BC professor is now •Pi E 12 .. www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8 2002 Vol. 6, No. 28 42 Pages 3 Sections 75¢ SLS provides link for parents to s ools BU is aiming its wrecking ball at I I ....... historic building By Jacob Laksln CORRESPONDENT "I think that most people he days of the historic red brick head house may be num­ are in support of Tbered. At a recent meeting in institutions bringing their the Allston Library, the committee overseeing !he construction of new students back on campus. Boston University student dorms re­ This is going to house a vealed that !hey plan to "demolish" the historic fa9ade of the Armory substantial number of building, a prime example of Gochie students and will help Revival architecture that dates back nearly a hundred years. create opportunities for "It's recessed from !he sidewalk," housing in the community, Senior Vice President of Operations Dick Towle told Allston-Bnghton cit­ which is a good thing." izens in attendance. '·If we were to preserve it, we would lose two acres Allston Civic Association of land that could be developed." "It is our desire and intention to de­ president Paul Berkeley velop !he housing as it wa., presented. · The head house present'> significant that 1-. planned in !he construction. i mpediment~ to the design. Its reten­ tion is no longer feasible," said uni­ TI1e compromise was not so eager­ versity spokesperson Kevin Carleton. ly n:ceived by some community "Our concern for a facil ity that would members. "I think it's a joke," said Eva Web­ incorporate the head house is that it ster. activist and co-chairwoman of would be set so far back that it would the B1ighton-Allston Historical Soci­ place significant limitations on the Harl Kasnanto Is a volunteer from the Alls1on-Brlghton Healthy Boston Coalition School Parent Unk working at Brighton High Sch ety. \\.hich has been negotiating the student housing." fate of the head house with !he build­ "If part of it could be preserved. ing rnmmittee for some time. 'They By Judy Wassennan kindergru1cn al the ~1ruy L) on School sever.tl years . ntatives. then fi ne," said Allston-Brighton will take a little ornament, but it's CORRESPONDENT ago. her lo111rtime i nti..~ in education seemed to SLS. whu.:h works in 1.: ~un<.:t1nn with the AJl­ State Rep. Ke-vin Honan. "But the about prcsen·ing a structure. not an When Hari Kusnanto's daughter, Yoss;e, en­ blossom. ;11 KI ~he found het-;elt more 1mo \.ed in '-ton-Brighton t!Cll th) B ton Coalition, wm; es- oveniding 1-.sue is the housing crisis ornament. .. We are not asking to re­ rotfeOin the ninth grade at Brighton High School the school's activitie.'> • 'ow, Eric ·sin fi fth grade. hi ~ tabh.Jlcd six )ear.i ago a part:ner.,hip between in m1r neighborhood, and the priority tam entire structure, th.!) ,m demo! brother. l lloma.,.1 m thin:! grade. an<l Keller b still focal communities. the sxhu~ Executive this year, he was initially wonied whet.her she is to make campus housing more ex­ 1sh the Anno!). but [the head hou~] is would be safe there. but hi~ personal concenh soon invohed Office of Health & Human Sen. ices and the Mas-.­ citing -.o that 11 \\ill free up housing a tenitic place that can be renovated.'' evolved into concem-; for the whole school. and For Kusnanto and Keller. and 15 ,)(her parent., of achu~~ Depanment of ucation. It-; goals in· for families in !he neighborhood." Ren0\ ation is not a point of!he new how he could help Brighton High, which he ha'> student' ,~nroll ed in AJbton-Brighton public elude increasing parent im lvement in the schools, Noting that BU was "committed to proposal. Instead, the committee has a discovered "is really a very good school." school ~. their inten.">t m the ~hoob has pt.t them helping enhance out-0f-sc I time for Stuclent<;, tal t... about ocher options," Towle said mas\1ve substitute in mind. Calling it When Dorothy Keller's son, Eric, enrqlled in right in the chick of thi ng'>. i.-. chi~ year's School- and promoting a ~itive · geoftheschools. SLS that the uni ve~i ty was considering an "adjustment" to !heir 1990 build­ SLS, page 3 transplanting the historic insignia from ing proposal, !he committee's updated tlJe Armory to the site of a promenade BU , page 3 .-....- Pats' win O,eans let's party a residents hope to stomp out By Audit! Guha the iheny-making. There \\ere about arid saw a lot of people dancing, creat­ STAff WRITER 800 to 1,<XX:l people celchratmg m the ing bonfire. and climbing mailboxes," Are the staunchest New England Pa­ streets until midnight, keeping the po­ he <;aid. de elopment plans at waterworks triOIS fans living in Allston-Brighton or lice on their toes. Har\.arcl Avenue was blocked, so does it just seem that way because the nch .of kids emptied out.int o the l}J)al paiied his car. area is loaded with college students? partying, so we shut 00\\.TI the in- "We stopped, parked and walked in After the Pats shocked the football t ns to ensure safety," said Capt. to join the crowd - shouting and danc­ world with its thrilling last-minute Wi EvansoftheDi'>llict-14police. ing:· he said. Super Bowl win over the St. Louis ne set fire to a nC\\ SJX!Per bin. ~ 1cole Gorog of Glenville Avenue Rams last Sunday night, Brighton Av­ but OOJerwise there was no troubl~." .,..asn't part of tre celebrations, but he enue had to be blocked off by police due an:ls, debris from about four heard the happy crowd all night. the wild celebrations taking place in the res littered the street.,. ''I knew the Patriots won because the middle of the street. Pralabh Dayal, who wru dm ing whole neighborllood exploded. People With people dancing in their Hal­ by d honking his horn in celebration, \\ere cheering, cars were honking and loween costumes and building bonfires, the t mptation was too much. when I went to bed it was still going passersby were drawn to participate in ''I as honking three times for cheers on," she said. IN Story of molesting pfiest includes A-B By Audltl Guha made public. STAffWRIW! In a recent statement, Monissey After announcing that he would said, 'The Archdiocese of Bo ton re­ refertall future incident.'> of sex abuse.· ported to the appropriate law enforce­ to a thorities, Cardinal Bernard F. ment authorities within the common­ Law recently released to law enforce­ wealth the names of priests against STAFF PHOTO BY KEITH E, JACOBSON men authorities the names of priests whom there ha,·e been allegations in­ ervlce Building at Cleveland Circle may some day be joined by development In the area. accu ed of sexually molesting chil­ volving the sex ual abuse of children ENTERTAINMENT dren in the last 40 years in !he Bo-.ton dating back over !he past 40 years. By Audltl Guha have usually been very hush-hush and low-key, but this area The Archdiocese's investigation with STAffWRITER one on Jan. 30 was different. Tile Suffolk Di tnct Attorney respect to thi matter is ongoing. Mending a With surprising turnout of about I00 residents from Chairman of the Chestnut Hill Advisory Committee would not release name., until they !\one of the individuals being report­ Newton Brookline and Brighton, developers recently Albert Rex and Melissa Robin, project manager for state decide which cases they plan to m\es­ ed is currently in active service in the outlined plans for a development on the Chestnut Hill agency the Division of Capital Asset Management, were Archdiocese." tom world tigate. No numbers were cited in !he Waterw site that has many residents seething with attacked with questions from not-so-happy residents. At least two cases of molestation in statement faxed to new~ outlets on rage t a process that they feel has gone too far with- Rex's comments, which often came acrosJ as white- ~SEEPAGE15 Jan. 30. Donna M. Morri1;c;ey, pokes­ Allston-Brighton have been identi­ out pub ·c involvement Most Waterworks meetings WATERWORKS, page 14 woman for the Archdiocese of fi ed. Rev. Jay M. Mullin was accused INSIDE Boston, said !he number will not be PRIEST, page 3 Brtefl 7 'L\EL S"ing, Salsa Commentay 9 CE & Merengue ~ MARSHAL~ ClllHOPH.\C:TIC l I E N C Y Community Notes 5 Wed., Feb 13th - Sports, Auto Beg. Salsa SERVING ALLSTON/BRIGHTON SINCE 1984 Crime 4 & Merengue ~21. and 7:45pm MAXIMUM AUTO Shawmut Properties Entertalr.ment 15 Beg.Swing DISCOUNTS! 134 Tremont Street • Brighton Work Injuries 8:30pm UbrmyNotes 2 783-4100 Your Neighborhood Realtor® 6 Cambridge St., Brii:bton Oblbates 6 331 Washington St. (617) 787-2121 .bankatmercantile.com (Brighton Center) 617) 787-8700 )M ........,....,._.._..,.c.....,_ Sc.·~·~-- \t. Member FDIC Opinion 9 Pa e"2 Allston-Brighton TAB Friday February 8, 2002 www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton ,., COMMUNITY We want your news! Ke; contacts: 1 t 1 NEWSPAPER THIS WEEK n1• . ~~ on owno 1ne •com . Editor . • . .. • . .. •. Wa; ne Braverman (781) 433-8365 WWW , 1Wf111 com Welcome to the Allston-BrightJ TAB! We # Reporter . • . Auditi Guha (781) 433-8333 Th Allsto~Brlghton TAB is published online at www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton and America Online Key­ are eager to serve as a forum~ithe communi­ EdiD In c!liel •• . •• •• • • • Greg Reibman (781) 433-8345 wo d: Town Online.
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