■ -— ^ r \ ATCruKc DiHy Net PrcM Rtin The Weather F«r the Week Emted FerecMt of C. S.'Weetfei^s^aiM - " X Eebruary t t , ItM ' Obwafie of a'few U|fh\ ake^aim or aaoatl pnrrl^ tonight. iW iM^ : 12,642 low ' Me. a o n W -t/mietii i£ i Memker of the y'; attr Ugh M«r 4«. ^ ' ■ Bureeu «f Mftnc, t : X / VOL. (TWELV^^AGES) TER, CONN^^TURD^V, kRCH 1958 - 'x T \^e Gets Physi^ ital u;& .X Washington, March 1 to-toe phyaical exaiHinatioh. 'X-. T okyo, M arcli 1 (/P)— Com - President Eisenhower aets a That check waa a followup on Ei- V atican, a rc h 1 liennowar'a toss heart attack and •—S am u iftld S trltch>, -^unist North Korea Mid to- physical examinattoif today hla IMtia' aurgery. The doctors re- j^ h t it is "prepared to retMjrn by three nearologlMs wjib at- ItorCed ^ i ^ r th at early November a rc h of Chicago^ was, at% n ap{>ropriate time^’ the ten^led. him_WhTO he suffered ciuH^ UiM Mila general physical n a ay by.Pop^Jus two''"^i^ericah - p ilo ts o f a a mtner ati^e:lajtt..Ni^cmber.. coiuMtlon la excellent." Prpr^fecf of the Tha mlld'alrokd left Elsenhower. C hurches Coi louth^orean , airliner that oaamleatloit was arranged With a temporary ' speech dlfft^d if^ ft liPided ar^hngyine Feb,.16, W ^ ee m o m tn g 'at Wadter Rieedf^ -^ ty . By Dec. 10 the doctorsyft- lion for the Pfopag^tid b ^ . Tn»stwo ^^ericans, 'plui A w yly. 1ItoepIUi where the “ ported. It pad cleared up to such the Faith.- OenmaiKrttiMW end apy of dent, had a cYacked' tooth twlfed ah extent that only trained ob- Vatlcsrtclrcles iialit: the appol: H- ; L. ''1 - / 80 Beuth yeaterday. The extractloa^^^^ re­ aervera could detect ,if.' • ■'>' mentMneant Cardinar St'rltch wi who' went UKSo h ^ eX y rtl ke,-al­ ported as entirely .8ucceaaful~a:nd ' The back molar tobth Eiaenhow- leat'g Chicago^And become a mem lowed to leave>\U>e ><<»mmunlEt*, Elaenhower'a reaction' and recov­ her of the Qgria of the Church in aald. ery were deacrihSd' ai -"normal In (Contlnnetr dn.'^agn.Five) R o m e .\. The announpejrfenK byxPyona every reapecj,’* A n ^ archbishop of Chicago yanu Radio din hot a p ^ f y when ■That waaf the word late yester­ win pe^nahjed in his place. ’ they woaltKoe releaaed.x^^ \ day fcw 'tbe White Houaa physt e appdtntment.' Vatican cir­ The brMdcaat q u o t^ , aNNorth cUft,'''Maj. Oen, Howard M- Snyder, 30& Held Dead cles aald, apparently la to be effec- Lor^ati Foreign Office atatwn^hjt, .®senhower remained 10 the hoe-f ~ ive Immediately. , yeaterday.' It aald the oltal ovemlghtX as a precaution; Cardinal gtrltch, nowMO, wds iaIdivVaa made "In contpliance gainst any compiicaUona. such In Sinking bom in Nashville, Tenn., and Was with mitMEta of the U^. and Oer ns.dKceaalve bleeding. However. It' ordained a priest there In 1910. He,^ man govn>qmenta'’ aeht through haa^waya been Elsenhower’s jw-ac- held church offices tri Toledo, Ohlo,^ tlce tbsenter the hospital the'd*f and Milwaukee, Wls., before his Moacow. TheX »^ goven>menta do iihiaSjTurkish 1 ECrry/ J not recognUee- the; North Korean before any phyaical examination, assignment to Chicago In 1939'. He Preaidenta.1 press ser,reUry; regime and refuae-OK^eal directly Istanbul. 1 (iPi — A was elevated to the rank of Card­ \| James, C. Hag rty promised s re.' traveling to- i '"«> Chicago in the with It. ' ' o n the The Communista hai'd sahkMrlier ‘"?'il^i^^?sT^oecTalisW *' w7rd‘’Sunb'5^nk In a storm in ! 1946. / they would release the 34 pehtons cherkup byneiHoTbi^ll^apecUIW Soa of Zrm ora today. He has been s member of the on the''^DC3 airliner If the So; Elsenhower'^was ^clcken with official ry^rta said 'SOO ’persons' I church's congregations for the ' Korean gOvemmeiit. would, nego­ were f^red Iroa-^d. i Propagation of the Faith,- for the oriental rites; sbd for church uni-- tiate with Pyongyang' for/them. RJMiounced extermination : The ferry, named tha tjakndar, South Korea contlmjod'lU/refuaal versitles and seihinaries. of the Peepldent was on 10 i the provincial city of Ismlt Vatican , sources' said Cardinal to deal a ith th e ComrtilinUt when they >rpnounced>Kono.mce. him wlffl-'portly after n<jon for the 50-mlle Stritch was the first American recovelM to attend thb< voyage to Istanbul. A violent Cardinal ever called to a* « ^‘^ e pltotr... ... are WlUl/p.A /A. »■_,Ho>bs , of!, w « i s .-.ATO conference later that Mtorm blew up suddenly from the Vahcjo>Callf.. and^kr KoTm U. ; confec^t member of-the church'8,JiiRli curia. Calif., mnd/Alr Fhtce VL ■ // kS^th soon after the ferry depart- He is the third non-ltaljan to be CoV ®'** I, Elaenhower'a last prdvlpps trip! *d'. assigned actlv^HradeTshlp of the Mich. / , i to the Army medical cwiter^waa! The\reports of death were, not importa;^c<>ngi<ga tl ori handed -X' Th»'Koreai0iiu>guag« broadcast,{last Nov. lb-1), ju8t,^two. i^eags His succpaMT as archblshOj western ambaasaddrs in Moscow' Iieard In Tokyo ssld the Ameri-'; prior to the cerebral/lflness, ‘for on Pkge Five) ChlcagmWHl not, of coursa, i^ e s - yeaterday, proposed-.^ that the for­ cans aemana wlir be tamed ■ aari^be a cardipaf, althojtgh He | eign iptnisters should iprtet in about over tb ^lcU l ^preaentsttlves of might be appointed to/bardln»l IX' two months. \ ' ' the U^^andOermah governments ,-rlmlc later. The Soviets said the' at/4^samunjtiiln "or at any other j Present^Prefect ofMlie Congre­ the foreign ministers sessti mutually agreed upon with- gation fdr Propagation of the be to pfescribe the subject ' In/hi'orth l^rea." !N ^ ta summit conference and’ dei Mhe Sont’h Korean passengers | Faith, is Pletrn/ Cardinal Fiir- in: be turned over to South Ko-/^ masbni Biondt/>A'ho Is 85. His sd^ vanced age^fias Ilntited his activi­ vhtera of Laviaia Fork-of U»e Big Sandy. re an Red'Croas repreaentatlves at i A tense, anxious crowd watches as rescue crewa Word on the contents of the jievy Paitim^jom "or at any other ties, and/The appointment of a River, near .Prestonburg, Ky„ for the school bus, 23 of the youqgstera and their driver f/Farnr mi pro-p t is intended to relieve Soviet approach to the West 0ame'\ place ^ th ip North Korea mutual to their death yeaterday.i (AP Photofax). ' .Jiim the weight of theae duties, first from a Foreign Ministry^ ' iy ag»«ed''tjpon," the broadcsj le Congregation for the/Prop- spokesman in Paris. sal* Authorities here confirmed that Bouth Korean offibiala, Moscow, MafcK 1 (S — N ikluf JecUvar^ the development of comA. allon of the Faith la tne aev- Khrushchev today made a polnt-by-! tmutiam." he skid, v / ' j th. in order, of the 12 cOT^ega- 7 of Family Perish. D eaih Count the Soviets 'were calling -for a for­ point defens^of his plan to modify / In approving I^hrushchev’s agfi- I ms which govern the ,affairs of eign nilnislera sesMon of limited (Cdnlinoed on IfngeyTwo) thABoman Catholic Chtirch. In New>^ork Blaze purpose In about two months. / Russia's cowectlie farm sy sie p ^ culture propotMl, the CehtralXiOm-m- He rejeyteg any suggestion lljat It RdUee' gave no details, bjH' it ob­ Pope, himself la prefect of There teemed to be no doubt that was a retreat from commtjWsm. viously was an atten.pr to fuiflll the 'ftiqt three, the COngrregations Dekalb; N. Y., March 1 (P> ^ the Moscow governmen) tortk the ' The soviet Commuij«t party Kremlin promises to put more food for the^Iply Office, the Consistory ivers S to Hunt same line in Its note's to all t ^ ' Seven members of a family .-Wbf*' anting chief's -is.OOO-word pefort to un- In Soviet larders. and the Qrteptal Church. western powers. ■ ' ..x'" x £ ? 1 narmnamedy^'critics apM ared in itoscow The commltteeli announcement ‘ ■nie coitgrs^l^or Propa-' burned to death aarly today >htn Up until now>rtlie Krejadfit had pers leSB-dtiu) 48 hours after said "further-development of the gation of ■ originated.. in a : Are wrecked.... their 2-»tory- - home In resisted any plan f^''a foreign ry farty’s pentral Committee ap- 'cidlective fam system" would'be Commlasion ,Ca'fdinals set up this northern New Yo)dt. ' amlet. me ed Bus ministers meftlngJji'adv.ance''of a krOMchev's plan to' sell made buMlid not exphdrt. by Pope Grei Xlll to seek a Ftt-e other tri'enKfers of the summit conference. The Russiaiui fal- machinery to collec- The dlan' to liquidate..the ma- rofXi'ncillaUon the divergent Lloyd Van Omurp-:-famlly and a maiiiteiaed aertie foreign mlnlstere East Coi mJA .. 'v. ' ehimptractbr’' ilatfon a>^tfffi' wat •Sistefp brani \ 0f Oi9 church.V. ' use guest esca^i^d. A volunteer wreckec-'and art had "biased" attitudes and said \ The comptisaloifi- WaS' ’expanded reman was injured fighting the PrexiTonburg, Ky., Marclh I iP), The bus hit, a that getling them tog:ether; would :i.uarded st**^b?ents iXr\ th apparent-btd~for ^liUcal aiq)-' SearcfKboats nw.loed today, I auto, carened o' the road add >11^- Newport, ft- I-. March 1 'P' — AJ-So^et press have . Indicaled, that >rt of farmers, a sluble section ftames. I ped dowa, f. 30-i embanklpent rfiqre. likely hinder than help thd ' rtfge concentrationjif Navyyewels KhrashrheVs plan - - first an (Contitiued' on P q ^ Two) The were identified as the they may pinpointed A .prospects for a summit Conference.
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