ARUL IAS ACADEMY GENERAL STUDIES MOCK TEST -03 101. If we kick a foot ball it flies away but kick a stone of size 104. Which of the following Vitamins of the ‘B-Complex’ are with equal force it doesn’t. Because correctly paired with their respective names: சரர வடைட தே쏍க 1.Vitamin B2-Riboflavin கர쯍 ꏍடே டே埍믍 பர폁 ꏍ பச쯍க. தே ள 2.Vitamin B3-Niacin 3.Vitamin B7-Biotin வடசட தே ள쿍ள க쯍டை டே埍믍 பர폁 க쯍 4.Vitamin B12-Cyanocobalamine கே쯍டை ப쯍 [A]2 and 4 A)Inertia doesn t depend on mass ’ [B]3 and 4 டை믍 டட母 சர쏍ꏍேே쯍ை [C]1, 3 and 4 B)Inertia depends on mass [D]All of these டை믍 டட சர쏍ꏍே '-கர믍ꯍள埍' வ믍 டவ翍ைகள쯍 சரரகꯍ C)Inertia is inversely proportional to mass பரைꯍ翍ைடவ: டை믍 ட埍 ே쏍鏍ேக쮿쯍 쿍ள 1. டவ翍ை B2-Riboflavin D)Inertia is larger for small mass 2. டவ翍ை B3- ரச டவர ட埍 டை믍 ேக믍 3. B7- டவ翍ை தர翍 102. An Atom, which is electrically neutral, gains one electron. 4. டவ翍ை B12- டசதரதகரரைட It becomes ———— charged and is called ———–. A. 2 쟍쟁믍 4 迁, சர믍 டை쯍 ை埍翍ரடꯍ ப쟁க. B. 3 쟍쟁믍 4 ———— 翍ைடைக 쟍쟁믍 ———– 쟁 C. 1, 3 쟍쟁믍 4 டை埍கꯍக. D. டவ ட鏍믍 A)Positively charged – Cation த쏍 翍ை믍 – ே쏍 105. Single-celled eukaryotes are included in B)Negatively charged – Cation ே쏍 翍ை믍 – ே쏍 A. Fungi C)Positively charged Anion – த쏍 翍ை믍 – த쏍 B. Protis ta D)Negatively charged – Anion ே쏍 翍ை믍 – த쏍 C. Mo nera D. Archaea 103. The oxidation states of Nitrogen in the following equations 쟍ட பச쯍 கைꏍே 埍கரதர翍க쿍 _____ தச쏍埍கꯍ翍쿍ள are A. 4[NH3OH]+ à N2O + 2NH4+ +2H+ + 3H2O 篍டச X Y Z B. பர翍ை ைர வ믍 சரகள쯍 ட翍ஜ 埍ஜத쟍믍 டைக쿍 쿍ள C. தர பர 4[NH3OH]+ à N2O + 2NH4+ +2H+ + 3H2O D. 쏍埍கர X Y Z A) +1 0 3 106. MATCH THE FOLLOWING B) -1 1 -2 a) Deng vaxia i) Dengue fever C) -1 -2 -3 b) CYSVAX ii) Taenia solium Cysticercosis D) -1 1 -3 c) PCV iii) Pneumonia d) AGS-v-vaccine iv) mosquito transmitted infections ARUL IAS ACADEMY GENERAL STUDIES MOCK TEST -03 D)National Development Scheme of 2001 a) பை柍 வர埍 I) பை柍 கர뿍母ச쯍 D)2001 தேச த믍ர翍鏍 ே翍ை믍 b) CYSVAX II) டைர தசர쮿믍 ச埍கபதரச 110. The slogan Garibi Hatao (removal of poverty)was adopted c) PCV III) தரர during the period of —– d) AGS-v- ேꯍச IV) பகர-믍 தர뿍鏍பேர쟍쟁க쿍 ꏍே ꏍேர迍 ே翍ை鏍ே பர கரர க翍பைர (வ쟁ட ைꯍ) A) a-I,b-ii,c-iii,d-iv பகர쿍டக வரகர埍கꯍ翍ை ? B) a-I,b-iii,c-ii,d-iv A)third five year plan ரவ ꏍ 迍 ே翍ை믍 C) a-I,b-iv,c-ii,d-iii B)fifth five year plan ꏍேரவ ꏍ 迍 ே翍ை믍 D) a-I,b-iv,c-iii,d-ii C)eleventh five year plan ேதரꏍே ꏍ 迍 ே翍ை믍 D)tenth five year plan 鏍ேர믍 ꏍேர迍 ே翍ை믍 107. Expenditure tax in India introduced by ꏍேரவ쯍 பசை வர வர쯍 கꯍ鏍ேꯍ翍ை. 111. Who started the vesara style in the building of structural A. T.T. Krishnamachari T.T க�ணர母சரர temples? B. C. Rajagopalachari ச. ரஜதகரரை母சர A. Chalukyas C. Yashwant Sinha வꏍ鏍 சர B. Pandyas D. R.Venkatraman 쏍. பவ柍க翍ர C. Cholas D. Cheras 108. Before the British Era, Indian Economy mainly flourished தகர쯍கள க翍ைடꯍ வவ鏍ே쯍 தவசர கடைꯍரணட ர쏍 in – 믍鏍ேர쏍க쿍? ர翍� சகரꯍே鏍ே쟍 , ꏍே பரளரேர믍 埍கரக ே쯍 A. சர쿁埍க쏍க쿍 ேடை鏍தேர柍க – B. ர迍쏍க쿍 Modern Manufacturing ேரரꯍக쿍 C. தசரை쏍க쿍 Handicraft டகவடꯍபர翍க쿍 D. தச쏍க쿍 Diamond Mining டவ 柍க柍க쿍 Silver Minting பவ쿍ள 鏍ே쯍 112. “War of the noses” took place during the reign of A. Krishnappa Nayak 109. The “Black Board Operation” to provide basic facilities in B. Achutappa Nayak schools was introduced in C. Thirumalai Nayak D. Vishwanatha Nayak 쿍ளகள쯍 ꯍடை வசேகடள வை柍வே쟍கரக “ளர埍 தர쏍 埍க쟁ꯍꯍதர쏍” ர쏍 கரை鏍ே쯍 டைப쟍? த” கꯍ鏍ேꯍ翍ை A)National Educational Policy of 1986 A. க�ணꯍ ர埍 A)தேச க쯍வ பகர쿍டக 1986 B. 母ேꯍர ர埍 B)National Development Scheme of 1991 C. ேடை ர埍 B)1991 தேச த믍ர翍鏍 ே翍ை믍 D. வவரே ர埍 C)National Educational Policy of 1992 C)1992 தேச க쯍வ பகர쿍டக ARUL IAS ACADEMY GENERAL STUDIES MOCK TEST -03 113. Tipu’s daughter’s wedding celebrations held on ____ 117. Who was the founder of the Bhakti Movement in ேꯍவ க쿍 ேண வைர டைப쟍 ꯍதர? Maharashtra in the thirteenth century? A)9th July 1806 9, ஜடை 1806 ேர믍 쟍ர迍쯍 ரர�ரவ쯍 埍ே 埍க鏍டே B)10th July 1806 10 ஜடை 1806 ꯍவ쏍 வ쏍? C)6th June 1806 6 ஜ 1806 A)Tukaram 埍கரர믍 D)9th June 1806 9 ஜ 1806 B)Namadeva ரதேவ쏍 C)Ekanatha கரே쏍 114. Which of the following moment was called as “Leaderless D)Gnanadeva ஞரதேவர Moment”? வ믍 ேண鏍ே쯍 “ேடைவர쯍ைரேர ேண믍” 쟁 118. During Non-Co-operation movement time, who was the டை埍கꯍ翍ை ? president of the Tamil Nadu Congress committee? A)Chambaran Satyagraha ச믍ர ச鏍ேகர 鏍டைரட 埍க鏍ே ே폍ர翍쯍 டைப쟍பர폁 B)Non Co-operation Movement 鏍டைரட 埍க믍 ே폍ர கர柍க க翍 ேடைவ쏍 ர쏍? C)Civil Disobedience Movement ச翍ை 쟁ꯍ 埍க믍 A)E.V.Ramaswami Naicker D)Quit India Movement பவ쿍டளத பவளத쟁 埍க믍 .பவ.ரசர ர埍க쏍 115. V.O.C was a follower of whom? B)C. Rajagopalachari V.O.C ரடꯍ 쟍쟁வ쏍? ச. ரஜதகரரை母சரர C)S. Satyamurthi A. Bal Ganghadar Tilak ரை க柍கரே쏍 ேை埍 B. Lala Lajapthi Rai ைரைர ைஜே ர뿍 . ச鏍ே쏍鏍ே D)Kasturi Ranga Iyengar C. Bipin Chandra pal சꏍே ர쯍 கர 柍கர 柍கர쏍 D. Gopal Krishna Gokhale தகரரை க�ண தகரகதை 119. Find the simple interest on Rs.200 for 5 years at 6% per 116. Amboyna Massacre held in the year of _____, due to “ ” annum. conflict between _____ people. A. Rs.20 ___ 믍 迍 டைப쟍 “믍ர뿍ர பகரடை”ர _____ க B. Rs.40 வ埍믍 쟍翍ை தரேைர쯍 டைப쟍. C. Rs.60 A. 1623, French & English 1623, ப篍 & 柍கதை쏍க쿍 D. Rs.80 B. 1628, Portuguese & English 迍埍 6% கண埍க쯍, ர뿍 200埍 ꏍ 迍க쿁埍 1628, தர쏍母கச쏍க쿍 & 柍கதை쏍க쿍 ேவ翍ட கர迍க C. 1623, Dutch & English 1623, ை母埍கர쏍க쿍 & 柍கதை쏍க쿍 A. ர뿍 20 D. 1628, Dutch & English 1628, ை母埍கர쏍க쿍 & 柍கதை쏍க쿍 B. ர뿍 40 C. 60 ர뿍 D. ர뿍 80 ARUL IAS ACADEMY GENERAL STUDIES MOCK TEST -03 C) 10쯍 வ埍கꯍ翍埍믍 120. A can finish a work in 24 days, B in 9 days and C in 12 D) 10쯍 ட埍கꯍ翍埍믍 days. B and C start the work but are forced to leave after 3 123. Six students A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in the field. A days. The remaining work was done by A in: andB are from Nehru house while the. others belong to A 24 ர翍கள쯍 தவடைட 埍க 믍. தே தவடைட B 9 Gandhi house. D and F are tall while the others are short ர翍கள쯁믍 C 12 ர翍கள쯁믍 埍கர쏍க쿍. B 쟍쟁믍 C தவடைட鏍 A, C and D are wearing glasses while the others are not. பேரை柍க 3 ர翍க쿁埍ꯍ பவளத쟁ர쟁 Which taIl.student of Gandhi house is not wearing க翍ைரꯍ鏍ேꯍகர쏍க쿍. A ை믍 பச뿍ꯍ翍ை ே쿍ள glasses? தவடை 鏍ேட ர翍கள쯍 쟁믍? டேர鏍ே쯍 A,B,C,D,E쟍쟁믍F 6ரணவ쏍க쿍 A. 5 days 5 ர翍க쿍 쏍ꏍேꏍே쏍. வ쏍கள쯍 A,B த 폁டவ B. 6 days 6 ர翍க쿍 தச쏍ꏍேவ쏍க쿍.쟍வ쏍க쿍 கரꏍே 폁கர쏍டவ தச쏍ꏍேவ쏍க쿍.6தர쯍 C. 10 days 10 ர翍க쿍 D,F 翍த ரவ쏍க쿍.A,C,D வ쏍க쿍 翍த க迍 D. 10 ½ days 10 ½ ர翍க쿍 க迍ணர ணꏍேவ쏍க쿍 ர쯍 கரꏍே 폁வ쯍 쿍ள ர க迍 க迍ணர ணரேவ쏍 ர쏍? 121. 10 men working 6 hours a day can complete a work in 18 (A) B days. How many hours a day must 15 men work to (B) C complete the same work in 12 days? (C) F 10 迍க쿍 18 ர翍கள쯍 தவடைட 埍க ே믍 6 ண த믍 (D) E தவடை பச뿍கர쏍க쿍. தே தவடைட 15 迍க쿍 12 ர翍கள쯍 124. Somu got 60 marks and Ramu got 70 marks. Find the ? 鏍ேட ணத믍 தவடை பச뿍ேர쯍 埍க 믍 percentage of marks by which Somu got less than Ramu? A. 6 days 6 ர翍க쿍 தசர 60 ேꯍப迍க쿁믍 ர 70 ேꯍப迍க쿁믍 ப쟍쟁쿍ள쏍. B. 10 days 10 ர翍க쿍 ரடவவை தசர டவரக ப쟍 ேꯍப迍கள சேே믍 C. 12 days 12 ர翍க쿍 ퟍவள? D. 15 days 15 ர翍க쿍 A)10 % B)12.5 % 122. If each entry in a data is divided by 10 find the change in C)14.2 % their arithmetic mean? D)15 % A) multiplied by 10 B) does not change 125. The average of 4 values is 20 and when a quantity is added C) is divided by 10 to each value the average is 22.Find the quantity. D) Is decreased by 10 4ேꯍகள சரசர 20 믍. 迍 4 ேꯍகள 翍ைꯍ翍ை பகர埍கꯍ翍쿍ள ퟍபவர 쿍ள வ柍கடள믍 10쯍 வ鏍 22 쯍 翍ைꯍ翍ை 迍 ? கடை埍믍 ே 쿍ள வ柍ககள 翍母 சரசரர ퟍவர쟁 A. 1 ர쟁믍? B. 3 A) 10쯍 ப埍கꯍ埍믍 C. 2 B) 믍 ர쟍쯍டை D. 4 ARUL IAS ACADEMY GENERAL STUDIES MOCK TEST -03 126. The radius of a wheel is 14 cm. If it revolves 1000 times, 130. Find the area of a square inscribed in circle of radius 4 cm. the distance travelled is 4 பச.
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