AT«raf0 Daily Nat Praaa Ron For tiM Week ended Mnreh II. IMl 13,317 Menli^ of tiio AndH .'I Barwn of OiionlBaoB VOIi. LXXX, m ' 131^ (SIXTEEN PAGES) Rmk TelU NATO StateNews un 6 AiltoJDeatlis Over Weekend Oslo, Norway. May 8 (>P)—< ■U. Stlkker, the new NATO secre­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tary-general. StUdcer predicted Secretary of State Dean Rusk that KhruahOhev was aBout to re­ Six persons were killed in declared today the United vive the Berlin question, possiBly five traffic accidents-in Con­ States intends to maintain its in a new form. necticut over the; Weekend aence in West Berlin even : The interwlned Berlin and Ger­ Four of the fatalities occurred if the Russians sign a sepa­ man problem—long regarded as the most dangerous Cold war issue in the New Haven area Satur­ Says He Controlled rate peace treaty'with East —has Been largely dormant now day, within the space of an Germany. for almost two years. Rusk hour. He told a conference of NATO thought that the Soviet Union now Dead are: . ' ' foreign minister* that Premier is aBout ready to'ihake a new ef-‘ William R. Bamstead Jr., 19, Khrushchev should Be left In no fort to pry the American, British Wilton, who fractured his skull af­ Capsule on Re-entry w douBt on, this point. and French garrisons out of West ter he was tossed against a bould — — — Hi* statement was made at a Berlin. er from a Borrowed motorcycle on closed meeting with th* gist of his Route 33 in Wilton Sunday. Police Washington, May 8 (/P)—Cmdr. Alan B, Shepsn'd said todAy remarks given later to newsmen. (Cantinaed on Page Seven) said it was the first ti'itie the the flight which made him America’s first Spaceman wiU €jn- The American Secretary of youth had ridden a motorcycle. courage him and his associates to press on with the protrtttOl, State said he ' anticipated that They said the accident occurred - Khrushchev- would pull the Ber­ after the motorcycle sldeswiped a of exploration. lin and German proBienni out oT the West-3 Charts tree. “All in all, we were very much pleased ■with the fUght^ very Bag soon. Thoma.s Murphy, 20, New Ha­ much encouraged, and we intend to press ahead with the ptt)- Rusk said one step is essential' ven, and Joseph Johnson, 20, gram,” he told his first news conference. if the Soviet government threat­ Strategy for Greenfield, Mass., killed in New Shepard began his tfdk to the assemBled newsmen-by In­ ens to sign a seperate peace Haven Saturday when their car treaty with Communist East Ger­ smashed into a concrete aButment troducing his wife and parants, who were in the 'audiO|ce. many: That Moscow should be left Peace in Laos on the Oak St. connector of the He also introduced “My sister Polly/’ Mrs. Gordon Shenhian, in no douBt the interested west­ Connecticut Turnpike. Both were who responded with a fighter’s over-the-head handshake. ern powers consider such a pact a Oslo Norway, May 8 (A) — Sen- students at Providence College Shepard also presented his wife’s parents. - violation of the legal situation in tor U.S., British and French diplo­ Providence, R.I. He said he considers there are several significant, things Berlin. mats charted political and tactical Eugene DeCiccto, 38, New Ha­ about the flight last Friday from Cape Canaveral. Then if the Russians persist, the plans today for l4-nation peace ven, fatally injured Saturday when western jKiwers should insist on talks on Laos due to open in his car struck a tree on James St. “We feel very strongly that this particular flight was one ' their a o (^ Hghts—their right to Geneva Friday. in. New Haven. that was certainly accomplished in the open/* he said. “WO go Back and forth from West Ber­ The western working group act­ Harold B. Lever, Jr., 38,. Fair- had very few secrets about our plans. Launch date wag classi­ lin over the 110 miles of East Ger­ ed on a directive from their for­ field, killed when his car collided fied, But very few other things were. This wasj^ little annoy­ many which separates the city eign ministers. Secretary of State headon with a trailer truck in ing at tim ^, but I think we rationalized it by considering that from West Germany. The United Dean Rusk, British Foreign Secre­ Hamden Saturday. States is determined -to continue tary Lord Home and French For­ Gene D. McCahill, ^31. a member the free society that made possiWe this flight and Project to exercise these rights. Rusk.said. eign Minister Maurice Couve de of the EJast GranBy' Zoning and Mercury certainly had a right to^oe informed.” The American. British and Murville agreed on these Broad Planning Commission, killed He said the possibility of "speed-^ ........... French governments still main­ arrangements: Saturday when his car hit an ing this up Because of other events” tain formations totaling aBout 10.- 1. All plan to be in Geneva aButment in Simsbury. possibly a reference to the Soviet 000 troops in West Berlin 1« yeemj Thursday. But they remain re­ man in space accomplishment — Shepard’s Wife after eoncluslon of the war in solved not to take part in the con­ 68 to 83 was considered But not all the Europe. The western powers in­ speed-up was adopted. ference unless they receive a prior Hartford. May 8 (/F)—The State Shepard said he was surprised sist they have -u^r-won rights to confirmation from the indian- Motor Vehicle department’s daily Shares Cheers keep th^r troops there to prevent that the lift-off for the flight was Canadian-PoUah' truce commission record of automoBile accidents as While his wife watches proudly Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr. is presented the National Aeronau­ as smooth as it Was. 'VV’est Berlin from Being swamped that the Laotian cease-fire is being of last midnight and the totals on tics and Space Administration medal By President Kennedy at the White House today. (AP Pho­ B y . the Gomnnmists. "I had expected more noise and Wi^h Husband respected. the same date last year; tofax). more viBration ■.. it wa* a very Behind c l o ^ doons, the Ameri­ 2, They plan a joint move to in­ I960 1961 pleasant lift-off.” can SecretiOry of State elaBorated sure that Cambodian Prince Noro- Accidents' ..'12,125 14,219 (Est.) By FRANCIS LEWDIXl On a prediction voiced earlier in Killed ........ 68 83 Thousands Join in TriBute He noted that he actually con­ Washington, May 8 — ."It’s the formal opening session By Dirk (CoattBued on Pago Nine) Injured ___ 7,357^ 7,747 (Est.) trolled the vehicle at times. He said going to Be a Big day,” said Astro­ that he had controlled the re-entry naut Alan B. Shepard Jr.’s wife, into the Earth’s atmosphere. as she greeted her hero husBand Shoicert Tuesday ”We are very rtiuch pleased with today and emBarked with him on Windsor Locks, May 8 </pt —The President, Congress Salute the flight,” he said, and added that a capital day of acclaim. U.S. Weather Bureau at Bradley all the astronauts look forward to Five relatives shared with ^6 , Truce Group May Spur Field issued this forecast for Con­ the future of Project Mercury and young Spaceman in his capital necticut today: its completion. gpeeung. Temperaturlng the next five Shepard said he made the rn- It was a proud and smiling taid- daya Tuesday through Saturday, America’s First Astronaut mark *^Oh -what .a Beautiful -view” ily group that waited at tto can^ Laotian Armistice Talk will average near the seasonal nor-’ after he first took hold of the con­ of the huge Air Force jet for Shep­ real. Warm Tuesday, cooler trols and was able to look through ard. Wednesday and^ Thursday, wann- Washin^on, May 8 UP)—Presl-^furtished east portico of the cap-^men^ers of the Senate and Housb the periscope. ^ His attractive, Brunstte .'-wife, Vletlane.-Uaoe, May 8 OB—Twen-^nadlan and Polish diplomats imd' « Fffflty^mid 'SafiliRMy The nor'-” ffeht'Kehhe'dy'ah<rCongress ptpud- itol, Shepard and his ffellow asti'o- (’SpscF Cdmmittees; He said he had W4fiTpretty well Louise, 34, wricBmed jnnlting ty-one representatives of the 8-na- soldiers ars, coming to Laos to su­ mal temperature in the Hartford ly saluted America's first Space! nauts alighted in the middle o f AmongA,-.,nr,or those on ihand when Ken­ briefed aBout'what to expect. But husband with a Big kiss. tlon Laotian Truce Commission ar­ pervise, and\verify the cease-fire. area during this period is 58. de­ traveler' today with the nation’s another throng while police lines nedy talked latev in his office with when he actually looked through She had flown today frftm They will separate, into two. groups grees ranging from a daily high thanks and high honors. The capi­ arid rapes held Back more thou­ Sliepard and the other astronauts the periscope "I Itave to admit It ginia Beauih in a special NASA rived In Vientiane, today with hopes sifter arrival, erne Being Based at of 71 to a low of 45. Rainf^l tal’s thousands joined in the triB­ sands massed in the capitoi plaza. were Vice President Johnson, Sens. of spurring lag^ng negotiations Be­ took my Breath away. It was a twin engine plane for the first ■Vientiane and tl^e other at Xieng during the period ui]! total on the ute. Led by 'Vice President Lyndon RoBert Kerr, D-Okla., and Styles Beautiful sight.” meeting with her husBand since he tween the western-Backed royal Khouang.
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