Minutes 2/10/19 East Langton Parish Council Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting 2nd October 2019 held at the Community Hall, Church Langton at 7.30 p.m. Present: Cllr M Browne, Cllr R. Folwell (chair), Cllr H Munro. In attendance: Alison Gibson (clerk) Action 1. 137/19 - To receive apologies for absence and to consider whether to approve reasons – Cllr John Loney, away. Cllr Stuart Cartwright, prior commitment. It was resolved to approve these reasons for absence District Councillors Phil King and Simon Whelband 2. 138/19 - Declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests and granting of dispensations Cllr Browne, item 11.2.1 To agree response to application 19/10475/NOT as lives in close proximity to the property, no dispensation applied for. Cllr Folwell, item 11.3 - Update on Planning application 19/00876/FUL as she lives in close proximity to the site, has a dispensation “to participate in, or participate further in any discussion of that business / matter” to the next election 3. 139/19 – to approve and sign the minutes of the previous meeting held 7th August 2019 - Resolved that the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7/8/19 be approved and adopted as a true record 4. 140/19– Public questions and comments on items on the agenda – none present 5. 141/19 – Chairman’s Report • Community Safety Meeting - Cllrs Folwell and Munro to discuss Cllrs Folwell taking this forward / Munro • Allotments – ongoing, no further information • Pump to go on Village Green – Clerk to resend information about checking for underground services to Cllr Folwell to that this can be Cllr investigated to enable the licence to be applied for from Folwell Leicestershire County Council. Consultation with near neighbours / clerk and land owners will also need to take place before the licence is applied for 6. 142/19 – Clerk’s report including LRALC update • LRALC o NALC Legal Update August 2019 – Quorum / Carer’s Allowance / Vehicular Activated Signs – powers do not cover purchase of such signs by Parish Councils / Legal Topic Note 22 to be updated, Disciplinary and Grievance procedures redrafted in light of Ledbury Decision o LRALC training courses link circulated • Harborough District Council (HDC) o Meeting with Nada Hankin, HDC Parish Council Liaison Office on 7/8/19 – Cllrs Folwell and Munro and clerk attended. Discussion on Section 106 and speeding / accidents on B6047 o EU Exit – update circulated o HDC Newsletter October 2019 – circulated o Newly appointed HDC Environmental Enforcement Officer Stacey Deacon – dealing with dog fouling and 29 Minutes 2/10/19 littering around Harborough District. Details to be Cllr included in next newsletter Folwell • Leicestershire County Council (LCC) o Monthly funding updates August and September circulated o LCC Clerk Liaison Meeting 11/9/19 – clerk attended, slides and clerk’s notes circulated. Points include: ▪ Brexit ▪ Street furniture, licences. LCC will be reviewing list of street furniture assets held by each Parish Council ▪ Trees and bulbs in highway ▪ Wildflower verges ▪ Climate Change Emergency • SLCC – Clerk Magazine September 2019 – circulated • Rural Community Council o Impact Magazine Summer 2019 o Work Live Leicestershire poster for noticeboards • Mobile / Broadband Strength – communication from Neil O’Brien MP, he is currently carrying out a survey to understand more about people’s experiences in their homes and villages. Noted that a letter has been sent to all households in the Parish. 7. 143/19 – Reports from 7.1 County Councillor - none. 7.2 District Councillors – Cllr Phil King submitted the following report: • Reminder HDC Annual Liaison Meeting 6/11/19 at Leicester Grammar School • Dog Control Public Space Protection Order online consultation – the current order has lapsed and so the HDC byelaws are not currently enforceable. Once the consultation is completed it is hoped to be able to implement the order again, possibly around November time • Environmental Crime Enforcement Officer – HDC have engaged someone into this new role to cover flytipping, litter, dog fouling • East Midlands Airport Future Airspace Programme – It is proposed to increase the number of night flights and change the flight paths and so it is likely there will be more planes coming over • Built Sports Facilities Strategy final draft consultation – Appendix D relates to Village Halls and Community Facilities • Neighbourhood Plans – now that the Local Plan has been adopted by HDC parishes with a Neighbourhood Plan should soon receive a communication from Harborough District Council requesting the Neighbourhood Plan is reviewed. It would be a light touch review. There is funding available to pay for the review. Recommends speaking to Matt Bills (HDC) and Gary Kirk (Yourlocale) • Community Governance Review – HDC are due to consider this next Monday (23/9/19). They have not done a review since 2012. It is expected that a consultation will then take place with Parishes. Opportunity to join with other parishes. The review 30 Minutes 2/10/19 should take around 12 months and any boundary changes would take effect from the next election • HDC is looking at developing a rural strategy • HDC has an ongoing campaign re plastics pledge 7.3 Police • Leicestershire Police August and September Newsletters – circulated • HDC Community Safety Partnership August Newsletter – circulated • Leicestershire Police website shows one crime reported in July 2019 in Thorpe Langton - antisocial behaviour. • It was noted that there has also recently been an attempted and one actual theft from vans (tools). Advice to be included in Cllrs Community Safety (meeting Item 5 above). Folwell / Munro • Noted also there have been some car vehicle thefts in Tur Langton • Police Fatal Collision Notification 4/8/19, Melton Road, Tur Langton – circulated 7.4 Tree Warden - none 7.5 Heritage Warden – noted that there have been two very successful Heritage Open Days, 31 people attended, who have made use of the new Visitor Guide. More heritage activities are due to take place in the coming year. 8. 144/19 – Assets 8.1 Health and Safety Check of Assets – no problems identified 8.2 Replacement bench, East Langton – it was noted that LCC will require a new licence to be applied for at a cost of £75.00. Consultation with neighbours will need to take place plus investigation of underground services. It was agreed to defer this to the next meeting when Cllr Loney is present 8.3 Review of Asset Register to write off bench in East Langton – resolved to approve as circulated. 9. 145/19 – Litter Bins A consultation exercise has been carried out for the two locations in East Langton and the one in Church Langton. There has been one objection to the two in East Langton. The objector states that one of the bins would be better sited by the Cricket Pitch and the other one by the bus stop. Councillors felt that there is no need for one at the Cricket Pitch since people use the Cricket Club bins for dog waste. Clerk to check with LCC clerk the situation regarding applying for a licence where there is an objection. There is no feedback yet on the consultation with Old School Walk Management Committee for the one in Church Langton located on their land. 10. 146/19 – Grass Cutting, Village Green, Church Langton, feedback on cuts. Noted an invoice has been paid for the cut on 3/7/19 (cut noted at meeting 3/7/19) Invoice received for cut 16/8/19 see below under Finance item 12.3.8 31 Minutes 2/10/19 11. 147/19 – Planning 11.1 General Report including update on applications / decisions from HDC since last meeting. • 19/01086/TPO – Works to trees, (LCC TPO 21), 5, Stonton Road, CL – no comment submitted. To note permitted • 19/01279/FUL – rebuilding of section of existing boundary wall (structural repairs) (reserved scheme of 18/02047/FUL), Allotments, Stonton Road, CL – no comment submitted, to note permitted • 19/01457/FUL – erection of a single storey rear extension and associated works, 35, Thornton Crescent, CL – no comment submitted • 19/01383/FUL – Retention of mobile home, (renewal of 16/00807/FUL, mobile home, Woodhouse Farm, Back Lane, EL – no comment submitted • 19/01169/FUL – erection of a single storey rear extension (revised scheme of 19/00286/FUL) and change of use of former store to residential, Chic House, Back Lane, EL – to note permitted HDC have reported that they are to review public involvement in planning 11.2 To agree response to the following application: 11.2.1 19/10475/NOT – prior notification for the erection of a single storey rear extension, depth 3.6, maximum height 3.3 and eaves height 2.44 – 6, Thornton Crescent CL – as Cllr Browne has declared an interest in this item the meeting is not quorate and so no response was agreed. 11.3 Update – 19/00876/FUL – erection of 17 dwellings (reserved matters of 18/00904/OUT including details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) land off Church Causeway, Church Langton – Noted that Ben Cripps, who owns Langton Homes, has met with residents and will go and look at implications of ditch. A Great Crested Newt has been found on the site. As these need a pond to breed this has raised the question as to whether the pond should be filled in. Nicola Parry, (HDC Planning Officer) will instigate an ecology review. The pond and ditch are part of the wildlife corridor and this may strengthen the argument to make this wider. 11.3.1 Feedback from workshop at Harborough District Council – Cllr Folwell circulated the slides from the workshop. A select group was invited. Parish Councils are encouraged to check the conditions are being met whilst the development is in progress. This is a trial to see how it works with a possibility of widening it out to other Parish Councils.
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