oppressed VOL. 3 - NO. 6 ©Black Perspective LEHMAN COLLEGE, BRONX, N. Y. ~;l32 MAY 22, 1973 Lennox Hinds: SEEi(: BODY AND SOUL YoM h(IJl)el!ttperi'tnpo.~ed aii ad­ ideals and the baniers embodioo List; the SEEK Honor Holl {3.0 We 'ith.ePeople ditional "S" over the S-E-E-K o-f within the practice of freedom aver.age orbetter within the last SEEK. Originally ~landing for in relating a physical desire he year); Outstanding Contr~bution At the recent S.E.E.K. Honors and· Awards Day pro­ the Searck for Education, Ele-i;a­ had as a child to croos Third to S.ElEK Program and C-0mmun~ gram held on 'ivlo.y 16, 1973, on.~ of the gu-e::itspeakers was tion Uhtd Knowledge, it now Avenue and check out the neigh­ icy; and Special nerognitlon for Mr. Lennox Rinds, Associate Director of National Confer­ stmuls for the Search and Secur­ boring Italian di~trict, hut the ing of Education, Elevation and fear he had of doing so. He ence o.f Black Lawyers. knowledge. stated that such a fear still ex­ Mr. Hinds started by stating ar.d those who are oppressed. the present movements are not -John, Pi1att, ists on a spiritual level in our The system must change or I Direc;toi' of SEEK minds as we peruse the painted 1bencfitting Blac:k people. He fe?.ls will be no more." He said, "T.1ere that they are not organ:zed to veil, obse:-v!ng stere-otyplcally is an 'historical mjssion of 1ca·d­ .pow~r.ful and/or frightening im­ meet the needs of the masses. crship to ·fulfill. When t:hc masses agP.s oh the other side. Our a,bil­ He said, ''Present organl:z:ations erupt t:,ere are three choice8 as ity to maneuver in society will ·al'e alienated from the people." leaders in this society, only come when we have the The l'evolutionary, nationalistic, l. stand and jeer on the side­ ..and culturaJ nationalistic move­ lines. courage to lift the veil and see things as they aTe. We see ments do not fulfill the vacuum 2. become the new government must our oppressors and realize the :which is created ·by an oppr-es· af Toms and slop it, equality of our potential as a sive society. It takes more t:1·an 3. get to the front and lead i't." people to challenge and compete rhetoric and .i redefining of The brother was quite clear in Black history to give us the jus­ ~ith the former·. In knowledge tice that Is ours. :)!Jr. Hinds of what lies beyon-d the ,>:iel stn~ssed the fact that · "real comes resolution of fear· and fear pc:,w~r Js taking over- City Hall tactics; attainment of power ·and not sim;>ly the election of through po~itive interaetton with Black Mayors. "The power js se1f and those similar to self the .action of people behind him:•· (•brothers and- sisters). We must T:1e right co,urse of action is in achieve and maintain the abili­ Qur fighting for commu;iity con· ties to create, challenge and Vol and "to have an a1>proach control for !;elf; thus yielding .whir:h is s_cienUfic and not ran­ freedom. <lom." He also stated, "Blacks. Towards the en<l of M.:. Hin,ds'· :must join othars." B!ack people speech, President Lief and Wto are not ,alone· in their fight for of t!he deans walked in. President (.. -a.om. Lief, w.ho had been scheduled to Mr. Hinds ended his message speak earlier, spoke after the by focusing on the question, other guest speakers. Lief greet­ "Whom do you serve?" He said the thoughts he meaQt to get ed the crowd. He eXJPlained his that it was: a qu_e.stion ip one's acro\ls; that beiri.g, one deci(les if 'lateness as 'being caused by his own mind. "W:1ose interest do one works · fol· t:-ie people or f,or. having to attend a show of pro­ you serve?" He then preceded to the man. You can· not ~erve two Hmnberto Cintl'.on test against the possible ins:tltu­ ,amiwer that question by saying, masters.' Asthe· brother stated "Ghuru, Li'bertad, FreecLom" tion of tuition next fall through "'!'here can be no compatibility_ •earlier "•there c.in be. no com• formulated the theme for the allowing some seats of t.he Board !between an oppressive system -I>atibility botwel:.'n the two." ,second Annual SEEK Honors and of Higher l!:ducation ·to be taken by Rockerfellian delegates o.f the Aw.ards Day, which took pJaoe state. Following this explanation, May 16 in the Gillet Auditorium. BSU as Number Two; Freedom through Knowledge of Lief saluted the honor studenu;. Angel Dom.i.nguez seld' and environment her-.ame the varied acbievement.s. In addition, 'CASA. Bags Ba·sket i;ophere for the program. honors in the form of plaques By GIi, MATTHEWS, The opening cerernony con­ firs led 65·55. With three minutes were bestow<::d upon Diarie Lock• sisted renditions of the Black Hrudel' Coach lef.t -in the ga.-ne, the Raiders or ett Lee and Angel Dominguez ipo!!red it on with 8 straight National Anthem and La Borin­ C.ASA Entertainment Stlrlf (Art; B.F.A.) on the ba:;is of baskets and one foul shot to pull <iuena. These were followed by fought off a last minute RaJ.iler their ,cwnulative averages upon in with 69-SS. Two Bn.tel'­ salutations and a short history of ciomeba;ck tu defeat the Black one, graduation. tainer basket!; with 58 seconds the SElilK program's progress by Student Union 'Raiders 70-71, left, put the Raiders behind by Joon Pyatt. the:reby taking the Clab League three, 71--68. Diane L()okett Lee, l!:nglish !11m!ti?.,.,.~"m~ Ba,sl,etba.U Chanmpionship . Wfflmlti~~'Wmi~ Reggie followed throng:'1 wilh Major; Cum r.aude - Graduat­ · ,l.\ilonday :Vlay 14, in the · I.ch­ a jumper from the foul line v.,ith ing C'Jass of J,unc '73 was this m.an College Gym, the BSU 25. s-eeonds left. This pulled the year's student spe-aker. She sa­ This issue: Raiders, winners of the East naiders witbin one again. A pass luated hel' fellow students and League championship and CAS:A's stolen by Buck \,vitb 20 seconds the SElElK program, ,following The Greedy Entertainment Staff, winners o.f Diane J,oekett Lee ,and a foul sending Reggie to her salutations with the sharing the West League championship the fioul line for one and one s:iot. of an inspirational verse . met for the Championship g.ame I re was for~ed. to leave by the Graffiti He missed it and the Entertain­ Diane's address was succeeded of the Club League. The out· ncce6sity of his attenrlan(.'€ at a ers came down court with 15 by a blackarts pre:sentation by come, a 71-70 win for the En· student senatorial meeting, second left. Timmy then stole the Joan Miller Dance Troupe o<f -iertainer:s. In a second presentation of BSU-Where the ball with nine seconds and Lehman ,College. The setting and mood were crc-ated by four sis• blackarts, the Black Theatre : The Entertainers led 12•10 at Reggie ag:ain was fouled with 7 Wor:kshop received a workout. ters clad in black tights and are you? ,the end of the first quarter, but s.econds left in the game. He Their offei:ing consisted of se­ found themselves behind by f!ve, missed agll,in and Steve Kam, the white flow skirts; usage of four stools, tabour.ines and a gospel lections from a work entitled 28-23 at fae half. This was the Entertainer's high scorer and re­ Street Scenes. F.ach selection iRaider:s• biggest lead of the game. bounder came down with the I.Jail background, provided the audi­ Kryptonites8 ence with the necessary ingredi­ portrayed a short. tableau of · With three minutes gone in and held it for the remaining black life. Scene transition was seconds. Th~ Entertainers won ents for an old time revival Schizmites tb.e third quarter, the Rai-der b:ig meeting. made by interjecting popular re­ man Kendel fouled out and tho · :it 71-70. The int<.>Tjectiono.f the black­ corded music. With no props or Raiders found themselws at the · The Entertainers player .a !ine art form paved the way for the ~cenery, through pantomime, mu­ short end ½ith four of their men •.. anda game. We, the Raiders, hope to two g-u<:'Stspeakers. Both Len­ sic and dramatic ability, the ·in trou·ble. At the end of the s_ee you again next year. nox Hinds, Associate Director Workshop rendered a spectrum third quarter the Raider found The Raiders; Reggie (28 pts.), of ser.io-comic insig:hts into the GhettoMoon themselves in the hole, 48-44. for the Natio:Aal Conference of Ray (18 pts.), Kendel, Timmy, Black Lawyers, and Humberto black experience. With aLI the Raider players in •J3uck, Alan. Cintron, Executive Producer of :A.wards were given fir.st to acomin. ' ... foul trouble, the Entertainers Entertainers: Steve Kam (17 WNET's Realidades reflected January, June and A11gust grad­ ,poured it on. With five minu.tes pts.), Larry (12 pts:l, Bar::ry, Ira, upon the Award's theme of Free­ uates. These were followed by ~~!Wl!lm left in the game, the Entertain- Joe, ·Leroy, ,and Barry.
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