2~e:rJfk.~e:r~:1Ce:r~:1Ce:r~:1Ce:r~~e:r~~~ - ... S ~~ THE JOURNAL . ~ ~ , .. ~ S ~ .. OF THE 8 ~ SEVENTY-THIRD SESSION ~ « ~ ~ OF THE ~ § NORTH INDIA ~ S~ ANNUAL CONFERENCE a~ « ~ sa~ OF THE ~ ~ METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ~ S a ~ ~ « ~ ~~~. ~ ~".17 _ HELD AT BAREILLY ~ ~ - Janual}' 7th to 12th. 1937 ~ !f.~Jd~~~~~¥~~Jt:J~~~~~Jd~ BISHOP B. T. BADLEY, D.D., LL.D .. President. THE JOURNAL OF THE • SEVENTY -THIRD SESSION .. OF THE NORTH INDIA ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH HELD AT BAREILL Y January 7th to 12th, 1937 ~~=="E~~le~-="E~~'e~~~~ Secretary's Oertificate I I This certifies that the following pages contain a complete and accurate record of the proceedings I of the North India Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, at its seventy-third I Session held at Bareilly, India, January 7-12, I 1937, together with the reports, statistics and all other matters required, and that by vote of the I Conference the same is adopted as its Official I Journru. I I ¥~~I L~. ~~"E~~ia~· ~e~~leE~~ • 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Officers of the Conference 1 II. Boards and Committees 1 III. Daily Proceedings 4 IV. Disciplinary Questions 15 V. Appointments 1937 19 VI. Roll of Marriage Registrars 23 VII. Reports:- (a) District Superintendents 25 b) Standing Committees and Boards 39 (1) Registrar 39 (2) Board of Education 40 (3) Board of Evangelis1Jl 40 (3) Temperance Committee 40 (4) Church Finance Committee 43 (c) Statistician 1-23 (d) Provident Fund 44 (e) Conference Treasurer 47 <f) Endowment 47 (g) Benevolences 48 (h) Pensions 48 (i) Minutes and Members of Lay Conference .. 53 VUI. Memoirs 55 IX. Roll of the Dead 57 X. Historical :- (a) Sessions of the Conference 59 (b) Conference Programme 61 XI. Miscellaneous :- (a) Conference Rules of Order 64 (b) Local Preachers 65 KII. Pastoral Record 70 2 OFFICERS OF THE CONFERENOE Committee on Finance and Property Mbrion Finance Committee:'-Pr68ident. Bishop B. T. Badley; E:x;-O/.fi"io Members: MiS8ion CorresPoJldtmt. H. A. Hanson; .Wission Treasurer, U. T. Titus; District Superintendflnts]; . A. Gulab, E. T. Frey, G. B. Thomson, H. H. WeekS. Elected. Members:-E. S Jones, B. S. Roberts, M. W. Branch, A. G. Atkins. Alterllate8:-YunasSinha, N. L. Singh. La.y Members:-W. W. Cutting, S. B. Tewarson, J. H. Hakeem, A. List. Altenaates:-Miss Townsend, P. L. Rodgers. Representatives of Wompn'B Conference:-Miss Bass, Miss J. I. Peters. Budget and Auditing Committee'-Mission Trea.surer (Ez-officio convener, G. B. Thomson, E. T. Frey, J. H. Hakeem, H. A. Hpnson. Pro'J!!!"ty Committee:-H. H. Weeks (Chairman), H. A. Hanson, G. B. Thomson, J. H. Hakeem, E. T Frey, M. T. Titus, A. List. Church Finance Committee: Ministers:-E. T. Frey, A. Gulab, M. W. Branch, A. P. Calton; Alternates: D. S. Choudhury. D. S. Dennis. Laymsn:-S B. Tewarson, A Strete, J. H. Hakeem, E. M. Phillips; Alternates.' Vietor Singh, A. G. Jordan. Womeft:-Mrs. Prem Nath Dass (1938); Miss Perri)] (1939). Ex-Officio: Conference Treasurer, H. R. Wilson. Provident Fund Committee: Treasurer. E. T. Frey; Board of Director8: Term to ex­ pire in 1938, C. D. Rockey. Kripal Singh, R. S. WiJkinson; Term to E'xpire in 1939, E. M. Moffatt, ManJral Singh. L. M. Lyall; term to expire in 1940, A. Gulab, B. S. Roberts, Rup Chand. 1iJz-O,qicio:-Mission Treasurer, Conference Treasurer. Auditor8.-E. M. Moffatt, A. Gulab. C. D. Rockey. Field Reference Committee: Ex-Offieio, Miss A. M. B~ss (Official Correspondent); Miss E. L. Whiting (Treasurer); 1i1lected Members:-Dr. Albertson, Mrs. M. T. Titus, Miss G. Honnell, Miss Y. Peters. Miss R. 1=1. Oldroyd, Miss J. 1. Peters. Alternates-Miss Phillips, Mrs A. G. Atkins, Miss R. CI()X, Mis3 O. Dunn. Representatives on Boards of Conference I nstitutions and other Boards Bareill1l Theological ~eminary: Ex. Officio. Bi~bop B T. Badley (Chairman), Bishops J. R. Chitambal' and J. W. Pickett; Trea.<:urer, H. H. Weeks; Executive Secreta'f"JI. A. G. Afkins. Conference Reprp8entaf ivBIJ:- North Ind.ia:-H. A. Hanson (1938); R. S. Wilkinson (939); Miss J. I Peters (1940). North- West lndia:----C. C. Hermann. Amar Dass. Lucknow:-Lachhman Singh, R. I Faucett, Mrs C. O. Forsgren. Indus River:-Chatur Bhuj. Central PrnvincBB:-B F. Wishard: Alu'mni Rept"uentativBs:-A. GuJab (1937). Robert John {1938}. Co-opted LaymBn:-N.Jordan (1937); S. P. A. Dube (1938); It\ Jacob (1939). Church U'IIio" Round Table C(Jnference:-M. T. Titus. Clara Swain HOlpital: gz~06icio:-Resident Bishop, District Superintendent, Physi­ cians in Charge at TUaullla and BareUly. Business Manager, Superintendent of Nurses. _ Elected M ember.:....;..)frSJ. Atkins, Miss P. Phi lli ps, Warne Boor-Fold: E~O.Difto;-Resident Bishop, District Superintendent, Dr. Burton (Medtc&.l Advisor). Elecud Member.;-Afrs. Atkins (1937), J. H. Hakeem (1937-38) G. B.' rhomson (1937 -38-39). -. GJa.a:;iahad Bible Tr4ininll S~4ool:-H. R. Wilson, 6. a. We~k8. OFFICERS OF THE CONFERmCE g Methodist Woodstock Council:-Mrs. Weeks, H. A. Hanaoll. Isabella Thoburn College:-Miss Y. Peters, N. Jordan Leonard Theological College:-A. G. Atkins. Phila,nder Smith CoUege:-A. G. Atkins, M. T. Titus. • 'Oak 01'eninQB" Eucutive BotJrd:-E. M. Moffatt, F. G. Brandon, C. D. Rockey,A. G. Atkibs, H. A. Hanson, M. T. Titus. Wellesley Girls School;-M.. T. Titus; M.iss J. I. Peters; Altt!lrnate, Mrs. Atkins. N. 1. C. Tract and Book Society:-E. T. Frey, H. A. Hanson U. P. Christian Council: ~.. Mission Representatives: Men: A. G. Atkins: Women: Miss A. M. Basi. Indian Church " " E. M. Phillips; Mrs. Prem Nath Dass. Conference Historical Society: President, Miss J. I. Peters; Chronicler C. D Rockey Conference Literary Society: President, A. G. Atkins; Secretary, Miss P. Stephens. Visitors to Bareilly Seminary:-H. L. Lyall, N. L. Singh. To Pre(lch the Annual Conference Sermon:-H. A. Hanson, G. S. Patrick (Alternate). Daily ,Proceedings, FIRST DAY -; 'thursday, Jan.uary 7tlf" 1917. The North India Conference commenced its Seventy-third Session in the Methodist Chur.ch, .Bareilly, atoll ~.m. on Thur.sday I January 7tli, 1937, Bishop Badley presiding. EarlIer ,m the day the first of a serles of Round Table Discussions on oIThe Personal Relationships of tne Christian' was led by Dr. W. H. Wiser of the American Presby­ terian Mission, Saharanpur, 'who was introduced by Y. Sinha Following this, at 9 am. a pre}iminary devo.tionaJ. p.eriod was ~onducted by the Rev. G. B. Ogden, .of the Amencan Presbyterian MISSIon, KasganJ, who gave an address on 1.Sam. vii: 12. Openi,,!g A'zercises:-At ~he ,First Session commencing at 11 a.m. Bishop Badley was 1D the chaIr, and after the smgmg of Hymn 254 he called on Yunas Sinha and Miss Sullivan to lead. in prayer He i:.hen gave a brief survey of the amazing growth of the work of the Methodist Episcopal Church in India since its beginning 80 years ago in Bareilly. Introduction8:-~i~ E. ~. Collins and Miss E. G. Slayton w£>re introduced to the Conference &s new mISSIonarIes of the W. F. M. S. for North India. The following were presented to the Conference as missionaries returned from furlough during the year: Miss G. E. Hadden, Miss N. West, Dr. & Mrs. Titus and C. S. Thoburn. Bishop and Mrs. Badley were also introduced to the Conference as having newly taken over the work 01 this Area since General C onferenc e. Miss C. Blackstock waS introduced as a missionary's daughter working temporarily in Moradabad. Roll Call:-Yunas Sinha, secretary of the previous Annual Session, called the roll 47 effective eJders, a other full members anj 4 preachers on trial responded. The COllference stood in silence while the names of N. R. Childs and H. J. Sheets were read as members who have died during the year, and while Bishop Badley led in prayer. Secretarll:-Yunas Sinha was elected secretary, and on his nomination the Conference elected A. G. Atkins and R. S. Wilkinson as Assistant Sceretaies. Cow,farenC8 Bar:-FoY' th~ Ministerial z:;essions the Bar was set for the first six rows on each side of the main aisle and the first two rows on the right side. For the United Conference it was set for the first nine row on each side of the main aisle and the first two rows on the rig ht side Official Programme:-The printed programme was made the official programme. E~ClUJed Attendance:-MangaI Singh and U. S. DaDS were excused from attendance at Conference on account of slckness in their families, and S. B. Sherring on account of duty in toe Central Provinces. ConltWe"," Trea8urer:-H. R. Wilson was appointed Conference Treasurer. SttI,tiBtical Secretary:-A. P. Calton was appointed Statistical Secretary. Statiatica.l Form8:-E. M. Moffatt was requested as Central Conference Executive Secretary to try to get the errors and confusion in the present Statistical Forms corrected before statistics are again called for. Bishop Badley also presented Statistical Forms that had been sent to him by the Rev. A. McLeish in coonection with the World Dominion movement, that has ordered a New Survey, with the request that they be filled for the field covered by tbe Con­ ference. H • .if. Weeks and E. '1'. Frey were appointed to be associated with tbe ::)tatistical Secretary in the preparation of these forms. PrcruidBnt Fund Committee:-The following were appointed to fill vacancies in this committee: Rup Chand in placf::S of Dan Singh Choudha!y. H. H. Weeks in pJace' of C. D. Rockey.~.
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