Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March1993 Daily Egyptian 1993 3-26-1993 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 26, 1993 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_March1993 Volume 78, Issue 125 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 26, 1993." (Mar 1993). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1993 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March1993 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily Egyptian Friday, March 26. 1993. Vol. 78. No. 125. 16 Pagl!' ----------.~--------15, gather--------------- at rvice conference By Jefemy RnIey ------------------------------, ro.ns md providing tuition waiVftl< PoIiIics Writer for colJege. Segel said. Senate rejects suggested student loan cut • Segel praised the studen'> for CHAMPAIG - More tbaD their community service and . id By st-. DcIncInn budget bill wu rejected by a Gus Bode Ointon aho encounlged tbrm 10 15.000 college SIUdcnu gaIheTcd .. Special AssigrvnenI_ SemIe voce late Wednesday. tbr Univenity of D1ioois 1ltur.iday (lI01II<e m tbr progrwn. rught to d15CU55 ways community President CHnlon's plan r~~ -Service is important to your The direcl .'ud~nl loan ~ -. flDOlllCiallid ~'\ lives, you are teaching people to service could improve their propoul still is alive. and to get a eollege educ.uion cbances to aomd college wbiIe abo j read and providing home Ie • momentum is increlSing for regardless of their available sbdIers," he said. "You are helping benefiting tbr nation. favoring tbr plan md n.>form of ircome and wilhout bank '" , The Campus Outreach in large and small ways and we government funding for big..". ~ / .A ' Ir:now il," Opportunity (.QgDe or'!;..m tatioo education •• Senate spokesman By rejecting the Kassebaum The National Service Program had its national conferellce at said. Amendment. the Senate seDt a Foellinger Auditorium at U of I. SIllIeS tbaf the prognm will supp<tl An ammdment 10 011 tbr dim:t a minimum wage slipend and gIoIbering students involved with loan p'ogram from a Senate _LOAHS,_7 communiry sen kes from health ..xl cbild care benefilS if unM:nities .",.. tbr nation. .-led. Eli Segel. direaor of tbr White with a speech providing Ronald Reagan in 1990 and The prognm is designed to get Individuals serving after college House ()ff'JOe of National Service. information about tbr progrm! that rec:mtly empItasized by tbr Oinron -. involved with community opened the tttree-day confeTeOCe was ir"'xIuced by former PresKIa. adrninismItion. service. 10 lid them in ~ying off _ SEJMCE, _ 7 leader wants Senate approves outline of Clinton Yeltsin to get budget proposal anothertry The WasI*lgIon PoaI The WasIWngIon Post WASHINGTON- In Ino'-ter stnP.'.g display of Democ:r.otic unity 'I>IOS('I)W-Parl iamentary • tdtind PresideDt Clinton. Ibe <;-cak:er Rlisian Khasbulatoy ~.ena,e Tbunday approved the .stanced himself Thursday from broad outlines of the oemands for the immediate administration·. five-year pIIn 10 impcachrnc.nl of President Boris mIu.le tbr deflCit wxI ",smoct\J{" Yehsin. 5ul-.gesting thaI Russia's the economy. com~tilullonal crisis could be Tb~ 54 10 45 vote on tbe resolved instead Ib"ough early cong:-essionaJ budget resolutioo parliamenlary and presidential foUowed six days and nighl' of -. deliberations. Only ,wo In & television interview on the. eve of an emergency session of tbr Democr.. .. liens. Richard C . • Shelby of Alabama and Bob country's supn:me kgi Ia~. tbr Krueger of Texu joined lhe Congress of People's ~put' ••. KIlasbuJaIOV held out tbr possibility Republicans in voting against tbr resolution. which is designed to of 3 compromise if tbr 62·year-old president ackno¥"lec:,.ed hi achieve a record SS02 bimon in "mlSlake" in att=pU"$ to rule by deficit reduction by fiscal 1998. decn:c. i-nclud.ing 563 billion more in BUI tbr speaker also ~unched a savings than Ointoo propo;eU in wldc-nmgmg attack rAl Yeltsin's his Feb. 17 ecmoo1ic speech. reformist policies. Sltggcsung 31 Lul week. lbe Democratic· onC' point tb31 Russi.,-n foreign conIroIJed House VOIed 243 to 183 .,..licy had become "Cllmpletely to adc.pt the president's budget subservierr In Western int1uaJOe." progrwn. with coJy II Democrats In a s~parate television cpposing it. appear.vJOe U1 hour later. Yeltsin Following tbr VOle 00 tbr budget said an aitCrnpt was underway tC' Remote control resolution. the Senate began overthrow Rus<ia's rust popula!!y Brian Sc:tunit, a junior In product design In the Blue Barracks. The object of considering Clinlon's separate eIecIcd preaiden& "behind tbr bacb from Champaign, worIuI on hi. remote ~. proIIIct _ to IInprow on the proposal for S 16.3 billion in _ vaTSIN. _ 7 control ~ tor ~ taum. fIIcton c:t.a form and functIona or exIaIIng dtMcea. -CUNTON._' Gossett urges minorities to overcome racism By C1IttIUIIn ~ Goar:tt's _ ... IooIevu.... He soid be kImcd Ibis wbcn he expocIing the.aence 10 be IIDIII. Spacial ~ WIt.. ODe of boy.. He said the IUdiIianod b die role or a Marine Insad. the ..n.a vinuaIIy SlOpped opponunitit' for African driD insuua.or in tIte 1982 film. America. ac-r said pmd~ Louis Goae:I Jf., an IICIOr who in Americsl! in ,'he film industry an: "Ofr1CCf ud an GaltIeman,' lor was a ~ fIiIIillIbt bu:aISe d tbr 1960s wa.J anaacd for 00ving finally becom~"1 a leality. The wbicb be woo aD Academy Award. the quality widt wbicb iI ... done, ~r'~ '·~. /~.~': ~.' ." ~ .. ' his eoDyenible on Sunset lecture wu lpOosored by the lie said black a:ICn did D()( usually ID1I be cbarxIcrizr.d the eft'(lI\ as BooIeo1ad in ~ Hills Ilec:ade l.Ini..niry HtIaors propnt as JBt try for I*IS tba did D()( JpOCify 8 or the coklr or his tit, ~ of the Chutes D. Tenney black acIOL ~aid whal "'Roou" did in Hollywood 10 can 811 Academy DisIinjpJi!IIed lcaiRr Scrits. GOSIe/1's ow~ career gained was opea the worId's eyes 10 the .........m nt3Iy 3) yan !ale<. Gos,·,eu urged miDOrities and worldwide auclltion for hi• ract ,hal the African-American Gossett talIted 10 a crowd of wom"" to ,trivc ror all career pot1I2yaI d the cb:naa- FtddIo¥ in eomD 11I1Iity had a virtaally about I JlXJ TIrondoy uigbl 81 tbr opponunities. sayiDg that SO the ABC's 1977 procIuClion of ll1l""",ed IeIO\IICC or 0UISWIdm, ,/.1- ' Arena on the experiences he bad pcn:mI d ncism is within md can Alex HaIoy's "Roots." taIed 10 oller tbr lilm iodusuy. pinieg recopjtion in a racist be elim;naled by individnals a.-said tbr neIMlI1< ioitia1Iy '- . I HoilfWOO'! i!: Ius 4O-year = . tbemId-. bad re3CIVatJOns aboul tbr series, - GOSSfTT,_ 7 Loua..-aJr. .. .' • " '. .... ~:___ .~ ~ __ • • _ ." I • ~ r SlUC parking division Students use digital Opinion Basebal:. softball -See page 4 Travel studio course to add 186 spaces images to improve CI_ gives slue students teams to battle with to lots this summer printing .ikllls, wc:rk -sr.... page II taste of Scotland weatherth weekend Sports -Seepage 16 00u1-, -St~ 00 p3\le 3 -SICX}' on page 5 Mid so., -story OIl page 6 -SICX}' on page 16 . '., ,/ . 1/\ Pate Mad! 2b. 1993 Sports Diamond teams at mercy of weather Baseta)\~ team to face NE Illinois for 3 Softball team to play host to invitatio.laJ By Karyn VIvwfIt­ be in gc.od condition 10 play oul the "We '-' the ..,11 to come out Friday Sports WriIer tourTtameD," .... said. "It is expoctcd to be • or early Smuday if we ore going to fit all very competitivo lournament. and pI.ying in," said. Ibn:e pmos Rigglem::n Wbeo the SaIuki sofibaII team J\qlI up 10 thcoe \e3mO """,Id be good for us. " The SIUC baseball learn wiU be al Riggleman said he is DOl s= if SIUC bal this weekend, il could be holding an The SaIuIcis ore coming off 6-3 stan in the home this ~ for a tItn:e-pme set will play one game m Sarunlay and two umbrella ioste:Id of a bor. as the rain balds Florida. and hope 10 carry tha lIIIaZU over with ~ IDinois. on Sunday. or the 0Iher way around. the fate for the Salaki InvitaOooal to this weekend", tournamenl, bu.t tbe The Salukis will be aying 10 add to Salunlay's game ' ICbeduJed 10 stan 01 RaiD that has Slricten Catboodale this wealher has hun \lie Saluki,' practice their cunaJI tItree-pme winning -. nooo. with Sunday's action sIaIed for a I wed; has aIn:ody pusbod the IUItiog dire of opportDnities, IIm:bteItbaa said. bUI lbey need lillie help from the a p.m. srart. the tournaDl.!m from today 10 SamnIay, and "We got off 10 a gIC.~ _ in Florida. weather if they are going 10 gel this The starting pilchers for the Salukis if -..o-suys the some. all pnes cwId be the sad !bing is _the rUt has k.epI us fmm wed<a!d', pmos in. will he Mib: BIang. Mike VIII Gikb-and ancdI<d. beina able 10 practice outside aD wr:d<," .... SIUC bead COKb Som RiggIemat said Mike McAnIIe. probably in tha order. SaJaJrj bead COKb Kay Bm:bIeIsbouo::r said said. "I blow one thing for sure thuugttI, and is by the 6dd beina p'*'<:I<d a tarp. but .... hopes the SaIuIcis will be able 10 get the tha is we wiD be mdy 10 play." it is IIn:ady under a lot of_. _PrTat. .... ,5 tournament in. "I hope it will deor up and the fidds wiD - SOFTBAU.., ...
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