%*•• ^ THE WESTFIELD LEADER ft* Leading And Mot Widely Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Vnion Countf YEAB—No. 21 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1957 32 Pages—S Cent* )utline Plans For Budget Reflects Municipal ew Junior High Tax Drop Of Eleven Points chures To Be upils to Pick King But Overall And Queen of Hearts Town Testimonial liled to Homes More'than 900 ballots have been Dinner Tuesday '57 Rate Will ,enj. out to Westfield Senior High 5chocJi pupils for the second an- irly Next Week nual election of the "King and Tickets Available i- Be Higher Queen of Hearts" fur the Febru- 'Early next week an illustrated ary "Y's Up" canteen. The event For Annual Event Reduction of 11 points in the chore on the proposed Thomas will be held at the YMCA Satur- municipal purpose tax rate for % Edison Junior High School day, Feb. 9 from 8 to 12 p.m. Groups of friends 'planning to 1957 was shown in the budget in- ttend the testimonial dinner for I be delivered by 'occupant' mail The names of the winners of The propoici Tkomai Alra EJiion Junior Hi,h School, ikown *boT«, will b* depicted in •• illui- troduced by the Town Council ach house in Westfield," H. D. ;he election will be kept secret tr.ud brochure to be ••»» to every houae in WeetfieM next week by the Bend ef Education. Westfield's mayor and Town Coun- Monday. The overall town budget, rrill Jr., vice president of the nti! time for the coronation. The uhool •• deaifaed to accommodate 1,000 pupili. il at the Chi-Am Chateau, Moun- however, reflects an increase, as ird of Education and chairman Runners-up 1*111 form the king and tainside, Tuesday at 6:80 p.m. may indicated in the 76 point hike in Its committee on new sites and queen's court. Elizabeth Bourns, eserve tables for eight or ten by the school budget announced last Mings announced today. last year's queen, will officiate.at :a!!ing Mrs. G. E. Mensching, We. week by the Board of Education. -3218-M before Monday noon, it 'This school," said Mr. Merrill, the ceremony. Board Adopts The amount to be raised by Four Incumbents Seek Kas been announced by C. E. designed to accommodate one Freddy Speckman's band will taxation for municipal purposes homas, general chairman for the >usan<t junior high students. It e the court musician and will as reflected in the new budget will School Budget non-partisan event, sponsored by II .have 33 class rooms, nine spe- lay for dancing during the eve- be $555,795.07 or $22,164.74 less ;he Westfield Town Republican ,1 purpose rooms, a cafeteria, li- iing, than in the current budget. The GOP CouncilNomination committee. »ry, double gymnasium, hearth Th,e advisors for the Y-Teen and No Opposition lowered municipal tax is made om and office. The auditorium Hi-Y clubs, -which sponsor the William M. Walsh, vice presi- possible by Increased ratables, and ng will' not be built now but it dance are: Ron Walsh, Mrs, Ro- At Public Hearing John M. Mackenzie, chairman of lent of the Equitable Life Assur- cutting corners" officials s»id. included in the architect's plans bert Warner, James Cole, and Mrs, the Westfield Town Republican mce Society, will deliver the ad- KERSHAW HARMS Committee, announced at the or- The proposed budget indicates i will be added later. Howard Purdy. The committee The Board of Education Tues- ress of the evening. Mr. Walsh that total appropriations for mu- which prepared and sent out the day night adopted its 1957-68 bud- ganization's meeting Tuesday s currently president of the New "The architecture will be of con- night that four incumbent council- nicipal purposes will amount to npovary design," continued Mr. ballots was headed by Sue Car- get of $3,045,291 at a public hear- York Rotary dub and chairman Harms To Fill dilto and Bob Brosard. men would seek renomination in $1,469,120.07, compared to |1,- errill, "with simple projected ng attended by approximately 60 f the Large Risk Insurance Bu- 419,221.81 for 19B6, and will be persons. No opposition was ex- the Republican primary Tutiday, eau. He is a graduate of Cor- [rnira in aluminum and wood. April 16. met partly by receipt of antici- e building will be of fireproof pressed regarding any of the bud- lell University, and has been a Council Vacancy 1 get items. pated revenues amounting to istruriion, having concrete and Senior Class . The councilmen are Clancy D. leader in civic affairs in Metuchen $913,325. This includes the atrr-. The budget will be voted upon Connell, 260 Walnut street, first nd Edison, where he has lived for :el framing throughout. Exteri- Named By Mayor plus, receipts from delinquent vmlls will be brick; windows will by residents in the Feb. 13 school ward; Kershaw Harms, 14 Ben- the past 14 years. taxes and other fees. aluminum. To Stage Play district election. At that time they nett place, who was appointed ear- Magistrate William M. Beard of For Second Ward will also vote on the proposed $1,- lier this week by Mayor H. Emer- The municipal tax rate will de- 'In order to build as economical- 850,000 bond issue to finance a new son Thomas to complete the unex- (Please turn to page 2) crease from 1.151 to 1.041, a sav- as possible," Mr. Men-ill point Mayor H. Emerson Thomas an- ing of .11 in the rate. RaUbleg Comedy Set For junior high school. pired term of the late Robert F. nounced Monday selection of Ker- out, "concrete slab construction, Gumbert in the second ward; How- are estimated at $53,352,038 for hith necessitates a minimum of The proposed budget represents shaw Harms of 14 Bennett place 1957, February 16, 17 an increase of $465,626 over this ard M. Bilden, 865 Boulevard, itavation, 13 being used. , There 1 Schools To Note as replacement for the late second Salary increases for municipal year. Also discussed was a $100,- third ward; and James P. Mitchell, ward councilman, Robert F. Gum. ill be no pipe tunnels. Pipes will "Peg 0' My Heart,"- Westfiel 800 Willow Grove road, fourth employees, including policemen s run behind storage cabinets in 000 capital expense item for the bert, who died Jan. 18. The ap. High School senior class play, wil proposed school. ward. and firemen, are approximately. assrooras, and will be exposed in bo presented at the high school t Brotherhood Week pointment was confirmed by unan- $200 for most members of the de- tops, gymnasium and locker the public -Friday and Saturday Opposition was expressed to the Mr. Mackenzie reminded the mous vote of the Town Council. ipartments with some ,larger in- pms." avenings, Feb. 16 and 17. proposed initiation of a merit sys- committee of, a change in the stat- Mr. Harms, a graduate of the creases in individual cases. An in- : tem for teacher raises. The board Special Programs On Wednesday of next week ad The play is a comedy which con- utes which requires that nominat- University of Michigan, has been crease of $11,60.4 has been made has delayed establishing maxi- ing petitions for all' municipal a Westfield resident since 11)40, He in appropriations for .police sal- tional copies of the brochure wil cerns a teen-age Irish girl living mums this year pending a survey MSGR. JOHN DOUGHERTY Set for Assemblies with wealthy English relatives county, and state offices be filed became general manager of the aries bringing the total to |246,- e placed in the Westfield Memo of a merit raise program. with the municipal or county clerk tl Library and the offices of the and has a caBt of nine members, Foreign graduate students from Federated Metals division of the 400 and salary appropriations for Dr. Bradford N. Craver outlined by 4 p.m. Thursday, March 7, 40 American Smelting and Refining fu-emen showed a rise of $4,635 Jeitfield "Leader" at 50 Elm They are Madeline Verona, Peg: Trinity Forum Rutgers University will be invit- Margaret Brooke, Mrs. Chichest the salary sections which include days before the primary. Previ- ed to address assemblies at the Co. three years ago after holding bringing the total to $133,500. Beet Persons who niay not have $168,000 for raises. Amount set ously the filing deadline had been She post of general manager of eceived one by mail may pick it er; Santita Smith, Bennet; Mere Junior and Senior High Schools as Civil defense will be allotted flith Henshkel, Ethel;, David fen aside for 326 current personnel 9 p.m. -the Perth Amboy plant of Ameri stt these locations. ( Series to Open part of their observances of Broth- $5,150 as compared to. f3,000 in ney,'Tffir!'f*Per?y^Ftaher, Jarvis j »nd to hire. 32 additional l »" *leison •*!»••. Stajnler; tyu^on, can- erhood-tyeek, it was learned today :an Smelting. He has been^with 1956. , Stephen Falk; Brent; David Weur- U $2,122/iO5. didate for the General Assembly from Albert Bobol, community the company 35 years. t Public hearing on the budget iihelc, Hawkes; and Robert Kolod The total amount to be raised and Robert A. Lehr, Roselle Park Scriptural Authority group leader for the public schools A former trustee of the Kch< will be held Feb. 25 at the Mu- House At ny, Alaric. by taxes is $2,618,881, including candidate for the Union County on the Westfield Brotherhood Com- Lake Country Club, Mr.
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