Norfh Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date : 31'' March 2009 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 3IstMarch 2009 Page Application No. Applicant DevelopmenWLocus Recommendation No 5 N/08/00707/FUL Aspen Solutions Construction of Offices and Grant (P) Associated Car Parking Site To The South Of 21A Lenziemill Road Lenziemill Cumbe rnauld 13 N/08/01461/FUL A G Barr Plc Construction of a Wind Grant Turbine (Hub Height 80m, Blade Diameter 92.5m, Total Tip Height 126.25m) A G Barr Westfield House 4 Mollins Road Westfield Cumbernauld 26 N/09/00137/FUL Darussalam Temporary Use of Part of Grant Dwellinghouse for Religious Request for Instruction for a Period of Site Visit Two Years and Formation of and Hearing a Rear Parking Area 75 Cumbernauld Road Stepps 35 N/09/00171/FUL Sanctuary Scotland Residential Development (31 Grant Housing Association Flats and 1 Shop) 4A-4G & 5A-5Z Fleming Road Seafar Cumbernauld 42 N/09/00177/FUL Mr F Lynch Change of Use to Taxi Grant Business (24 Hours per Day) (In Retrospect) 136A Cumbernauld Road Muirhead 48 C/08/0089O/FUL T & B Wilson Conversion of Existing Grant Farmhouse Steading & Barn to Form 7 Dwellinghouses at Garnqueen Farm, Main Street, Glenboig 57 C/08/00973/FUL K2 Properties & Construction of 6 Flats and 3 Grant Developers Ltd Shops (Two Hot Food Takeaway & One Class 1 Retail Unit) at 31 Main Street Glenboig 65 C/08/01163/FUL Boots The Chemist Installation of Condenser Grant Units to Rear of Building at 44 Woodside Street, Coatbridge 70 C/09/00044/FUL Network Rail Construction of Railway Grant Station, Car Park and Request for Site Associated Works at, Visit Caldercruix Railway Station Station Road, Caldercruix 81 C109/00053/FUL Mr & Mrs Charters Proposed Stable Grant Development Comprising Request for Site Erection of Three Stable Visit Blocks and Erection of Temporary Log Cabin Containing Manager's Living Accommodation and Office along with the Formation of Access Road, Car Parking, Horse Riding Areas at Land To The East Of Milncroft Farm Millcroft Road, Cumbernauld 93 C/09/00146/FUL Springcafe Ltd Change of Use of Retail Unit Grant to Hot Food Takeaway/Caf& at 86 Main Street, Coatbridge 99 C/09/00199/FUL Persimmon Homes Construction of 23 Refuse (P) West Scotland Ltd Dwellinghouses at Land at Ayr Drive, Airdrie 109 S/08/00912/AMD Ravenscraig Ltd Deletion of Condition 16 of Grant Planning Permission S/O1/00758/0UT, Relating to the Restriction of the Net Comparison Retail Area in the Proposed Town Centre to 32, 275 Square Metres Ravenscraig, Motherwell 124 S/08/01755/FUL Peter Hughes Siting of Four Containers Refuse 106 Old Edinburgh Road Uddingston 130 S/08/01756/OUT Peter Hughes Residential Development in Refuse Outline Site Adjacent To Aarron House, Old Edinburgh Road, Uddingston 136 S/08/01759/FUL Scottish Prison Demolition of Prison, Grant Service Including Security Walling and Fencing and Erection of New Prison Including GatesNisits Building, Facilities Building, House Blocks, Regimes Building, Segregation Unit, Linked Walkways, Car Parking, New Perimeter Security Wall and Internal Security Fences and Associated Roadworksand Landscaping Shotts Prison, Newmill and Canthill Road, Shotts 146 S/09/00073/FUL Mr & Mrs Stuart Erection of Replacement Grant C hid ley Dwellinghouse East Belmont, Horsley Brae, Overtown 152 S/09/00152/FUL Mr & Mrs Townsley Erection of Replacement Grant Dwellinghouse (Single Storey with Roof Accommodation) Old Mill Cottage, Old Mill Road, Shotts (P) N/08/00707/FUL - If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers, (Open Space; the Council has a financial interest in the land and the proposal is contrary to the Development Plan) C/09/00199/FUL - If granted, refer to Scottish Ministers (Contrary to Development Plan and Open Space). Application No: N108100707lFU L Date Registered: 15th May 2008 Applicant: Aspen Solutions 2 Napier Way Cumbernauld Agent Hypostyle Architects 49 St Vincent Crescent Glasgow G3 8NG Development: Construction of Office Development and Associated Car Parking Location: Site To The South Of 21A Lenziemill Road Lenziemill Cumbernauld G67 2RL Ward: 4- Abronhill, Kildrum And The Village Councillors: Grant, lrvine & Johnston Grid Reference: 275704673115 File Reference: N/08/00707/FUL Site History: Development Plan: The site is identified as Significant Open Space (Policy EN25) in the Cumbernauld Local Plan, 1993 Contrary to Development Plan: Yes Consultations: West Of Scotland Archaeology Service (No Objection) Scottish Water (No Objection) Scottish Natural Heritage (Commen ts) Representations: 6 letters of representation received. Newspaper Advertisement: Advertised on 4th June 2008 Recommendation:Approve Subject to the Following Conditions:- 1. That the development hereby permitted shall be started within five years of the date of this permission. Reason: To accord with the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997. 2. That the permission hereby granted shall relate to the use of the premises solely for a use included within Class 4 (Business) of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997. Reason: To define the permission. 3. That there shall be no storage of materials outwith the buildings and approved storage plant unless with the prior written approval of the Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of the amenity of the site and the general area by ensuring that there is no potentially unattractive outdoor storage of materials. 4. That before the development hereby permitted starts, full details of the design and location of all fences and walls to be erected on the site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority. Reason: In the interests of amenity by ensuring that walls and fences are appropriate for the site and the general area. 5. That before the development hereby permitted commences, a scheme of landscaping, including a more substantial green buffer / boundary treatment between the development and the adjacent SlNC site shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, and it shall include:- (a) details of any earth moulding and hard landscaping, grass seeding and turfing; (b) a scheme of tree and shrub planting, incorporating details of the location, number, variety and size of trees and shrubs to be planted; (c) an indication of all existing trees and hedgerows, plus details of those to be retained, and measures for their protection in the course of development (d) details of the phasing of these works. Reason: In the interests of amenity by ensuring that landscaping is appropriate for the site and for the general area. 6. That within one year of the occupation of the business (office) units hereby permitted all planting, seeding, turfing and earth moulding included in the scheme of landscaping and planting, approved under the terms of Condition 5 above, shall be completed; and any trees, shrubs, or areas of grass which die, are removed, damaged, or become diseased within two years of the completion of the development, shall be replaced within the following year with others of a similar size and species. Reason: In the interests of amenity by ensuring that landscaping is appropriate for the site and for the general area. 7. That BEFORE the development hereby permitted starts, a management and maintenance scheme shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by the Planning Authority, and it shall include proposals for the continuing care, maintenance and protection of:- (a) the proposed footpaths (b) the proposed parking areas (c) the proposed external lighting (d) the proposed grassed, planted and landscaped areas (e) the proposed fences to be erected along the boundaries (f) the proposed SUDS drainage apparatus Reason: In the interests of amenity by ensuring that procedures are in place for the ongoing maintenance of the site. 8. That before completion of the development hereby permitted, the management and maintenance scheme approved under the terms of condition 7, shall be in operation. Reason: In the interest of the amenity of the site and the general area 9. That prior to any works of any description being commenced on the application site, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Planning Authority, full details of the proposed surface water drainage scheme shall be submitted to and approved by the said Authority. For the avoidance of doubt the drainage scheme must comply with the principles of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in terms of the relevant ClRlA Manual and other advice published by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). If the area of ground illustrated on the approved plan for the notional SUDS is inadequate for the purpose, a revised layout drawing for this part of the proposed development shall be submitted to and for the approval of the Planning Authority prior to any works of any description being commenced on the application site, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the said Authority. Reason: To ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to protect adjacent watercourses and groundwater. 10. That the SUDS compliant surface water drainage scheme approved in terms of Condition 9 shall be implemented contemporaneously with the development in so far as is reasonably practical. Within 3 months of the construction of the SUDS, a certificate (signed by a chartered Civil Engineer) shall be submitted to the Planning Authority confirming that the SUDS has been constructed in accordance with the relevant ClRlA Manual and the approved plans. Reason: To ensure that the drainage scheme complies with best SUDS practice to protect adjacent watercourses and groundwater. 11. That before the development hereby permitted starts the applicant shall provide written confirmation to the Planning Authority that all the requirements of Scottish Water have been fully met in respect of providing the necessary site drainage and infrastructure to serve the development.
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