. r. ' '< •*v7 ? A sV '»'C f > ' - ___ ___ 7/ '' , hi : [The W «a tM : Ge&^»Uy fair toid^t and WrllLq^ Established as a Weekly 18S1. Try THE HERALD'S WANT COL­ Established as a Semi-Weekly 1888. JiANCHESTER, CONN., TiH^RSDAY, JULY 17, 1919. UMNS. Cost one cent v e r word for PRICE TWO CENTS 'Plntn'hlialiofl no n 'Tlnilv 1 A first Insertion, half c ^ t Uiereafter. EX-CilNCELLOR LAW PACT, AND THE LEAGUE MAY BE CANDIDATE FDR PREMIERSHIP INSEPARABLE, SA YS SEN COLT; m M w e Than Hilfion and a Half SIR EDWARD CARSON English Politicians Disturbed P e i^ n s Left Withont CAN NOT BE TOUCHED . Over Formation qf Londot^onors 3,500 Yankee Vets: Street Transportation — 15298647 New Party. Treaty Carnot be Enfo|‘ced Except Through Leaglie, Declares Employees Demand W<^e Entertainment to Cost $100,000 Rhode Island RepublicaiH-Prm nt and Fntnre Peace of Increase— No Tronble Dnr SPECUUTING ON WHAT the World Depends on League— Senator Sherman's Guilty Ouly of Breaking Laws London, July 17.— London today holiday and every doughboy will be ing the Early Honrs of the LLOYD GEORGE MAY DO saw the third parftde of American treated as the honor guest of Eng­ Speech— Says Britain is Clever DiplomatisL of Good Taste and Com­ soldiers since the beginning of the land." No camp work will he neces­ sary as the men are billetted in Day. war. A composite regiment com- mon Sense. If He Throws His Lot'W ith Center hotels near the United States Eip- Washington, July 17.— The Party Advent of Labor Govern­ po^d of 3,500 of General Pershing’s bassy. League of Nations is , inseparable CHEAP RESTAURANTS AID HIGHLIGHTS OF TIETTP. ment is Brought Nearer. veterans arrived at Waterloo Sta­ The British au^thorities ha've pro­ from the peace treaty “ because the tion during the morning and vided an elaborate program. Sol Employees on strike, 7,800 treaty cannot be enforced except IN CUTTING H. C. OF L marched down the Strand and Joel, the theatrical magnate, and Trackage idle, 532 miles. UNIVERSAL REGRET OVER through the League” , which Is abso­ Persons affected by strike, London, July 17.— A hint that through Birdcage Walk, while Lon­ James White, a Scotch contractor, lutely necessary to secure the pres­ French Government Finds Solution 1,500,000. HIS HOT HEADED SPEECH former Chancellor A. Bonar Law doners madly cheered them. contributed $100,000 for the enter­ The regiment will have a six days’ tainment of the Americans. ent and maintain the future peace in Fixing Prices and Opening Oties and towns affected— may be put forward as candidate for Food Booths. ■ Boston, Brookline, Newton, Premier by the new center party of the world” , declared Senator Colt, Bonar Law Sorry Legal Restrictions Waltham, Watertown, Cam­ was contained in the political com­ Republican, of Rhode Island, in an Will Not Let Him Prosecute bridge, Arlington, Somerville, ment of the Daily Mail today. Mr. Paris, July 17.— The government’s Ulster Leader. address in the Senate today. - ’ Everett, Medford, Melrose, Law, according tA this newspaper, attempt to reduce the high cost of TO OPPOSE SHANTiG SEfTLEHENI Colt was one of the Republican Malden, Lynn, Revere, Chel­ has not accepted an invitation to living by establishing cheap restaur­ London, July 17.— Sir Edward Senators who conferred with the sea, Dedham and suburbs of the next dinner of the sponsors of ants with fixed prices and doubling Carson’s recent speech regarding President at the White House today. these places. the new party because Premier the number of government booths Irish conditions came up in the Reserves Judgment. Estimated number of fares lost Jjloyd George has stated his willing­ DESPITE JAPAN’S $TATENENT” -BOIIAH where food may be bought cheaply House of Commons today. The At­ “ Upon the question of reserva­ daily, 900,000. ness to attend. and organizing a campaign against torney-general, Sir Gordon Hewart, tions I reserve my judgment for full Estimated daily revenue loss Several fresh recruits have come speculation in food supplies, met announced that there were no discussion and consideration” , Colt under new ten cent fare— forward fol the center party, but on AMERICANS TO MANAGE with general approval, except from grounds for setting the law in mo­ Senator Says He Will CaO on announced. Although “ in favor of ^90,000. ' the other hand a reaction has set in the Socialists today. tion against Sir Edward for his the principles embodied in the Daily wage loss to strikers— liberals. BIG GERMAN SHIP UNES The Socialist press demands the threat to call out the Ulster volun­ President for Written League of Nations, “ he said that he $28,350. “ Is He In or Out?" removal of all restrictions on impor­ teers against home rule. did not mean that he had “ reached a tation of foodstuffs from the United Cars tied up— 8,000. “ If the Premier has decided to Plan to Reorganize Hamburg-Am- By a vote of 217 to 73 theJHiouse throw his lot in with the center party Protest Made Against decision that the League should be States and other countries. The erlcan and North German Compan­ rejected a motion by J. R. Clynes, the advent of a labor government is ratified in the precise form it is now Socialists charge that the present 7,800 QUIT WORK. ies in Near Future. Labor member, urging the govern­ brought distinctly nearer,” said the Agreement by American presented.” policy of protection is desigimd to Boston, July 17.— Elevated, sub­ ment to prosecute Sir Edward Car- Daily Mail. “ Is he in or out? That benefit only French manufacturers Berlin, July 17.—A report was way and street car service in Boston son for his speech of Incitement to is what the public wants to know. SHERMAN’S SPEECH. while the poor suffer from constant­ current in financial circles today Peace Commissioners. violence and breach of the law. All of the parliamentary lobby Washington, July 17.—Declaring ly increasing prices. / and suburbs was completely par­ that American financiers propose the • The debate turned on the legal correspondents dealt at length with that the interests of Great Britain The Other Viewpoint. alyzed today when 7,800 men and re-organization of the Hamburg- Washington, July 17.— Opposition point, in which the Attorneyrgener- the formation of the center party and Japan in the Orient are identi-; The opposite view is taken by ■Women employees of the Boston Ele­ American and North German-Lloyd in the Senate to the Shantung set­ al said he had the concurrence of the today, but not all admitte^ tbat it cal. Senator Sherman, Republican, Pierre Soulaine, writing in the steamship lines. .and><^biff the-vessels tlement will continue despite any vated R^-way Company went on Solicitor-General., Bftt almost fEU' 'Vas' a-nuft^ poUHe&l fa c ^ n t’ B d^ of Illinois, an uncompromising Figaro today, who pleads for a de­ will fly the United States flag when declaration Japan may make that strike. the speakers, without distipctlon of the Dally Telegraph and the Chron­ League of Nations opponent, declar­ crease in importations from Amer­ again put, into • commission. The she is prepared to relinquish full More than a million and a half party, condemned the Carson speech. icle declared that the party was ed in the Senate this afternoon that ica and an increase in French ex­ idea is favored by the German territorial rights within Kiau Chau persons were lefL without street rail­ Sie Donald MacLean, liberal, ap­ formed some time ago. a war between the United States and ports to bring about a more equit­ stockholders. or any other part of the Chinese way transportation service. Not a pealed to the government to try to Experienced parliamentarians at­ Japan “ will be Great Britain’s op­ able rate of exchange between the The government has announced province, Senator Borah, Republi wheel turned on the 532 miles of regain the moral authority of Par­ tach no special significance 't o the portunity to reign commercial and American dollar and the French its intention of reimbursing ship can, of Idaho, an uncompromising elevated companies trackage after 4 liament by condemning the language fact that Colonel Winston CKurcbill, financial supremacy from us."- franc. owners for their losses during the league of nations’ opponent, statec a. m. the Irish unionist leader used. Secretary of State for War, was Britain a Diidomatlst. “ American statesmen have pub­ war. Negotiations are now proceed­ today. Steam Trains Jammed. Unfortimate Says Bonar Law. present at the dinner on Tuesday “ Great Britain bore a large part licly promised to help in the rehab­ ing in Berlin. The ship owners are Steam trains were jammed, auto­ Mr. Bonar Law, the go'y&rnment night on the eve of the announce­ Wants Written Protest. in the war” , Sherman said. “ She ilitation of France," he said. ‘,‘Then demanding from four to six times mobiles and auto trucks came to spokesman contended that the gov­ ment of the formation of the party, When the Senate reconvened at is a diplomatist who has cared for let them cease desiring to* consol­ the pre-war value of their vessels. noon Borah said he was prepared to Boston loaded- with suburbanites. ernment was bound to be guided by according to the Dally Telegraph. her own Imperial interests. Na­ idate the dollar rate against the Motorcycles and bicycles were its legal advisers, though nothing Star Attacks Party. call up his resolution requesting the tions, like individuals, are often improvement of the franc rate." pressed into service and every main could be^more painful to him.
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