A MONTHLY COMMUNITY PUBLICATION OP | the JEWISH HOSPITAL of St. Louis Vol. 14 — No. 6 JULY - AUGUST, 1965 216 S. KINGSHIGHWAY, ST. LOUIS, MO. 63110 crfoi-hitaL \ja.mLLiE.i. YALEM FAMILY GIFT TO BUILD RESEARCH CENTER (The following story is one of a series in which 216 will feature individuals or families who have influenced the hos- pital's development through the years. Without their continuing interest, guid- ance and support, Jewish Hospital could ■IN not have achieved its present high stand- ard programs of patient care, research and education.) Shortly after the turn of the century, Louis Yalem, a St. Louis businessman, encouraged his four sons to enter pro- fessional fields. Three responded to this challenge and entered professional schools, one to become A LUNCHEON for Mrs. Carlyn H. Wohl (left) at Jewish Hospital was the setting for.this picture which was taken two weeks before the death of Milton Frank (seated right). a doctor and two, dentists. Two were Others in attendance were (standing from left) Edward B. Greensfelder, vice-president; satisfied with their chosen professions, but the third, Charles H, had other aspira- CHARLES H. YALEM ' David A. Gee, executive director; Dr. Stanford Wessler, physician-in-chief; Edward F. Schweich, vice-president; and Joseph F. Ruwitch, president of the board. tions. "I find," he continued, "that there is a After graduating from St. Louis Uni- great tendency among people to give to versity in 1914 in dentistry, Charles prac- their own . whether it be race or Board Elects mZi.£,aXC k<p xoaxam ticed for four years. His manual dexterity religion. I feel that it's important for each as a dentist served as a natural transition of us to expand our sphere of giving. DR. WESSLER AWARDED to a new interest . that of fixing cars. That's why I have just donated $125,000 Mrs. Wohl to In 1918, he went into the motor car to the Page Park Branch of the YMCA. W. U. RESEARCH GRANT business. The gift will be used for a pool to be In the cash and carry economy of the located in an area utilized by some 70,000 Fill Vacancy The Jewish Hosptial research program day, he soon realized that people would will benefit from a five-year Public Health people, a predominately negro area. It's Joseph F. Ruwitch, president, has an- buy more cars if they had a way to very important for these people to have Service grant awarded to Dr. Stanford finance them. At that time, there was no nounced the election of Mrs. Carlyn H. Wessler physician-in-chief, and professor a swimming pool as well as other recrea- Wohl to the hospital board of directors. established financing on automobiles. tional facilities." of medicine at Washington University AETNA SOUNDED "CRISP" She will fill the vacancy left by the death School of Medicine. Mr. Yalem has also donated a large sum of Milton Frank, former chairman of From mouths to motor cars to money, The grant totaling $320,000 was received Charles H. Yalem launched his new career which will be used, with matching funds, the board of Wohl Shoe Company. through Washington University for work as president of the Yalem Finance Com- to build the new Family and Children's "I'm delighted," said Mrs. Wohl during to be carried out at Jewish Hospital on pany. Later, the name was changed to Service Center of Greater St. Louis. the role of stasis and lipids in venous MAJOR GIFTS a recent interview, "and I will do every- "Aetna, because it had a nice crisp sound Besides his gift to Jewish Hospital, he ' thing I can to help." thrombosis. to it." (See Article on Page 6.) has made other major gifts in recent years By 1960, Aetna Finance Company had to Washington University; St. Louis Uni- She is the widow of the late David P. In connection with his research work, become the largest family owned finance Wohl, founder of Wohl Shoe Company Dr. Wessler has been invited to speak at versity; Brandeis University; The Jewish company in the United States, and its Center for the Aged; the Jewish Com- and noted St. Louis philanthropist. Mr. the International Symposium on Throm- philanthropic president had donated over Wohl also established the Wohl Founda- bosis and Embolism at Basle, Switzer- munity Centers Association; the City Art $3,000,000 to universities, youth centers, Museum; the Spirit of St. Louis Fund tion, which has contributed generously to land, August 29 - September 1. At the art, the center for the aged, and The Jewish Hospital, as well as other civic, and most recently, to the St. Louis Zoo symposium, sponsored by the Department Jewish Hospital of St. Louis. charitable, and educational institutions. of Medicine, University of Basle, in col- to establish the Charles H. Yalem Chil- t In January 1964, he made another dren's Zoo, a two acre, year round proj- « PHILOSOPHY OF GIVING laboration with the International Commit- outstanding contribution to Jewish Hos- tee on Haemostasis and Thrombosis, he ect with a nursery for baby animals and "I learned about the philosophy of giv- pital ... a gift of $1,000,000 to build a a contact area for youngsters. ing from Mr. Wohl," said Mrs. Wohl. "He will speak on "Experimental Coagula- modern nine story research center which tion Thrombus." Many of his contributions have been was born in St. is scheduled to be dedicated in 1966 as made in memory of a son, Lt. James H. He will also speak at the 34th Annual the Charles and Florence Yalem Research Louis, the youngest Fall Symposium of the Los Angeles County Yalem, who was killed at age 20 in an Building. airplane accident while in training in of 11 children. His Heart Association on "An Approach to Elected to the hospital board of di- business was started the Problem of Peripheral Arterial Em- World War II. He made another major rectors in 1963, he was recently elevated contribution to Jewish Hospital in memory on a small scale, bolism" and "Thromboaniitis Obliterans." to Life Membership. His son, Richard of his son; the James Henry Yalem Chair and he worked his Recently Dr. Wessler spoke in New York L. was elected to the board to fill the in Economics was Established at Brandeis way up. After he at a joint program of the American Col- two year vacancy left by his father. University; the Scientific Computing became successful, lege of Cardiology and the American A BETTER WORLD Center at St. Louis University is named As a man of philosophy as well as he wanted to give Heart Association with the Section of in James' memory; as is the James Henry Internal Medicine of the American Medi- action, he "wants the world to be better something back to Yalem Branch of the JCCA. cal Association. His topic was "The Phar- by his being here." Pursuant to his interests in medicine, he the city in which he macologic Approach to Pulmonary Em- "The good of giving," he said, "should established his busi- bolism." established a fund at Washington Uni- be to lift others from a position of weak- versity to support clinical and biochemical ness; he wanted to ness and inferiority and restore them to a I He also served as the May consultant research on psychiatric disorders and a help the sick and MRS. CARLYN WOHL for the Medical Tribune. This is a position of dignity and strength. I want prize for the medical school senior who the poor." feature of the publication in which a to encourage others to give as I have been excells in the study of dermatology. The Wohl Foundration first started by doctor answers questions sent from other able to do; to foster the relationship which YALEM FOUNDATION doctors throughout the country. creating recreational centers in the city, exists among people of all races." Many of the gifts are donated from the and it continues to do so today. Mrs. Charles Yalem Foundation. In addition Wohl serves on the board of the Jewish to his many philanthropies, he has been Community Centers Association among active in civic, religious and cultural activities. many other Jewish and civic organiza- For several years he served as honorary tions. One of her favorite charities is WATCH campaign chairman for the Jewish Fed- Dismas House, in which Mr. Wohl took eration Fund Drive. He is a former a great personal interest. treasurer of the Federation and an honor- ONLY IN AMERICA FOR ary life member. Mrs. Wohl feels that only in America At St. Louis University he is a member can a man establish a small business, gain of the President's Council and the develop- ment Council. wealth, and in turn, donate much of this THIS 1mm As a tribute to his life of dedicated wealth to his fellow man. service and philanthrophy, Charles H. Mrs. Wohl, born Carlyn Hartman, grew fffUE Yalem received the 1964 Americanism up in Chillicothe, Missouri. She has two Award from the Missouri Department of surviving daughters, Mrs. Paul Rothchild SYMBOL the Jewish War Veterans. This award is and Mrs. Richard Marcus of Winnetka, III. given annually to the Missourian who has She has seven grandchildren. (Continued on page 3, col. 1) PAGE 2 \M *»J IN MEMORIAM - MILTON FRANK (Editor's note: The following statement by Joseph F. Ruwitch, president of Jewish Hospital, was made June 4, 1965 in reference to the death of Milton Frank:) "The death of Milton Frank is not only a personal grief, but his absence will be deeply felt by all of those associated with The Jewish Hospital of St.
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