The Community of Blessed Sacrament Community Volume 1, Issue 1 Advent 2010 Upcoming Special Events Dance in the Darkness November 28: First Sunday “Dance in the darkness; of Advent December 4: Santa’s Work- slow be the pace shop (9:00 AM ) & Blood Surrender to the rhythm Drive (8:00 AM) December 19: 2:00 PM of redeeming grace.” Communal Penance The words of this were done and the December 24: 5:00 & 10:00 PM Liturgies, Christmas Eve beautiful advent re- cattle were settling Fr. Dennis Juhl, Pastor December 25: 9:00 AM frain summarize the in, it was really the old days. We be- Liturgy, Christmas Day theme of the new dark. I remember come disconnected December 31: 5:00 PM beginning in the one particular night Liturgy, Solemnity of Mary yearly rhythm of our when I was walking not only from na- January 1, 2011: 4:30 PM, church liturgical cy- ahead of my Dad ture, our mother, Epiphany cle. The days in No- toward the house. but also from the January 2, 2011; 8:30 & vember and Decem- He told me to stop. things essential to 10:30 AM, Epiphany ber become shorter I did not know why. keep body, soul and and shorter. Dark- Then Dad told me to spirit intact. So, we ness comes early look at the shadows. need to make an ef- Inside this issue: and many of us are It was a clear moon- fort to experience up before the crack lit night and the the truths of nature From our School 2 of dawn. The shadows left by the in a new way in our rhythm of nature trees marked a very modern world. Daily Disciple: 3 has much to teach beautiful purple/ Like the earth All are Welcome 3 us in this wonderful blue cast like a road blanketed with time of year. map on the white snow rests, so must Q & A 4 snow. we interrupt our Living in the city it CVCS: New Leader 4 hectic lives to sink never gets totally When a person is SCRIP News into the rhythm of dark, but my memo- not surrounded by rest, reflection and ries of my early artificial light and rejuvenation. Please buy and use SCRIP. youth on the farm has the comfort of a New SCRIP Partners are: were very different. good furnace and Before we can enter Pizza Ranch into the rigor of a VISA Pre-paid Card It was already get- warm blanket, the new church year we Marcus Theaters ting dark when we reality of the season Dick’s Sporting were walking home doesn’t really im- need to celebrate a Goods from school and by pact our body and Family Video Stores the time the chores psyche as it did in Walgreen’s (Continued: Top page 2) PAGE 2 COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 Dance in the Darkness: continued winter of reconnection with clothes and blankets. The real selves and awaken us our deeper selves that can cold and darkness of this ho- to new life and a new birth. only be discovered by can- ly season brings back memo- The newness will only be dlelight or a long dark night. ries of days long past when born in us if we have We must face the quiet that nature herself forced us to danced in the darkness. is only broken by the cold slow down and be still. It is Shhhhh . be still and wind that whispers new in this sacred space that the know that I am God. dreams and makes us shiver whisper of the ever present as we put on extra layers of Spirit can remind us of our Blessed Sacrament Community: Santa’s Workshop & Blood Drive saves many lives. The middle The collaboration of school and family members. Santa will be school students will then make parish is imperative in a vibrant there for a photo opportunity, posters to advertise and promote community. For the past five snacks will be shared and lots of the blood drive. The students in years Blessed Sacrament School fun for the little ones. Blessed grades 3-5 write thank you cards and the Parish Community have Sacrament seventh and eighth for each individual who donates partnered and promoted a San- students have been involved in blood at our blood drive. Stu- ta’s Workshop and a Blood the set up of tables, wrapping the dents in grades K-2 make place- Drive for the American Red gifts, and helping the little ones mats for the donors when they Cross. These projects have been shop. have their snack after giving jointly sponsored by the Home blood. And the best part: Staff Blessed Sacrament School has and School Association and our members or students will receive been working hard on promoting parish nurse Jean Rolinger. an out of uniform pass if some- the annual blood drive. The 6th- one donates blood in their On December 4, 2010, the Home 8th grade students have been name!! How exciting is that? and School Association will studying the benefits of giving again invite families to drop off blood. A guest speaker from the What a collaborative effort con- their children in the cafeteria to Red Cross shared the important necting school and parish! buy Christmas gifts for their information that donating blood Please join us and support our December 4, 2010 Blood Drive - Parish Center — 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Santa’s Workshop - School Cafeteria — 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM VOLUME 1, ISSUE 1 COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS PAGE 3 Daily Disciple: Patti Schmitz (CVHH). She is also the coor- means.” Sr. Madonna de- dinator of the Cedar Valley scribes her as “resourceful, car- Faith Works ...Ministry of ing and compassionate with a Presence. Patti is an advocate sense of humor.” for Waterloo’s poor and home- less, the forgotten “invisible” Since her retirement from people of the streets. Patti can John Deere information sys- tems two years ago, Patti has “dis·ci·ple n. 1. a. One who be found taking people to Peo- become a “full time” volunteer embraces and assists in spread- ple’s Clinic, Catholic Worker advocate for the poor and ing the teachings of another” House, Salvation Army, St. needy. For Patti, helping out . Vincent DePaul and all of the When the Staff decided to pub- local and county support agen- where ever she could has al- lish the newsletter again, we cies. She has learned how the ways been a part of her life. wanted to keep the “Daily Disci- “welfare systems” work (or She has helped maintain the ple” as one of the features. doesn’t work!) and finds ways butterfly garden at our school, When we talked about who that to assist those in need. delivered meals to the home- disciple should be, Patti was the bound, helps at the Communi- unanimous choice for our first “Patti has been one of the ty Meals and volunteered at issue. “rocks” of the hospitality house our school, our parish and at as one of the volunteers…She Columbus. Patti fits the definition of disci- usually volunteers on Wednes- ple in its true meaning. Patti day mornings, which is re- Patti is married to Rich and truly embraces the teachings of ferred to as “Pancake Patti has four children: Suzie (27) Christ: morning” when she makes the works for the University of Mi- “For I was hungry and guests pancakes or French ami in disaster preparedness; you gave Me something toast.” says Joni Hansen, co- Anna (22), U of I in med to eat; I was thirsty, and founder of the CVHH. Jason school; Joe (21), U of I mechan- you gave Me something Holt, also a co-founder of the ical engineering and Frank to drink; I was a CVHH said “Patti is more than (16) is at Columbus. stranger, and you invited a blessing to the CVHH, she In her “Patti time” she likes to Me in…” (Mt 25:35.) has been Christ to all the peo- tends her vineyard and make Patti lives these words daily in ple she helps…She is the ex- wine. (Deacon Bob Stirm) her volunteering at the Cedar ample of what living the faith All Are Welcome in This Place (Deacon Norman Schauls) Senator Tom Harkin was the chief “Ensure that all people ex- Eucharistic ministers, Acolytes and Senate sponsor of the Americans perience our parishes as assembly. We started the long road With Disabilities Act, A.D.A. This welcoming and inclusive to make our parish more special federal law secures the communities. Work for jus- needs accessible for everyone, by “fundamental rights” of the disa- tice, respect cultural diver- renovating of our gathering space bled. Today we celebrate the 20th sity, and reach out to the and adding an ADA compliant en- anniversary of this legislation. needy both within and be- trance and restroom. We all can yond our parishes.” agree that this renovation made our Vision 2000, “A Vision and Plan gathering space a very Welcoming for the Archdiocese of Dubuque in In February of 2006 it was demon- Space. We currently have a plan the 21st Century” adopted strategies strated here a Blessed Sacrament ready to renovate the sanctuary pertinent to the goal of the Office of just how difficult it was for people making it accessible and welcoming Ministry to Persons with Disabili- with "Special Needs" to fully par- for all. Hopefully we can start this ties: ticipate in our liturgies as lector, renovation soon. THE COMMUNITY OF BLE SSED SACRAMENT NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 650 Stephan Avenue Waterloo, Iowa 50701 U.S.
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