Of Names 91, 92, 95–97 Davies, Brian 13, 49 Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 34, 43, 44, 90, Davis, Scott G

Of Names 91, 92, 95–97 Davies, Brian 13, 49 Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 34, 43, 44, 90, Davis, Scott G

Davidson, Donald 9, 10, 15, 33, 59, 63, 66–84, Index of Names 91, 92, 95–97 Davies, Brian 13, 49 Adorno, Theodor Wiesengrund 34, 43, 44, 90, Davis, Scott G. 69, 74 116, 121, 123, 140, 161, 162, 213 Dawkins, Richard 16 Agamben, Giorgio 202, 207, 212 Deleuze, Giles 11, 138, 143, 208 Albinus, Lars 16, 45, 56, 59, 63, 67, 105, 137, Dennett, Daniel 16 153, 177, 179, 196, 198, 199, 202 Derrida, Jacques 15, 16, 21, 22, 152, 207–209, Alston, William 13, 28, 29, 41 212, 215 Ananda Sri G. 102 Detienne, Marcel 91–93, 99, 141 Apel, Karl Otto 15, 50, 51, 58, 169 Doležel, Lubomir 55, 155 Arendt, Hannah 104, 116, 120 Donald, Merlin 57 Aristotle 43, 66, 90–92, 94, 99, 115, 138, 158 Doniger, Wendy 198 Asad, Talal 36 Drury, M. O‘C. 127 Augustine 43, 84, 186 Duns Scotus 215 Bachelard, Gaston 8, 35 Eiland, H. 113, 114, 121, 122, 125, 128, 130 Badiou, Alain 17, 37, 41, 202 Eliade, Mircea 18, 19 Bakhtin, Mikhael M. 98, 202 Engler, Steven 6, 9, 13, 40, 63, 69, 70, 71 Barbour, Ian G. 13, 47 Feyerabend, Ludwig 15 Barnes, Barry 15 Fitzgerald, Timothy 18, 20, 36, 40, 190 Barth, Karl 142 Flood, Gavin 6, 16, 17, 20, 223 Baudelaire, Charles 118, 211 Foucault, Michel 2, 4, 8, 15, 24, 35, 38–40, 48, Bellah, Robert 40, 219 50, 51, 66, 96, 100, 128, 129, 141, 152, 195, Benjamin, Walter 2, 4, 10, 11, 33, 41, 79, 86, 202, 208, 214 89–91, 96–98, 101, 102, 105–107, 111–140, Frankenberry, Nancy 18, 66, 69–71 143–146, 148, 151, 160, 161, 167, 192, 202, Frazer, James George 83–87, 89, 108, 110, 119, 205–207, 210–213, 216–219, 222, 223 130, 132, 133, 135, 183–185, 190, 202, 213 Berger, Peter 7, 15, 80, 91 Freud, Sigmund 13, 182, 206 Bloor, David 15 Frege, Gottlob 32, 62, 144, 145 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich 142 Gabrielli, Paolo 105, 120, 123, 131, 132, 211 Borges, Luis 211, 218, 223 Gadamer, Hans Georg 37, 38, 72, 73, 156, 157 Boyer, Pascal 60, 197 Gardiner, Mark Q. 6, 9, 13, 63, 69–71 Brandom, Robert 10, 15, 70, 75, 80–82, 84 Gauchet, Marcel 182 Buddha 50, 143, 160, 200 Geertz, Clifford 8, 40, 51, 55, 67, 91, 190 Burkert, Walter 66 Girard, René 131, 142 Byrne, Peter 13, 28, 29, 190 Godlove, Terry F. 6, 69, 84, 91 Canguilhem, George 35 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 89, 90, 96, 113, Carrette, Jeremy R. 19 114, 129, 131, 133, 134, 147, 166, 223 Carroll, Thomas D. 84, 127 Gordon, Perter E. 111, 142, 151, 166, 182, 183, Campbell, Joseph 18, 19 188, 189, 204, 205, 208, 209 Cassirer, Ernst 11, 41, 54, 89–91, 97, 102, Granel, Gérard 210, 212 106–111, 118, 149, 150–154, 165, 166, 183, Habermas, Jürgen 10, 14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 31–33, 188, 189, 191–193, 199, 204–206, 208, 38, 39, 40, 42, 44, 50, 51, 56, 61, 62, 221, 222 71–74, 76–79, 81, 82, 88, 89, 95, 96, 109, Cavell, Stanley 14, 16, 85, 133, 194, 196, 223 118, 119, 148, 153, 163, 169, 186, 188–190, Chalmers, David 57 206 Clack, Brian R. 65 Hamann, Johann Georg 104, 105 Clarke, Andy 57 Hepburn, Ronald W. 61 Clifford, James 91, 153 Hegel, G.W.F. 14, 78, 80, 127 Cusanus, Nicolaus 203 Index of Names 236 Heidegger, Martin 4, 10–12, 14, 15, 20, 22, 25, McCutcheon, Russell T. 18–20, 36 30, 31, 33, 37, 46, 48, 63, 65, 74, 90–92, Martin, Luther 18 94, 96, 98–102, 108, 111, 115–117, 120, 137, Marx, Karl 13, 35, 119, 121, 213 145–148, 150–175, 177, 178, 181–189, 191, Mead, George Herbert 78 193, 194, 199–208, 211–216, 219, 222, 223 Menninghaus, Winfried 105, 106, 113, 118, 119, Hepburn, Ronald W. 61 125, 126, 128, 132 Heraclitus 171, 172, 174–176, 201, 203 Müller, Friedrich Max 107, 109, 130 Herodotus 92 Nancy, Jean-Luc 2–4, 6, 11, 12, 16, 18, 21, 22, Hesiod 31, 93, 175–177, 203 25, 33, 39, 43, 45, 46, 61, 97, 121, 154, 181, Hesse, Mary 61 197, 200, 202, 204, 206–215, 218, 219, Hick, John 13, 162 222, 223 Hitchens, Christopher 16 Nielsen, Kai 65 Hölderlin, Friedrich 112, 129, 169, 171, 215 Nietzsche, Friedrich 13–15, 21, 24, 96, 108, 117, Homer 31, 67, 95, 136, 137, 139–141, 161, 179, 124, 128, 146, 149, 162, 163, 206, 213, 215 195, 203 Nongbri, Brent 20, 36 Honneth, Axel 51 Novalis 105, 135, 138 Horkheimer, Max 116, 121 Otto, Rudolph 139, 177–182, 189, 193 Horton, Robin 31 Parmenides 93, 94, 158, 203 Hume, David 62, 63, 206 Penner, Hans H. 18, 66, 68, 70, 160, 161 James, William 9, 10, 80, 91 Peukert, Helmut 122 Jaspers, Karl 15, 170 Phillips, D.Z. 65, 190 Jeffner, Anders 53, 54 Philo 172 Jennings, M.V. 113, 114, 116, 122, 125, 128, 130 Piaget, Jean 77, 153 Jesus 102, 142, 143, 181 Pierce, Charles Sanders 27 Jørgensen, Dorte 116 Pindar 141, 196 Jung, Carl Gustav 139, 203 Plato 67, 92, 115, 137, 140, 141, 159, 179, 186 Kafka, Franz 147, 203 Poe, Edgar Allan 194, 195 Kant, Immanuel 153, 206, 222 Popper, Karl R. 31, 56, 153 Kierkegaard, Søren 13–15, 84, 115, 164, 202 Proust, Marcel 140 King, Richard 19, 20, 162 Putnam, Hilary 42, 61, 73, 82 Kisiel, Theodor 30, 152, 156, 158 Quine, Willard van Orman 73 Klagge, James 133 Rappaport, Roy 67, 68, 77, 94, 95 Klee, Paul 122 Rawls, John 15, 42 Knausgaard, Karl Ove 112, 113, 121, 172 Rennie, Bryan 5, 6, 13, 20 Knepper, Timothy David 5, 6, 29, 66 Rhees, Rush 59, 65, 190 Kögler, Hans Herbert 73 Ricoeur, Paul 46, 98 Kuhn, Thomas 8, 15 Rimbaud, Jean Arthur 204 Lafont, Cristina 157 Rorty, Richard 10, 15, 71, 72, 75, 76, 79–82, 84, Lease, Gary 18 87, 148, 168, 184, 186, 202, 216 Lévinas, Emmanuel 22, 189 Rothhaupt, Josef 133 Lévi-Strauss, Claude 32, 35, 39, 109, 163, 191 Saler, Benson 28, 190 Lincoln, Bruce 60, 63, 66 Sandbothe, Mike 72, 77, 79 Lloyd, G.E.R. 32, 39, 92 Schelling, F.W.J. 30, 39, 90, 107, 137 Luhmann, Niklas 15 Schilbrack, Kevin 5, 6, 33, 37, 42, 45, 55, 62, 63, Lukes, Steven 59 67–69, 71, 73, 80 Luther, Martin 18, 142, 177, 178, 181 Schleiermacher, Friedrich 180 Lutz-Bachmann, Matthias 236, 21 Schlegel, August Wilhelm 105 Løgstrup, K.E. 13 Scholem, Gershom 114, 116, 121, 128, 146, 149, Mannhardt, Wilhelm 108 150, 191, 192, 197, 202 Marion, Jean-Luc 22, 63, 212, 216–218 Schopenhauer, Arthur 108, 145, 146 237 Index of Names Searle, John R. 8, 10, 45, 49–59 Tweed, Thomas A. 153, 195 Segal, Robert 18 Usener, Hermann 107, 108, 110, 111, 150 Shiva 102 Vattimo, Gianni 21, 22, 212, 213 Sinding Jensen, Jeppe 66, 69, 79, 148 Viveiros de Castro, Eduardo 37 Sløk, Johannes 98 Wach, Joachim 18 Sloterdijk, Peter 21, 170, 202 Wainwright, William 13, 49, 66 Smart, Ninian 66, 91 Waismann, Friedrich 64, 75, 110, 112, 113, 117, Smith, Joanthan Z. 18, 20, 36 125, 127 Schmidt, Thomas 17 Weber, Max 35, 77, 86, 153, 182 Smith, William Cantwell 9 Weil, Simone 143, 146 Socrates 66, 67, 162 Whorf, Benjamin Lee 91 Soskice, Janet 10, 61, 62, 65, 66 Willerslev, Rane 37, 67, 190 Spengler, Oswald 30, 108, 135, 178, 185 Winch, Peter 33, 70–73, 77, 82, 91 Sperber, Dan 68 Wittgenstein, Ludwig 4, 10, 11, 15, 16, 22, Spinoza, Baruch 14, 138, 143, 144, 219 24, 28, 29, 31, 32, 34, 38, 45, 46, 48, 51, Sraffa, Piero 75 57–60, 63, 64–67, 73–77, 79, 80, 83–90, Tarski, Alfred 70, 71, 84 98, 102, 104, 105, 108, 110–113, 119, 121, Theunissen, Michael 212 123–135, 138, 139, 142, 144–146, 148, 150, Tomasello, Michael 57 151, 154, 155, 163, 165–171, 174, 175, 180, Trakl, Georg 172, 175 182–187, 189–194, 202, 205–207, 213, 216, Trigg, Roger 13 218, 219, 222, 223 Tugendhat, Ernst 187 Wolin, Richard 115, 119–122, 127.

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