I REG». ~A'51 Panaji, 21 st November ,1985 (Kadika 30, 1907) SERIES " No •. .34 OFFICIAL ••· GAZETTE 'GOVERNMENT OF· GOA, DAMAN ANDDIlJ K. BhatIa., lAS, Secretary (U.D.) of the addltiooal charge GOVERNMENT OF GOA, DAMAN of the post of Managing Director of the' ~d Corporation. AND DIU 2. The appointment is made in terms of Article 112, of Articles of Association of the, Goo., Damari, and Diu Tourism .. Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms Development Corporation Limited. 3. The deployment of Shri Mahajan On deputation basis s~ be for a period of one year in the first instance and ·it Order shall be regulated as per standard terms of deputation. Dur!ng his tenure as Managing Director Shti MahajllJ1 shall draw No. 3/13/85-PER nonnal pay and remuneration of Rs. 500/- per month. On placement of his services at the disposal of this 4-. Shri Mahajan. shall also continue to functiol1 as Director Admiliistration by the Government of India, -Ministry of Home oJ. Tourism in -addition to his ,own duties of the post of Ma.;.. Affairs, New Deihl, the Administrator ·of Goa., Daman and naging Director qf the Goa. Daman and Diu Tourism, Deve­ Diu is pleased to appoint Shri Denghnuna, lAS as Secretary lopment Corporation. (cO-operation and Social Welfare), with immedlste effect. By order and in the name of the Administrator of Goa, 2. Sh11j Dengbnuna had reported for duty on the 18th Octo~ Daman and Diu. ber, 1985, and was .awaiting posting orders. He wi~l be paid pay and allowances for the period he was awaiting his posting N.,P.--GauMkar, Under Secretary (Personnel). orders. Pallaji, 8th November, 1985. 3. Consequent upon _the appdintment of Shri DenghntUla .as Secretary to Government allocation of subjects' among the secre.taxies is Notified. vide Notification No. 14/3/78-GA:&C (Psrt file) Vol. IT dated 7-11-1985. Order By order and .in the name of the AdmIirlstrator ryf Goa, No. 6/3/81-PER(VOL.ill)· Daman and Diu. In modtfication of order of even No. dated 30/3/1985, the N. P. Gatunekar, UnderSecretary (Personnel). Administrator of -Goa, Daman and Diu, is pleased to order that Shr! G. G. Kambll, Grade IT Officer of Goa, Dal!lan .and Panaji, 7th Novembe!'. 1985. Diu Civil Service, shall continue to function as Under Secre­ tary (Law) w.e. f. 31-3"1985 (AN), and hold. additional charge of Under Secretary (GAe) in addition to his main charge of Order Under Secretary (Law). Thereby Shr! KambU wU! be entitled to deputation allowances as he is deployed againSt an .ex­ No. 5-3-74-PER (Vol. IT)(a) . -cadre post viz. Under Secretary (Law). In. supersession of order No•. 5/3;74-PER (Vol; IT){a)da- By order and in the name of the -Administrator of Goa. Daman & Diu. ~~~~;:~:~ f~=fonOC:,t,:\ss~~~~~n co~~= tuted with Immedla.te effect in respect of recruitment and pro­ N. P. GaunBkar, UnderSecretary (Personnel). in motion to Group 'C' posts the Secretatia~.: Panaj~ 8th November. 1985. L Joint Secretary Deptt. of Personnel & AdmiDiistrative Refonns - CMJrman. 2. Under Secretary. Gen. Admn. &. coordn. Division - Mem· Order ber. No. 7/1/84-PER 3. Under Secretary (S. T. E.) -Member. On -placem.ent of his services at the' disposa.l of Regional Labour Corinnissioner (C). at Chandiga.i'h as communicated By order and in the name of the Administrator of Gila.. vide Goverrunent of Ip...wa, Ministry. of Labour. Office of the Daman and Diu. Chjef Labour Commissioner (C). New DeIhl, vide letter ! N. P. _kar, Under Secretary (Personnel).' No. Adm. I/6(10)(83 dated the 8th NOvember. 1985, the Administrator of Goa, Dru:nan and Diu is pleased to relieve I . Panaji, 7th November, 1985. with effect from 12-11-85 (AN) Shri M ..J. Mlrza, Assistant Labour Co~sion.er .(C), presently functioning as Com.mis~ SiOller of Labour and - Employment (Group 'A' Gazetted), I Order Government of Goa., Daman and Diu on' deputation with the directions totske over the post of ALe( C) at Chandlgarh No. 5/28/77-PER(Vol. ill) . after availing minimum joiiling time. is pl~ to The Administrator of Goa, Darn3.n and DIU 2. The deputation period of Shr! M. J. Mirza; extended vide , appoint Shri V. A. P. Mahajan, presently holding the post I of Director of TOurism, as Managing Director of the Goo., this Depart.inent's order of even number dated the 4th July. .1':. Daman and Diu Tourism Development Corporation, on depu­ 1985 and corrigendUjll dated 13-&-85sball stand a""o~ly 'tation basis ·with· -iinmediate effect, thereby relieving Shri R. curtailed. 526. SERIES II No. 3ft 3. Shri R. S. 'Mardolkar, Dy. Labour COmmissioner shall Order officiate a.~" Commissioner of Labour and Employment in rulditlon to his own' dUties untll further orders. • NO.6/1/81-PER(Vol.IV) Read: .order No. 6/1/81·PER(Vol. III) dated 30/11/85. By order and in ~he ,name of the Administrator of Goa, Daman and DiU. 'l"he term of deputation Of 8hri A. S. Ingle, Grade II Offi­ N. P. GQlUnekar, Under Secretary (Perso~el). cer of Goa, Daman and Diu Civil Service, presently on,. deputation as General Manager (Traffic and Admn.) , Ka-' Panaji, 12th Novemher, 1985. damba Transport Corporation Ltd., is herepy extended by one more year-from 1~12~85 to 3O-11~1986. Order, By order, and in the name of the Administrator of .Goa, No. 31/6/78·PER (Part) Daman .and Diu. The Administrator of' Qoa; Daman and Diu is pleased to N. P. Gaunekar, ,Under secreta.rY (PersoJUlel). promote and appoint under Ru1e',16 of the Goa, D8.man aI'!-d Diu' Police service Rules,'l973 read with Rule 5(1) (b) of Panaji, 12th N ovem~r, 1985. said Rules, the following Officers who substantli.vely hold the post 'Qf Inspectors of Police, to hold _Grade n _substantive ... posts included in the Schedule of the Service with immea:.ate effect: Public Works and Urban Development Department .81. No. Name- of the, ,Officer Order 1. Shri L. 'L. I. Gracias. No. 3·13/5/85·PW&UD 2. Shri K. A. Dessal. 3. 8hri D. A. Prabhudessai. In exercise of the powers conferred under section 72 of' . 4.. S~ V. V. Veni.ekar. the Goa, Daman and Diu Municipalities Act, 196.8 as amended 5. ' Shri F. A. Moraes. under Act No. 19 of 1978, the Administrator of Goa, Daman. and Diu hereby makes -the following apPOintments with­ 2-. The' abov~ officers shall be- .on probation for a "period of immediate effect. two'years·tf'rOin the date_'of this order. 1. Shri Suresh D. Pl'abhu, Appointed as Chief Officer, 3. All the above officers shall contllnue to hold the. present J1. Mamlatdar of MonnugaO Canacona Municipal COun­ posts 1:J:eing held by them Wllli further orders. Taluka, Vasco~da-:q-ama. cil. 4. The names of the officers have been determ.ined in the 2. Shri .Toao Bosco 'do Rosario, Appoint~d as Chief Officer, .order of 'merit by the Selection Committee, Superintendent, - Office of Quepem MlUlicipal Council. Collector Goa. By order .and in the name of the AdIllinistrator 01 Go<'" :)c.man and D~u. The period of ·-deputation will -be two years, at the 'first N. P. GaU'nekar~ Under Secretary (Personnel). instance and will Qe regulated as per the normal te:-ms of deputation amended from time to time. The officers holding Panaji, 8th November, 1985. additional charge of the above posts of Chief Officers' S'..:and , relieved from the date of. Jaldng over the charge of the posts by the new officers. ' Order By order and in the nalne of the Administrator of Goa, . No. 31/6/78·PER (Part)-A Daman and Diu. The Administrator of _Goa, Daman and Diu is pleased to promote on officia:-tiilg basis and appoint under Rule 26 (1)(.a) A. V. F'imenta, Under secretary (PW&UD). , of the Goa, Daman and Diu Police Service Rules, 1973. the Panaji, 4th November; 1985. folloWling offiCers who substantively hold the posts of In,spectors of POlice, to hold Grade II post of the Service with immediate effed: Order .Sr. No. Name of the Offioer No. 3-39-73-LSG (GEN) 1. Shii G. D. zuwai-kar. Read: - Govt. order No. 3-39-73-LSG (GEN) dated 4-6-83. 2. Shri Alex RasquInha. 3. Shrt P. ,V~ Borkar. Shri M. S. Khan, Civil Admdnlstrator, Diu, is appointed 4. Shri S. K. Dessa!i. as Administrator of Diu Municipal Council in addition -to 5. Shri S. P. R. Qessai. 'his oWn duties, from th~ date of taking over the charg-e 6. Shri H. V. De M. Viegas. from S!uii R P. Pal. 2. The Officers at Sr. Nos. 1 to 4 and 6- shltU continue to By order and in- the name -of the Administrator 'of Goa, hold th~ present posts being held by them until further orders. Daman and Diu. The Officer at Sr. No.5 vtiz. Shrl, S. P. R. Dessai is posted as A. V. Pimenta, Under Secretary (PW&UD). Dy. Superintendent of Pollee (GRP). Panaji, 7th November, 1985. 3. The names -of the Office;r-s ·have been determined -in the ·order of merit by the S_eiection Conunittee. ---, .....~--- By order and in the n~~>-of the Admlnistrator of Goa, Da,man and Diu. Revenue Department N. P. G-a:unekm', Under S~retaIY (Pers,onnel). panaji, 8th Novem:per, 1985. Notification No. 22/127/85-RD Order Whereas it appears to the Appropriate Government {here­ inafter referred to as "the Government") that the land ape­ No.
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