Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology – Branch of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS Novosibirsk State University BIOINFORMATICS OF GENOME REGULATION AND STRUCTURE\SYSTEMS BIOLOGY (BGRS\SB-2018) The Eleventh International Conference SYSTEMS BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICINE (SBioMed-2018) Symposium Abstracts 21–22 August, 2018 Novosibirsk, Russia Novosibirsk ICG SB RAS 2018 УДК 575 S98 Systems Biology and Biomedicine (SBioMed-2018) : Symposium (21–22 Aug. 2018, Novosibirsk, Russia); Abstracts / Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences; Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology – Branch of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. – Novosibirsk: ICG SB RAS, 2018. – 174 pp. – ISBN 978-5-91291-040-1. Program committee Chairman A.Y. Letyagin, Professor, Novosibirsk Executive Secretary V.V. Klimontov, Professor, Novosibirsk Members D.A. Afonnikov, Novosibirsk, Russia A.V. Baranova, Fairfast, USA N.P. Bgatova, Novosibirsk, Russia V.I. Konenkov, Novosibirsk, Russia A.V. Kochetov, Novosibirsk, Russia A.A. Lagunin, Moscow, Russia L. Lipovich, Detroit, USA T.I. Merculova, Novosibirsk, Russia V.A. Mordvinov, Novosibirsk, Russia M.P. Moshkin, Novosibirsk, Russia Yu.L. Orlov, Novosibirsk, Russia S.E. Peltek, Novosibirsk, Russia A.G. Pokrovsky, Novosibirsk, Russia T.I. Pospelova, Novosibirsk, Russia O.V. Poveschenko, Novosibirsk, Russia V.P. Puzyrev, Tomsk, Russia S.V. Sennikov, Novosibirsk, Russia M.Yu. Skoblov, Moscow, Russia V.A. Stepanov, Tomsk, Russia Yu.I. Ragino, Novosibirsk, Russia A.N. Tulpakov, Moscow, Russia M.I. Voevoda, Novosibirsk, Russia Organizing committee Chairman M.A. Korolev, Novosibirsk, Rissia Members S.A. Velikanov, Novosibirsk, Russia N.V. Vlasova, Novosibirsk, Russia S.V. Zubova, Novosibirsk, Russia O.V. Petrovskaya, Novosibirsk, Russia E.V. Kostjashkina-Kushchina, Novosibirsk, Russia Contacts: [email protected] ISBN 978-5-91291-040-1 © ICG SB RAS, 2018 Organizers • Ministry of Science and High Education of Russian Federation • Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) • Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS (ICIG SB RAS) • Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology – Branch of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS • Novosibirsk State University (NSU) • The Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations (FASO Russia) Sponsors Russian Foundation Federal Agency Ministry of Education and for Basic Research for Scientific Science of the Russian Grant No. 18-04-20047 Organizations Federation (Minobrnauki of FASO Russia Russia) Grant No. ДНИТ 28.12487.2018/12.1 GOLD SPONSORS SILVER SPONSORS MP Biomedicals Albiogen Roche Diagnostics Rus Ltd. Skygen, Ltd Bioline, Llc Khimexpert Ltd. DIA-M, Ltd BASIC SPONSORS geneXplain GmbH IOS Press Contents Dynamic modelling of CFTR receptor maturation in cystic fibrosis: What controls the receptor concentration in the plasma membrane? D. Astapenko, H.M. Botelho, A. Kolodkin, H.V. Westerhoff , M.D. Amaral 15 Association rs189037 in the ATM gene with bronchial asthma taking into account environmental factors. N. Babushkina, A. Postrigan, A. Kucher 16 Model melanocortin obesity: immunohistochemical examination of cyclooxygenase-2 and macrophages in the kidney of Ay mice. N.V. Baginskaya, N.S. Logvinenko 17 Ultrastructutal organization of hepatocytes in distant tumor growth. S. Bakhbaeva, N. Bgatova, Yu. Taskaeva, V. Makarova, Yu. Borodin 18 Regenerative technologies in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis. N. Banshсhikova, V. Omelchenko, E. Letjagina, A. Akimova, O. Poveshchenko, A. Lykov, M. Surovtseva, A. Evsyukov, A. Yezhov, A. Zobnin, M. Korolev 19 IL4 (rs 2243250) gene polymorphism depending on the clinical features psoriatic disease. A. Barilo, S. Smirnova, M. Smolnikova 20 Possible mechanisms of therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stromal cells conditioned medium on the model of cryptorchidism in rats. N.A. Basalova, G.D. Sagaradze, E.S. Kuznetsova, V.I. Kirpatovsky, D.A. Ohobotov, A.A. Kamalov, A.Yu. Efimenko 21 Design of vaccine constructs capable of inducing a cross protective effect against different strains of the influenza virus A. S. Bazhan, D. Antonets, L. Karpenko, T. Ilyicheva, O. Kaplina, V. Marchenko, S. Oreshkova 22 “Mining” for the alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency in the population of Serbia – experience in the implementation of an integrative diagnostic algorithm. A. Beletic, I. Moric, V. Djordjevic 23 Neuroprotective effects of lithium carbonate in conditions of tumor growth. N. Bgatova, Yu. Taskaeva, V. Makarova, O. Solovjeva, N. Khotskin, A. Docenko, E. Zavyalov, S. Shatskaya, V. Isupov, Yu. Borodin 24 Investigation of meningioma samples by multi-omics analysis. K. Bocharov, A. Sorokin, V. Shurhkhay, I. Popov, E. Zhvansky, A. Potapov, E. Nikolaev 25 Potential genetic markers of Alzheimer’s disease, which play a significant role in aging. A. Bocharova, K. Vagaitseva, O. Makeeva, A. Marusin, N. Zhukova, I. Zhukova, V. Alifirova, M. Matveeva, V. Stepanov 26 Computer method for image enhancement in fish diagnostics.A.G. Bogomolov, T.V. Karamysheva, N.B. Rubtsov 27 The use of mesenchymal stem cells and erythropoietin in lower limb ischemia. N. Bondarenko, A. Lykov, M. Surovtseva, O. Poveschenko, A. Kabakov, I. Kim, O. Kazakov, A. Poveschenko 28 4 SBioMed-2018 Modified sorbents for pharmacology. Yu.I. Borodin, L.N. Rachkovskaya, T.V. Popova, А.А. Kotlyarova, S.V. Michurina, A.V. Shurlygina, E.E. Rachkovsky, M.V. Robinson, P.G. Madonov, M.A. Korolev, A.Yu. Letyagin, V.I. Konenkov 29 A search for molecular relationships between bronchial asthma and hypertension as an example of comorbid diseases. E.Yu. Bragina, M.B. Freidin, I.A. Goncharova, O.V. Saik, O.I. Zolotareva, V.A. Ivanisenko, V.E. Dosenko, R. Hofestaedt 30 Serum levels of adipokines in type 2 diabetic subjects: the relationships with adipose tissue distribution and microvasculature. D.M. Bulumbaeva, N.P. Bgatova, Yu.S. Taskaeva, O.N. Fazullina, N.B. Orlov, V.I. Konenkov, S.V. Savchenko 31 The use of melatonina in patients older than 60 years in the preoperative period. P. Bulychev, D. Khabarov, I. Siutkina, A. Smagin, A. Demura 32 Morphology and proteomic analysis of human placental exosomes. E. Burkova, G. Nevinsky 33 The possibility of colonization of spongy collagen plate by mesenchymal stromal cells. N.N. Butorina, O.N. Sheveleva, O.V. Payushina, E.I. Domaratskaya, E.V. Istranova, L.P. Istranov 34 25 leading laboratories in Russia and abroad are successfully using GenSeq™ DNA Library Kit v1.1 for targeted sequencing on the routine basis. M. Chukhryaeva 35 The role of Wip1 phosphatase in tumor cells, in the tumor microenvironment and anti-cancer therapy. O. Demidov, E. Imyanitov, N. Barlev, B. Grigorash, E. Kochetkova, B. Uyanik, C. Garrido 36 Drug-drug interactions severity prediction based on xenobiotic structural formulas and PASS prediction algorithm. A. Dmitriev, D. Filimonov, A. Lagunin, A. Rudik, D. Karasev, K. Murtazalieva, V. Poroikov 37 Selective killing of cancer cells by ultrasound assisted by biopolymer-coated metal nanoparticles. Y.A. Dyakov, O.K. Kosheleva, T.C. Lai, M. Hsiao, N.G. Chen, C.H. Chen 38 Cancer stem cells: Emergent nature of tumor emergency. Y.R. Efremov, A.S. Proskurina, E.A. Potter, E.V. Dolgova, O.V. Efremova, S.S. Bogachev 39 Real-time lipidomic analysis of biological tissue samples. V. Eliferov, E. Zhvansky, A. Sorokin, V. Shurkhay, I. Popov, E. Nikolaev 40 Fluctuating asymmetry of gene expression in embryos derived by in vitro fertilization. N.A. Feofanova, G.V. Kontsevaya, M.V. Anisimova, Y.L. Gon, Y.M. Moshkin 41 Clinical case: rare mutations in the CYP1B1 gene in a patient with primary congenital glaucoma. V. Fishman, O. Fenkova, M. Voevoda, A. Fursova, D. Ivanoshchuk 42 SBioMed-2018 5 Analysis of transcripts and expression of hox genes in the holothuria Eupentacta fraudatrix during regeneration. V.A. Garipova, A.S. Girich, I.Y. Dolmatov 43 Hox genes in the holothurian Eupentacta fraudatrix and their participation in the regeneration. V.A. Garipova, A.S. Girich, I.Y. Dolmatov 44 DNA methylation level in regulatory regions of mtDNA and three mitochondria-related nuclear genes in atherosclerosis. M.V. Golubenko, A.V. Markov, A.A. Zarubin, A.A. Sleptsov, A.N. Kazantsev, O.A. Makeeva, V.V. Markova, I.A. Koroleva, M.S. Nazarenko, O.L. Barbarash, V.P. Puzyrev 45 Possibilities of lymph nodes phytostimulation in the old age. V. Gorchakov, Yu. Kolmogorov, O. Gorchakova 46 New lymphotropic properties of herbal remedy Silymarin at liver pathology O. Gorchakova, T. Gaskina, V. Gorchakov 47 Characterization of cell division in primary hippocampal cultures derived from kaiso deficient mice.N.B. Illarionova, E.Y. Bazhenova, D.V. Fursenko, N.V. Khotskin, I.E. Sorokin, A.V. Kulikov 48 Nanoparticles of manganese oxide induce stress granule formation in human glioblastoma cells. N.B. Illarionova, K.N. Morozova, Y.B. Dorofeeva, D.V. Petrovski, A.V. Romaschenko, E.L. Zavyalov, E. Kiseleva, Y.M. Moshkin, M.P. Moshkin 49 The spectrum of common and rare CYP1B1 gene variants in Russia patients with congenital and juvenile open angle glaucoma. D. Ivanoshchuk, O. Fenkova, S. Mikhailova, I. Bychkov, N. Konovalova, O. Konovalova, M. Voevoda, A. Fursova, A. Romaschenko 50 The association of single nucleotide variations Rs6582147 and Rs2136810 with sudden cardiac death. A. Ivanova, V. Maksimov, S. Malyutina, V. Novoselov, M. Voevoda 51 Molecular-genetic phenotype of experimental breast cancer. A.V. Kabakov, A.P. Lykov, D.V. Morozov, O.V. Kazakov, A.F. Poveshchenko, T.V. Rayter, D.N. Strunkin, V.I. Konenkov 52 Evaluation of circulating tumor cells with epithelial-mesenchymal transition properties in the blood of breast cancer patients with different effect of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. E. Kaigorodova, V. Perelmuter, N. Tarabanovskaya, E. Simolina, E. Choynzonov 53 Serum markers in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. G.V. Kakurina, О.V. Cheremisina, I.V. Kondakova, Е.L. Choynzonov 54 The relationship of the genes expression of actin-binding proteins with metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck and non-small cell lung cancer.
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