Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 14, Number 16, April 17, 1987 Elephants & Donkeys by Kathleen Klenetsky which puts him in the same social­ stations and has given both men tre­ democratic network which gave rise mendous public exposure. to Project Democracy, the "parallel Dole has returnedthe favor. ADM government" which lies at the heart of has been trying to develop its gasohol Dole, and Moscow's the Iran-Contra affair. products into a major industry, but has favorite businessman Andreas helped get Jimmy Carter been somewhat stymied because of elected, was best buddies with former Brazilian gasohol imports which are Although Sen. Robert Dole's presi­ House Speaker Tip O'Neill, and now underselling ADM's domestically dential ambitions got a boost from the pals around with Bob Strauss, the for­ produced product. Dole just happens fact that Irangate has tainted his chief mer Democratic National Committee to be the chief sponsor of a bill that rival, George Bush, the Kansas Re­ chair, who recently joined the ADM would impose a tariff on the Brazilian publican may soon face some tough board. imports. questioning himself about his close Andreas's links to the Democrats In 1985, Dole sponsored legisla­ association with agro-businessman have not prevented him from being on tion that gave considerable tax bene­ Dwayne Andreas, whose role in equally friendly terms with the big­ fits to gasohol producers. Washington's "soybean war" against cheeses of the Republican Party, dat­ Does Andreas own Dole? It's a U.S. allies was documented in EIR's ing back to Tom Dewey and Nelson good question. And it should be an­ last issue. Rockefeller. He's also tight with cer­ swered before more gullible conser­ Chief executive officer of the mul­ tain Reagan administration insiders­ vatives get taken in by Dole's sudden tibillion-dollar Archer Daniels Mid­ notably USIA director Charles Wick, conversion from being the Republican land Corp. (ADM), Andreas was re­ who shares his views on U.S.-Soviet senator most responsible for persuad­ cently hailed by the Wall Street Jour­ relations. These connections got him ing President Reagan to cut the de­ nal as the man most likely to inherit elected head of the President's Coun­ fense budget, to Capitol Hill's osten­ Armand Hammer's mantle as "Mos­ cil on Private-Sector Initiative. sibly biggest foe of arms-control and cow's favorite American business- champion of the SOL man." There's a lot for Moscow to love Does Andreas about Andreas. For starters, he has Is Kemp really own Robert Dole? been one of the most avid promoters fortheSDI? of selling American goods-cheap­ While Andreas spends lavishly on po­ to the Soviet Union, since he first vis­ litical candidates, Bob Dole probably Speaking of gullible conservatives, ited the old sod back in 1952. Since ranks as the Republican who has ben­ Rep. Jack Kemp has managed to at­ then, he's established close ties with a efitted most, at least in recent years, tract a number of retired military offi­ wide array of Soviet bigwigs, includ­ from Andreas's political patronage. cers behind his presidential bid. Pre­ ing Mikhail Gorbachov, who fre­ As of Jan. 31, 1987, the Andreas sumably, the attraction is to Kemp's quently takes pains to express his ad­ family and the Archer-Daniel-Mid­ supposedly strong stand on defense. miration for the "Soybean King." lands PAC, had donated over $15,000 Kemp has actually lined up with When Andreas became co-chair­ to Dole's senatorial and presidential the Heritage Foundation-High Fron­ man of the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Trade and campaign committees, more than to tier network, which is loudly demand­ Economic Council in 1982, he used any other member of Congress. ing that the SOl funding be shifted the post to lobby the Reagan admin­ The two men are on such close away from allegedly exotic technolo­ istration to moderate its opposition to personal terms, that they spend New gies, like lasers and particle beams, extending East-West trade, and has Year's Eve together. which hold the most promise for a advocated letting the Soviets join the In 1983, Dole took three free trips comprehensive defense, into "ma­ IMF-World Bank. on ADM airplanes to Midwest speak­ ture" kinetic-kill technologies. Second, Andreas wields tremen­ ing engagements. Also, for the last According to defense aide Mich­ dous political clout, by virtue of his three years, ADM and Mobil Oil have elle Van Cleave, Kemp rationalizes intimate political connections with top co-sponsored "Face-Off," a daily this position by claiming that the leaders in both major parties. Andreas three-minute radio sham-debate be­ administration will have to come up played a key role in engineering Hu­ tween Dole and Sen. Ted Kennedy, with some kind of workable system bert Humphrey's political career- which is distributed to more than 160 fast to keep support. 64 National EIR April 17, 1987 © 1987 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited..
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