H6912 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE October 1, 2002 From 1981–2001, New York lists the highest the last year. We will remember the impact dren, the Foundation is now creating the first number of firefighters in the country who were these brave firefighters have made in towns National Park to memorialize fallen firefighters lost in the line of duty. New York is at the very and communities throughout America and the in Emmitsburg, Maryland. And this Sunday, top of an extremely unfortunate list. Last year heroism that has saved countless lives. October 6th, the Foundation will sponsor a alone there were 347 dedicated firefighters On behalf of the First Congressional District memorial weekend to honor the commitment, who died in the World Trade Center disaster. of New York—home to several fallen fire- bravery and sacrifice of the 446 firefighters Overall, the dragon kills about 4,500 people fighters—I join my colleagues in support of H. who died in the line of duty in the past year, per year, more than all natural disasters com- Con. Res. 476. 343 whose lives were taken on September bined. Another 27,000 people are injured, not Mr. GEKAS. Madam Speaker, I rise today in 11th, 2001. to mention the emotional and financial injuries strong support of H. Con. Res. 476 and urge No one could have anticipated the mag- incurred by the families of fallen firefighters. my colleagues to support this important piece nitude of destruction and loss of life that oc- The families of firefighters live a life of un- of legislation as well. curred last September. In the wake of those certainty as to whether their loved one will Our firefighters protect us every day and tragic events, the value and contributions of come home each day after work. When a fam- sometimes give up their own lives to protect the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation be- ily receives the dreaded news that their loved and serve their communities and their fellow came unmistakably clear. one will not be returning home chaos sets in, man. This was never more evident than on At the request of the Federal Emergency and these survivors desperately need support. September 11, 2001. On that day, as fright- Management Agency, the National Fallen Fire- As part of an effort to remember America’s ened and wounded civilians ran from the fighters Foundation sent support staff to fallen firefighters and to provide assistance to World Trade Center, brave firefighters rushed Ground Zero within days of the attacks, work- their survivors. Congress created the National in, in a determined effort to save others. ing around the clock to coordinate chaplain Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) in 1992. These brave individuals risked everything in support services, survivor support services, as The foundation is a nonprofit organization an effort to render aid and evacuate the peo- well as logistical and administrative support located in Maryland which receives funding ple trapped in the towers. This effort cost association with the loss of the firefighters. from private donations from individuals, orga- many firefighters their lives. The September The Foundation’s efforts in New York City nizations, corporations and foundations, as 11, 2001, attacks highlighted the spirit and during its time of greatest need were truly in- well as federal grant money. NFFF provides courage of firefighters across the nation. Most- valuable, and I proudly support its cause, as resources to families of fallen firefighters, such ly volunteers, these men and women protect well this resolution recognizing its importance. as a grieving network, special scholarships, our lives and property, and while they never U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, and important information to families regarding boast of their heroic deeds, they are truly he- Washington, DC, September 30, 2002. federal, state, and local benefits. These bene- roes. Hon. J. DENNIS HASTERT fits include lump sum death payments, work- H. Con. Res. 476 reaffirms that Congress Office of the Speaker, U.S. House of Representa- ers’ compensation, funeral benefits, pensions supports the goals and ideas of a day of trib- tives, Washington, DC. and retirement programs and private support. ute to all firefighters who have died in the line DEAR SPEAKER HASTERT, I am writing to NFFF also provides services such as re- of duty and recognizes the important mission inform you that the Committee on Science has discharged from further consideration H. gional training sessions to help fire depart- of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation Con. Res. 476, a resolution ‘‘Expressing sup- ments handle a line of duty death, and an An- in assisting family members to overcome the port for the goals and ideas of a day of trib- nual National Tribute which honors survivors loss of their fallen heroes. I am thankful to be ute to all firefighters who have died in the of firefighters who died in the previous year. able to rise today and proclaim support of H. line of duty and recognizing the important This year’s ceremony is scheduled for October Con. Res. 476 on behalf of every firefighter in mission of the National Fallen Firefighters 5 and 6, and will honor 445 firefighters, includ- Pennsylvania’s 17th Congressional District. Foundation in assisting family members to ing those killed at the World Trade Center. Madam Speaker, this is the very least we overcome the loss of their fallen heroes.’’ H. Con. Res. 476 was referred to this Committee Last September, the entire world watched can do. I salute Congressman WELDON for on September 19, 2002. with bated breath as firefighters unselfishly sponsoring this resolution and would like to Sincerely, and effectively did their jobs. These acts of thank him for his leadership on the Congres- SHERWOOD L. BOEHLERT, honor and bravery were in sharp contrast to sional Fire Services Caucus, of which I am a Chairman the cowardly acts of violence perpetrated on member. The firefighters of the United States Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Madam America. Our lives depend on firefighters and should know that the Congressional Fire Serv- Speaker, I yield back the balance of we are beholden to them for so very much. ices Caucus is continually striving to respond my time. I support this Resolution which reminds us to their needs and to deliver to them the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. all of what a difficult job firefighters have, and equipment and resources they need to do HART). The question is on the motion the sacrifices their families make. I am proud their job in a safe and effective manner. offered by the gentleman from Michi- to honor the lives lost, the thousands of fire- Firefighting will never be a safe endeavor gan (Mr. SMITH) that the House sus- fighters who continue to work tirelessly and but we in Congress must do all we can to help pend the rules and agree to the concur- bravely, as well as their families. our firefighters. No matter what we provide to rent resolution, H. Con. Res. 476. Mr. GRUCCI. Madam Speaker, I would first our firefighters we will never equal the sac- The question was taken. like to thank my colleague Congressman rifices they make for us. Collectively, we in The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the WELDON for his tireless efforts on behalf of Congress thank you and the passage of H. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of America’s firefighters, and for bringing this Con. Res. 476 is just a small token of appre- those present have voted in the affirm- measure to the floor today. ciation. We will never be able to thank you ative. Few images throughout history more clearly enough. Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Madam illustrate heroism better than the images of Madam Speaker, I reaffirm my support of H. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas brave firefighters entering the World Trade Con. Res. 476 and of the firefighters of Penn- and nays. Center—knowing they very well may never re- sylvania’s 17th Congressional District. The yeas and nays were ordered. turn—with one selfless goal in mind: to save Mr. BOEHLERT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- lives. strong support of H. Con. Res. 476, recog- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the On that tragic day—September 11, 2001— nizing the goals and ideas of a day of tribute Chair’s prior announcement, further 347 firefighters died in the line of duty, several for fallen firefighters, and supporting the im- proceedings on this motion will be from my own district on Long Island. portant mission of the National Fallen Fire- postponed. While the heroic efforts of these brave men fighters Foundation. and women may be more clear on that day Congress created this non-profit foundation f there isn’t a day that passes when firefighters ten years ago to lead a national effort to honor b 2230 do not risk their own lives to save others. firefighters who have died in the line of duty Last year alone, 442 firefighters sacrificed and to assist surviving firefighters and family HOUSES OF WORSHIP POLITICAL their lives in order to save the lives of innocent members in rebuilding their lives. SPEECH PROTECTION ACT victims of fire and other emergencies. The Foundation has been steadily expand- Mr. HERGER. Mr. Speaker, I move to Later this week, the National Fallen Fire- ing its activities. In addition to providing emo- suspend the rules and pass the bill fighters Foundation will honor these firefighters tional support services to survivors and schol- (H.R. 2357) to amend the Internal Rev- and their families for the sacrifices made over arship awards for surviving spouses and chil- enue Code of 1986 to permit churches October 1, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6913 and other houses of worship to engage cans United for the Separation of even to our constituents, but to our in- in political campaigns.
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