September 3, 2020 Volume 103 Number 02 THE DUQUESNE DUKE www.duqsm.com PROUDLY SERVING OUR CAMPUS SINCE 1925 Masking it up in Brottier Duquesne releases COVID data table Kellen Stepler editor-in-chief This week, Duquesne University unveiled a daily report of cases by isolation and quarantine sta- tus for the past seven days. The table is split up into six different categories: confirmed cases, suspected cases, students isolated on campus, students isolated at home, students quar- antined in a hotel and students quarantined at home. According to the table, confirmed cases are based on a laboratory test us- ing either an Abbott ID test or a Quest PCR Nasal Swab test. Suspected cases are based on CDC Clinical and Epidemiologic Criteria. As of Wednesday, Sept. 2, there are zero confirmed cases cumulative over time, and four cumulative suspected cases over time. There is one student iso- lated on campus over time, and Griffin Sendek / Multimedia Editor seven students quarantined on A friendly reminder from a Brottier Hall window nudges the Duquesne community to wear a mask and socially distance. see COVID — page 3 DU prof calls for removal of police in Pittsburgh schools Kellen Stepler buildings of this city’s children.” editor-in-chief Sizemore cited data from the American Civil Liberties Union, stating that students who attend The national conversation regard- schools with police are 3.5 times ing police presence in schools more likely to be arrested than in hit Pittsburgh this summer, as schools without police. Duquesne law professor Tiffany “Arresting children and push- Sizemore and Pitt professor Jeff ing them into magistrates, juve- Shook wrote an open call for Pitts- nile courts and adult courts makes burgh Public Schools (PPS) to stop them more likely to drop out of using police to manage children in school which, in turn, makes them their schools. at higher risk for a wide range of Sizemore, head of the Juvenile poor life outcomes,” Sizemore Defender Clinic at Duquesne, said. wrote that “in light of the contin- Shook said that mentors, in- ued police killings of unarmed Afri- cluding police, play an authority can-American teens citizens in this figure in schools to improve school country, there is no justification for climate, but that role can be ful- continuing to have police officers filled without the police label. or other quasi-law enforcement se- Kellen Stepler / Editor-in-Chief curity forces patrolling the school Brashear High School is one of four grades 9-12 high schools in the Pittsburgh Public School district. Advocates, like DU professor Tiffany Sizemore, are pushing to remove police presence in schools across the district. see POLICE — page 3 ... opinions features sports a & e Follow us on... Rural remote Dogs and deans DU football Tuning in learning The challenges of virtual Meet the new interim Team boasts exciting Red Masquers learning in rural areas pharmacy dean, and outlook despite debut radio show a furry friend postponed season @theduquesneduke PAGE 4 PAGE 6 PAGE 7 PAGE 10 2 THEDUQUESNEDUKE POLICE briefs Duquesne Student EXPO goes virtual Griffin Sendek Welcome back! The coronavi- small “join Zoom” button and be rus might have changed a lot of multimedia editor instantly directed to a call with things on campus, but not the The Student EXPO has been a members willing to answer any consistent use of marijuana by staple of every new semester and all questions. Duquesne students... on Duquesne’s campus, how- “Honestly, I thought the expo ever, like many other university On Aug. 25, Duquesne students went better than expected,” Vin- events, this year’s expo went en- were found to be in possession cent Gullo, President of Delta of fake identification cards, mari- tirely virtual. Chi Fraternity, said. “My re- juana, alcohol and parapherna- Booths lining A-walk instead cruitment chair and I talked lia. Students are being referred were replaced with several doz- about how impressive it was to the Office of Student Conduct. en Zoom chat rooms where stu- for people to hop in on a Zoom dents could pop in, chat with call with people they didn’t even On Aug. 26, Campus police re- representatives from each club know and have a conversation.” Courtesy of Duquesne campuslink sponded to Duquesne Towers and move on to the next room of Where the expo couldn’t avoid a lot more than just pick up a major and co-president of Her- for a marijuana incident. A state their choosing. issues is the social awkwardness flyer,” Gullo said. campusDUQ said. “We had a to- citation was issued to a resident The most miraculous aspect associated with using zoom. However, not all organiza- tal of three people.” student for a second offense and of the expo’s shift to a virtual Joining a call and being alone tions were created equal. The DeMicoli wishes the expo had the case was referred to the Of- format is how seamlessly it all with only members of the orga- members of HerCampusDUQ, been a week-long event that fice of Student Conduct. worked from a technology stand- nization can be slightly uncom- the newly added Duquesne each organization had a set date point. All of the club’s Zoom fortable, but the moment con- branch of the digital women’s and time. On Aug. 28, a resident student rooms were accessible through versations started flowing most magazine, did not come away “I think they could have eas- reported harassment via com- Campus Link, at 11 a.m. the stu- all of the awkward feelings fell with the same level of positivity. ily adhered to CDC guidelines ... munication. dent expo event page opened up away. The social fraternities such It also would be very helpful to with a long list of each organiza- “Although the number of par- as Delta Chi are already well- clubs such as mine who have yet Also, on Aug. 28, a student re- tion taking part. ticipants was obviously down known throughout campus, to make a physical appearance ported that his vehicle was dam- Students could scroll through than in previous years, it re- whereas new and smaller clubs and are, therefore, at a much aged while it was parked unat- the page reading the short de- ally seemed that the people who tended in a university garage. do not have that same luxury. larger disadvantage than clubs scriptions of each group and came wanted to be a part of the “Our expo turnout was dis- that have been around for even if they found one they were in- organization because they took On Sept. 1, all Duquesne stu- appointing,” Lauren DeMicoli, a year longer than we have,” terested in, they could click a that social risk. They had to do dents recieved an email from Public Relations & advertising DeMicoli said. assistant police chief Michael continue that drive at Duquesne, and T Sippey regarding a registered h e for the university to be more in tune sex offender attempting to in- S with Pittsburgh. BLACK t o Duq BSU reactivated teract with female students. On “We want to have an organization r k i Aug. 31, Johnathan Caito walked VOICES e c like the BSU to come back and be that s a alongside a female student walk- l voice,” Harris said. B MATTER o f ing from City View apartments s This year, the organization will ’ D e u n q s u and engaged in conversation, e tackle the call to action letter writ- trying to elicit information from ten to university administration the student. On this occastion, that the executive board wrote the report said that Caito did not Kellen Stepler in July, fighting for institutional commit any criminal offense. editor-in-chief change on campus. Caito is a registered sex offender, A common misconception of the and is banned from university Why not now? BSU is that you have to be a minor- grounds after a November 2019 Now, Darian Reynolds thought, ity to be involved — which Reynolds incident. If he enters private would be the time to reactivate said is not the case. He said the BSU property, he will be arrested for Duquesne’s Black Student Union welcomes all students and views, and defiant trespass. (BSU). He said that the revival of the requires that you respect yourself, Remember to never walk alone BSU came from “everything happen- others and cultures. while walking outside of campus, ing in the world today.” “We’re just another student organi- and DUPD will always provide “We’re in the midst of big, racial zation; we shouldn’t be labeled by our an escort at any time on campus tension in America,” Reynolds, BSU color,” Reynolds said. property. The emergency contact president, said. “There are Black Courtesy of Duquesne University Facebook A “social justice platform,” accord- for DUPD is 412-396-2677. brothers and sisters out there being Reynolds will lead Duquesne's BSU this year, focusing on a mission to give a ing to Harris, the BSU is a place where voice to Black and brown students on campus. tormented, killed. Now, people are people can come and speak freely on being vocal about it, and expressing experiences and to their opportuni- an opportunity where students have a issues impacting them, and can also JOIN THE DUKE! concern.” ties for future success. In fact, during place where they can belong and are educate others on things they never Reynolds is currently a grad stu- my time at Duquesne, several alums respected and appreciated, and also knew, or don’t understand. If you’re interested, email thed- dent pursuing higher education would express their gratitude for the have the opportunity to be along like- “Experiences are the best education [email protected] or stop by our administration.
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