ESSEX. APP 467 Riches Charles Thomas, Roseberry Villa, Spiller Mrs.E.22St.Leonards Rd.Southnd West Thos

ESSEX. APP 467 Riches Charles Thomas, Roseberry Villa, Spiller Mrs.E.22St.Leonards Rd.Southnd West Thos

TRADES DffiECTOBY.] ESSEX. APP 467 Riches Charles Thomas, Roseberry villa, Spiller Mrs.E.22St.Leonards rd.Southnd West Thos. 19 Cambridge ter. Southend Church road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Staines :Mrs. John,Bocking end,Bocking, Westobey Mrs. Harriet, Belgrave house, Riddelsdell Mrs. Henry, Cyprus house, Braintree Carnarvon rd. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O StanleyE.7East ter.Wltn.-on-NazeR.S.O White MissEllen,Q Myrtle villas, Station 1Udlington Misses ~Iary & Millicent, Starling Henry,Charlotte cottage, Hayes road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Highcliffe, Beach road, Clacton-on- road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O White Mrs. Mary, 4 Marine parade1 Sea R.S. 0 Stabbing Charles George, I Dalberry vils Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Bigden John, 2 Beach street, Clacton- Beach street, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O WhiteT.3Bristol ter. .Breweryrd.Southnd on-Sea R.S.O Stevenson John, Amber house,Rosemary Whitman Caleb, Sun st. Waltham Abbey .Roberts Wm. Jas. Garfield rd. Chingford road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O -' Wilson Barnabas, 7 & S Morton terrace, Bobertson Mrs. Thomas, Stour house, Stewart Mrs. A. Garfield rd. Chingford Walton-on-the-Naze R S.O Orwell road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Stewart Arthur, 26 Anchor road, Clac- Wilson Jared, Portland house, Marine :Robinson Abraham, 3 Ashburnham ter- ton-on-Sea R.S.O parade west, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O race, Southchurch, Southend Stewart Henry, Garfield rd. Chingford WilsonMrs.Mary,I8St.John's st.Colchstr Robinson Mrs. C. 8 Albert rd. Southend Stiff J. 3 Maria st. New town, Harwich Winslow Edwd. I2 Marine par.Southend :Robinson William, I Scott's villas, Lower Stratford Thomas, so Heath st. Barking Wiseman Mrs. Eliza, Ivy cottage, North Southend, Southend Stringer Miss Sarah A. Crawfold, Colne street, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O "Robinson William, Grove rd. Southend road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wiseman George, 4 Alfred terrace, :Rogers Miss E. 5 South crescent, Walton- Strutt Mrs. Fred, High street, Walton- Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O on-the-Naze R.S.O on-the-Naze R.S.O Wood Mrs. Carolina, 2 Pavilion villas, Rogers Mrs. Lucinda, I Prittlewell Strutt Mrs. Louisa, King's rd. Halstead Walton-on.-the-Naze R.S.O square, Cliff town, Southend StuartJ.I&2Cliffvls.Dovercourt,Harwich Wood~IissE.Post office,Ingrave,Brentwd Rogers Mrs. The Gables, Colne road, Stutchfield Mrs. Carolina, Gothic cot- Wood Mrs. E. I York ter. Low. Sthend Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O tage, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Wood l\Irs.MaryA.3IPleasant rd.Sthend .:Roper Jabez, Horkesley villa, Willesley Suckling Mrs. Sarah, Beach house,Beach Woodley Mrs. Su'lan, 4 Beach street, road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Rowland Mrs. Frances, 30 Victoria Tanner Alfd.I6 King's Head st. Harwich Woodroffe Charles, St. Osyth's house, street, Dovercourt, Harwich Taylor ~1rs. B. 8 Hartington rd.Southnd Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O .Rowland Mrs. Sarah, Ferndale villa, Taylor Mrs. Peter, I Walton square, Gordon road, Southend Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Wormwell Miss Emily, 4 Eagle crescent, :Rowland Mrs. S. 72 High st. Halstead Taylor Philip, r Carlton villas, Ellis Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O :Rudd Jn.34Victoria st.Dovercrt.Harwich road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Worr:.wick Mrs. Emma, Castle road, :Rnmsey Mrs. Mary Ann, Station road, Terris Mrs. Eliza, I Britannia villas,New Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Southminster, S.O Pier street, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Wright Misses Mary Ann & Ellen, 4 Rush R. Rocklands, Royal ter. Southend Thatcher Mrs. Ellen, Sandcliff cottage, Royal terrace, Southend .Russell lsaac, Hazelhurst, Ellis road, Beach street, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wright Mrs. Emily, 4 South terrace, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Thatcher William, Grove villa, Rose- Walton-on-the-N aze R.S. 0 .Sage William, 2 Lime villa, Main road, mary road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O WrightMrs.Evelyn,4Belmnt.vils.Sthend Dovercourt, Harwich Thomas Mrs. Mary, I Anchor villas, Old WrightMrs. Grace,6 Runwell ter.Sthend .Sarfas ~Irs. Frances,Selina house, South- road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wright John, Helen cottage, Orwell church Beach, Southend ThompsonE.Paradise rd.WalthamAbbey road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O :Sax by Mrs. Sarah Ann, 2 Gordon villas, Thompson Jas. 3 I Stanley rd. Southend WrightMiss L.4 Cliff Town par.Southend Gordon road, Southend Thorby John, 8 Scott's villas, Lower Wright William, 2 West avenue, Clac- .Scates Miss Elizabeth, 2 Eugene terrace, Southend, Southend ton-on-Sea R.S.O Saville rd. Walton-on-the-Nazc R.S.O Thorn Mrs. Alice, 6I West st. Harwich Wyatt Waiter, 2 Alfred terrace, Walton­ .Schmidt Mrs. S. 63 Pleasantrd.Southend Thorogood Frances, I3 Victoria street, on-the-Naze R.S.O Schofield William, 3 Dalberry villas, Dovercourt, Harwich YoungR.39 Victoria st.Doverct.Harwich Beach street, Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 Threadgold Mrs.F.Sun st. WalthamAbby .Scolding Mrs. Maria, 3 Beach street, Thurgood Mrs. Mary, High st. Epping APPRAISERS & _VALUERS. Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Till Mrs. Elizabth. Queen's rd.Southend See also Auctwneers . .Scott Mrs. Alfred, Clifton lodge, Angle- Tillett Mrs. Mary A. Witham AmbroseJ.Fernbk.Statn.rd.Loughtn.S.O field road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Townes George, Seaview cottages, Wal- Barber James, 57 High st. Colchester .Seager George, Elm villa, Rosemary ton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Barton Alfred, Bowyer villa, Romford road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Tuffin Miss Elizabeth, Grosvenor house, Browne Philip, Great Hallingbury, Bis- Secker Miss Emma, Lorne villa, High st. High st. W al ton-on-the-N aze R.S. 0 hop's Stortford Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Turner Mrs. M. 2 Clifton ter. Southend Clark James William, Ch'Jrch street, .Secretan Mrs. A. I Devereux ter. Sthnd TydimanMrs. J. 22\Veston rd. Southend Coggeshall Sexton Henry, 8 Anchor villas, Old road, Upson Mrs. Mary, 3I Victoria street, Cornell Benj. 68 London rd. Braintree Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Dovercourt, Harwich Craske & Sons, 35A, Head st. Colchester ShearmanJohn,2Spring cottages,Walton- Wade Edward, Church end, Dunmow Darby Alfred, 97 High st. Chelmsford on-the-Naze R.S.O Wade Miss Ellen, 5 Grosvenor place, Darby Charles Daniel, I8 Springfield .Sherlock Mrs. Mary A. Granville road, Lower Southend. Southend road, Chelmsford Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Wagstaff Thomas Henry, 5 Beach street, Wlthm.Abby Shillam Mrs. Rosa, Spencer house, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Fuller Charles, Head Gate Auction Marine parade, Dovercourt, Harwich Wakeling Mrs. Louisa, 4 Grosvenor st. rooms, Colchester .Shotter Mrs. Catherine, I Bedford villas, Lower Southend, Southend Gilders Ed win J oseph (firm, Gilders Rosemary villas,Clacton-on-Sea R.S. 0 WaleMrs.M.26 St.Leonards rd.Southend Bros.), Station road & Rail way station .Sibley Mrs. Emma, Belsize house,Orwell Walker Mrs. Julia, Athel villa, Kilworth Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O. See advert road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O avenue, Hastings road, Southend Godwin Isaac William, office, Chapel .Simmons Mrs. Frederick, I Martello Walker Mrs. Susan, 7 Oxford terrace, street, Colchester road, Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Haltridge John, Railway bridge,Brentwd .Skilleter Mrs. Emma, 5 Burnham ter- Walker Wm.27 Cambridge ter.Southend Hardy J. & Son, 137 High st. Colchester race, Clarence street, Southend Waller William, I Castle terrace, Lower Harvey Edward Forster, Mersea house, Slee Mrs. Edwin,:, Clifton ter. Southend Southend, Southend Saville rd. Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Smith Alfred, 32 Stanley rd. Southend Ward Mrs. M. E. 3 Clifton ter. Southend Newman T. H. & Son, 61 High street, Smith B. 4 Victoria st. Dovercrt.Harwch Wardill Frank, 6 Wesley rd. Southend .Braintree; & at Rayne .Smith Edmund, 1 & 2 Alexandra ter- Warner J. A. 3 Tiptree villas, Southend Norman W. G. & Son, 62 & 64 Barking race, Clacton-on-SeaR.S.O Watkins Chas.W.r6 Willowst.Chingford road, Canning Town E; & Town Hall Smith Ed.s Southchurch aven.Southend Webb Mrs. Ellen, Regent house, Car- chambers, 29 Broadway, Stratford E .Smith James, 6 Alfred terrace, Walton- narvon road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Palmer E. N. 25 Broomfield rd.Chlmsfd on-the-Naze R.S.O Webb l\Irs. Margaret 5 Orwell terrace, Road Sidney, I6 Duke st. Chelmsford SmithJ.Claremont ho. Warley rd.Brntwd Dovercourt, Harwich Rogers J ames, 6 High street, Maiden Smith Mrs. Peter, 2 Branscombe villas, Weeks Mrs. Annie, Avondale, Rosemary Simkin W. R.; office & show rooms, Pier avenue, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O road, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O North hill; depository, North Station Smith Zachariah, Ocean View house, Weeley Miss Carolina, 4 Navarino place, road, Colchester Dovercourt, Harwich Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Stanford Charles 1\Iaurice, 23 High Sneddon Mrs. Ann, 5 Cape] ter.Southend Wellham Ernest, 6 Pallister road, street, Colchester Sparrow Frederick, 5 Alfred terrace, Clacton-on-Sea R.S.O Sworder Hugh F.S.I. High st. Epping Walton-on-the-Naze R.S.O Wells Mrs. A. A.3 Runwell ter.SouthendiTyler & Son, Auction rooms, Head st. Spill Mrs. Laura, 7 Royal ter. Southend Wells Miss Elzbth. 154 High st.Colchester Halstead ; & Braintree & Bocking ESSEX. 30:1= .

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