NET PRESS RUE AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OF THE EVENING HKRAT.n THE WEATHER, for the month of September, 19S8. Showen tg n l^ t and Taeeday. 4 , 8 4 9 Wanner tonight. i VOL. XLV., NO. 15. Claasllled AdfertMng on Page • MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1926. ^ ^ G E S ) PRICE THREE CENTS TRUDY EDERLE DEAF KIDNAP WIFE OF FROM WAVES’ ACTION HOPE TO PROVE Boston, Oct. 18. — ‘‘Trudy’" ROARS OF POPULACE, S W l-rV /F TICKER TAPE, Ederle, who is here filling a vaudeville Engagement, is very E -S E N . CAIDER, deaf. Constant pounding of the HISS X" STORY waves against her ear drums during her long distance swims STEI^JEWEIS affected her hearing. Other­ A F A m A T IO N GREET MARIE OF RUMANIA IN NEW YORK wise the channel star is in per­ 1---------------------------- fectly normal health. America Greets Marie New York Bandits Seize McPherson Defense Sub­ HRS. HALL IS Royal Guest Lands Auto and 5 Persons, Stage BOOZE “U C IH r’ poenas Sister of Mrs. Sie- CAUSE OF LAW _____ i 4 s 21 Guns Thunder $15,000 Robbery, Tben TAKEN IN CBKAeO laff as Person Who Made Dump Out Occnpants. Affidavit FORCE SIRIFE COMES TO THANK in Rain to New Gang Mnrder, However, New York, Oct. 18.— Apparently Defense Lawyers Orer Acclaim Visitor, Party Lob Angeles, Oct. 18.— Mrs. Vlrla 0S,SAYSQ01 without any clue save a description Is Prompt Sequel to Ar Kimball, of Oakland, twin sister of of three bandits, 1,200 detectives, Mrs. Lorraine Wlseman-SIelaff, New Jersey Widow’s Lands at Battery, Passes under the personal direction of rest of Notorious Four. chief prosecution witness, was to Commissioner McLaughlin, are appear at the preliminary hearing AssarBon She YiD Go TeDs Swarm of Reporters Urongh Broadway Can­ making a city-wide search today for of Aimee Semple McPherson today th'eshold-up men who escaped with as a witness for the defense. Mrs. Chicago, Oct. 18.— ^While au­ Kimball was subpoenaed In connec­ on intness Stand. She Hopes to Be Taken to yon to Official Recepdon 815,000 in jewels from an automo­ thorities were investigating a new tion with efforts of the defense to bile in which were riding Mrs. Wil­ gang murder today, a quartette of prove that she was the woman who liam M. Calder, wife of former Somerville, N. J., Oct. 18.— The the Heart of America. nt City HaD; Qneen Talks famous gangsters whose names are swore in an affidavit made at United States Senator Calder; their Saliiieis, Cal., that she was the announced determination of Mrs. high on the list of “ Who’s Who” daughter, Mrs. Robert C. Lee; Mrs. “ Miss X ” who spent ten days with Frances Stevens Hall, under indict­ in “Mike” ; Hurries Away Calder's sister, Mrs. William W. in Chicago’s beer and alcohol In­ Kenneth Ormiston, Mrs. McPher­ ment for the murder of her hus­ Aboard the Leviathan at Quar-! Harlee, and the Calder chauffeur dustry were lolling in cells at the son’s former radio attendant, in a band. the Rev. Dr. Edward W. Hall, antine— (via radio)— October 18. and his wife. county jail. and his “ soul mate,” Mrs. Eleanor to Washington. cottage at Carmel-by-the-Sea. “ I am excited and happy over The party in the car were not They are Vincent (Schemer) Mrs. WIseman-Slelaff, confessing R. Mills, to take the stand in her held up, but were kidnapped. Druccl, partner of the late Earl own defense at her trial on Nov. my arrival in America.” from the witness stand to framing New York, Cct. 18. — Queen Ride of .An Hour. Weiss, whose career was cut short the “ Miss X” hoax under Mrs. Mc­ 3, has caused a split in the ranks This was Queen Marie’s first of­ by machine gun bullets; Vincent ot her counsel, it was reported to­ After a wild ride of an hour Pherson’s direction, testified last ficial utterance made after her ar­ Marie of Rumania arrived in New through Brooklyn streets the ban­ McErlane, brother of Frank Mc- day. The split Is said to have oc­ week that the signer of the false rival In the United States, when York at 11:50 this morning, greet­ dits finally dumped their victims Erlane, south side gang leader un­ curred after attorneys openly op­ ed by the roaring welcome of the der arrest awaiting trial for mur­ affidavit In Salinas was “ Miss posed her decision as inimical to she received a group of corre- out of their own car exactly in front Rachel Wells” of Philadelphia. world’s greatest democracy. of Commissioner McLaughlin's der; Julian (potatoes) Kaufman, the Interests of their defense. spondents who had boarded the Hope to Impeach Her. Leviathan. Europe’s most conspicuous regal home. It was from the police head’s a “ yes” man of the Welss-Druccl- FiUed with Horror i Moran combine, and Harry Sorg, The defense hopes to prove that In making this announcement, “ I do hope the American people woman landed on American soil at apartment building that the fran­ Mrs. Kimball was the Salinas “ Miss the Battery with the crash of a tic women called the police for another henchman of the North Mrs. Hall declared she will face will treat me well and will take Side syndicate. X ” and thereby impeach In part, me In their hearts,” said Queen royal salute of twenty-one ' gun.» help. the order of publicity in her fight All four of the men were arrested and weaken In general, Mrs. Wlse- against “ malicious persecution.” Marie. fading before the greater tumult of The three bandits were described man-Slelaff’s testimony. the cheering thousands who waited as young, “ looking like dope over the week end in Chief of Po­ I don’t want to go on the stand, “ I am not an official, person,” lice Collins’ drive to ‘‘round up all The Identity of the mysterious but I shall do so,” she said. Every in the rain to greet hdr. fiends.” Queen Marie informed the corre­ known gangsters.” His order fol­ “ Miss X” still occupied the center time I see my name spread across The queen and her party arrived The four women, still distraught spondents. pointing out that her at City Hall at 12:10. lowed the gangster machine-gun­ of the stage today as the prelim­ a newspaper or see my picture in visit here is of a private nature. from the harrowing experience, ning last Monday in front of Holy inary hearing of the evangelist, her print. It fills me with horror.” As the procession approached were taken to the rogues’ gallery by “ My government expects me to Name Cathedral, In which Weiss mother, Mrs. Minnie Kennedy, and MARJE.QIIEEM 9^R£)IWIANIA Mrs. Hall denounced .Special follow my own lines, namely good City Hall for the official welcome Commissioner McLaughlin and and Patrick Murray were slain and Mrs. Lorraine Wlseman-SIelaff. all Prosecutor Alexander Simpson, who by Mayor Walker, the rain ceased, spent three hours trying to identify will and charity to all.” W. W. O’Brien, a prominent crim­ charged with conspiracy, entered Its heads the re-opened investigation It’s True About the Skirts. and thousands of workers, free dur­ photographs of their kidnappers. inal lawyer, was seriously wounded. fourth week. into the case. ing the lunch hour, swarmed from During the ordeal Mrs. Lee, soon The Queen was gjgrbed In a The latest gang killing to engage The prosecution Is attemptirg to “ When I take the stand Prose­ charming gown of Burgundy crepe tall office buildings, adding to the to become a mother, almost col­ the attention of police occurred prove that Mrs. McPherson herself cutor Simpson will have to change congestion. Traffic throughout the lapsed, and was revived only after CATHOUCS OBJECT VICTIMS OF MIAMI de chine, made In one piece and early yesterday. A man believed to was the woman who went to Carmel his tactics, deal with facts before a hanging six inches below her district was practically at a stand­ a hurry call had been sent for aro­ be John Dano, a Sicilian, was with her former radio operator and jury and stop his campaign of sus- still. matic stimulants. knees. The gown was trimmed “ taken for a ride,” shot to death that her story of being kidnapped ,picions and insinuations In the with velvet and had a black fox As Always the Ticker Tape. and flung from the speeding auto­ and spirited away to Mexico was an TO PRINCESS ASTRID GALE REACH PORT newspapers,” she declared. “ I have collar and cuffs. She wore lizard As the royal party, preceded by mobile. invention. nothing to conceal and am confid­ skin shoes and beige stockings and a military and police escort and BERLIN HONORS WIFE Identified by Judge. ent he will receive from the jury a small cloth-of-gold hat. Two brass band, made its way up to the Taken to Salinas last week, Mrs. a rebuke richly deserved, and New ropes of pearls were about her Broadway Canyon from the Battery OF NEW YORK MAYOR Kimball was identified by Judge Opposition Crops Up in Bel- Hree Men Rescued from Jersey again will be a fit place for throat and she wora large pearl to City Hall, the usual New York “ PEACHES” A ls o PLANS Bardin as a woman who appeared decent people to live In.” earrings. welcome was given. In his office and signed an affidavit Simpson would not comment on ‘The Queen was questioned about Prom countless windows high in Mrs.
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