4 7 Dear Members, CBSFA is pleased to present We are looking forward to another successful this annual report with news collaboration with the Tribal Government of St. on our progress on a variety Paul that involves our next goal, a Vessel Repair of endeavors. During 2010, )DFLOLW\ 7KLV IDFLOLW\ ZLOO KHOS VHUYH RXU ÁHHW ZLWK the completion of the Small VXSSOHPHQWDU\ VXSSRUW DOORZLQJ ÀVKHUPHQ WR Boat Harbor has by far been repair and maintain vessels indoors rather than in our proudest accomplishment. This long awaited harsh weather conditions. SURMHFW KDV ÀQDOO\ EHFRPH D UHDOLW\ IRU RXU ORFDO ÀVKHUPHQ DQG ZLOO EHQHÀW WKH FRPPXQLW\ IRU “The completion of the Small future generations. Boat Harbor has by far been our CBSFA has strived to continue sponsorship and proudest accomplishment. This provide opportunities not only to members, but ORQJDZDLWHGSURMHFWKDVÀQDOO\ also throughout the community by funding local projects and programs. The Elders Residential become a reality for our local $VVLVWDQFH 3URJUDP VXSSOLHV VXEVLGL]HG EHQHÀWV ÀVKHUPHQDQGZLOOEHQHÀWWKH to elders. St. Paul’s youth are positively impacted through funding of the Montessori program, St. community for future generations.” Paul School’s extracurricular sports programs, Tandagusix Corporation’s summer employment Furthermore, CBSFA has continued its movement program. The volunteer tax program is provided of growth. Gross assets increased to $79.9 million for all residents. To further invest in our youth’s as of December 31, 2010, with net assets growing educational opportunities, we contributed funding to $48.9 million. to the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program. CBSFA is delighted to continue its support It has been an honor to serve as the Chairman and funding to local events and fundraisers. as our organization continues to grow and seek further investment opportunities that extend to our Our company purchased a Manitowoc 4000 W crane members and the community of St. Paul. We look for the installation and removal of the Small Boat forward to continuing these efforts in the future. Harbor docks and to increase our vessel launching FDSDELOLWLHVIRUWKHHQWLUHORFDOÁHHW7KLVHTXLSPHQW Sincerely, KDVDOVREHQHÀWWHGRWKHUHQWLWLHVRQORFDOSURMHFWV throughout the year. Myron Melovidov &%6)$ LV H[FLWHG WR DQQRXQFH LWV QHZO\ DFTXLUHG asset, the F/V Saint Peter, which is in the process of being fabricated by Fred Wahl Marine. This vessel will assist in catching CDQ and IFQ halibut and will DOVREHGHVLJQHGIRUWKH3DFLÀFFRGÀVKHU\ 8 9 Dear CBSFA Members, A major milestone for the launch heavier vessels, and to provide a big crane GHYHORSPHQWDQGGLYHUVLÀFDWLRQRI6W3DXO,VODQG CBSFA management, the local to support the operations of the main St. Paul as well as through our efforts to help alleviate ÀVKHUPHQDQGFRPPXQLW\RI6W Harbor and other community development projects. SRYHUW\ DQG E\ SURYLGLQJ VRFLDO EHQHÀWV WR WKH Paul Island was achieved in 2010 In addition, the CBSFA management, based on the residents St. Paul Island. with the successful completion positive experience with the F/V Saint Paul, made of the Small Boat Harbor (SBH). the decision to purchase another 58-foot vessel, On behalf of the CBSFA board of directors and staff, I 7KH 6%+ LV WKH ÀQDO SKDVH RI D ORFDO VWDWH DQG and named it the F/V Saint Peter. This new vessel, wanted to express our gratitude to all the individuals; federal joint-effort that started nearly three decades which will be ready in September of this year, will local organizations; and local, state, and federal ago. This new infrastructure is essential for creating improve our ability to harvest locally owned halibut governments, who contributed to the planning VWDELOLW\ DQG JURZWK WR 6W 3DXO·V ÀVKHU\UHODWHG IFQ, expand our participation in other commercial and funding of the SBH project. The new harbor economy. The CBSFA management and board are ÀVKHU\YHQWXUHVLQFOXGLQJOHDVLQJRIKDOLEXWTXRWD KDV EURXJKW D UHQHZHG YLJRU WR RXU ORFDO ÀVKHU\ certain the SBH will provide our community with DQG LQFUHDVH RXU DELOLW\ WR KDUYHVW 3DFLÀF FRG and economy, and it has provided the necessary the means to generate increased business and VDEOHÀVKDQGRWKHUVSHFLHV infrastructure to help our younger residents build a employment opportunities for many years to come. future on St. Paul Island. I also want to thank all the New jobs have already been created to help CBSFA “The CBSFA management and people who have supported us and expressed their with its new responsibility of owning, managing and board are certain the Small appreciation to CBSFA for our contributions and operating the SBH facility. We are proud to report donations. We will continue our best efforts to keep that the SBH project was granted the 2011 “Project Boat Harbor will provide our developing a successful and stable organization Excellence Award” in the Large Project category by community with the means to that will continue to provide economic growth, jobs, the Coasts, Oceans, Ports, and Rivers Institute for generate increased business and DQGVRFLDOEHQHÀWVWRRXUFRPPXQLW\,ZLVK\RXDOO its innovative design and construction. The CBSFA the best and thank you very much for your time. ERDUG PDQDJHPHQW ORFDO ÀVKHUPHQ DQG WKH employment opportunities for UHVLGHQWVRI6W3DXODUHYHU\KDSS\ZLWKWKHÀQDO many years to come.” completion of the SBH and how it turned out. The Sincerely, ÀUVW\HDURIXVHRIWKHQHZ6%+IDFLOLW\FRPELQHG $V LQ SDVW \HDUV &%6)$ KDV PDGH VLJQLÀFDQW with record ex-vessel prices for halibut, and an contributions to programs and projects that increased Area 4C halibut catch limit, will result SURYLGH LPSRUWDQW HFRQRPLF DQG VRFLDO EHQHÀWV Phillip Lestenkof LQWKHORFDOÀVKHUPHQDQGWKHLUFUHZVKDYLQJWKHLU to our community. CBSFA is providing funding to best year overall. help the Pribilof School District with much needed renovations to the local school gym. CBSFA also Complementary to our efforts with the SBH to increased its contributions to the Elders Residential VXSSRUW RXU ORFDO ÀVKHU\ &%6)$ LV LQYROYHG LQ Assistance Program this year to help elders cope discussions with the Tribal Government of St. with the higher cost of living in rural Alaska. We are Paul to construct a jointly owned facility, which glad to continue providing our elders with traditional will include the CBFSA Vessel Repair Facility and seafoods of halibut and crab through our Elders space to support the Tribe’s business development. Subsistence Program. CBSFA continues to meet CBSFA recently purchased a Manitowoc 4000 W the goals and criteria of the CDQ Program through (big crawler crane) to deploy the new SBH docks, RXU ÀVKHULHVUHODWHG LQYHVWPHQWV DQG HFRQRPLF 10 11 Myron Melovidov Jason Bourdukofsky, Sr. Myron Melovidov Amos Philemonoff, Sr. Phil Hanson Chairman Director Chairman President Chairman PO Box 167 PO Box 235 PO Box 167 PO Box 232 PO Box 97019 St. Paul Island, AK St. Paul Island, AK 99660 St. Paul Island, AK St. Paul Island, AK Redmond, WA 99660 (907) 546-2431 99660 99660 98073 (907) 546-2250 Term expires 2013 (907) 546-2250 (907) 546-2298 (425) 861-5304 Term expires 2013 Roman Fratis, Sr. Jan Jacobs Robert Melovidov, Sr. Jeffery P. Kauffman Phillip Lestenkof Director Director Vice President Director President PO Box 3 2205 236th Street SE PO Box 87 PO Box 250 PO Box 127 St. Paul Island, AK Bothell, WA St. Paul Island, AK St. Paul Island, AK St. Paul Island, AK 99660 98021 99660 99660 99660 (907) 546-2629 (206) 660-5164 (907) 546-2552 (907) 546-5032 (907) 546-2279 Term expires 2012 Term expires 2011 Rick Mezich Jason Bourdukofsky, Sr. Rick Mezich John R. Merculief, Jr. Director Director Director Jeffery P. Kauffman Director 7215 156th Street, SW PO Box 235 7215 156th Street, SW Vice President PO Box 108 Edmonds, WA St. Paul Island, AK Edmonds, WA PO Box 250 St. Paul Island, AK 98026 99660 98026 St. Paul Island, AK 99660 (425) 742-7456 (907) 546-2431 (425) 742-7456 99660 (907) 546-2522 (907) 546-5032 Term expires 2013 Terry Shaff Jeffery P. Kauffman Jonathan Thorpe Term expires 2012 Director Director Director Amos Philemonoff, Sr. PO Box 97019 PO Box 250 35911 Kenai Spur Hwy Rena J. Kudrin Director Redmond, WA St. Paul Island, AK Suite 2 Secretary/Treasurer PO Box 232 98073 99660 Soldotna, AK PO Box 229 St. Paul Island, AK (425) 861-5311 (907) 546-5032 99669 St. Paul Island, AK 99660 (907) 262-0800 99660 (907) 546-2298 Jonathan Thorpe Patience P. Merculief (907) 546-2429 Term expires 2012 Director Director Term expires 2011 35911 Kenai Spur Hwy 5811 Radcliff Drive Michael Baldwin Suite 2 Anchorage, AK Director Soldotna, AK 99504 PO Box 268 99669 (907) 929-1849 St. Paul Island, AK (907) 262-0800 99660 (907) 546-2528 Term expires 2011 12 Myron Phillip Jeffery P. Rena J. Jason Melovidov Lestenkof Kauffman Kudrin Bourdukofsky, Sr. Chairman President Vice President Secretary/ Director Treasurer Term expires Term expires Term expires Term expires 2013 2011 2012 Term expires 2013 2011 Roman John R. Amos Michael Fratis, Sr. Merculief, Jr. Philemonoff, Sr. Baldwin Director Director Director Director Term expires Term expires Term expires Term expires 2012 2013 2012 2011 Phillip Jonathan Steven Rena J. Ray Lestenkof Thorpe Manley Kudrin Melovidov President Chief Controller 2IÀFH Community President since Financial Employee since Manager Outreach & 1999 2IÀFHU 2005 Employee since Projects Employee since 1998 Coordinator 2003 Employee since 2001 Robert Marva Myron William J. Benjamin T. Melovidov, Sr. Merculief Melovidov Dixon Shane 7UDIÀF Administrative Operations Senior Maintenance/ Coordinator Assistant Supervisor Accountant Operator Employee since Employee since Employee since Employee since Employee since 2010 2009 2011 2011 2011 Robert Frank Shearer Shane, Sr. Processing Maintenance/ (TXLSPHQW Operator Technician Employee since Employee since 2011 2010 Jeffery P. Jennifer L. Kauffman Petersen General Administrative Manger Assistant/ Employee since Accountant 2007 Employee since 2010 13 ///////////// The completion of the St. Paul Small Boat Harbor The completion of the SBH last October 2010 6%+ LQ2FWREHURIDQGLWVRIÀFLDOGHGLFDWLRQ DW D FRVW RI RYHU PLOOLRQ UHSUHVHQWV WKH ÀQDO on August 4th, 2011, constitute a major milestone phase of this monumental local, state, and federal in St.
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