EuCheMSEuCheMSSeptember 2009 NEWSLETTER EuCheMS future strategy New EYCN steering group Having served nearly one year as Presi- The annual European Young Chemistry Net- dent, it is clear to me that EuCheMS has work (EYCN) Delegate Assembly took place on come a long way as a European Association 10 to 11 March 2009 during this year’s through developing its strong science base Frühjahrsymposium in Essen, Germany. With and pursuing effective EU policy activity. the Swedish Chemical Society as a new mem- However, organisations need to look to the ber EYCN now consists of 21 member societies future and EuCheMS is no exception. and one affiliated member society. In addi- Now increasingly seen as an essential tion, the Delegate Assembly elected a new partner in European science initiatives, steering committee for the next two years. EuCheMS is also taking a more strategic ap- Nevertheless, the new steering committee proach to encouraging professional devel- EuCheMS President Luis Oro. has a challenging task ahead, as the first opment and networking, enhancing com- steering committee was largely responsible munication and recognition and improving • enhance recognition of EuCheMS by for the creation of EYCN. its decision-making structures. As agreed by member societies and their individual Taking into account previous experience, the Executive Committee in April, seven members (Chair: Franco De Angelis, some amendments were made to the EYCN Task Groups are helping to Italian Chemical Society), rules concerning posts in the steering group. A • establish and implement a sustainable • explore the feasibility of establishing a new position of an advisor was added to the policy development activity EuCheMS academy of chemistry steering committee, which will be occupied (Chair: Rodney Townsend, Royal Society (Chair: Jay Siegel, Swiss Chemical Society), by the former chair Csaba Janáky. EYCN’s new of Chemistry), • prepare a vision for EuCheMS Chemistry steering committee is formed by Helena Laavi • develop a five-year financial plan Congresses (Chair: Pavel Drasar, from Finland (Secretary), Sergej Toews from (Chair: José Empis, EuCheMS Treasurer), Czech Chemical Society). Germany (Chair), Ilya Vorotyntsev from Rus- • identify ways of supporting the I look forward to welcoming representa- sia (Website), Viviana Fluxa from Switzer- International Year of Chemistry in 2011 tives from 50 EuCheMS member societies at land (Industry) and Dan Dumitrescu from Ro- (Chair: Igor Tkatchenko, the General Assembly in Interlaken in Octo- mania (Communications). French Chemical Society), ber where we will review our achievements It was emphasized that the role of EYCN in • review structure and governance and approve future strategy. bridging relations between young chemists (Chair: Giovanni Natile, Luis Oro, EuCheMS President and industry should be activated and, in gen- EuCheMS Past President), [email protected], www.euchems.org eral, networking between members should be intensified. Since EYCN has no bank ac- count there is no need for a treasurer. There- fore the position “Treasurer” was changed to Centenary of the “Industry” and the former position of “Indus- try/Internet” was changed into “Website”. Italian Chemical Society Dan Dumitrescu, [email protected] www.eycn.eu The centenary of the Italian Chemical about one thousand chemists from univer- Society (SCI) in 2009 is celebrated by differ- sities, industry and research institutions. ent events, characterised by international During the last years the number of stu- participation and ranging from traditional dents in the scientific faculties has de- fields of chemistry to specific themes such creased. Some future projects in coopera- as education, safety and regional interests. tion with the Italian Ministries of University, The simultaneity of our centenary with Health and Economy will encourage young those of other organisations has resulted in people to study chemistry and thus increase several co-sponsorships, e. g. in chemistry human capital needed for innovation. and futurism. The most important event Luigi Campanella, SCI President was the SCI Congress in Sorrento in July with [email protected] Photo: BASF The European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences 2 Prize for chemistry teaching Achema 2009 generates optimism The Swiss Chemical Society has created a new prize, the Balmer Prize, to award chemistry Chemistry and chemical engineering are teachers for innovative teaching at high school focusing confidently on the future: this level. The award will be given for successful sums up Achema 2009 that took place from new and experimental didactic approaches to 11 to 15 May in Frankfurt. Over 173 000 vis- chemistry topics or for outstanding reviews of itors from all over the world visited the exhi- personal experience. The prize will be awarded bition halls in order to catch up on the latest annually and consists of either 2 000 Swiss products and technologies. 3 767 exhibitors francs for an individual teacher, with an addi- from 49 countries displayed their cut- tional 2 000 Swiss francs for the teacher’s ting-edge developments from chemical en- chemistry department, or 3 000 Swiss francs gineering, pharmaceutical and food tech- for a team of teachers, with an additional 1 000 nology, biotechnology and related sectors. Swiss francs for the team’s chemistry depart- Both the exhibitors and the organisers Achema 2009 attracted more than 173 000 visitors. ment. The call for bids and the evaluation of were highly satisfied with the outcome of candidates will be carried out together with the event. “The high number of exhibitors riding theme was process efficiency. Bio- the Swiss Science Teachers. and visitors sent out an unmistakable mes- technological processes and the application www.scg.ch/news/news.cfm?ID=135 sage that will resound far beyond the Ache- of renewable resources were also key topics. ma: our branches are going to tackle the Many exhibitors displayed novel micro- European chemistry outreach challenges and leave the economic crisis be- structured components, while nanotechno- in Bristol hind them”, stated Gerhard Kreysa, Chief Ex- logy and ionic fluids played a prominent role ecutive of the Society for Chemical Enginee- in the Congress programme. More than 900 Twenty 16-year-old Italian students and their ring and Biotechnology (Dechema) that or- lectures attracted scientists and developers teachers from Codogno near Milan took part in ganised Achema. Dechema is a member or- to discuss the latest market-ready research the inaugural Spring Chemistry School in Eng- ganisation of EuCheMS. results. land. The students spent two days in Bristol The exhibitors praised the high standard Kathrin Rübberdt ChemLabS enjoying a range of practical work of discussions and contacts. This year’s over- [email protected] and talks and also took the opportunity to en- gage in some cultural activities in the first of a series of annual visits. The Sustainable Chemistry Award Another Bristol ChemLabS outreach team, working with the British Council, organised a The European Sustainable Chemistry • chemicals and chemi- science week aimed to enthuse French school Award, a EuCheMS initiative, is being launch- cal products that are students from Marseille as part of the 'Science ed with the encouragement of the European less environmentally harmful than cur- in Schools' programme. In total 370 students Environment Agency (EEA) and the support rent alternatives or inherently safer aged from 13 to 15 took part in nine half-day of the European Platform for Sustainable with regard to hazardous aspects. sessions. Each session consisted of a one-hour Chemistry (SusChem) and the European Che- The first Award, a prize of 10 000 Euro, lecture-demonstration in French and English mical Industry Association Cefic. will be presented during the 3rd EuCheMS followed by hands-on experience in a work- Nobel Laureates Gerhard Ertl and Chemistry Congress, on 29 August to 2 Sep- shop. This event was supported by the Centre Jean-Marie Lehn have accepted invitations tember 2010 in Nürnberg, Germany. An in- Universitaire de Saint Jérôme. to be Patrons. The Award will cover innova- dependent panel will be appointed to con- A Bristol ChemLabS outreach team visited Mal- tions in the use of sider the nominations. ta and Gozo in April to give six performances of • alternative synthetic pathways that in- Requirements for the substantiating doc- the lecture demonstration 'A pollutant's tale' crease resource efficiency and selectivity, umentation and guidance on nominations to secondary-aged students from mixed state • alternative feedstocks that are safer will be published on the Award website. A and church schools. Over 1 550 students par- and/or renewable, short promotional leaflet is available from ticipated in the shows. A seventh extended • alternative reactor design and reaction the EuCheMS Secretariat (EuCheMSsecreta- session was held for science and education un- conditions, such as use of solvents with [email protected]). dergraduates at the University of Malta. health and environmental benefits, or Luis Oro, [email protected] Tim Harrison, [email protected] increased yield and reduced waste, www.euchems.org/esca 3 www.euchems.org Global Helsinki Chemicals Forum Heilbronner-Hückel Lecture The Swiss and the German Chemical Society, The first Helsinki Chemicals Forum was was much discussion of the testing of for- SCS and GDCh, have agreed on creating a joint held from 27 to 29 May in Helsinki, Finland. mulations
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