A C AHAH C (key of A major, German designation) A ballynure ballad C A Ballynure Ballad C (A) bal-lih-n’YÔÔR BAL-ludd A cappella C {ah kahp-PELL-luh} ah kahp-PAYL-lah A casa a casa amici C A casa, a casa, amici C ah KAH-zah, ah KAH-zah, ah-MEE-chee C (excerpt from the opera Cavalleria rusticana [kah-vahl-lay-REE-ah roo-stee-KAH-nah] — Rustic Chivalry; music by Pietro Mascagni [peeAY-tro mah-SKAH-n’yee]; libretto by Guido Menasci [gooEE-doh may-NAH-shee] and Giovanni Targioni-Tozzetti [jo-VAHN-nee tar-JO- nee-toht-TSAYT-tee] after Giovanni Verga [jo-VAHN-nee VAYR-gah]) A casinha pequeninaC ah kah-ZEE-n’yuh peh-keh-NEE-nuh C (A Tiny House) C (song by Francisco Ernani Braga [frah6-SEESS-kôô ehr-NAH-nee BRAH-guh]) A chantar mer C A chantar m’er C ah shah6-tar mehr C (12th-century composition by Beatriz de Dia [bay-ah-treess duh dee-ah]) A chloris C A Chloris C ah klaw-reess C (To Chloris) C (poem by Théophile de Viau [tay- aw-feel duh veeo] set to music by Reynaldo Hahn [ray-NAHL-doh HAHN]) A deux danseuses C ah dö dah6-söz C (poem by Voltaire [vawl-tehr] set to music by Jacques Chailley [zhack shahee-yee]) A dur C A Dur C AHAH DOOR C (key of A major, German designation) A finisca e per sempre C ah fee-NEE-skah ay payr SAYM-pray C (excerpt from the opera Orfeo ed Euridice [ohr-FAY-o ayd ayoo-ree-DEE-chay]; music by Christoph Willibald von Gluck [KRIH-stawf VILL-lee-bahlt fawn GLÔÔK] and libretto by Ranieri de’ Calzabigi [rah- neeAY-ree day kahl-tsah-BEE-jee]) A globo veteri C AH GLO-bo vay-TAY-ree C (When from primeval mass) C (excerpt from the 13th-century collection Carmina Burana [kar-MEE-nah boo-RAH-nah]) A grenade ariette espagnole C A Grenade (Ariette espagnole) C ah gray-NAH-day (ah- reeAYT-tay ayss-pah-n’YO-lay) C (song by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE- nee]) A julia de burgos C A Julia de Burgos C ah HOO-leeah day BOOR-gawss C (a poem, To Julia de Burgos, translated from Spanish by Jamie Bernstein [JAY-mee BURN-st§n] and set to music by Leonard Bernstein [LEH-nurd BURN-st§n]) A kis csava C A kis csáva C ah KIHSH CHAHAH-vah C (composition by György Kurtág [JÖRJ kôôr-TAHAHG]) A la campagne C À la campagne C ah lah kah6-pahny’ C (excerpt from Chants d'Auvergne [shah6 doh-vehrny’] — Songs of the Auvergne [o-vehrny’], French folk songs collected by Joseph Canteloube [zho-zeff kah6-t’lôôb]) A la claire fontaineC A la claire fontaine C ah lah klehr faw6-tenn A la doucour de la bele seson C A la douçour de la bele seson C ah lah dôô-sôôr duh lah bell seh-zaw6 C (In the Sweetness of the New Season) C (composition by Gace Brulé [gahss brü- lay]) A la femminiscaC ah lah faym-mee-NEE-skah C (song by Luciano Berio [loo-CHAH-no BAY-reeo]) A la mort monstra C A la mort / Monstra C a lah mor / maw6ss-trah C (At the Hour of Death / Show) C (three-voice song from Medieval France by Josquin Desprez [zhawss-keh6 day- pray]) A la musique C A la musique C ah lah mü-zeek C (To Music) C (poem by Edmond Rostand [edd-maw6 rawss-tah6] set to music for female chorus and solo soprano by Emmanuel Chabrier [emm-mah-nüell shah-breeay]) A la nanita C A la nanita C ah lah nah-NEE-tah C (traditional Spanish carol) A la una C ah lah OO-nah C (At One, a medieval love song of the Jews who were expelled from Spain in 1492 and who settled in Bulgaria) A la una yo naci C A la una yo nací C ah lah OO-nah yo nah-SEE C (At One I Was Born) C (traditional song of the Spanish Jews) A laime C À l’aimé C ah lemm-may C (To My Beloved) C (song by Dortzall [DAWRT- tsahl] and de Fontenailles [duh faw6-t’nehy’]) A larme a larme C A l'arme, a l'arme C ah larm, ah larm C (composition by Grimace [gree- mahss]) A lieta vita C ah leeAY-tah VEE-tah C (To Life, Happy and Sweet) C (song by Giovanni Gastoldi [jo-VAHN-nee gah-STOHL-dee]) A lombre dung buissonet C A l’ombre d’ung buissonet C ah law6-br’ d’ü6 büeess-saw-neh C (In the Shade of a Little Bush) C (three-voice song from Medieval France by Josquin Desprez [zhawss-keh6 day-pray]) A ma belle mere requiemC A ma belle-mère (requiem) C ah mah bell-mehr (ray-küee-emm) C (song by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE-no rohss-SEE-nee]) A ma femme C ah mah fahm C (poems by Maurice Carême [mo-reess kah-remm] set to music by Jacques Chailley [zhack shahee-yee]) A moll C a moll C AHAH MAWL C (key of a minor, German designation) A mon pouir C ah maw6 pweer C (anonymous composition) A noto appien ti sia laffetto mio per me giunto C A, noto appien ti sia l'affetto mio/Per me giunto C AH, NO-toh ahp-peeAYN tee SEE-ah lahf-FAYT-toh MEE-o/payr may JOON-toh C (passage featuring Rodrigo [rohd-REE-go] in the opera Don Carlos [dohn KAR-lohss]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP-pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by François Méry [frah6-swah may- ree] and Camille Du Locle [{kah-meel dü law-kl’} kah-meey’ dü law-kl’] after Friedrich von Schiller [FREET-rihh fawn SHILL-lur]) A obraz toj prigozhnitsy C ah AWB-ruzz toy pree-GAWZH-nyitt-see C (But that beauty’s image is with me always) C (aria from the opera Charodeika [chah-rah-DAYEE-kuh] —The Enchantress; music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky [p’YAW-t’r ill-YEECH {chahih-KAWF-skee} chay-KAWF-skee] and libretto by Ippolit Vasil’yevich Shpazhinsky [ipp-pah-LYEET vah- SEEL-yeh-vihch shpah-ZHEEN-skee]) A paganini C A Paganini C ah pah-gah-NEE-nee C (To Paganini) C (composition by Alfred Schnittke [ahl-FRETT SHNYITT-kuh]) A pelayo C ah pay-LAH-yo C (composition by Francisco Guerrero [frahn-THEESS-ko ghehr-RAY-ro]) A pie dun verde alloro C A piè d’un verde alloro C ah peeAY doon VAYR-day ahl-LO-ro C (By a Grassy Bank) C (vocal duet by Giacomo Carissimi [JAH-ko-mo kah-REESS-see-mee]) A que ville C ah kuh veel C (a rondeau [RAHN-doh] or round composed by Antoine Busnoys [ah6-twahn bü-nwah]) A que volver C A qué volver C ah KAY vawl-VEHR C (Why Come Back) C (a zamba [SAHM-bah]-style song) C (poem by Marta Mendicute [MAR-tah mayn-dee-KOO-tay] set to music by Eduardo Falú [ay-thooAR-doh fah-LOO]) A room in bloomsbury C A Room in Bloomsbury C (A Room in) BLOOMZ-buh-ree C (composition by Wilson [WILL-sunn]) A solis ortu C ah SO-leess OHR-tôô C (excerpt from Laudate pueri [luhôô-DAH-tay pôôEH- ree] by Giovanni Baptista Pergolesi [jo-VAHN-nee bahp-TEE-stah payr-go-LAY-zee]) A song for francesca C A Song for Francesca C (A Song for) frahn-CHAY-skah C (title of a CD subtitled Music in Italy, 1330-1430) A te lestremo addio il lacerato spirito C A te l'estremo addio ... Il lacerato spirito C A tay lay- STRAY-mo AHD-deeo ... eel lah-chay-RAH-toh SPEE-ree-toh C (excerpt from the opera Simon Boccanegra [SEE-mohn bohk-kah-NAY-grah]; music by Giuseppe Verdi [joo-ZAYP- pay VAYR-dee]; libretto by Francesco Maria Piave [frahn-CHAY-sko mah-REE-ah peeAH- vay] and G. Montanelli [(G.) mohn-tah-NAYL-lee] after Antonio García Gutiérrez [ahn-TOH- neeo gar-THEE-ah goo-teeAYR-rehth]) A te o cara amor talora C A te, o cara, amor talora C ah tay, o KAH-rah, ah-MOR tah-LO- rah C (aria from the opera I puritani [ee poo-ree-TAH-nee] — The Puritans; music by Vincenzo Bellini [veen-CHAYN-tso bayl-LEE-nee] and libretto by Carlo Pepoli [KAR-lo pay- PO-lee]) A tempo giusto C ah TAYM-po JOOSS-toh A un dottor della mia sorte C ah oon doht-TOHR dayl-lah MEE-ah SOR-tay C (To a doctor of my station) C (excerpt from the opera Il barbiere di Siviglia [eel bar-beeAY-ray dee see-VEE-leeah] — The Barber of Seville [suh-VILL]; music by Gioachino Rossini [johah-KEE- no rohss-SEE-nee]; libretto by Cesare Sterbini [chay-ZAH-ray stayr-BEE-nee] after Pierre- Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais [peeehr-o-güss-teh6 kah-raw6 duh bo-mar-sheh] and Giuseppe Petrosellini [joo-ZAYP-pay pay-tro-zayl-LEE-nee]) A une dame centenaire C ah ün dahm sah6-t’nehr C (poem by Voltaire [vawl-tehr] set to music by Jacques Chailley [zhack shahee-yee]) A une dame de geneve C A une dame de Genève C ah ün dahm duh zhuh-nevv C (poem by Voltaire [vawl-tehr] set to music by Jacques Chailley [zhack shahee-yee]) A virgen mui groriosa C A virgen mui grorïosa C ah VEER-hayn mwee gro-ree-O-sah C (sacred music from 13th-century Spain) A virgen que de deus madre C A virgen que de Deus madre C ah VEER-hayn kay day DAY- ooss MAH-dray C (A Prayer to the Virgin) C (13th-century composition by Alfonso X from the Cantigas de Santa Maria [kahn-TEE-gahss day SAHN-tah mah-REE-ah] — The Songs of Saint Mary) A vos jeux mes amisC A vos jeux, mes amis C ah vaw zhö, meh-zah-mee C (In your revels, my friends) C (aria featuring Ophélie [aw-fay-lee] in the opera Hamlet; music by Ambroise Thomas [ah6-br’wahz taw-mah]; libretto by Jules Barbier [zhül bar-beeay] and Michel Carré [mee-shell kar-ray] after William Shakespeare [WILL-lihumm SHAYK-spihuhr]) A vucchella C ‘A vucchella C ah vook-KAYL-lah C (lyric by Gabriele d’Annunzio [gah- breeAY-lay dahn-NOON-tseeo] set to music by Francesco Paolo Tosti [frahn-CHAY-sko PAHO-lo TOH-stee]) A yesli mne v otvet C ah YESS-lih m’nyeh v’aht-VETT C (duet featuring Lisa [LEE-suh] and Herman [GHEHR-munn] in the opera Pique dame [peek dahm] — The Queen of Spades; music by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky [p’YAW-t’r ill-YEECH {chahih-KAWF-skee} chay- KAWF-skee]; libretto by Modest Tchaikovsky [mah-DYESST {chahih-KAWF-skee} chay- KAWF-skee] after Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin [uh-lyick-SAHN-d’r sehr-GAY-yeh-vihch POOSH-kinn]) Aaltonen C Erkki Aaltonen C EHRK-kih AHAHL-taw-nenn Aarne C Els Aarne C ELSS AHAHR-neh Aaron C Pietro Aaron C peeAY-tro AHAH-rohn / (known also as Pietro Aron [AH-rohn]) Aaronson C Irving Aaronson C UR-vihng A-runn-s'n Aav C Evald Aav C AY-vahlt AHAHV Aavik C Juhan Aavik C YOO-hahn AHAH-vick Ab oriente C AHB aw-rihAYN-teh C (sacred vocal work by Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck [YAHN
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