I *■' ' MONDAY, JUNE 6 ,19W | a g e t w e n t y ^f o u r ATerage Da% N«t Prcis Run The Weather ilanrt)[?Bt?r lEttfttUtg l^^raUi For the Week Ended deofin g; coder tooigfat, low June 4, 1964 in 50a; swmy and pleaaanit to* Edward W. Manh Jr., son of The executive board of the to Irma Toung oC 15 Hackma­ Runaway Auto Youth Wins Bet mofTOW, high 80-86. A bou t Town M r. and M rs: ESdward M arsh o f Ladies Aid Lutheran Women of tack St. Damage we)S minor. 160 Main St, received a bach­ Zion Evangelical Lutheran Shea’s car received 'moderate 14,670 Church wilt meet tomorrow at Damages Lawns damage to its front end and But Faces Court Bmanud Church Women will elor o t efts degree in history Manche$ter— ^A CUy of Village Charm ‘■Vf*' yesterday at the commence­ 7:30 pm . at the home of Mrs. both sides. THE Itieet tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. in Hackmatack St. had the Police arrested a 20-year-oW ment exercises of Wegner Col­ Emd Bronke, 02 Proepect St. Shea was arrested and charg­ MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, JUNE T; 1966 (Otesatfiad AdvarUatiiK on Page 1V>; PRICE SEVEN CENTS Eirther lUOl at the church for makings of an amateur garden­ ed with failure to drive in the youth who grabbed a man’s hat VOL. LX3CXV, NO. 210 XTWENTY PAGES) sn annual meeting and poUuck. lege, Staten Mend, N.T. er’s nightmare early Sunday Airm an S.C. John F . AMberg, proper lane. Court date is June off his head as the man was &fi8. David Anderson will lead m orning. Miss Sandra J. Duffleld, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ahl- 20. walking down Main St. Satur­ WIGGERY Jevotions. Mrs. Stuart Sharpe Shrubbery, young trees and A Bisaell St. motorist was ar­ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald betg of 39 l^ruce St., is home day night and threw it into the and Mrs. John Kjellson are co- growing lawns at more than a rested Saturday afternoon and A. Duffleld of 42 Crosby Rd., on leave after completing basic s tre e t chairmen of a refreshment com- half-dozen addresses were tom charged with evading respon­ BEAUTY SALON was awarded a master of arts Air'Force training a^ Lackland Police reported the youth, Ihittee. up or mowed down when an un­ sibility after a car parked on degree in education at .com­ AI9H, T ex. He w ill leave Wed­ Terry McSweeney of 18 Auburn controlled car crisscrossed the Pearl St. was struck by a mo­ 525 Mata S t.-T eL 643^2330 mencement exercises yesterdc^ nesday for his new assignment at., said he did it on a bet with Mr. Wayne Meredith Vows to Return, The Emblem dub of Ro<*- street several times, each time torist who left the scene. at Clark University, Worcester, as a Jet mecdianic at McCon­ a friend. He was charged with ville will meet Wednesday at 8 trundling across a lawn or two. Arrested was Leland T. IVood M ass. nell AFH, Kan. He attended breach of the peace. If Your Hair b at Bocoarias To Yoa, p.m. at the EUc's Club, Rock­ Jr.. 42. of 51 Bissell St. Manchester High School. Police said it ail started when After losing his hat, the man ville. Plans for a 3©th anniver- Police said Percy C. Begeal, Members of Ohsfnlnade Mii- Edward W. Shea, 31, of 596 hurried up to Patrolman Robert aary diimer later this month 65, of Johnson City, N.Y. was You ShouM Bo Conilag To Us — sicaal Club attending the group’s Miss Nancy Jean Finley, Bush Hill Rd., lost control of Hennequin at Main and Pearl will be discussed. parked on Pearl St. when his annual dirmer and elecUon of daughter of Mr.- and Mrs. Philip his car after turning into Hack­ Sts. and told him of the incident. M. Finley of 66 WethereU St.; matack St. from S. Main St. car was hit in the rear. The Airman Unwood C. Vigneault, officers tonight at Carbone's The patrolman approached two Finish Mississippi March driver of the other car backed Restaurant Hartford,' are re­ and Miss Linda Joyce Harvey, The car first hit marker youths at Main and Center who Triple Special son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. up and drove away. minded to meet ait 6:16 in the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. stones in a driveway at Nos. 2- (Monday thm Thursday) Vigneault of 165 Brookfield St. Wood was arrested about an ran into an alley when they saw parking lot of Center Congre- James Harvey of 18 Nye St.; 4 Hackmatack and crossed a him. He saw them again later has been selected for technical hour-and-a-half later from in­ gationnl Church next to linooln were awarded associate in sci­ lawn at No. 8. It crossed the outside Friendly’s on Main St. training at Sheppard AFB, Tex., ence degrees Saturday at the formation supplied by wit­ THE PERFECT PERMANENT School. street, went on to a lawn and Police said when the pair as sm Air Force aircraft main­ commencement of Fisher Jun­ nesses. He is schedule to appear hit a ahnH) a t No. 7 and a car spotted Hennequin they jumped Contractor tenance specialist He recently ior CoH^e, Boston, Mass. in Manchester Circuit Court 12 For Tinted Hair $ 1 2 g Q Manchester WATBS will parked in the driveway at No. into a car and started to drive completed basic training at 15. Shea’s car travel^ on to on June 20. meet tomorrow at the Italian out but were stopped. The man Dackland AFB, Tex. He is a Miss Lynda E. Allen, daugh­ the next lawn (No. 17) and hit Angelo Trapazzano, 21, of 430 Is Charged American Club on Ekliidge St. Identified McSweeney as the 1964 graduate of Manchester ter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. a small tree and a Shrub. Cross­ Vernon St. was charged early For Normal Hair $ ^ Complete WrtgMng In will be from 7 to youth who took his hat. Mc­ High School. Allen of 126 Autumn St., re­ ing the street again, the car yesterday morning with failure 8 pjn. Mrs. John Paveieck, Sweeney is to appear in Man­ ceived an associate of arts de­ went on to a lawn at No. 22 to drive In the proper lane, aft­ In Shooting president, win conduct the Manchester Chapter of gree from Colby Junior College, and struck ^nall trees and a er his car failed to make a chester Circuit Court 12 on June m eeting. SPEBSQSA will meet tonight New London, N.H., at the shrub at No. 30. The car again right turn into E. Center St. 20. HAIR COLOR HERNANDO. Miss. (AP) — at 8 at Bunce School, Olcott school’s commencement yester­ headed across the street and from Mjain St. and struck a So Noturol No One Knows For Suro Mississippi authorities formally , at. The meeting is open to all Greater Hartford Home Eco- charged Aubrey James Norvell, day. She was enrolled in the hit a split rail fence at No. 33 crosswalk light and a light pole. Dick Sisler, 1965 manager of men interested in barbershop- itom ics Club will meet Wednes­ Includes Shampoo^ Cream $ # #%|h‘Uomplete a betiding white man from Mem- secretarial program and was a before working its way back on Trapazzano told police he was the Cincinnati Reds, now style singing. day at the Red Coach GitU, Rinse and ^ t O e W V pihis, Tenn., today "w ith assault mecnber of the atMetic aitd the road. cut off by another driver. Court coaches for the St. Louis Card­ Berlin Tpke., Wethersfield. Din­ Christian associations. The parked oar hit belonged date is Jime 20. and battery with intent to kill ner will be at 7 pm. after a so­ inals. and murder James Meredith.’’ cial time at 6. Mrs. MUIicent Mrs. Jean Hennequin Burke of Novell, 41, an unemployed Reid will show slides and speak Bast Hartford, daughter of Mr. hardware contractor, was taken LECLERC on Scandinavia. and Mrs. Waiter Hennequin of handcuffed before a Justice of FUNERAL HOME 167 Green Rd., was g;raduated the peace who quickly agreed to Pvt. Charles C. Nielsen, son with honors yesterday from I a continuance so that Norvell [FUNERAL of Mr. and Mrs. Thorvald Niel­ Bay Path Junior College, Long- wouldn’t have to enter a plea sen of 712 Center St. was re­ meadow, Mass., receiving an until he had an attorney. SERVICE cently assigned to the eOlth aasociate degree In U'beral arts. And 26 miles to the north, Army Engineer Detactiment in Meredith Issued a statement She Is a 1962 graduate o f Man­ (AP Photpfax) W A LTER N . Viet Nam. He is a water «ip- chester High School. from his Memphis hospital bed, LECIjERC ply specialist and entered the This photo of an “angry alligator” was taken by Astronauts Stafford and promising, “I riiall return and D irector Arm y In 1966. He is a 1963 grad­ William F. Monk of 166 S. Ceman after an unsuccessful attempt at docking. The “jaws” are made by the we shall arrive (In Jackson, 28 Main Street, Manchester uate of Manchester High School Main St. was among 27 students ATDA’s shroud which failed to detach after the launch. The Caribbean Sea ia M iss.). and attended New England C(^- from Connecticut to -receive de­ directly below the ATDA with Caracas, Venezuela, far right, below cloud cover.
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