DOWNTOWN DINING LET’S DO LUNCH SIGN UP TO WIN! Travel to Thailand & Remedy Diner has the Win free tickets, enjoy a great meal at perfect over-the- gift certificates Thaiphoon Bistro counter remedy READER and more REWARDS RALEIGHDOWNTOWNERMAGAZINE—Vol. 5, ISSUE 6 features 3. Going Green in Downtown Raleigh 10. Local History— Remembering John Chavis 11. Historic Downtown Neighborhoods—Glenwood-Brooklyn 12. The 8th Annual Kirby Derby 617 West Jones Street | Raleigh, NC 27603 15. Downtown Recycles, Now More Efficiently www.RaleighDowntowner.com | www.raleigh2.com 919.821.9000 arts & entertainment 18. The Sound of Music at NCT Advertising inquiries: [email protected] 19. Band Profile—Gray Young 23. The Deep South Local Music Review General press releases: 24. Events Calendar [email protected] B-to-B press releases and biz section info: food & wine [email protected] 8. Downtown Dining—Thaiphoon Bistro 14. Wine Can Be Green Too General office inquiries: 20. Let’s Do Lunch—The Remedy Diner [email protected] ———— business Publisher / Owner Crash Gregg 26. Downtown Snapshot—From the Downtown Raleigh Alliance Founders Sig Hutchinson, Randall Gregg 27. Business Profile—Frank Harmon Architect, PA Food Editor Fred Benton 29. Biz 10 Questions—David Diaz Assistant Editor Chris Adams 30. Classifieds—Real Estate Publisher’s Wrangler Melissa Lyon Copy Editor Melissa Santos Music Editor Dan Strobel upcoming issues Office Assistant Lauren Wiley I SSUE 7: EAT LOCAL To celebrate the upcoming Restaurant Week downtown in August, we talk to local Proofreader Meg Henderson farmers, restaurant owners and chefs to find out what makes cooking and eating local so great. We’ll even coax Account Managers Chris Moutos, Wanda Farnham a few recipes from your favorite downtown chefs. Meet people who have back yard gardens and find out what Contributing writers Brian Adornetto, Dave Rose, you can grow at home, even if you don’t have a back yard. Ideas? [email protected] Kerry Smith, Kim Weiss, Chris Moutos, Devin McKim, ISSUE 8: HEALTH & WELLNESS In this issue, we’ll talk to downtown experts in the fields of health and well- ness and compile a great resource list of all the businesses where you can go to look and feel like a million bucks. Bianca Howard, Crash Gregg Know someone that should be included or have a great health story? Email us! [email protected] Fashion Writer Kelly Hubbard Photographer Kathryn Rathbun Designer Katie Severa On the cover The R-Line is an eco-friendly approach to urban trans- portation. This free circulator service features hybrid electric buses that ———— will connect you to restaurants, retail, entertainment venues, museums, hotels, and parking facilities in downtown Raleigh. Buses run about The Downtowner is a local monthly print magazine dedicated to every 15 minutes, so whether you’re a resident, employee or visitor, it’s a great new way to get around downtown. The next time you’re taking in coverage of downtown Raleigh. Our online publication encompasses downtown Raleigh, be sure to take the R-Line. downtown and the surrounding area. The current print issue, ad On the left Raleigh Rickshaw provides over 60 green jobs in rates/media kit, rack locations and archived issues are available at downtown Raleigh and it's the one completely eco-friendly form of transportation in downtown and Wake County. In the past two and a half www.RaleighDowntowner.com years, the company has tripled its number of rickshaws to over 20, now providing service six days a week, with all-day service on the weekends. © Copyright 2005-2009, Downtown Raleigh Publishing, LLC. The name, logo, and any Wedding packages and historic tours also available. Learn more or logo iterations of the Raleigh Downtowner, Raleigh Downtowner Magazine and the Downtowner D graphic are a TM of Downtown Raleigh Publishing LLC. No part of reserve your own rickshaw at www.raleighrickshaw.com. this publication may be reproduced without express written permission. Distribution Locations These are just a few of the places Palladium Plaza Sheraton Hotel info desk CAMERON VILLAGE Salon 21 Five Points Post Office (sidewalk) POWERHOUSE DISTRICT where the Downtowner is avail- The Hudson Progress Energy building lobby Harris Teeter/Suntrust Bank The Cupcake Bakery Shoppe Third Place Coffee Blue Martini able each month. With our 98%+ West on North Cooper’s BBQ BB&T Primp SalonBar Lilly’s Pizza Napper Tandy’s pickup rate, many locations run Capital City Club lounge Capital Bank Fly Salon J. Edwin’s Salon 42nd Street out after just a few weeks. If DOWNTOWN Progress Energy Building Cameron Village Library Lee Hansley Gallery Hayes Barton Salon you can’t find a copy, visit our Wake County Courthouse commissary Village Draft House Bliss Salon WAREHOUSE DISTRICT website and read the current PDF Raleigh City Council Building Fins York Companies Revolver Boutique SEABOARD STATION Flying Saucer Bar available online. You can catch Raleigh Chamber of Commerce Crema Village Deli Seaboard Imports The Pit Restaurant up on past issues too. Office of the Secretary of State Raleigh Visitors Center Great Outdoor Provision Company HISTORIC DISTRICT Seaboard Fitness Jibarra Restaurant If you have suggestions for North Carolina Theatre office Foster’s Legislative Building cafe Seaboard Wine Deep South—The Bar another location where you’d like Broadway Series South box office HILLSBOROUGH ST./NCSU Peace Street Pharmacy 18 Seaboard (sidewalk) Stuff Consignment to see the Downtowner, email us at Raleigh Urban Design Center Second Empire Restaurant GLENWOOD SOUTH NC Museum of History Ace Hardware [email protected]. Empire Properties WRAL-TV5 lobby Sullivan’s Steakhouse NC Dept. of Labor Galatea We love hearing from our readers! MIDTOWN/N. RALEIGH Raleigh City Museum Porter’s Restaurant (sidewalk) 510 Glenwood business foyer NC Dept. of Agriculture Barnes & Noble (Crabtree) Downtown Raleigh Alliance Irregardless Café 510 Glenwood (sidewalk) MOORE SQUARE Borders Bookstore (Creekside) DOWNTOWN CONDOS Raleigh Times Bar Char-Grill (sidewalk) Mellow Mushroom FIVE POINTS/HAYES BARTON Artspace Carolina Ballet office The Dawson Sitti Goodnight’s Comedy Club Hibernian Hayes Barton Pharmacy Duck and Dumpling Capstrat Advertising 510 Glenwood Gravy Clarion Hotel Pourch/Bassment Hayes Barton Cafe and Dessertery Tir Na Nog Irish Pub Suntrust Bank (Creedmoor) Park Devereux Morning Times YMCA Hillsborough Street Catch 22 Nofo @ the Pig Moore Square, by Big Ed’s The Cotton Mill French | West | Vaughn Theatre in the Park Sushi Blues / Zely & Ritz (sidewalk) Rialto The Paramount Landmark Tavern Beansprout Restaurant Helios Coffee Shop (sidewalk) Going Greenin Downtown Raleigh n our third annual “Going Green” issue, we Currently the facility produces about 100 gallons of decided to forgo the usual—and oft en repeti- B100 fuel per week which is used to run their cater- tive—lists of how to consume less power and ing delivery trucks. In addition, most of the paper Iwater, recycle more effi ciently and better uti- and plastic products used in their catering are com- lize our natural resources. For those who are envi- postable or biodegradable, and they off er a compost- ronmentally-conscious, most of the common meth- ing pickup service for waste-free events. ods for conserving assets and eliminating waste have Green Planet Catering was recently honored for become second nature. Instead, we’re spotlighting their eff orts by winning the 8th Annual Sustainable local downtown businesses and organizations that NC Award in the Entrepreneurial Eff ort category. are doing their part to be greener. Th e award recognizes small for-profi t and for-benefi t Raleigh itself has been slowly moving towards businesses that have demonstrated a positive impact being more energy-effi cient, with Mayor Charles on their employees, community and environment. Meeker listing one of his top priorities as making “Th is award represents real recognition “Th is award represents real recognition of what Raleigh a model “green city.” As an indication of the of what we’ve been working so hard to we’ve been working so hard to achieve,” said Daniel green directive, the new Convention Center is the Whittaker. “We are proving that you can set and achieve,” said Daniel Whittaker. “We most sustainable building the City has ever built. Th e reach business goals while reducing your carbon Center’s green strategies include water-effi cient land- are proving that you can set and reach footprint in the process.” scaping and fi xtures, construction waste diverted business goals while reducing your from landfi lls, a recycling program, energy-effi cient Plug It In lighting and thermal control, materials with recycled carbon footprint in the process.” Progress Energy, Advanced Energy and the City content that were manufactured regionally, and site of Raleigh are working together on a pilot dem- sustainability. Th e Convention Center should be Eating Green onstration of several diff erent charging station LEED certifi ed (Leadership in Energy and Envi- Located in downtown Raleigh, Green Planet Cater- technologies. Th e goal is to deploy nine charg- ronmental Design) later this summer by the United ing, founded by Daniel Whittaker and Peter Pagano ing stations downtown and on Centennial States Green Building Council. Along with energy- (owner of Tir Na Nog) has the distinction of being Campus at NC State by the fall of this year. effi cient LED fi xtures in downtown parking decks one of—if not the—most sustainable catering com- Th e pilot will provide valuable information on and street lights, rainwater harvesting, a new bicycle panies in the U.S. how the stations work, consumer acceptance, plan, free R-line bus service aimed at reducing traf- How does a company reach the loft y goal of being ideal locations, and how future stations might fi c in the downtown core, and many other green ini- the most sustainable caterer in America? Green charge for electricity and manage peak tiatives, Raleigh is slowly but surely heading in the Planet does this by utilizing locally-grown produce load.
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