1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 5369 May we think of the crucifixion and NOMINATIONS 1964 (appoip.ted during the last recess of the death of the Saviour in the dark days Senate): , that followed, and of the wonderful in­ Executive nominations received by the Dr. Hugh Hudson Hussey, Jr., of the Dis­ spiration and encouragement the world Senate March 30, 1961: trict of Columbia. U.S. MARSHALS Dr. Robert Morgan Stecher, of Ohio. received on Easter morning. That Dr. William Lowell Valk, of Kansas. period and that event have brought hope Anton T . Skoro, of Idaho, to be U.S. mar­ and faith to all mankind. They have shal for the District of Idaho for a term of •• ..... •• 4 years, vice Saul H. Clark. made the world a better place in which Jack D. Obbink, of Nebraska, to be U.S. to live, and they give hope for the fu­ marshal for the District of Nebraska for the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ture. term of 4 years, vice William Raab. The Senate is privileged to have as THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1961 its Chaplain the honored and revered FOREIGN CLAIMS SETTLEMENT COMMISSION Laverne R. Dilweg, of Wisconsin, to be a The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Frederick Brown Harris, who daily leads member of the Foreign Claims Settlement us in devotions. Oftentimes, however, Commission of the United States. The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, because some of us are not present at D.D., offered the following prayer: IN THE ARMY the opening of the Senate sessions, we I Timothy 1: 15: This is a faithful fail to receive the full benefit of his The following-named officers for tem­ porary appointment in the Army of the saying and worthy of all acceptation, outstanding prayers for divine · mercy United States to the grades indicated under that Christ Jesus came into the world to and guidance. the provisions of title 10, United States save sinners. At this Easter season, I think it ap­ Code, sections 3442 and 3447: Almighty God, whose amazing love we propriate that we look back on some of To be major generals cannot fathom in this Holy Week, with the prayers delivered by our Chaplain Brig. Gen. Harrison Alan Gerhardt, 018697, its days of solemn and sacred memory, during past Easter seasons. I have se­ Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. may we be filled with a humble spirit lected extracts from some of his prayers Army). and a contrite heart as we meditate upon as a prayer at the closing of this session: Brig. Gen. Clinton Stone Lyter, 018291, the sufferings and sacrifice of our Lord Our Father, God, in this holy week of the Medical Corps, U.S. Army. and Saviour. · . Passion, by a crude cross lifted up on the Brig. Gen. Charles Wythe Gleaves Rich, earth, that blossomed into victory, help us 019910, Army of the United States ( colonel, Grant that on Easter Sunday we may to realize anew, from that invincible sym­ U.S. Army). share His glorious resurrection by rising bol, that Thy purposes are beyond defeat. Brig. Gen. Reuben Henry Tucker, 3d, with Him into newness of life and re­ In the light of that cross, may we see that 019894, Army of the United States (colonel, dedicating ourselves to the task of build­ Thy purposes of redemption are as wide as U.S. Army). ing that blessed highway where men and mankind. Brig. Gen. John Tabb Snodgrass, 029670, nations shall walk and work together in Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. His spirit. Make us persons of brotherly love in an Army). Brig. Gen. George Wilson Power, 018691, Inspire us with the joyous conviction unbrotherly world. To others' faults, make that we are living and laboring for that us forgiving, as we would be forgiven. As Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. our lives touch the lives of others, teach us Army). which our Master proclaimed to be our to be gentle in our thoughts, just in our Brig. Gen. James Dyce Alger, 019848, Army noblest quest when we seek first the king­ dealing, and generous in our judgments. of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army). dom of God and His righteousness and May the beauty of the Master of these Brig. Gen. Charles John Timmes, 029777, which can only be established through days of the Passion be seen in us, casting out Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. the power of sacrificial love. all envy and uncleanness. Lead our minds Army). May Thy name be glorified. Amen. in the quest of truth-even the truth of To be brigadier generals eternal life in the midst of our fleeting days. Col. William Nels Redling, 031516, Army of the United States (lieutenant colonel, THE JOURNAL May these days of the week of weeks, U.S. Army). which for Him, in the anguish of loneliness, Col. John Martin Cone, 020658, Army of The J°ournal of the proceedings of was reddened with blood, bring us face to the United States (lieutenant colonel, U.S. yesterday was read and approved. face with the truth He dared to follow, the Army). words He dared to utter, the hypocrisy He Col. John Gordon O'Brien, 042171, Judge dared to flay, and the steadfast purpose Advocate General's Corps, U.S. Army. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE from which He would not shrink, even when Col. Douglass Phillip Quandt, 020605, Army the road He took grew bleak and black before of the United States (lieutenant colonel, A message from the Senate by Mr. Him. U.S. Army). McGown, one of its clerks, announced For these days of the Passion, hear this, Col. Chester Lee Johnson, 020681, Army of that the Senate had passed bills of the our prayer-"O God, to us may grace be the United States (lieutenant colonel, U.S. following titles, in which the concur­ given to follow in His train." Amen. Army). rence of the House is requested: Col. Douglas Blair Kendrick, Jr., 020511, Medical Corps, U.S. Army. S. 118. An act for the relief of Helen Irma ENROLLED BILL PRESENTED Imhoof; Col. Kenneth Francis Dawalt, 020226, Army s. 126. An act for the relief of Edward W. The Secretary of the Senate reported of the United States (lieutenant colonel, Scott III; that on today, March 30, 1961, he pre­ U.S. Army). S. 132. An act for the relief of Man-Yeh Col. Edward Leon Rowny, 023744, Army of Chow; sented to the President of the United the United States (major, U.S. Army). States the enrolled bill (S. 153) to fur­ S. 138. An act for the relief of Mica Delic; Col. Robert Henry Schellman, 022002, S. 139. An act for the relief of Krste ther amend the Reorganization Act of Army of the United States (lieutenant Angeloff; 1949, as amended, so that such act will colonel, U.S. Army). s. 164. An act for the relief of Cherie apply to reorganization plans trans­ Col. Roy Lassetter, Jr., 051714, U.S. Army. Helen Bratton; mitted to the Congress at any time Col. Frederic William Boye, Jr., 021891, S. 177. An act for the relief of Hadji before June 1, 1963. Army of the United States (lieutenant Benlevi; colonel, U.S. Army). S. 178. An act for the relief of Michael J. Col. Donald Clinton Clayman, 020866, Collins; ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY Army of the United States (lieutenant s. 217. An act for the relief of .Alessandro colonel, U.S. Army). Gellhorn; Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, if S. 225. An act for the relief of Dr. Chien there is nothing further to come before Chen Chi; the Senate at this time, I move that the s. 262. An act for the relief of 0onstan­ Senate adjourn, in accordance with the CONFIRMATIONS tinos Georgiou Stavropoulos; order previously entered. Executive nominations confirmed by s. 274. An act for the relief of Hajime the Senate March 30, 1961: Asato; The motion was agreed to; and (at 3 S. 277. An act for the relief of Erica Barth; o'clock and 2 minutes p.m.) the Senate NATIONAL LmRARY OF MEDICINE s. 285. An act !or the relief o! Alpo Fran­ adjourned, under the previous order, To be members of the Board of Regents silla Crane;. until Monday, April 3, 1961, at 12 o'clock of the National Library of Medicine, Public s. 292. An act for the relief of Mah Jew meridian. Health Service, for terms expiring August 3, Ngee (also known as Peter Jew Mah); 5370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE March 30 s. 298. An act for the relief of Earl H. Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. Speaker, Mr. E. · ' The proposed education subsidy in the ad­ Pendell; • Maxwell Benton, a California. Tax ministration b111 is a relatively small amount S.1313. An act .!or the relief of Ante Tonic Schools consultant has issued the fol- , of the total annual expenditures for public (Tunic) , his wife, Elizabeth Tunic, and their . .' . education. But. it is a "foot" in the door t wo min.or clil.Udren, Ante Tunic, Jr., and lowm~ statement _m oppos1t1on to Fed- and will be followed by pressures for added Joseph Tunic; eral aid to education: billions in years to come. Here is where the s. 330. An act for the relief of Harry N. U.S. SCHOOL CONTROL BID OPPOSED real danger Iles. Those Who decide spending Kouniakls; "The current Federal aid to education policies ought to be faced with the respon­ S. 417. An act for the relief of Haruo T. bill proposed by the President is designed sibility for raising the taxes.
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