A Newspaper Devoted - Complete News ,Pletures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Qearly Full Local Coverage And Impartially Each Published Every Thursday VOL. XIX—NO. 46 FORDS, N. J., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1958 At 18 Green Street, Woodbridge, N. J. ERICE TEN CENTS ubstantial Tax Hike License Fees Boost Revenue n '58 is Schedule Now Tax Receipts to Does Not Pay For '57 Set Stork Overtakes Ambulance Costs Entailed Brings Daughter to Woodhridge Oaks Mother Bill Increases WOODBRIDGE — All ordi- WOODBRIDGE — The high- *Being Taken to Hospital by Iselin Sc/uad nances authorizing the levy of est percentage of current taxes collected in the history of ISELIN — The first baby to been helped into the world by license fees will be amended to be born in an ambulance of the members of the Iselin First Aid Of#60 to$120 permit the Town Committee to Woodbridge Township was ac- complished during the year Iselin First Aid Squad was a Squad, this was the first time obtain much-needed, additional daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Paul that the stork made the ambu- revenue. Mayor Hugh B. Quigley 1957, Tax Collector Michael J. WOODBRIDGE —^With. no at- Trainer told The Independent- Benko, 9 Hancock Place, Wood- lance its landing field. tempt mad^ to gloss over a serious and Township Attorney Nathan bridge Oaks. The stork overtook The squad was summoned by Duff revealed today. Leader yesterday. financial picture, Mayor- Hugh B. The total levy for the year the ambulance on the Garden John Schneider, 139 Bender Quigley in his annual New Year's As the situation is today, they including school, county, Town- State Parkway, near Union at Day message yesterday pointed said, the fees are much too low 4:40 Tuesday morning- on the Avenue, a neighbor of the ship and fire districts was $6,- Benko's, at the father's frenzied to expected increases- in-tax Mils " and do not begin to pay for super- 104,114.62, of which S5,897,244.- FORMALLY SWORN IN were the mayor and sevjn couneilmen who officially took over the reins way to Irvington. "anywhere from $60 to $120" In./ vision and office work. 63 was collected, at the close of of Edison Township at noon yesterday, wljen they were sworn into office by Township Clerk Oscar First Lt. John Bobak was as- appeal. the coming year to take CM* of "For example," the mayor ex- business December 31. This was Kaus. The group, all Democrats, were swept into ofSce in the November election by overwhelming sisted by Edward Barrett driver; Mother and daughter are school building costs alone, - -"_ plained, "the fee for oil burner a percentage of &6.61 as com- pluralities. The new regime supplants theold commission form of government. From left to right, Ralph Lake, Paul Kvalkas. getting- along just fine at the inspection is $2.50. Sometimes a Although seven babies have hospital. Speaking to those asseabfed &i pared with 96.15 in 1956. they are Dr. WiHiam Toth, William F. Ashton, Frank A. Takacs, Mayor Anthony Yelencsics, Dr. the town hall after he was sworn ma,n has to go out two or three Mr. Trainer's department re- Neil A. McDonald, Bernard J. Dwyer, Wilier T. Wood and William N. Margolis. g?times and there is the work and ports a total cash collection of in as chief municipal officer for expense of keeping and maintain- $8,186,382.92, which includes as Town Committee Organizes; another term, the mayor •bluntly ing files." "well as current taxes, receipts Mayor and Council stated: "For the first time since M?-. Duff also revealed that from francise taxes amounting Hearts Pour Out Gratitude I have appeared before you 1 aa ordinances, in surrounding com- to $298,576.67 and gross receipt ' Kukan on Planning Board unable to forecast any passiMs" - munities are being inspected with taxes of $1,722,062.40, both of Officially Btegie tax reduction." the aim of imposing new levies, which exceeded the amounts WOODBRIDGE—Standing committees were reappointed by Mayor He also declared the major por- possibly on motels, sign boards, appropriated in the 1957 budget WOODBRIDGE—Expressions of gratitude are being received by Hugh B. Quigley at the inauguration meeting of the Town Committee tion of the tax dollar today is trailer camps and pool tables. by '$48,576.67 and $122,062.40 The Independent-Leader from recipients of food baskets and gifts Duties in Edison yesterday at noon. They axe as follows: spent by the Board of Education • "I am also planning an ordi- respectively. through the Independent-Leader Christmas Fund. Administration: R. Richard Krauss, chairman; Edward Kath, L. and in the coming years the ratio. - nance on disorderly persons," the . The office of the tax collector, From Iselin, an elderly couple wrote: "Independent-Leader and EDISON •— The new Mayor - Ray Allbahi. will change sharply "to the detri- attorney continued. ment of the proportion spent J-or since Mr. Trainer has been its all the good folks who had such a large part in the buying, packing Councilmanic type of government Finance: Elmer Dragos, chairman; Peter Schmidt, L. Charles Under the present set-up indi- and giving of the generous supply of delicious food and. the many, Mangione. your roads, police, sanitation, director, has been one of the in Edison got officially underway viduals arrested as disorderly most efficient in Municipal gifts which we have not opened Public Works: Mr. Schmidt, health, parks, recreation, admin- persons are fined under the dis- istration and all general imaS, - Government. Totals on collec- yet, this being the afternoon of the total of the 1957 Fund to at noon yesterday when Mayor chairman; Mr. Mangione, Mr. orderly persons act, with a larger tions may be obtained at a the 23rd (editor's note, the date Anthony Yelencsics and«seven Dragos. government." "" portion of the fines- going to the $3,525.37. An accounting of re- However, the mayor stated" ttws moment's notice at any time the gifts were delivered) although ceipts and expenditures will be couneilmen were sworn into office Sanitation: Mr. Alibani, chair- Personalty Levy county and state. With the pas- during regular business hours. we should like to peek. man; Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Kath. need of schools is unquestioaesl, sage of a disorderly persons ordi- published as soon as all the bills by Township Clerk Oscar Kaus. He urged the people to remember "We shall think of you all on are in and paid. Police: Mr. Mangione, chair- nance, most of the revenue would The couneilmen are Dr. William man; Mr. Alibani, Mr. Schmidt. Formula is Sought that in addition to the usual pro- remain in the Township's Maine Man, Wife Hurt Christmas Day and although those- portion of the tax dollar spent t>y '- having a part in making us so Toth, William F. Ashton, Frank A. Parks and Playgrounds: Mr. treasury. Takacs, Neil- A. McDonald, Ber- Kath, chairman;- Mr. Krauss, Mr. WOODBRIDGE-~ShortIy after the School. Board there win ha In Car, Truck Collision happy aren't known to us indi- "added financing of the 48,000,- -'. With the Township faced with vidually, we ask that God's bless- nard J. Dwyer, Walter H. Wood AliBani. the first of the year the Town the highest tax rates in its history 000 approved by yon in the refer- WOODBRIDGE — Two visitors ing rest on all. and William Margolis. Lights and Transportation: Mi-. Committee will turn its attention in the next : few years dut from Maine were slightly injured endum. 'Of this amount $1,500,600 "It gives one such a warm feel- toward the mainly to the school construction Saturday when their cars was hit All eight men, running on a Personal will be aslded in one lump-sum to program, the mayor said the ing to know others care. I am solid Democratic ticket, were property, Township Attorney Na- the total budget in each'of the by a truck on Route 1 as they at- happy to say we both are* feeling Director of Disaster Control, Jo- governing body must explore every tempted to make a right turn into WOODBRIBGE—Elbert Forten- elected by' an overwhelming vote seph Dambach, chairman. than Duff told The Independent- next three years." ._ " possible avenue to help keep some much better, praise the Lord." barry, 53, West Inman Avenue, at /.the. November, election. They "We ask you to bearCjgus xn-"- the Dutch Maid Motel. An elderly -Woodbridge woman ,The: Independent-Leader and Leader in an interview this week. of the burden off real estate. Patrolmen Walter Singer and R.ah\vay, will appear before •Magis- had waged a vigorous campaign Fords Beacon, newspapers pub- mind _«p«^.r8Ceipt> of tax "'ElliS,'"' ~" In conformity with other muni- wrote: "Your wonderful remem- trate Andrew D. Desmond January against their Republican oppo- Mr. Duff, on questioning, said Mayor Quigley sahl "We ask, too, Fred Wandras reported that the brance at Christmas with the lished by the Woodbridge Publish- cipalities, Mr. Duff also said that car involved was driven by Ken- 9 at 7 P. M., to answer a complaint nents. The election! came as a re- ing Company, were again named personal property was not in- that the School T-Joar d in pre- shortly after the first of the year lovely clothing, delicious, very of drunken driving. sult of a survey made by the Edi-legal newspapers for the Township cluded in the revaluation program paring its-next buaget afford m. neth P. Oldham, "22, 97 Winter useful food and fruit is being" it is expected that an air pollution Street, Auburn, Me., and that the Fortenbarry was driving a panel son Citizens' Council which rec- for the publication of all ordi- contract with the Realty Ap- as your representatives in genera] ordinance will be introduced.
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