Ingham County Parks & Recreation Commission 121 E. Maple Street, P.O. Box 178, Mason, MI 48854 AGENDA Telephone: 517.676.2233; Fax: 517.244.7190 The packet is available on-line by going to www.ingham.org, choosing the “Monthly Calendar,” and clicking on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 Tuesday, January 16, 2018 5:30pm PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Main Shelter Lake Lansing Park North 6260 E. Lake Drive Haslett, Michigan 1. Call to Order 2. Pledge of Allegiance Note due to Holiday 3. Approval of Minutes meeting will be held on Minutes of December 11, 2017 regular meeting will be considered-Page 3 3 Tuesday instead of 4. Limited Public Comment ~ Limited to 3 minutes with no discussion Monday 5. APPROVE THE AGENDA Late Items / Changes/ Deletions 6. Check Presentation – Meridian Township Donation to the Friends of Ingham County Parks for the Lake Lansing Bandshell - Page 16 7. ELECTION OF 2018 OFFICERS A. Chair, Park Commission B. Vice-Chair, Park Commission C. Secretary, Park Commission 8. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS A. Director - Page 19 B. Park Managers - Page 20 C. Administrative Office - Page 24 D. Millage Coordinator Report - Page 26 E. FLRT Trail Ambassador Report - Lauren Ross - Page 27 9. ACTION ITEMS A. Resolution to Comply with Provisions of the Open Meetings Act Setting Parks & Recreation Commission Meetings for January 2018 through December 2018 - Page 28 B. Resolution Honoring Shirley Rodgers - Page 31 C. Master Plan Action Program Items – Page 32 D. Motion to Amend Recommendation for Funding for the Lansing Bank Stabilization-Washington Avenue Application - Page 46 10. DISCUSSION ITEMS A. Proposal for Road Department Trail Project-West Lansing - Page 47 11. Board/Staff Comments 1 Ingham County Parks & Recreation Commission January 16, 2018 Page 2 12. Limited Public Comment ~ Limited to 3 minutes with no discussion 13. Informational Items – Distributed at Commission Meeting A. County Services, Finance Committee, and Board of Commissioner Meeting Minutes (Items pertaining to the Parks Department) B. Newspaper Articles 14. Upcoming Meetings A. Date: Tuesday (Due to President’s Day), February 20, 2018; Time: 5:30pm Parks & Recreation Commission Meeting Winter Sports Building, Burchfield Park 15. Adjournment Official minutes are stored and available for inspection at the address noted at the top of this agenda. The Ingham County Parks & Recreation Commission will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as interpreters for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting for the visually impaired, for individuals with disabilities a the meeting upon five (5) working days notice to the Ingham County Parks & Recreation Commission. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Ingham County Parks & Recreation Commission by writing to the Ingham County Parks Department, P.O. Box 178, Mason, Michigan 48854, or by calling 517.676.2233. 2 DRAFT MINUTES OF THE MEETING INGHAM COUNTY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION 121 E. Maple Street, Suite 102, Mason, Michigan 48854 December 11, 2017 The Ingham County Parks & Recreation Commission held a Regularly Scheduled Meeting at the Human Services Building, Conference Room A, 5303 S. Cedar Street, Lansing, Michigan. Board Members Present: Commissioner Teri Banas, Matt Bennett, Ryan Earl, Jessy Gregg, Cherry Hamrick, Sarah Nicholls, Jonathan Schelke, Shirley Rodgers (entered at 5:37pm), Paul Pratt (entered at 5:44pm), and Commissioner Carol Koenig (entered at 5:49pm) Absent: None Also Present: Park Director Tim Morgan, Recording Secretary Nicole Wallace, Melissa Buzzard-Trails & Parks Millage Program Coordinator, Lauren Ross-FLRT, Mike Unsworth-Tri-County Bicycle Association, Todd Sneathen-Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc. representing Delhi Township, Evan Hope-Delhi Charter Township Clerk, Wendy Wilmers Longpre-Assistant Director City of East Lansing Parks, Brett Kaschinske-Director City of Lansing Parks, LuAnne Maisner-Meridian Township Park Director, Younes Ishraidi-Meridian Township Engineer, and Greg Satterfield City of Lansing Landscape Architect Call to Order: Chair Nicholls called the Regularly Scheduled Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to order at 5:30pm Minutes: Moved by Mr. Bennett and Supported by Mr. Schelke to approve the November 13, 2017 minutes of the regular meeting as written. Yes-7; No-0. MOTION CARRIED. LIMITED PUBLIC COMMENT LuAnne Maisner introduced herself as Meridian Township Park Director and Younes Ishraidi as Meridian Township Engineer. Ms. Maisner addressed the Park Commission about their projects. Ms. Maisner stated in the Mannik Smith report, the MSU to Lake Lansing project was a priority trail. In that project it was identified for three Phases. Phase I was approved for funding, and that is nearing completion. The boardwalk is a part of Phase II. The reason Meridian Township is applying this year is because the trail is already engineered, and the project can start right away. The area around Okemos Road currently has safety concerns and an off road boardwalk is required. There are no easements required because this is along Township property. It also provides an opportunity to connect to the Meridian Mall and connect north up to Lake Lansing. They can increase the match to 25% if necessary instead of the 10% initially proposed. Mr. Ishraidi stated he handed out a map showing how it ties into MSU to Lake Lansing trail and the interurban trail. This is a shovel ready project. They could start as early as March. Shirley Rodgers entered the meeting at 5:37pm. Todd Sneathen from Hubbell, Roth & Clark, Inc., representing Delhi Township, introduced himself. Mr. Sneathen stated he had read the scoring comments and it was his understanding that the Park Commissioners had received a letter from the Township dated November 3rd. However, from the comments in the 3 MINUTES OF THE MEETING Ingham County Parks & Recreation Commission December 11, 2017 Page 2 application, it didn’t seem like the commissioners had received the letter. Mr. Sneathen stated there were several comments about the easement not being counted as match. If this was private property there would be dollars expected. He would like this recognized. The Township provided phasing for the project-over the course of two years, over one or two construction seasons. Mr. Sneathen stated the Township has supplied information to answer that question. Mr. Sneathen said in regards to the question of why the Township did not apply for different funding, he said they have applied for DNR money previously and have been successful. They also have another grant application in for another project. They don’t think this project is eligible for a grant due to ADA issues. Mr. Sneathen stated the Township has been awarded CMAQ funding in the past, but due to the competitiveness and Ingham County road projects, they were not successful in getting the CMAQ money. Wendy Wilmers Longpre from the City of East Lansing stated she is available if there are any questions. LATE ITEMS / CHANGES / DELETIONS None. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director, Park Managers, Administrative Office, Financial Report, Millage Coordinator Report Mr. Morgan stated staff has been busy making snow at Hawk Island. It will take a full two weeks to make enough snow to be able to open the snow tubing hill at Hawk Island. We hope to open by Christmas break. Paul Pratt entered the meeting at 5:44pm. FLRT Trail Ambassador Report Commissioner Banas asked for an update on the status of the MOU with Meridian Township. Ms. Maisner stated she is in receipt of the MOU and the document just needs to be signed. ACTION ITEMS McNamara Landing Prime Professional Mr. Morgan stated we received four quotes and M.C. Smith Associates was the low bidder. RESOLUTION #22-17 RECOMMENDING AUTHORIZING ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT WITH M.C. SMITH ASSOCIATES AND ARCHITECTURAL GROUP, INC. TO PROVIDE PRIME PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR MCNAMARA LANDING IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, Board of Commissioners Resolution 17-313 authorized the acceptance of a Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund Grant for facility development and improvements to McNamara Landing; and WHEREAS, the Purchasing Department solicited proposals from registered architects, professional engineers and/or landscape architects for the purpose of entering into a contract to provide prime professional services for the Burchfield Park McNamara Landing Improvements project; and WHEREAS, after careful review and evaluation of the proposals received, the Evaluation Committee recommends that a contract be awarded to M.C. Smith Associates and Architectural Group, Inc. who submitted the most responsive and responsible proposal. 4 MINUTES OF THE MEETING Ingham County Parks & Recreation Commission December 11, 2017 Page 3 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Ingham County Park Commission recommends the Board of Commissioners authorizes awarding a contract to M.C. Smith Associates and Architectural Group, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $14,396. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the term of the contract shall be from the date of execution until July 1, 2019. Moved by Mr. Bennett and Supported by Ms. Hamrick that Resolution #22-17 be approved as written. Yes-9; No-0. MOTION CARRIED. Action Program Items - Spicer Group Mr. Morgan referred to page 26 of the Park Commission packet. The action plan is updated yearly. Commissioner Koenig entered the meeting at 5:49pm. Mr. Morgan stated these action items coincide with the discussion about the millage so we make sure we have enough money for Ingham County Park’s projects. Mr. Morgan reviewed the grant applications staff plans to apply for each year. Chair Nicholls asked for clarification on what the commission is voting on. Mr. Morgan stated he is asking for approval on just the order of the projects-this is not to ask for money. Formal requests would be brought before the Park Commission each year for the projects. Commissioner Banas asked if we have applied for any grants for these projects. Mr. Morgan stated we have applied for project number one.
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