JOOOw OCGO 000 OGCC.Vj^wjLivJsj..' Florida ; Herencia Cuban : Clmva Heritage ; en la Trail ; ftcMm ^- ^ . j.lrfvf. "^»"^t ;^ SJL^'fiSBfrk ! iT^ * 1=*— \ r\+ mi,.. *4djjk»f v-CCTIXXXIaXCCLl . , - - - - >i .. - ~ ^ - - ^ ^v'v-^^ivv^VyVw ViiuvLLcA rL^^LV^v.VviL'ivVi florida cuban heritage trail La Herencia Cubana En La Florida Cuban Americans have played a significant role Los cubano-americanos han jugado un papel muy in the development of Florida dating back to significativo en el desarrollo de la Florida, que se the days of Spanish exploration. Their impact remonta a la epoca de la exploration espahola. El on Florida has been profound, ranging from influences in impacto de los cubanos en la Florida ha sido profundo en el architecture and the arts to politics and intellectual thought. dmbito de la arquhectura, las artes, la cultura, la politica y la Many historic sites represent the patriotism, enterprise intelectualidad. Muchos de los lugares aquialudidos son pruebas and achievements of Cuban Americans and the part they del patriotismo, la iniciativa y los logros de los cubano americanos have played in Florida's history. y el papel que han desempehado en la historia de este estado. In 1994, the Florida Legislature funded the Florida Cuban En 1994 la legislatura estatal proportions los fondos para la Heritage Trail to increase awareness of the connections publication de La Herencia Cubana en la Florida. El between Florida and Cuba in the state's history. The proposito del libro es dar a conocer la conexion historica entre Cuban Heritage Trail Advisory Committee worked closely Cuba y la Florida. El Comite Asesor de la Herencia Cubana with the Florida Division of Historical Resources to develop asistio a Ea Division de Recursos Historicos con este proyecto a guidebook which would represent the contributions of que representa la influencia de cubanos y cubano-americanos Cubans and Cuban Americans to Florida. en la Florida. See Florida Through Our Eyes. Florida Heritage publications can be your guides to the best of Florida's historic and cultural places and events. Let us help you learn about Florida's world-class muse- ums, historic communities, archaeological sites, magnificent historic hotels, ethnic festivals and traditional arts and crafts. FLORIDA HERITAGE 1-800-847-7278 http://www.flheritage.com/magazine/ Florida Department of State • Division of Historical Resources • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 LLftWu^.fi^VW^^ tyj^ffijyJr Contents Indice 2 Florida's Cuban Heritage Herencia Cubana en la Florida 3 4-58 Florida Cuban Heritage Trail Huellas de la Herencia Cubana en la Florida 5-59 4-18 Key West Cavo Hueso 5-19 20-32 Miami Miami 2 1-55 34-44 Tampa Tampa 3 5-45 46-58 - Florida At Large Otros Lugares de Interes 41-59 60-61 List of Sites & Map of Lista de Lugares y Mapa de la Florida Cuban Heritage Trail Herencia Cubana en la Florida 60-61 62-63 Cuban Festivals and Events Festivales v Eventos Cubanos 62-65 54 Cuban Culture Cultura Cubana 64 tt ^ % ft—**"*' n m mx«Sr The im.i; igai labels Losgrabados queaparecen arriba perunecen a las colt in the collections of the Museum of Florida History anillos it tabacos del /W//><v ./<• lla-uvui ./V I.i llcn.U Florida's Cuban Heritage The ties between Florida and Cuba are much Cuba's independence continued as Jose Marti older than the arrival of the first Cuban im- traveled the state championing the cause. migrants fleeing Castro's regime in 1959. Americans became involved in the effort, running The Florida-Cuba connection is older than Florida's guns and supplies to the rebels. The McKinley statehood, and in fact, dates back to the first ex- administration dispatched the USS Maine to plorations of Li Florida by the Spanish. Havana to protect American interests. When the Maine blew up in Havana Harbor in 1898, In the earliest years of Spain's exploration and colo- Congress declared war on Spain. U.S. troops were nization, Cuba served as a seat of administration deployed in Tampa, and the Tampa Bay Hotel in the New World. Here, ships were built, supplied became the military headquarters. Jacksonville and crewed. After a number of unsuccessful at- also served as a major training center, housing tempts to colonize Florida by other explorers, more than 12,000 soldiers in what became known Hernando de Soto, governor of Cuba and La Florida, as "Camp Cuba Libre." set out on his own journey and landed at Tampa Bay in 1539. He had left his wife, Isabel de May 20, 1902 was celebrated by Cubans all over Bobadilla. in Havana to serve as the first female gov- Florida as el Veinte de Mayo, the day of Cuban ernor of a territory in the Western Hemisphere. independence. Americans and Cuban Ameri- Freedom Tower in Miami cans flocked to Cuba looking for economic As Spain proceeded to explore and settle in Florida, Torre de la Libertad en Miami opportunity, and many Cuban immigrants came it continued to use Havana as its base of govern- to Florida. ment. The passengers on the many ships that sailed between Cuba and Florida were Spaniards, Indians and Africans, ancestors of some of The arrival of aviation had a profound impact on the relationship today's Cubans. In the 1600s, Cuban trading vessels were visiting between Florida and Cuba. The first regularly scheduled air mail ports as far north as San Marcos de Apalache, south of Tallahassee, service between Key West and Havana began in 1927. As years bringing provisions to Spanish missions such as San Luis de Talimali. passed, tourists took advantage of hourly flights from Miami and Spanish and Cuban landowners in Florida carried on a busy trade with Key West to Havana, seeking nightlife and exotic beaches. Cubans Cuba in rum, Mexican and Spanish goods, corn, beans and deerskins. came to Florida to shop for American goods. Cuban music, dances In 1763. Florida was ceded to Britain by Spain, and almost all like the cha-cha-cha. and Latin food became the rage in America. Spaniards. Indians and Blacks evacuated to Havana. Many Cuban In 1952, General Fulgencio Batista, who had been living in Daytona Americans are descendants of these early Floridians. Beach since 1944, returned to Cuba and deposed President Carlos The Ten Years' War in Cuba (1868-1878), which was the island's first Prfo in an army coup. Once again, Florida became a headquarters major struggle for independence from Spain, brought many refugees for conspiracy and a destination for exiles. Another revolution in to Florida. The largest exile community developed in Key West. 1959 brought Fidel Castro to power. As he established his dictator- Simultaneously, the tobacco industry in Cuba was hampered by ship, thousands of Cubans fled to Florida and particularly Miami, tariffs. Beginning in 1868. cigar manufacturers and workers came to forever changing the face of Florida. Commercial flights from Cuba Florida, transplanting a new kind of industrial organization in ended in 1962. factories called galeras. Readers, or lectores, read to the workers from Today the exile community is more than a million strong, as the novels, newspapers and political tracts. Cigar workers, as a result, exodus from the island continues on boats and make-shift rafts. As were very well informed, and were vital in educating others and throughout Florida's history, the lives of Cubans and Floridians are providing support for the struggle for Cuban independence. profoundly fused. In Miami, Tampa, Key West and throughout In the later part of the nineteenth century, Tampa displaced Key West Florida, Cubans have indelibly made their mark on culture, politics as the leading center for cigar making. The definitive struggle for and everyday life. FLORIDA CUBAN HERITAGE TRAIL y - y- v - ^wWwVywyww'w uld >». 'w'vWy'wVi y\.tL Herencia Cubana en La Florida A fines del siglo pasado. Tampa reemplazo a Cayo Hueso Los vi'nculos entre Cuba y la Florida se remontan mucho mas alia de la Uegada de los exiliados como centra principal de la industna del tabaco. Fue la cubanos en 1959. La conexion Cuba-Florida es epoca en que la lucha emancipadora de Cuba continuo mucho mas antigua que la proclamacion del estado alentada por los esfuerzos de Jose Marti. Los norte- se la de la Florida. De hecho, se remonta a la exploracion americanos tambien involucraron en lucha mdepen- dentista cubana llevandole armas provisiones a los de la peninsula por los espanoles. y rebeldes. La administracion del Presidente McKinley principios de la exploracion colonizacion, A y Cuba envio el I >5 Maine a la bahia de La Habana en 1898 para sirvio como sede administrativa del Nuevo Mundo. En proteger los intereses estadounidenses. Cuando dMaine Cuba se construyeron las embarcaciones y se estallo en la bahia de La Habana, el congreso norteamen- tripularon. Luego de una serie de fracasos en los Cuban coat of arms in stained glass cano le declaro la guerra a Espaha. Las tropas norte- intentos de colonizar la Florida. Hernando de Soto. Vitral del Escudo Cubano americanas fueron acantonadas en Tampa y el Hotel gobernador de Cuba y la Florida, zarpo en su propia Tampa Bay se convirtio en cuartel general. Jacksonville expedicion tocando tierra en la bahia de Tampa en 1539. Su esposa, Isabel tambien sirvio de centra de entrenamiento y albergo a mas de 12,000 de Bobadilla, permanecio en La Habana sirviendo en calidad de soldados y el campamento se conocio con el nombre de "Campamento gobernadora. De hecho, fue la primera gobemadora de un territorio de Cuba Libre." nuestro hemisfeno occidental. El 20 de mayo de 1902, dia de la independencia de Cuba, fue celebrado por los cubanos de la Florida.
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