A4: Population Projections by Sub - County/Constituency by Sex, 2017 Adult Household Headship by Sub-County and Sex, 2017 TURKANA COUNTY GENDER DATA SHEET Number 25.0 Total Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana 21.5 INTRODUCTION County North West Central Loima South Turkana East 20.0 Turkana County is situated in North Western part of Kenya and covers an area of 68,680 1,122,207 Total 189,669 301,528 176,680 157,341 178,306 118,683 13.5 2 15.0 12.6 km . It borders West Pokot and Baringo Counties to the South, Samburu County to the 12.0 11.7 COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS Females 541,147 91,462 145,402 85,198 75,872 85,982 57,231 10.2 9.9 South East, and Marsabit County to the East. It also borders South Sudan to the North, 10.0 8.4 7.5 7.6 Males 581,061 98,208 156,126 91,482 81,468 92,324 61,452 Number'000' Uganda to the West and Ethiopia to the North East. It lies between Longitudes 34° 30' 5.5 and 36°40'East and between Latitudes 1° 30' and 5° 30' North. Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census Projections, KNBS 5.0 2.8 - A: POPULATION/HOUSEHOLDS A5: Population Projections by Special Groups by Sub-County and by Sex, 2017 Turkana Turkana Turkana Loima Turkana Turkana COUNTY GOVERNMENT OF TURKANA North West Central South East A1:Population Projections by sex, 2014-2020 Female Male Number 3-5 years 6-17years County, Sub-county 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Total Male Female Total Male Female COUNTY GENDER DATA SHEET Total 1,009,225 1,045,579 1,083,653 1,122,207 1,161,197 1,200,572 1,238,136 Total County 111,035 57,805 53,230 475,370 258,360 217,010 Children Household Leadership by Sub County and Sex Female 485,034 502,921 521,847 541,147 560,809 580,823 598,365 Turkana North 18,847 9,732 9,114 80,763 44,546 36,234 140 Male 581,061 600,387 121 524,191 542,658 561,806 619,749 639,771 Turkana West 26,156 13,721 12,436 124,820 67,998 56,822 120 100 100 Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census Projections, KNBS Turkana Central 20,788 10,729 10,058 69,964 36,240 33,680 75 80 72 A2: Population by Age Group 2017 Loima 15,642 8,060 7,580 66,866 35,713 31,138 Number 60 Number 45 Turkana South 17,673 9,298 8,376 76,837 42,688 34,172 Total 3-5 Years 6-17 Years 18-22 Years 18-64 Years 65+ Years 40 27 23 Total 1,122,207 129,804 519,486 Turkana East 11,929 6,265 5,665 56,120 31,174 24,964 20 16 111,035 475,370 24,296 20 12 6 4 Female 541,147 55,830 256,595 53,230 217,010 11,438 Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census Projections, KNBS - Male 581,061 57,805 258,360 73,973 262,891 12,858 Turkana Turkana Turkana Loima Turkana Turkana North West Central South East Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census Projections, KNBS A6: Household Headship by Sub-County and Sex, 2009 Girls Boys Number A3: Age Group Distribution by Sex, 2017 A7: Life Expectancy (%) Adult Children County and National Turkana Age Group Distribution by Sex, 2017 Constituency Total Female Male Total Girls Boys Females 61 55 77,62 58 300 Males 50 263 Total County 123,191 45,571 0 521 236 285 258 257 Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census, KNBS 250 12,61 217 Turkana North 20,138 7,524 4 65 20 45 Turkana County/National Life Expectancy by Sex 200 21,53 150 Turkana West 33,496 11,961 5 172 100 72 50 13,48 Turkana 55 Number '000 100 74 Turkana Central 23,681 10,198 3 196 75 121 JULY 2019 53 58 56 Loima 17,439 7,552 9,887 39 12 27 50 11 13 11,74 Nationa 58 l 61 - Turkana South 17,273 5,531 2 39 23 16 3-5 Years 6-17 Years 18-22 Years 18-64 Years 65+ Years Turkana East 11,164 2,805 8,359 10 6 4 - 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Female Male Males Females Per Cent Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census, KNBS A8: Proportion of the Population with Disability by Type B2: Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR),2009 B4: Under 5 Mortality Rate C: HEALTH Proportion of the population with disability by type and county No. of Women who died per 100,000 live Kenya Turkana (%) Births C1: Immunization-percentage of children aged 12-23 months who received specific vaccines, 2014 No of Kenya 495 Girls 70 117 individuals County BCG Measles Full Vaccination Self - with Turkana 1,597 Turkana 94.5 71.9 61.8 County Visual Hearing Speech Physical Mental Care Others disability('000) Boys 87 125 Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census , KNBS Turkana 1 0.6 0.2 1.6 0.2 0.2 0.6 43 Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census , KNBS Kenya 96.7 87.1 74.9 Source: Kenya Integrated Household Budget Survey 2015/2016 County Maternal Mortality Rate Source: Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2014 Under 5 Mortality Rate, 2009 Population Proportion with Disability and Type (%) 117 125 Turkana 1,597 140 Percentage of children aged 12-23 months who received specific vaccines, 2014 120 Self Care 87 Girls 5% Others Visual 100 70 14% 23% Mental 80 4% Boys 94.5 96.7 Kenya 495 60 Hearing 87.1 14% 40 100 the 5th yearthe5th Physical 20 71.9 74.9 36% whoWomen died per 100,000 live Births 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 0 80 61.8 Probabilityadying of Child before Kenya Turkana Speech 4% B3: Infant Mortality Rates (IMR) 60 B6: Major Causes of Deaths, 2017 Number B: DEMOGRAPHIC AND VITAL STATISTICS Kenya Turkana Heart county/Disease Malaria Pneumonia Cancer HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis Anaemia Meningitis 40 Diseases B1: Total Fertility Rates (TFR) Girls 60 86 Turkana 234 244 85 123 221 120 46 48 2009 2014 20 Boys 48 97 Source: Civil Registration Department, Turkana County Kenya 4.8 3.9 Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census , KNBS 0 Turkana 6.4 6.9 ImmunizationCoverage County Major Causes of Deaths, 2017 Source: 2009 Kenya Population and Housing Census and 2014 Kenya Demographic BCG Measles Full Vaccination Health Survey Turkana Kenya Vaccines Infant Mortality Rates, 2009 Meningitis 48 Total Fertility Rates (TFR) Heart Diseases 46 97 6.9 120 8 Turkana Anaemia C2: Family Planning and Maternal Care 6.4 86 Tuberculosis 221 % of 6 4.8 % of 3.9 HIV/AIDS 123 Women % of Diseases Deliveries Modern receiving Deliveries Boys County Any Method by a 4 48 Cancer 85 Method ANC from a in a health Kenya skilled Number skilled facility 60 Girls Pneumonia 244 provider 2 provider Malaria 234 Turkana 10.4 10.1 91 22.8 23.1 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 2009 2014 - 50 100 150 200 250 Kenya 58 53 96 62 61 Kenya Turkana No. of deaths of under one year of age per 1,000 live births Number Source: Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2014 C3: Percentage of Women and Men aged 15-49 who know where to get HIV/AIDs test, 2014 D: EDUCATION Total County Secondary School Enrolment by Sex Proportion of County Primary School Enrolment by Sex Kenya Turkana D1: ECDE Enrolment by Sub-County and Sex Number Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana Girls Females 90.5 95.4 Total Turkana North West South East Central Loima Kibish Girls 43% Total 111,824 20,551 17,380 15,433 7,058 31,292 18,350 1,760 Boys 48% Girls Males 96.8 81.8 53,974 10,031 8,516 7,404 3,386 15,101 8,674 862 52% Boys Boys 57,850 10,520 8,864 8,029 3,672 16,191 9,676 898 Source: Kenya Demographic Health Survey 2014 57% Source:County Governments, Ministry of Basic Education, ICT and Youth Development Percentage of Women and Men aged 15-49 who know where to get HIV/AIDs Test, 2014 Proportion of County ECDE Enrolment by Sex, 2017 D4: Primary School Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 100.0 96.8 D6: Secondary School Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 95.4 % % 95.0 Girls 90.5 90.0 Boys 48% NER GER NER GER 52% 85.0 81.8 Per cent Per Total 47.5 70.4 80.0 Total 9.3 32.9 Female 41.3 58.2 75.0 Female 3.6 23.7 70.0 Male 53.7 82.7 Kenya Turkana D2: ECDE Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 Male 14.2 40.8 Females Males % Source: Ministry of Education Source: Ministry of Education NER GER C5: Health Personnel per 100,000 Population, 2017 Total 45.4 81.4 Primary School Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 Secondary School Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 Clinical Officer Female 45.6 83.9 Doctor to 100,000 100,000 Nurse to 100000 Male 46.1 78.5 100 45 40.8 82.7 Health Personnel Population Population Population 40 Source: Ministry of Education 80 Turkana 4 7 33 35 58.2 Kenya 34 41 172 ECDE Gross and Net Enrolment Rates by Sex, 2017 53.7 30 23.7 60 Source: County Governments, Department of Medical Services and Public Health 41.3 25 83.9 20 14.2 100 cent Per Per cent Per 40 C6: Distribution of Health Personnel by Sex, 2017 78.5 15 80 45.6 10 3.6 Doctors Clinical Officers Nurses 60 46.1 20 5 Female 7 20 206 cent Per 40 0 0 20 Male 38 60 164 NER GER NER GER 0 Female Source: County Governments, Department of Medical Services and Public Health NER GER Female Male Female Male D7: Technical and Vocational Education and Training {TVET) Enrolment by Sub- County and Sex, 2017 Distribution of Health Personnel by Sex, 2017 250 D3: Primary School Enrolment by Sub-County and Sex D5: Secondary School Enrolment by Sub - County and Sex Number Number 206 Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana 200 164 Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana Turkana Total North/Kibish West South East Central Loima Total Turkana North West South East Central Loima Kibish 150 Total Turkana North West South East Central Loima Kibish Total 1,085 75 534 55 68 288 65 Total Number 100 164,116 9,035 28,396 48,121 15,252 45,145 16,026 2,141 Total 18,948 1,613 2,731 3,928 2,140 5,716 2,657 163 Women 284 40 103 30 20 76 15 60 38 50 20 Girls Girls 8,188 994 1,022 1,709 1,048 2,174 1,241 - Men 801 35 431 25 48 212 50 7 79,242 4,184 12,296 22,966 7,150 24,090 7,695 861 0 Boys Boys 10,760 619 1,709 2,219 1,092 3,542 1,416 163 Source: County Governments, Ministry of Basic Education, ICT and Youth Development
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