SEPT. 4, 1909.] THE SCOTTISH CORPORATIONS. [xZDCL Az 597 further point in the system is that the student's own teachers commonly take some part in his examination. Of the four examinations, the first deals with physics, botany, zoology, and chemistry; the second with anatomy and physiology; the third with materia THERE are three medical corporations in Scotland- medica and pathology; the fourth with medicine the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the and surgery (clinical and systematic), midwifery, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, and the forensic medicine and public health, and clinical Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. gynaecology. Each of these examinations is held Their Licences can be separately obtained only by three times a year. persons who are already in possession of a recognized Exemption from the first professional examination qualification-in surgery in the case of the College of can be obtained by candidates who have passed an Physicians, and in medicine in the case of the College examination at any recognized university in its of Surgeons and the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- subjects qualifying for a degree in science or in arts. geons of Glasgow. All others must submit to the There are no set periods which must elapse between examinations held by the Conjoint Board which th'e passage of the different examinations, but in every three corporations have combined to form. Details case the student must have attended the necessary concerning this Board and its component colleges course of lectures in each subject and have satisfied follow. The conditions on which their higher qualifi- the examiners in all the subjects of the previous cations are granted will be found set forth separately examination. When a candidate presents himself for in connexion with each corporation. an examination in several of its parts, but is not successful in all of them, he is credited at the next THE CONJOINT BOARD IN SCOTLAND. examination with those subjects in which he has THIS body has charge of all questions connected with previously been approved. candidates for the Conjoint Licences of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, the Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, and the Royal THE HIGHER DEGREES. College of Surgeons of Edinburgh. Those who are It is open to those who are already M.B., Ch.B. to approved at its examinations are entitled to registra- proceed either to the M.D. or the Ch.M. A candidate tion and to the initials denoting the Licences of for the former must have been engaged for not less the three bodies concerned-namely, L.R.C.P.Edin., than one year at work in the medical wards of a L.R.C.S.Edin., and the L.F.P.S.Glasg. It requires all hospital or in scientific research in a recognized candidates to comply with the regulations of the laboratory or in the Naval or Military Medical Service, General Medical Council as regards registration of or have been at least two years in general practice, medical students set forth on page 586, and to pass a and he must be 24 years of age. He has to write a preliminary examination in Arts. thesis on a subject not exclusively surgical, and is It has an examination of its own of this character examined in medicine and in some one or other of its which is conducted for it by the Educational Institute special departments. The regulations for candidates of Scotland, but is prepared to accept any of the educa- for the Ch.M. are of corresponding character, a period tional tests approved by the General Medical Council, of surgical work in a hospital or elsewhere being 587. substituted for medical work, and his thesis being on a list of which will be found on page a surgical rather than a medical subject. He is PROFESSIONAL CURRICULUMNf. examined in surgical anatomy, clinical surgery, opera- Subsequent to thepassage of the preliminary examina- tive surgery, and in some of the special departments tion for registration as a medical student the candidate of surgery. must pass not less than five years in medical study, each comprising a Winter and a Summer Session. On FEES. this point and all others connected with the curri- It is estimated that the class examination and other culum the regulations of the Board are in keeping fees for the M.B., Ch.B. come altogether to £150, the with the recommendations and requirements of the' separate fees included in this calculation being as General Medical Council as already set forth. The follows: Board does not exact that candidates shall pursue £ s. d. their study at any particular place, and is prepared to accept certificates of having attended the necessary Preliminary Examination ... 0 10 0 courses from any-recognized medical school. First Professional ... ... ... 6 6 0 Its examinations are four in number, each of them Second Professional ... ... 5 5 0 being held six times every year; four times in Edin- Third Professional ... ... ... 4 4 0 burgh and twice in Glasgow; and it is open to can- Finals ... ... ... ... ... 7 7 0 didates to present themselves for examination either at one place or the other. The first examination deals Re-entry in any subject in which the candidate has with Physics, Chemistry, and Elementary Biology. failed entails a fresh payment of £1 is. Candidates The second with Anatomy and Physiology, including for the M.D. and Ch.M. pay £10 lOs., and on re-entry Histology; the third with Pathology and Materia £C5 5s. Medica, including Pharmacy, and the final with (1) More detailed information with regard to the Uni- Medicine, including Therapeutics, Medical Anatomy, versity of Edinburgh can be obtained from the and Clinical Medicine; (2) Surgery, including Surgical Medical Programme, price 2d., which is published Py Anatomy, Clinical Surgery, and Diseases and Injuries Mr. Thin, South Bridge, Edinburgh, or on applicatikin of the Eyes; (3) Midwifery and Diseases of Women and to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Similar of Newborn Children; (4) Medical Jurisprudence and information about Glasgow should be sought from Hygiene. Candidates may also be examined on Dis- the Assistant Clerk, Matriculation Office, Glasgow. eases of Children, I)iseases of the Ear and Throat, With regard to Aberdeen, application may be made to Insanity, Vaccination, etc. the Secretary of the Medical Faculty, Marischal These examinations must be passed in due order," College. In respect of St. Andrews, information can and before admission to any of them the candidate be obtained either from the Secretary of the Uni- must supply certificates showing that he has com- versity or, alternatively, the Secretary of the United pleted the due periods of study of their subjects. On College, St. Andrews, or the Secretary of University the other hand, the examinations can be broken up by College, Dundee, these being the two constituent the student and each of its subjects taken separately. colleges of the University of St. Andrews. If a candidate takes up several subjects of an examina- Finally, it should be mentioned that, in connexzion tion exramination with all the Scottish universities, including St. in some of them, he is credited at the nexat exramina- Andrews, there are valuable bursaries and scholar. ships, some information as to which will be found in approved.Asregardsthefinalexramination,acandi- the article on Medical Schools. datecanpresenthimselfinMedicalJurisprudence- 6 tionwiththosesubjectsinwvhichhehasbeen 598 T JO - ] THE IRISH UINIVERSITIES. [SEP. 4, I909, and Public Health at any time after completion of the holders of a surgical qualification recognized by the previous examination and of his study of these sub- college, and must pass an examination corresponding jects; but in Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery a to the medical part of the final examination of the candidate cannot present himself until the completion Conjoint Board, and conditioned in the same way, and of five years' study, and he must complete the whole also an examination in Materia Medica. The fee for examination within fifteen months of his passing in examination is 15 guineas, a special examination any one of the three subjects named. being obtainable on due cause shown, and on payment Finally, it should be mentioned that a person who of 5 guineas extra. Ordinary examinations take place holds a qualification conferring a legal right to monthly, except in September and October. A candi- practise in the country from which it was obtained, date for the Membership must be either a Licentiate and granted after courses of study and examination of a Royal College of Physicians or a graduate in deemed by the Board to be the equivalent of its own, medicine of a British or Irish university, and in may be exempted from the three earlier examinations either case not less than 24 years of age. He is in whole or in part; but to no examination can a exatined in medicine and therapeutics, and in one candidate be admitted within three months of his further subject at his choice. This may be either rejection by some other licensing body. (a) one of the departments of medicine specially pro- fessed; (b) psychology; (c) general pathology and FEES. morbid anatomy; (d) medical jurisprudence; (e) public It is estimated that the total cost of lectures and health; (f) midwifery; (g) gynaecology, or (h) diseases fees for the conjoint examinations is about £152. The of children. Licentiates of the college pay £21, others separate examination fees are as follows: Prelimi- £36 15S. A candidate who is not less than 40 years of nary, £1; First, Second, and Third Professional, age, and who has been in practice not less than ten £5 each; and the Final, £15.
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