-de-sac comprising properties of a similar scale, with a mixture of designs and styles. The property is designed with a pitched roof and gable end features to the front and rear elevations. The property has been previously extended with single and two storey front and rear extensions. The rear garden is enclosed by close boarded fencing and hedging, with a large dense conifer tree to the side of the property. The property is set at a higher ground level than neighbouring properties. 2.2. Neighbouring property No. 5 Oaklands Road is a large detached property designed with a hipped roof and gable end feature to the front elevation. No. 5 has ground floor living room patio doors to the rear elevation nearest the site, with a small canopy above. The living room has an additional window to the front elevation. Alongside the rear patio doors is a ground floor kitchen bay window, with an additional kitchen window further across the rear elevation. The garden to the rear consists of a patio area, with a large grassed area to the rear. At first floor there is a bathroom window, with clear glazing, nearest the site, with a bedroom window alongside. The property is set at a lower ground level than the application site. Page 1 of 7 2.3. Site Location 3. Planning History 3.1. 22/05/2008 - 2008/01918/PA – Erection of a two storey front extension – Refused on the grounds of scale, mass and design 3.2. 20/08/2007 - 2007/03926/PA – Erection of first floor rear extension with side facing dormer window, extension to existing conservatory and erection of front porch – Approved with conditions 3.3. 29/04/2006 - 2006/01523/PA – Erection of first floor rear extension and extension to existing conservatory – Approved with conditions 3.4. 29/06/2004 - 2004/03066/PA – Erection of single storey rear lounge extension – Approved with conditions 3.5. 08/01/2004 - 2003/06912/PA – Erection of rear conservatory – Approved with conditions 3.6. 19/11/2003 - 2003/04791/PA – Retention of flat roof to single storey extension including retention of first floor French doors with balustrade guarding (no standing room) – Refused on the grounds of overlooking and design 3.7. 04/03/2002 - 2001/10782/PA – Revised roof treatment to single storey rear extension with French doors and balustrade detail to first floor extension – Approve 3.8. 12/07/2001 - 2001/00782/PA – Erection of a 2-storey extension to the side and a single storey rear extension – Approved with conditions 3.9. 30/01/2001 - 2000/05918/PA – Erection of rear conservatory – Approved with conditions 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Neighbouring properties and local ward Councillors have been notified. One objection has been received from the occupiers of No. 5 Oaklands Road raising the following concerns: o The proposal to add a second storey to the existing rear ground floor extension would violate the 45 degree code and block daylight to our ground floor living room. o The proposal includes a large slab of rendered wall and tiled roof affecting the outlook from a significant portion of our rear garden, in addition to blocking daylight to our living room. o The ground level of No. 3 is higher than our property, thus magnifying the scale and negative visual impact of the proposed second storey extension, and the amount of light that would be blocked out. o The rear building line of No. 3 sits further back than our property, thus accentuating the depth of the proposed two-storey extension into our garden. Page 2 of 7 o The proposed second storey is situated such that it would significantly block the sunlight as it moves around later in the day to the living room and garden area adjacent to our boundary with No.3. 4.2. Councillor Maureen Cornish supports the objections raised by No. 5 Oaklands Road and has requested for the application to be determined by the Planning Committee. 5. Policy Context 5.1. The following local policies are applicable: • Birmingham Unitary Development Plan (Adopted 2005) • Draft Birmingham Development Plan • Places For Living (Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance 2001) • The 45 Degree Code (Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance 1996) • Extending your Home (Adopted Supplementary Planning Document 2007) 5.2. The following national policies are applicable: • NPPF: National Planning Policy Framework (2012) 6. Planning Considerations 6.1. The principal matters for consideration are the scale and design of the proposed extension, the impact on the architectural appearance of the property, general street scene and the impact upon neighbouring properties amenities. 6.2. Whilst the proposed first floor rear extension breaches your Committees 45 Degree Code policy to the rear patio doors to No. 5 Oaklands Road at a distance of 2m, your Committees 45 Degree Code policy allows for special circumstances to be taken into account. This includes the distance between the new building/extension and the neighbouring property. The greater the distance the less the effect on the neighbours outlook and light. There would be a distance of 9.4m between the proposed extension and the affected patio doors to No. 5. Given this distance, and taking into account the level differences between No. 3 and No. 5 I do not consider that the impact on the neighbouring occupiers in terms of light would be sufficiently detrimental in order to sustain a refusal of the application. 6.3. I have also taken into account the additional window to the front elevation serving the affected room which would provide another source of light. 6.4. The scale and design of the resulting development is in keeping with the original dwelling house and would not compromise the existing character and architectural appearance of the property. As such the development would comply with the design principles contained within the design guide ‘Extending your Home’ Supplementary Planning Document. 6.5. The proposal complies with minimum separation distances set out within ‘Extending your Home’ and ‘Places for Living’ Supplementary Planning Guidance. 6.6. Sufficient amenity space would be retained to the rear of the site. Page 3 of 7 6.7. Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) 6.8. The proposed development does not attract a CIL contribution. 7. Conclusion 7.1. Notwithstanding the objections raised by the occupiers of No. 5 Oaklands Road, the proposed development complies with the principles of the policies outlined above and would not cause sufficient detriment to warrant refusal of the application. 8. Recommendation 8.1. Approve subject to the following conditions 1 Limits the approval to 3 years (Full) 2 Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans 3 Requires that the materials used match the main building 4 Removes PD rights for new windows Case Officer: Leah Russell Page 4 of 7 Photo(s) Photo 1: Rear elevation of No. 3 Oaklands Road Photo 2: Rear elevation of No. 5 Oaklands Road Page 5 of 7 Photo 3: Side boundary Page 6 of 7 Location Plan This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2010 Page 7 of 7 Birmingham City Council Planning Committee 23 June 2016 I submit for your consideration the attached reports for the South team. Recommendation Report No. Application No / Location / Proposal Defer – Informal Approval 9 2016/01219/PA Hall Green Stadium York Road Hall Green Birmingham B28 8LQ Outline planning application for the demolition of Hall Green Stadium and residential development of up to 210 dwellings with all matters reserved except access. Defer – Informal Approval 10 2016/01155/PA 504-514 Bristol Road Selly Oak Birmingham B29 6BD Demolition of existing buildings and erection of a four/five storey building comprising 70 student bedrooms (Sui Generis), ground floor retail space (Use Classes A1, A2 or A3), plus associated infrastructure, site access, cycle parking and landscaping works. Approve - Conditions 11 2016/01003/PA
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