THE N1EW YORK HFRALP, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 24!, 1920. + 15 PEESONAL INTELLIGENCE. bury. Conn., In 1918 and during the war LOST AND FOUND. married. DIED. Miss Whitehoasc Miss Anita Emmet Miss A liceI. Blum v. as active In canteen service in New ItEW York. She la a niece of Mrs. W. A. von K. Jewel rjr. SOIlKL-HArMAN..Mr and Mra. Adolpt K! LPOflF? V. M a widow Jeffries of 236 Marlborough street, Htuman announce the of ih :i ry Ellen, of John Mr. Mills left marriage A. Kllborn, 7Wi River' Ide Drive, mother Wed to C.C.Walker Becomes Bride of Ogden Europe yesterday Wed Amid Scene of Mr. Murdock was graduated fromBoaion. dauchitr Manila to Dr. Frederick 8ob« of Mr. Horace M. for Netv York with the of Mrs. $1,000 REWARD. of 18W, 7th av Kllborn, body Harvard in 1916. lie was commissioned vice president of the Na lonal City.formerly Mills 6n board t£e France. In the Naval Reserve during the war Pearl neck'ar-r with seventy-five pearli. WEIIH- MA' KENZIE..On Wednesday, Octo Hank, early Saturday morning from at Place Bartow H. Hall Autumnal and and pointed, oval M»t bcr 2u 1H2", t: f--, raul's ChAp'1, p: ouinoala. In her 7-ith year. Sin Is Country Foliage since the armistice has been shaped diamond, by the Rev. O. R ColumbiaWebb Mr and Mrs. William E. S. Orlswotd deun clasp, lout probably In the Orangesplatinumor university, by three sons, Horace, liarry survivedand of Harvard University. assistantNewark. N. above reward will he Vlvlenne Jean MackeflSte, danghtrr of Mr Edward. end family have returned to New York paid , and :io questions asked (or return or (or and Mra William Brouard .Mackenrle ol from Lenox, Mass., for the winter. Becomes Bride of Mr. Edward Monckton, N. B. to Harold Worthlngtoi KILLIO?/..Suddenly, at her residence. of Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. Kobert JAMES Information leading to recovery. HKNKV N Daughter Daughter WOTHERSPOON, BLANK « CO.. 1» i.iherty at Newark. N. J. W»bb of New Yorif city. J., Friday, Cv : 22. 1920 Montelalr.Mary Mrs. left C., beloved wife of James A. Kill ion. J. Emmet Married to Son of Newbold Le Roy Edgar H. Bijrelow in Her Parents' MANUFACTURER, DIES $1,300 REWARD Funeral aervicea Church of the Henry Whitohonsq TempleEurope for New York on board the will be paid (or the return of 1 platinum anniversaries. Conception, North Fullerton as..immaculate France yesterday. Mr. Edgar arrived ba.-pln haUng 3 dlarnonda; lost probably N. J., Monday, 10:30 A. M. a Bride. Mr. C. Hall. Country Home. October 8. One hammered gold ring, rat's Huston. Mass. Montclair, Becomes Henry here last week. Was Lone Identified With 7th in 2 and Mra. William of The interment eye rtage, triangular shaped sapphires; fcAtm..Mr Daub N. Y. S. G. lost prohahly October 11. One woman's Brona, wlah to announce th" "(Hh KUENSTLINGER Elizabeth, beloved sister Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hall Jennings Miss Alice Isabel Bl.m, daughter of Regiment, platinum ring. 3 diamond* about V4 carat of their martlacc. Sunday, annlverearyof Henry E< ker and wife of the late At Morris Kuetist at Iter brother's In St. Mark'# Mount Klsco. In Grace Church yesterday aftefnoon have returned from Cold Spring Harbor, Mrs. Charles R um of each, about 14 small diamonds set around >1 home, 417 Hast 140th at., Otoberfrom linger, Church. Mr. and Edward Capt. James the head r«"h one !o#t pro* ably O tnher 10. 'doc 3 to 5130. reslduh"", at 2dl Central Park West. Miss H. of Mr. L. L, for the winter. was Wotherspoon, yesterday at noon Miss Helene Anita Emmet, daughter 43 I'lar-a. Brooklyn, married of one of New York s oldest diamond and onyx oval shaped barpln, ends LIE14ESK1.ND.-Mr. and Mrs. private, Sunday, 1! P. M. No flowers.Funeral home sprar five about 40 llenry Llebe1 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Temple Emmet, was married to at Shore Ames, tho country yesterday firms and Identified with the shaped, large diamonds, »;:lnd nf 123 East H.1<| at. announce J. Herbert a daughter Whitehouse, Mrs. Robert Hewitt of Ardsley on In long manufacturingsmall, with bands of onyx, made by Dreloer of their LOUD..On Saturday, October 23. of Mr. and Mrs. Blum Bay Shore. anniversary weddingthtwen'y-flf'h M. a Mr. Bartow Harwood Hall, son of Mr. Seventh Regiment, N. Y. N. O., died lost about October 18. One platinum ami on lyoud, husband of late Annie Loud, Henry J. Whltehouse, and will oass pirt or tl r.n'ei !iS Hudyon U to Mr. Edwin Hicks Bigelow, son Wedneartay, October 27, 1820. At homo Funeral services at his late I., yesterday of heart disease at his home, gold bowknot pin set with many small after 7:30 P M No c<u da. residence. late William Fits Henry C. Hull of Washington, D. C., a where she has rented the house at of 15 wry old lost about Onto 1093 Dean at., Urookiyn, Monday, October ai the granddaughterHugh London,of Mr. and Mrs. Elliot BIgelow 60 West street, alter an fashioned, diamonds, Commerce If South street, Park Lane After their Highly-seconu ber .3. One platinum pin, 2 circlet, Id or 17 23. at S P. M. wnit«nou"»e or Ntwpori ana issw rom member of the Interstate C!ak street Brooklyn illness of several months. He was In diamonds In lost Mr. snd his bride will each -Irel#. prsl ably "dTf7d7 LYNCH..At Saturday, Thomas and of S!r George Duntze, was Commission. The Rev. Dr. William G. Mt. Mrs. Herman D. Kcuntze of trip BIgelow weddinghis fifty-sixth year. 4 One man's platinum pin. large squareOctober Tarrytown, Bart, and live nt 195 Hicks street. cut dlnmsnd In centre, 28 small ones and Lynch. In his 7Uth year. Fun. ial married to Mr. Charles Cobb Walker of Thayer, head master of St. Mark's 270 Pailt avenue ar« stopping at the Capt. Wotherspoon was born In the Id blue .apphlrss, lost about October 7. *nderaon. Charles Ka'x, W. morning, 10 o'clock, al St. Tei«a'iTunsflay The ceremony was performed by .the old Nil,tii Ward iter ember tiie One 4 Inches Birdanil, Daniel V Kuen Church. Burial Sleepy Hollow and the Rev. Dr. Charles L. Maryland Hotel, Pasadena, Cal 22, 1664, platinum barpln, about 3 or p Mltry Boston. It was one of the last of the School, Rev L. Mason Clerke In the drawing son of Henry H. and Louise Lte Voe long, 3 diamonds In centre about 1 carat Mb (I Kllborn, Mary E. Cemetery. - was attended Slattery, rector of the church, Vf_ nril l.n. n,irSa,. mhn room, which was so decorated as to each, balance covered with smell diamond*; Brockncr, Washington Ku»n»tMng» E. country weddings and by Wothersi oon. After attending Public lost 13 Calaum, And'. » 11 J. MA ,ONE..On October 22, Josephine F., a scene of autumnal foliage, with October 13 One diamond barpls. r> I.mid, fTerhert tlte late s and of from New There were present to wltnerjofficiated.had been passing several days In New presentSchool No. 3ft and private schools he mall stones s»t In !os' about Ca-v s. i«". MrK, Lynch, Thomas. youngest daughter of Jane many person prominence mauve and The platinum; Catherine Kfalone. Funeral from her a a f' w York, have returned to Newport, where pink chrysanthemums. went Into business with his father In the October 8 Communlsato with E U Clark. Henrietta v*'- p'.|ne p>. Tork, who went out In special train the ceremony relatives and . late residence, 230 Windsor place, will remain until November 8. bride's tlrea® was of white satin Wotherspoon Plaster Mills, then on Mi /oh,rr it New York city. HOPWOOD r-ank A. MauJer, Mary A. for the ceremony. The wedding was friends, the wedding being simple, the, court train Bookman 8987. Cohen, Nathan M!'l» V|e:»r K Monday, October 2.7, 9:30 ABrooklyn,M., the second with pearls. The embrolorredN'nth svrmie and Fourteenth street and TelephonoCol' .r, Mnrv L. thence to Church of Holy Name. in the Whltehouse family lace that was «loo reward" It'.dabm k. II. O. 2d within a bride's owing to mourning In the bride's family. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Barclay have was edged with the point now located In Astoria a firm founded D« n'on. Edward 8. Itncdel, Rose J. Park West and Prospect avenue,Prosepfect fortnight, the uncle, a solemn will bo The bride wore white satin made on leti.fned to IS Wos Forty-eighth street worn by her mother on her wedding day. by bis grandfather and now In its IS 0th No of Devlin, Peter Rowland. Mike tvherv requiem mass Mr. Bholdon Whltehouse, having boi of lilies of questions asked for return package Diake, Nellie ft. S. horanh, Mo«e» up for her aoul. offered court train from I* L She carried ft shower qsot lost on St. C.I ' Miss Mary Crocker AlexandermarriedIn severe lines and on the long Southampton, yyir. containing watch, about Sept. 11, .Jman iliaf. «»<- .idle, Mathllde A. ere of blossoms. Her the valley and white orohlds. Mrs. He enlisted In H of the Nicholas tv., between 12*th and 130th sta. Kllrabeth R. MAIMER..On .Saturday', October 23, at her New Tork on October 14. Mr. and Mrs. casters orange Company t Fielding, Smith, EH'/a HOI St. she Mr. will return Reginald Loom Is Carter, the matron of T.
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