\ COMBINING The Summit Herald, Summit Kucord, Summit Press and Summit News-Guide OFFICIAL Official Newspaper of City ami Subscription $2.00 a Year County. Published Thursday A. M. by The Summit Publishing Co., 357 Telephone Summit G-1000 Springfield Avenue. Entered at tho Mailed in conformity with P. 0. D. Post Office, Summit, N. J., as 2nd Order No. 19087, rlERALD Class Matter. 54th Year. No. 34 FRED L. PALMER, Editor & Publisher THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1943 J. EDWIN CARTER, Business Mgr. & Publisher 5 CENTS Red Cross Now REGISTER YOUR DOG H. S. Basketball Team SUMMIT MAN TELLS OF 39=DAY LIFEBOAT EXPERIENCES AT SEA Double Session Council Explains owners are glvm ten duys to purchase a license Meets Disapproval Curtailed Collection Knows It Must Raise mid official registration tu# Says Millkrn Boys- for pets. !)«(? regrlstrfttton started <w January 1 and Of Parents' Groups Of Ashes, Garbage Nearly $52,000 Here should him' been completed on Were Misrepresented the 30th. Summit residents, Andrew Genualdi, captain of Summit parents, led by Mrs. Garbage will be collected but The Summit Red Cross now however, did not se«ni to realize Bryant Marroun, president, of the once each week from the residen- knows it has the job of raisins Summit High School's basketball this fact, mid beginning Feb. 1, team and William Clarke, manager, Lincoln School Parent-Teacher As- tial district and ashes twice a wwk nearly $52,000 this year. (The exact the Summit Foilcc storied a sociation, have strongly opposed as at present, beginning Monday, amount is $51,900). have written a letter about a re- house to house canvass to port in the January 14 Herald of a the Board of Educatian's. proposal | Feb. 8. The collection from lliu This figure compares with a little check on the nuuiher of unli- Millburn-Summlt High Schools to eliminate three teaching posi- j business district and apartment, more than $38,000 raised, last year censed ptts in the elty. The basketball game at Millburn: tions in the elementary schools by •buildings will continue as hereto- through the war fund drive penalty for not registering a The letter follows: scheduling double sessions for kin- fore. This schedule is for the win- ($28,837) and the annual roll call dog runs from $5 to $50. "In-the Summit Herald of Thurs- dergartens. Under this plan Uie ter months only. about two months previously day, January 14. 1943 on page 14 same teacher will have a class at Common Council lias issued un ($9,278). appeared the following paragraph: one school in the morning and an- explanatory statement about this The amount must be raised in ". 'As the varsity game ended, the other at a different school in the curtailed service, as follows: Summit, New Providence Borough, Many Want To Hear Millburn quintet greeted the Sum- afternoon. "The Council has been reluctant New Providence Township,, Passaic mit boys in the dressing room with This, the parents feel, will not to adopt this schedule, but has been Township and part of Millington. War Prisoners'Aid the remark: "Guess you fellows' un- only curb the efficiency of liie forced to do so in order to main- G. H. Brewer, who was chairman of eratand now we don't like you teacher, but an afternoon session jtaln a schedule which the citizens last year's War Fund Drive, has 1 uys, no how.' will affect the mental and physical ,may rely on. The present schedule agreed to take the same job this Committee Head Here ! ''To the knowledge, of the mem- health of the child. Elsewhere in |is gradually falling behind, .es- year. bers of the Summit High School this issue is a letter written by Dr. pecially tue ash collections. This "We will follow the organization The Y. M. C. A. reports that res- basketball team, no such statement ! Arthur F. Ackerman, pediatrician, is due to the enormous increase in plan and pattern which was suc- ervations are being received earlier was made by the Millburn players. explaining the reasons for this. ash production due to the many con- cessful last year," Mr. Brewer said, than usual for the annual dinner We believe, therefore, in justice to An investigation of six New Jer- versions from oil to coal fuel. (Ap- "and expect to have the organization Monday night, February 8 and it all concerned, that this statement sey towns similar in character to proximately G25 reported to date). completed shortly. We will raUe is now expected that between 150 should be definitely retracted and Summit showed only one, Mont- "The curtailment of. the use of money by direct solicitation and by and 200 will attend to hear Tracy are asking you to publish this clair, having transient kindergarten trucks due to tho gasoline and rub- various types .of functions—bridge Strong, director of Y. M. C. A. War letter. teachers. Three of that city's nine ber situation, combined with tho luncheons and teas and similar Prisoners' Aid in all belligerent "For a long time both schools kindergarten teachers were found scarcity of labor, makes it impos- events. We know that the job is a countries. He.will talk on "YMCA have enjoyed neighborly sports to' teach double sessions, but the sible for the Department to cope big one but the need has become Work Witii Prisoners of War." rivalry and we on our part hope classes are much smaller than with the situation under the pres- very much greater and wo do not some of those in Summit. It has ent schedule. doubt we will have the full support In view of the widespread public to continue this relationship with been quoted to civic groups, report interest in this subject the associ- Millburn High School on the same "Many cities have been forced to of all the communities whose help basis of keen competition and good the parents, that Plainfield lias sev- this or some other change in oper- wo will ask." ation has again called attention to enteen kindergarten teachers each ations to meet the same situation; the fact that anyone interested in. sportsmanship." teaching a double session. This, The drive begins formally The Editor of The Summit Yonkers, N. Y. has gone to onis throughout the United States on the work of the ''Y" may attend the says a representative of the par- garbage collection per weok, lOust annual meeting and dinner by call- Herald telephoned Mr. Barthol- ents, is a misstatenient, for only February 28 which has been named the Y. M. C. A. office and expressing omew because the above letter was Orange, Elizabeth and other nearby Red Cross Sunday. five, with particularly small groups, communities are experiencing great a wish to do so. (Dinner -will be on the letterhead of the high teach morning and afternoon, and school. He asked whether the difficulty and are mucli behind their served at C:4B so that commuters THIS IS THE WAY HE AM) HIS COMPANIONS APPEARED AT EM) OF .TOUItXKY in each case the afternoon session schedules. may go direct to the Y, M. C. A, The signers had proposed the letter or is a coaching session only. charge is $1.15.) Dinner will be whether Mr. Bartholomew had re- "There should be no great hard- Summit Blood Donors His merchant ship 'torpedoed and sunk .... all hands listed as "missing siiul presumed lost" .... The reason for this proposed ship to the householder who Is served by the "William Pitt Tavern quested it. He was told the boys *I» days in a Hfehont, bobbing over 1,B()I) miles of 1he Atlantic .... finally land—and then home. That's from the "Y" kitchen. ' • had gone to their coach. He asked change in the kindergarten depart- willing to cooperate. Garbage Contribute 43 Pints whether the letter had been dic- tho newest experience.of Lt, Com, Sealiury Cook, of 10 Foruwood mad, 47-year-«l<l veteran of the sea ment is to make available a sum of should be thoroughly drained and "Tracy Strong Is responsible for tated or whether the boys had com- (seated at the reader's right). He was ]>«iisl<iii«d lij tli<> Nnvy In liWil after 2« years of service and then money that the Board of Education wrapped in paper before placing keeping up the spirits of more than posed it. He was told the boys took a civilian war job, tried to-get Imek In the Navy iviihmil success mid then enlisted In tho Merchant could use toward the Increments in tho covered can; by doing Ibis Above Set Quota 4,000,000 prisoners, both Allied and composed it. Ho asked whether Mnrlne. He sailed as second mate lust Noveniliur on the mrtro vessel which was sunk. He said that for teachers' salaries. the possibility of freezing to tin; Axis in .-"fiixteen countries," Y/MCA the boys had been called in and after they left the sinking vessel tliey lind no comiiass, sextant, chart, or,oven a wutch, but "there were The Boards of all Parent-Teacher can and tlie presence of odors an; officials "said. "His job gives him asked to sign the letter. plenty of stars to steer'by. T.he'Wff aOO-poimdcrs in the crew lost a tot of weight, and 1 dropped 25 Associations have met and declared eliminated." Summit citizens responded so enT •the right theoretically to enter Ger- pounds to 12.*). Hut the big fellows tell it most." themselves in favor of raising the thusiastically to the Red Cross ap- many or Japan or any other nation Mr, Bartholomew wanted to know salaries, this to be covered by a ,peal for Blood Donors that 13 pints at war with the United States.
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