ANNALES MYCOLOGICI EDITI IN NOTITIAM SCIENTIAE MYCOLOGICAE UNlVERSALIS HERAUSGEGEBEN UND REDIGIER'l' VON H. SYDOW ~'TR MITWIRKUNG vo~ ABATE J. BRESADOLA (TRIENT), PROFESSOR DR. FR. CA V ARA APEL), PROFESòOR DR. P. DIETEL (ZWICKAU), DR. A. GUILLIERMOND (LYON), BOPBSSORDB.E.KÜSTER(G IESSEN),PROFESSOH Du.RENÉ MAIRE(ALGER), DR.F.PETRAK .. R:-WEISSKIRCHE:-),E.S. SALMON (WY E, NEAR ASHFORD, KENT), DR.A.SARTORY ANCY)j .PBOFESSOR Dll. P. VUILLEMIN (NANCY), Dll. A. ZAHLBRUCKNER (WIEN) UND ZAHLREICHEN ANDEREN GELEHRTEN DREISSIGSTER JAHRGANG - 1932 . BERLIN VERLAG VON R. FRIEDLAENDER & SOHN lÐ32 In halt (Band XXX). i f i. Originalarbeiten. B 0 e d i j n, K. B. Einige Bemerkungen zu del' Abhandlung von S. Seite C. Teng, "Fungi of Nanking I" . 4í8 C i fer l' i, R. The criteria for definition of species in mycology . 122 ~ G l' ego 1', Mar y J. F. A study of heterothallism in Oeratostomella ) pluriannulata, Hedgcock . .. 1 G l' ego 1', Mar y J. F. Observations on the structure and identity l! . i 1 of Tulasnella anceps Bres. et Syd.. '.' . 463 " r . I G y e i n i k, V. Enumeratio lichenum europaeorum novorum rario- rumque. I .... .. 442 G y e i n i k, V. Über einige Arten del' Gattung' Parmeliopsis (Stizenb.) NyL. 456 M a i k 0 v s k ý , K are i M. Über die europäischen Arten del' Gattung Panus . ~ . 10 P a 1m, B. T. On Cyttaria Berk. and Cyttariella n. gen. 405 P a 1m, B. T. Biological notes on Albugo. 421 Pet c h, T. Some Philippine Entomogenous Fungi. 118 Pet c h ,T. Gibellula. '.' . 386 P 6 t l' a k, F. und C i fer l' i, R. Fungi dominicani. II 149 Pi i á t, A i bel' t. Species nova generis Ganoderma Karst. e yulcano Kilmandjaro: Ganoderma Baumii sp. n.. 460 Pi 1 á t, A. et Ve s e 1 ý, R. Species nova vernalis generis Tricholoma: Tricholoma Kavinae ...................... 476 Po eve l' lei n, H. 'Die Gesamtverbreitung del' Uropyxis sanguinea in Europa . '.' . 402 Sartory, A., Sartory, R. et Meyer, J. Etude d'un nouveau Scopulariopsis: Scopulariopsis gryll n. sp.. 466 Sartory, A., Sartory, R. et Meyer, J. Etude d'un nouveau champignon du genre Fusarium: Fusarium eucheliae . 471 S a v u Ie s c u, T r. et Ray s s, T. Nouvelle contribution à la con- naissance des Péronosporacées de Roumanie . 354 S y d 0 w , H. Fungi chileuses a cl. E. Werdermann lecti. Pars secunda 81 By d 0 w, H. Novae fungorum species - XXI . 91 By d 0 w. Mycotheca germanica. Fasc. L-LII (no. 2451-2600) 394 Z a h i b r u c k 11 e 1', A. Neue Flechten. -- XI . 427 Burg U. 1\1. In the dimem pressed orifice resembles the As ture of the pycn Some Philppine Entomogenous Fungi. disc is lacking l' By T. Pet c h. nidia are not reg Through the kindness of Dr. Sydow, I have had the opportunity of Hypocrella ph examining numerous specimens of entomogenous fungi on leaves, collected flavis, planis, te by Mary Strong Clemens in the Philippines. Though the collection con- usque 3 mm dia sisted of seventy-two numbers, it contained only nine species, and with cylindraceis vel c one exception (Aschel'sonia Coffeae P. Henn.), these are all parasitic on tomentosis, sing); Aleyrodidae. Except where otherwise stated, the localities cited are in ampullaceis, 450 Luzon. The list may serve to give some idea of the relative abundance of ascis 240¡. longi the diffei;ent species of Aschersonia parasitic on Aleyrodidae in that country. sporarum angiisti The chief interest of the collection lies in the occurrence of many spe- Aleyrodid on und cimens of a new species, which is described below as Aschersonia phi- 1923, no. 3144; è lippinensis, and its perithecial stage, Hypocrella philippinensis. This has January 1924, ne been known to OCCur in the Philippines for many years, but the specimens Petch in the sam collected previously have never been in a fit condition for description. Cebu Island, May The species is remarkable in that it often forms flat, circular, tomentose Or Aschersonia p radially fibrilose, white or cream-coloured stromata, up to 7 mm diameter, fJavis, planis, ten with a fimbriate margin, without any pycnidia or perithecia. With the help fimbriato, centro 1 of the present specimens, it is now possible to refer the following previous 0,25 mm alt., rect: gatherings to Aschel'sonia philippinensis, - On Schizostachyuni, N Olzag'aray, tibus; vel strom: Provo Bulacan, May 1910, Rb. Bureau of Science, no. 10838; on Astronia margine disci; VE sp., Mt. Maquiling, Luzon, September 1910, Merrill no. 7150; on Astronia, marginatis. Pycr l\it. l\iaquiling, February 1914, C. F. Baker, Fungi Malayana, no. 8; on rotundatis vel coi Derris heptaphylla, Lamao, H. A. Lee, no. 59. Some of these specimens fusoideis, fine act were referred to under Hypocrella Molli in the G e n era H y p 0 c r e II a The pycnidial st and Aschersonia, Annals of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Rourea erecta (El Per ad e n i ya, VII, 240. Immature specimens resemble immature Hypo- Also no. 217, ( crella Mollii, but are more tomentose and usually have a fimbriate margin. D.ry 1923; no. 72( In general, the stromata of Aschersonia philippinensis are at first plane Memecylon, loco ; and circular. Subsequently they develop, in the centre, a gToup of co- no. 806, on unkno lumnar tubercles, each of which bears a single, widely open, circular pyc- known leaves, loc. nidium at the apex. When, however, the tubercle is oblique, the pycnidium Pampanga Prov., opens obliquely and the orifice is usually vertically compressed into a Za.mbales Prov., 1 narrow slit. In some stromata, the centre is occupied by a raised disc up Merr., loc. cit., ~ to 2 mm in diameter, instead of a group of tubercles, and the pycnidia no. 2440, on unk open on the vertical face of the disc, their orifices being overhung by its ? Guioa, loco cit., j upper edge. Other stromata may have neither tubercles nor disc, the pyc- Solana, Cagayan nidia occurring in the stroma, vertical or oblique, the orifice being gayan Prov., J an surrounded by a slightly raised rim. Tiiguegarao, Cag: Asingan, Pangasi Some Philppine Entomogenous Fungi. 119 In the dimensions of itspycnospores and paraphyses, and in. the com- pressed orifice of some of its pycnidia, Aschersonia philippinensis resembles the Aschersonia of Hypocrella tubulata, but the internal struc- ture of the pycnidium is different. Specimens in which the tubercles or :ne EntomogenOusFungi. disc is lacking resemble forms of Aschersonia placenta in which the pyc- :y T. Pet c h. nidia are not regularly arranged. '1'. Sydow, I have had the opportunity of Hypocrella philppinensis Petch, n. sp. - Stroniatibus albis vel palldo- of entomogenous fungi on leaves, collected fIavis, planis, tenuibus, interdum margine fimbriato vel membranaceo, ~ Philippines. Though the collection con- usque 3 mm diam., tubercula spars a vel conferta ferentibus; tuberculis it contained only nine species, and with cylindraceis vel ovoideis vel subglobosis, usque 0,5 mil alt., 0,35 mm diam., 'feae P. Henn.), these are all parasitic on tomentosis, singulo perithecio in quoque tuberculo; peritheciis angusto- ierwise stated, the localities cited are in ampullaceis, 450 .¡, alt., 150 ¡, diam., ostiolis minutis, impressis, flavis; ve some idea of the relative abundance of ascis 240 '¡. long'is, 8 ¡. diam., cylindraceis, capitatis, octosporis; articulis ia parasitic on Aleyrodidae in that country. sporarum angnsto-ovalibus, rectis v81 curvatis, 8-12 ¥ 2-2,5 ¡,. On an iction lies in the OCcurrence of many sp~- Aleyrodid on undetermined leaves, Asingan, Pangasinan Prov., November is described below as Aschersonia phi- 1923, no. 3144; ditto, on Apocynaceae, Bambàng, Nueva Vizcaya Prov., ;age, Hypocrella philippinensis. This has January 1924, no. 3458; in both cases with Aschersonia philippinensis Jpines for m.'ny years, but the specimens Petch in the same or separate stromata. Also no. 6214, on Ficus, Cebu, been in a fit condition for descriptio~. Cebu Island, May 1924. it often forms flat, circular, tomentose or Aschersonia pliilppinensis Petch, n. sp. Stromatibus albis vel palldo- coloured stromata, up to 7 mm diameter, flavis, planis, tenuibus, tomentosis, UJsque 8 mm diam., margine saepius ny pycnidia or perithecÏa. With the help fimbriato, centro tubercula sparsa vel conferta, cylindracea, 0,36 mm diam., T possible to refer the fOllowing previous 0,25 mm alt., recta vel obliqua, singulo pycnidio in quoque tuberculo, fereii- ensis,-On Schizostachyum, Norzagaray, tibus; vel stromatibus centro' discoideis, ostiolis pycnidiorum obliquis 'eau of Science, no. 10838; on Astronia margine disci; vel stromatibus omnino planis, pycnidiis sparsis immersis bel' 1910, iVlerril no. 7150; on Astronia, marginatis. Pycnidiis concavis, 0,25 mm diam., 0,15 mm aItis, ostiolis F. Baker, Fungi Malayana, no. 8; on rotundatis vel compressis, sporis coacervatis flavis. Pycnosporis angusto- Lee, no. 59. Some of these specimens fusoideis, fine acutis, 9-11 ¥ 1,5-2¡.. Paraphysibus usque 150 ¡, longis. M ollii in the G e n era H y p 0 c r e ii a The pycnidial stage of Hypocrella philippinensis. On Aleyrodidae. On if the Royal Botanic Gardens, Rourea erecta (Blco.) Merril, Isabela Prov., December 1923, no. 2921. re specimens resemble immature Hypo- IAlso no. 217, on unknown leaves, Mt. Arayat, Pampanga Prov., Febru- ie and usually have a fimbriate margin. :Jry 1923; no. 720, on Lunasia amara, loco cit., April 1923; no. 744, on ersonia philippinensis are at first plane Memecylon, loc. cit., April 1923; no. 785, Eugenia, loco cit., April 1923; evelop, in the centre, a group of co- no. 806, on unknown leaves, Orion, Bataan Prov., May 1923; no.
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