011r lantaira VoLumE XIV KINGSTON, JAMAICA, SEPTEMBER, 1939. Number 9 CAN INGATHERING BE INGATHERING CAMPAIGN ESTABLISHED FROM THE SHORT AND SUCCESSFUL BIBLE ? BY HAROLD C. BROWN 1. GOD takes us into partnership with Himself. 1 Cor. 3: 9. The Harvest Ingathering season is on! of consecration on the part of all for a 2. He has a business. Luke 2: 49. All Jamaica is astir! Most of our church- short, intensive and successful ingathering (a) It is a life-saving business. Luke es have already entered into the campaign effort. One of our district pastors reports with great enthusiasm. As 1 have met that his churches have already gone to 19: 10. with the pastors and elders of the various work and have reached the district goal. (b) He was busy at it Himself. John tricts of the conference in their appointed This is splendid. 5: 17. rally centers, I have noticed a decided spirit 3. Away back in the ages He 'turned it (Continued on page 3) over to Abraham and his descend- ants. Matt. 21: 33. (a) They did not pay interest on the investment. Matt. 21: 34. (b) He sent collectors around to see them. Matt. 21. 35. 4, Finally it went into receivership and His Son took it over. Matt. 21: 37 John 3: 16. (a) Jesus was very active in His work. John 4: 34. (b) He was interested in finishing it. Atm vrtseVits Uheoiise wish %t, same vmt‘e John 9: 4. (c) Finally Ile gave His report of a finished" task. John. 17:-4. ARISE AND GO 5. He turned it over to His apostles as BY T. EDWARD HIRST managers. Matt. 27: 41; John` 17: 18. God calls you, "Arise and go," "When Jesus ascrided to heaven He Yet not alone His seed to sow; cornmited His work on earth to those The reaping time has come at last, who received the light of the gospel. The sowing time is almost past. They were to carry the work forward The work which others did so well, The truths which took the years to tell, to completion. He provided no other For souls are waiting now to die. agency for the promulgation of His And ages in their sum have told truth"-Historical Sketches p. 288 The precious truths you dare to hold. (a) The apostasy came in in the fourth And if you hold them selfishly, Nor speed to tell these souls, "Go free," century and almOst ruined the What shall you say when they are lost business. For whom our Lord paid love's great cost? (b) Then came the Reformation, Arise and go, in faith believe. which gave 'new irnpitus to the Oh, dare you now the spirit grieve? The furrows wave with ripened grain; business. Rev. 2: 13. Count not thy toil, think not of pain; 6. In 1844 it turned over to the Seventh- The Master bids thee speed thy way. day Adventists to operate. Rev. 10: 11; Haste, haste, for comes the reaping day, 14: 6, 7. The clouds grow dark, the storm will fall; O messenger, now heed my call. (a) We are commanded to be"zealous Awake, awake, how dare you sleep? in this business. Titus. 2: 14. Is this the, way My charge you keep? 7. God's capital is invested here in this Would you deny thy calling great? world. Matt. 25. 14. Mark 13: 34. Awake, My child, the hour is late; Go forth, in faith thy story tell, (a) The earth with its fullness is Nor fear the evil host of hell. God's. Ps. 50: 10-12. (b) All the cattle.-Id. (c) The silver and the gold are His. Hag. 2: 8. 8. Wordly men have the task-of getting this rnoney together to give us, God's managers. Eccl. 2: 26; Job 27: 16, 17. 9. When He first organized the business 'etVIVMVA man 6,'Ita,Atekt\‘‘In $'0U\ S\14.\\ r.tea.uTe.,rva (Continued on page 2) I Ilf, JAMAICA VISITOR REAPING the HARVEST Can Ingathering be Established "YE SHALL HAVE POWER" BY ALLAN C. STOCKHAUSEN from the Bible By V. T ARMSTRONG (Continued from page 1) (As we enter into another yearly cam- The readers of this paper are all aware He provided for the capital and call- paign for the raising of funds to advance of the evangelistic effort that Pastor R.A. ed in some of His loans. the cause of God in the earth, we feel Anderson has conducted in Kingston for such a lack of strength and power! Our (a) He spoke to Abraham about it. eight weeks during June to August. Dur- ability for such a task seems so insuffi- Gen. 15: 14. cient. With the hope that courage and ing the first five weeks the meetings were (b) He explained the matter to Mo- help may be gained from the following, held in the Ward Theatre and the last ses. Ex. 3: 21. we are quoting an article from the Far three weeks they were held in the Temple, Eastern Division Outlook of a year ago.) 10. The people were to go out and so- These words are part of the last mess- North Street. From beginning to end there licit it. was a large attendance taxing the seating age of Jesus Christ to His despondent (a) A time of depression was on. Ex. disciples, as they gathered about Him capacity of both buildings, and never before 7: 8. 9 has Kingston seen such an interest to hear shortly before His departure from this (b) Moses gave the word to ingather. earth, and gave earnest heed to the lov- the gospel. Most of the conference workers Ex. 11: 2. and church sChool teachers were called ing words that fell from His lips. Plainly (c) The people worked. Ex. 12: 35. in to attend a ministerial institute, which did the Master state that when the pro- (d) They did a marvelous work. Ps. mised power was received they would was conducted daily during the forenoon. 105: 37. and these workers devoted their afternoon witness for Him in Jerusalem, in Judea, in (e) And could finance the sanctuary to visiting and studying with hundreds of Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of service. Ex. 36: 5. the earth. interested souls—over eight hundred 11. The termination of the business re- names having been turned in. The passing of nearly two thousand quires money. Sunday morning, August 13, and the years has made no change in God's plan (a) God's capital is being misused in following Monday night will long be re- for His church. The representatives of the world—used for tobacco, membered by more than two thousand the final gospel commission may claim all pride, dress, liquor. people who attended the baptismal servi- the power that was promised to the early (b) It is gathered into the hands of the ces that were conducted. The platform and disciples. We read: "If the fulfillment of rich. James 5:3. baptismal front were very tastily decorat- the promise is not seen as it might be, it (c) The people are to be willing to ed for the occasion, but, oh! the thrill of is because the promise is not appreciated gather it in. Ps. 110: 3. joy as we witnessed ninety-one souls pass as it should be. If all were willing, all (d) The wealth of the people is to flow through the waters of baptism on Sunday would be filled with the Spirit. Wherever to us to help us finish the work. and thirteen on Monday. All were dress- the need of the Holy Spirit is a matter Isa. 60: 6, 9, 11, 17. ed in white reminding us of the statement little thought of, there is seen spiritual (e) -Many are to be converted in the of the Apostle John, "These are they who drought, spiritual darkness, spiritual de- eud. Isa. 60. 4; 5. washed their robes ancr-"ade them white clension and death. Wherever minor mat- 12. God will bless those who return His in the blood of the Lartib." Our prayers ters occupy the attention the divine capital into His work. Luke 7: 4, 5; go up to heaven that the white in which they power which is necessary for the growth Matt. 10: 11. were dressed may be to each one a sym- and prosperity of the church, and which 13. God will give public recognition to bol of a genuine experience in Christ Jes- (Continued on page 4) faithfulness in returning to Him His us whom they have pledged by His grace own. Matt. 25: 34-40. to follow. Australasian Record, March 18, 1935. THE BIRD AND THE SONG At the close of each baptismal service a call was made for those who would like A little bird sat on the limb of a tree, "When God's messengers recognize their Saying, "Get it, go get it, go get it!" to follow the example of the Lord in go- responsibilities toward the needy portions ing forward in this sacred ordinance,, thus As cheerful a bird as a birdie could be, of the Lord's vineyard, and in the spirit With his: "Get it, go get it, go get it!" uniting with His church. More than one of the Master Worker labour untiringly hundred and fifty responded by a show of His manner was glad and his notes for the conversion of souls, the angels of clear and firm, hands. At the time of writing another God will prepare the way before them, large baptismal class has been organized And he said: "In the world there is and the means necessary for carrying for- many a worm, and the writer hopes to lead many of these ward the work will be provided.
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