HAND BOOK OF STATISTICS 1988 - 89 CHITTOOR DISTRICT COMPILED AND PUBLISHED BY CHIEF PLANNING OFFICER CHITTOOR SftjTtOOR D iafR rcT REV.MANnAi_s ^ i v^e*oaA#*^oy^ g c ^ t r ; . q^^qmch- aw>,t *---- I \ } Ct/OOAf>A H r».. ’^ r s m z T C T T YT Vu^ J . .•' -- --■*—* /■'—f ^ . -V JW ;. ) W - ' - > 4 •--\\ ...........^ 't AfWOA^J ^■'* I r . 1 a V’’ t ■•'. ''>..............^ 1^ - - \ 1 K 'l ,' : : .‘■.i .. ^ \’ i < j • Q.O-h^a 0^42 am lyi ^ 'V ■ 5 ' ’ . i ................Sia£B -^oTmcloJt^ 1 \ I [iS^ /' ' \:^'-* — — ... ^^I}<stAic,i Jiau.nd!o>tj^ f \ \ y*....* / j*-*.,, i • V — o0c«^eon/j3qig»tn^ I ; C l . HisL^-ict J^a<J ^ooA^iA.. I A J^^t>^nx4G <@<2»Si£i9v«^>Q<y * . rw^andojLM tatJ 6lyoJ>i e/L A .. TA M/i NAOti C v- t^andei i £ouf)ck>A,^ -./ > r / c -I * A i M. NAGARJUNA,I.A.S.. District Collector & Magistrate, CHITTOOR. Preface The Hand Book of Statistics, Chittoor District for the year 1988-89 is the Seventh in its series. It contains data on various aspects of the District Economy This Publication will serve as a useful reference book for the General Public, Planners, Reasearchers, Administrators, Bankers and other Agencies- I am thankful to all the District Officers, Officers of the Revenue Department and Heads of Institutions for their Co-operation in furnishing the data. The efforts made by the Chief Planning Officer and his staff for preparation and publication of this Hand Book are exemplary. Any suggestions for the improvement of this publication are welcome. Contents Table No. PARTICULARS Pages Historical Background of the Chittoor District i—v Comparision of the District with State 1988-89 vi—vij Administrative Divisions in the District as on 31-3-1989 viii-ix Chittoor District Zilla Abhivrudhi Satneeksha Mandali Members 1988-89 x Chittoor District Zilla Pranalika and Abhivrudhi Sameeksha Mandali Members 1989-90 xi Names of Chairman, Zilla Praja Parishad and Presidents of Mandal Praja Parishads in the District xii—xiii 1. POPULATION 1.1 Variation of Population 1901 to 1981 2 1.2 Population Statistics Summary 3 1.3 Area, Population, Density of Population of the District 4—5 Mandal-Wise-1981 Census 1.4 Urban and Rural Population in the District Mandal-wise-1981 Census 6—7 1.5 Villages classified according to the size of the Population Mandal-wise-1981 Census 8—9 1.6 Population of Towns and Cities-1981-Census 10 1.7 Male and Female Popuiation-Mandal-wise-1981 Census 11—12 1.8 Distribution of Population by Workers Mandal-wise-1981 Census 13—14 1.9 Distribution of Main Workers in the District Mandal-wi6e-1981 Census 15—16 1.10 Scheduled Caste and Schedule Tribe Population Mandal-wise-1981 Census 17—IS 1.11 Literacy-Mandal-wise-1981 Census 19—20 Table No. PARTICULARS Pages 2. MEDICAL AND PUBLIC HEALTH 2.1 Medical Facilities 21 2.2 Medical Facilities-Mandal-wise-1988-89 22-23 2.3 Family Welfare achievement during 88-89 in Chittoor District 24—26 3. CLIMATE 3.1 Mean Maximum and Minimum Temperature-1989 27 3.2 District Average Rainfall Season-wise-Month-wise 28-29 3.3 Annual Rainfall Station-wise 30-3 L 3.4 Normal and Actual Rainfall Station-wise and Season-wise 1988-89 32—41 4. AGRICULTURE 4.1 Land Utilisation-Mandal-wise 1988--89 (in acres) 42—45 4.2 Area under Principal Crops (in acres) 46—47 4.3 Area under Principal Crops-Mandal-wise and Season-wise. 1988-89 (in acres) 48-55 4.4 Average Yield of Principal Crops (Kgs. per Hect.) 56 4.5 Out Turn of Principal Crops (Production in ’000 Tonnes) 57 4.7 Farm Harvest Prices of Major Commodities 58 4.8 Agricultural Machinery and Implements-Mandal-wise-1987 59—61 4.9 Number and Area of Operational holdings in the District by size classes-1986-87 62 4.10 Sugar Production in the District 63 5. IRRIGATION 5.1 Medium Irrigation (I & PD) - 1988-89 64 5.2 Minor Irrigation Sources (I. D.) Mandal-wise as on 31-3-1989 65 Table. No. PARTICULARS Page^ 5.. 3 Minor Irrigation Sources (ZPP) Mandal-wise as on 31-3-1989 66^ 5.4 Area Irrigated Source-wise [in acres] 67 5.5 Net Area Irrigated by Sources of Irrigation (in acres) Mandal wise 1988-89 68-71 5.6 Gross Area Irrigated Source-wise and Mandal-wise 1988-89 72—75 5.7 Area of Principal Crops Irrigated Mandal-wise 1988-89 76—79 5.8 Area of Crops Irrigated Source-wise 1988-89 80 5.9 Area of Crops Irrigated 1988-89 81 6. LIVESTOCK AND VETERINARY SERVICES 6.1 Veterinary Services—Mandal-wise as on 31-3-89 82—83 6.2 Veterinary Services—Mandal-wise as on 31-3-89 84 -85 6.3 Livestock and Poultry Population 86 6.4 Livestock and Poultry Population—Mandal-wise 1987 ( Provisional ) 87—89 6.6 Dairy Development in Chittoor District as on 31-12-89 90 7. FOREST 7.1 Estimated area under Teak and Bamboo by Forest Division 1988-89 90 7.2 Forest Revenue Product-wise 1988-89 91 7.3 Forest Revenue Product-wise for the last five years 92 8. INDUSTRIES 8.1 Production of selected Industries in the District 93 8.2 Number of Factories Working under Factories Act in the Chittoor District 1988-89 94 8.3 Number of Factories Registered under factories Act, 1984 Mandal-wise 95—96 Table No. PARTICULARS Pages 8.4 Rice Mills in the District—Mandal-wise as on 31-3-89 97--9 8 8.5 Small Scalc Industries Registered during 1988-89 9'9 8.6 Household Industries during 1988-89 lOtO 9. MINERALS 9.1 Mineral Resources—Mandal-wise 1988 -89 100 (a) 9.2 Production of Principal Minerals in the District for the last 2 years 100 (b) 9.3 Revenue from Mines and Quarries in the District during 1988-89 100 (b) 10. FUEL AND POWER 10.2 Growth of Transmission and Distribution Lines in the District 10-1 10.3 Rural Electrification—Mandal-wise as on 31-3-89 102- -1013 10.4 Power Consumption Category - wise (in ’000 K. W) 10*4 10.5 No. of Services and Connected Load Category-wise 10i4 11. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS 11.1 No. of Railway Stations and Routes Kilometerage in the District 1988 89 105 11.2 Motor Vehicles Position in the District 10:5 11.3 Motor Driving Licences issued 10*6 11.4 Working of Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation in Chittoor District during 1988-89 107 11.5 Length of Roads in the District as on 31-3-89 108 11.6 Number of Post Offices, Telegraph Offices, Telephone Exchanges and Public call^Offices in the District as on 31-3-89 109--110 11.7 Community Radio and T. V. Sets as on 31-3-89 111 Table No. PARTICULARS Pages 12 PUBLIC FINANCE 12 1 Small Savings in the District 112 12 2 Principal Sources of Revenue in the District during 1988-89 113 12 3 Land Revenue-Mandal-wise in Chittoor District 1988-89 114—115 12 4 State Excise 1988 89 116 12 5 Sales Tax in the District—1988-89 117 12 6 Number of Bank Offices in the District as on 31-3-89 118—119 13 PRICES 13.1 (a) Annual State average wholesale Prices of Food Grains as on 31-3-89 120 (b) Consumer Price index Numbers for Agricultural Labourers new Series (Base 1960-61 = 100) 121 (c) Consumer Price Index Numbers ol the Industrial Workmg Class at Selected Centres in the State (Base 1971 = 100) 121 13 2 Average Retail Prices of Essential Commodities at Chittoor Centre 122—123 13.3 Average Wholesale Prices of Selected Agricultural Commodities at Selected Centres 124 13.4 Prices of Selected Building Materials in the District 125 14. EMPLOYEES CENSUS 14.1 Distribution of State and Public Sector Employees in the District according to Mandals and Sectors as on 31-3-1988 126, 126a,b,c 14.2 Sector-wise State Government Employees (Provisional) as on 31-3-1988 126 d 15. LABOUR AND LABOUR WELFARE 15.1 Registrations and Placements by Employment Exchange in respect of Educated applicants. 127—123 15 2 No. of Applicants on Live Register classified by occupation Division 129 15.3 Registrations and Placements by the Employment Exchange 130 15 4 Registrations and Placements by Employment Exchange in respect of Special Categories of applicants 131 15.5 No. of Employers using the Exchange and Vacancies notified 132 Table No. PARTICULARS Pages 16. EDUCATION 16.2 (a) Primary Schools—Mandal-wise as on 30-9-89 133—136 16.2 (b) Primary School,';—Management wise in the District as on 30-9-89 137 16.3 (a) Upper Primary Schools as on 30-9-89 138—139 16.3 (b) Upper Primary Schools—Management-wise in the District as on 30-9-89 140 16.4 (a) High Schools—Independent—Mandai-wise as on 30-9-89 141—143 16.4 (b) ‘ High ScliooIs-Management-^ise in the District as bn ^0-9-89 144 16.'4''"(c) High Schools for Girls—Management-wise in the District as on 30-9 -89 144 ljS.4 (d) Secondary Schools for Girls—Mandal-:wise as on 30-9-89 145 16.4 (e) Secondary Schools attached to Junior Colleges during 1988 -89 , 146 16.5 Oriental High Schools—Ma:idal-wise during 1988-89 1,47 ' • i * 16.6 Special Schools in Jhe District as on 30-9-89 147 16.7 Results of S.S.C.
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