BNL—38530 BROOKHAVIN NATIONAL LABORATORY DE87 001374 July 1986 BNL- ' >••> QUARK DECONFINEMENT AND HIGH ENERGf I9 NUCLEAR COLLISIONS H. Satz Fakultat fur Physik Universitat Bielefeld, D-48 Bielefeld, F.R. Germany and Physics Department Brookltaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY 11973, USA ABSTRACT Statistical QCD predicts that with increasing density, strongly inter- acting matter will undergo a transition to a plasma of deconfined quarks and gluons. High energy heavy ion collisions are expected to permit exper- imental studies of this transition and of the predicted new state of matter. Talk given at the XXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics, 1C-23 July 1980, Berkeley, California, USA. This manuscript has been authored under contract number D10-ACO2-7OCIIOUU1C with the U.S. Depn.rt.- ment of Energy. Accordingly, the U.S. Government retains a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to publish or reproduce the published form of this contribution, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. DISTRIBUTION OF THIS DOCUMEKT !S UNLIMITED yfi 1. Introduction High energy hadron collisions have provided the empirical basis for strong interaction dynamics. It is our hope that high energy heavy ion collisions will do the same for strong interaction thermodynamics, that they will become the tool with which we can carry out the experimental analysis of strongly interacting matter. We recall that thermodynamics, in studying the collective behaviour of many components, may well lead to new physics, beyond the known dynamics. In solid state physics, ferromagnetism and superconductivity are just two striking examples of this. We shall see shortly that the statistical mechanics obtained with QCD as dynamical input in fact does predict new states of matter. Heavy ion experiments, starting this fall at the AGS (Brookhaven)1 and the SPS (CERN)2 will attempt to observe and study these states experimentally. Already on a phenomenological level, we may expect strongly interacting matter to undergo two phase transitions: colour deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration. Let us therefore begin by looking at these transitions as specific cases of rather general phenomena in statistical physics. The binding potential V (r) between two charges separated by a distance r is modified by the presence of other charges. In atomic physics, we obtain the Debye-screened form V (r) exp {—r/ru), where the screening radius rj) decreases with increasing charge density. When TJJ ai rg, where rg denotes the binding radius, the system undergoes a transition from insulator to conductor, since the screening now liberates the valence electron. Simi- larly, we expect for strongly interacting matter a transition from colour insulator (hadronic matter) to colour conductor (quark-gluon plasma), once the density of colour charges is sufficient to make rjy^rjj, where rjj is the hadron radius.3 At sufficiently high density, the long range, confining part of the potential thus becomes screened and we expect quark deconfinement. A conduction electron in a metal generally has a different effective mass than that of an electron in vacuum or bound in an isolated hydrogen atom. This shift in mass is a collective effect due to the lattice and the other electrons in the conductor. Similarly, we expect that the quarks inside a hadron will have a different effective mass than they have in a plasma at high density. For the latter, asymptotic freedom leads eventually to a vanishing quark mass, while inside hadrons we have constituent quarks of mass m|ff a 300 MeV. A theory with massless quarks is chirally symmetric. At low density, this symmetry must thus be spontaneously broken; at high density, when m|ff —> 0, chiral symmetry is restored. We thus expect two types of transition in strongly interacting matter: quark decon- finement as the result of colour charge screening at high density, and chiral symmetry restoration as the result of a shift in the quark mass when the system changes from colour insulator to conductor. Are the two phenomena connected, and what are the transition parameters? For this, we now turn to statistical QCD. 2. Statistical QCD The basis for strong interaction dynamics is the QCD Lagrangian a t = -\{d»A v -dvA%- gfe 4 Aiy -Y^$f(if tf where A and ip are the gluon and quark fields, respectively; the corresponding colour indices take on the values a, b, c = 1, • • •, 8 and a, (3 = 1,2,3. We shall in general consider only two quark flavours (u, d); these we take as massless. Strong interaction thermodynamics is then based on the partition function Z (T, /x, V) = Tr{exp [- [H - n N) /T]}, (2) where H (£,) is the Hamiltonian, N the net overall baryon number, and (j, the associated baryonic chemical potential. With Eq. (1) and (2), statistical QCD is in principle completely defined. Given Z, we obtain by differentiation all thermodynamic observables of interest, such as e=(T*/V)(dlnZ/dT)llfT>v (3) for the energy density, or nB = {T/V) (dinZ/dn)Ty (4) for the baryon number density. To evaluate Z, however, we need a regularizing, non-perturbative method of treating the relativistic quantum field problem implied by Eq. (1). Since we want to study critical behaviour, a perturbative approach as used in QED is not adequate. So far, the only scheme which allows a solution of this problem is the lattice formulation proposed by K. Wilson.4 It leads to a partition function similar in form to those encountered in the statis- tical mechanics of spin systems and can therefore be solved by Monte Carlo simulation on sufficiently large computers.5 We shall here go immediately to the results obtained through this approach; for a recent survey giving more details of formulation and evaluation, see Ref. 6. The energy density of an ideal gas of massless quarks and gluons, for colour SU (3) and two quark flavours, is given by the generalized Stefan-Boltzmann form (5) An ideal gas of massless pions leads to (6) The energy density of strongly interacting matter, as obtained by computer simulation of the QCD expression (3) with Eq. (1) and (2), is shown in fig. 1. It is displayed there as a function of the inverse coupling 6/g2, which is connected to the physical temperature through the renormalization group relation lnT ~ 6/g2. At low temperature, the energy density is seen to be close to the pion gas value (6); at a point corresponding to about Tc ~ 200MeV, it changes abruptly and starts to approach the ideal plasma value (5). To see if this transition indeed corresponds to deconfinement, we need an order pa- rameter indicating which phase the system is in. It is given by the average thermal Wilson loop L,7'8 which is related to the free energy F of an isolated quark, L~exp{-F/T}. (7) In the confinement regime, there can be no free quarks and F becomes infinite; once colour screening sets in, it is possible to separate a qq pair, and hence F becomes finite. Confinement is thus indicated by Z ~ 0, and when deconfinement occurs, L jumps abruptly to much larger values. In fig. 2 we see that this is indeed the behaviour which follows from statistical QCD, and the transition temperatures from L and e agree, as expected. Next, we want to look at chiral symmetry restoration. Here the order parameter is (•4>ip), which provides a measure of the effective quark mass. Hence for (ipip) a 0, we have chiral symmetry, while for (iptp) >• 0 it is spontaneously broken. In fig. 3 we compare the order parameters for deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration; it is seen that the two phenomena occur at the same transition temperature. Let us note that the results of statistical QCD, which we have just summarized, have been obtained by a number of different groups using quite different techniques to accom- modate quarks in the lattice formulation (for a compilation, see Ref. 6). They all find very similar behaviour, both qualitatively and quantitatively. We can therefore conclude that statistical QCD predicts for vanishing baryon number density a meson gas at low temperatures, colour deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration at Tc OL 200 MeV, and for higher temperatures, a plasma of deconfined, massless quarks and gluons. The energy density necessary to attain this plasma is about 2.5GeV/fm3. What happens when we now pass from "mesonic" matter with vanishing baryon num- ber density to "baryonic" matter, for which fi ^ 0 in Eq. (2)? In this case the Monte Carlo evaluation encounters technical difficulties (complex quark determinant), which are presently being addressed by various groups; they are not yet resolved, however. There- fore, only approximative results9 are available so far; nevertheless, they give us some first indications of what to expect. In fig. 4 we show the temperature dependence of the deconfinement order parameter L for different values of the baryonic chemical potential (i. As fj. and hence the baryon number density increase, the transition point is shifted to lower temperatures. Such an effect is expected: deconfinement can be caused either by heating or by compression, and if compressed, the system requires less heating to become critical. The use of pressure — here in the form of an increased baryon number density — in inducing deconfinement is seen quite clearly in fig. 5, where the order parameter shows a ^-dependence very similar to the T-dependence of fig. 2. The present, approximative evaluation goes up to /j, a 800 MeV; so far, deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration continue to coincide, as seen in fig. 6. Whether this will hold down to T = 0 remains to be seen; in principle, a three phase structure is not yet excluded.
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