©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at HERPETOZOA 10 (1/2): 85 - 88 KURZE MITTEILUNG / SHORT NOTE Wien, 30. Juli 1997 On the herpetofauna of Lake Vrana and its vicinity (Dalmacia, Croatia) (Amphibia, Reptilia) Zur Herpetofauna des Vrana Sees und seiner Umgebung (Dalmatien, Kroatien) (Amphibia, Reptilia) NUSA VOGRTN KURZFASSUNG Bei herpetologischen Felderhebungen am Vrana See und in der benachbarten adriatischen Küstenregion (Dal- matien, Kroatien) wurde das Vorkommen von 13 Reptilien- und zwei Amphibienarten festgestellt Der Fundort Drage von Lacerta oxycephala liegt 30 km nördlich der bisher bekannten Arealgrenze der Art ABSTRACT Thirteen reptilian and two amphibian species were observed at Lake Vrana and the adjacent Adriatic coastal area (Dalmacia, Croatia). Lacerta oxycephala was found in Drage, about 30 km north of the known range of the spe- cies. KEY WORDS Amphibia, Reptilia; herpetofauna of Lake Vrana, Dalmacia, Croatia; northernmost record of Lacerta oxy- cephala Knowledge on the herpetofauna of irrigated with water from the lake. Parts of the Adriatic coast in Croatia is basicly de- the research area are carrigues, where the rived from investigations carried out in most common plants are Juniperus oxyce- Kvarner, i. e. in mountainous areas (e. g., drus, Paliurus australis, degraded Quercus Mt. Velebit and Mt. Biokovo) or on islands ilex, Q. pubescens, Carpinus orientalis and (e. g., RADOVANOVIC 1951; BRELIH 1961; Rubus sp.; others are covered by planted BRELIH & DZUKIC 1974; MRSIC 1977; MR- forests of Pinus halepensis, P. niger dal- SIC & al. 1989; TVRTKOVIC & KLETECKI matica and P. pinea. In the northeast of the 1993a, 1993b; TOME 1995). The herpeto- lake there are also some meadows. The fauna of lowland areas is little known or biggest towns and villages (Biograd, Pa- even lacks any data. ko'stane, Vrana, Drage, Pirovac) are sur- Between August 12 and 20, 1996, rounded and interspersed by partly aban- herpetological field work was carried out at doned vineyards and orchards separated by Lake Vrana and the adjacent Adriatic stone walls. coastal area (Dalmacia, Croatia) (fig. 1). Thirteen reptilian and two amphibian All types of habitats present were included species were found to occur in Lake Vrana in the study in which 'Systematic Sampling and its vicinity. Survey' (SCOTT 1994) was applied during Bombino variegata ssp. - One spe- different times of the day. Some mor- cimen seen in a small pool used for irrigat- phometric data of the animals caught were ing the fields between Pakostane and camp recorded (tables 1 to 2). Vrana. Subspecific status not determined. Lake Vrana covers 3000 ha being the First record from Lake Vrana. According largest natural lake in Croatia. Most parts to TVRTKOVIC & KLETECKI (1993a) the of the lake shores are covered with Pharg- Velebit mountains are inhabited by B. v. mites australis, most strikingly in the orni- variegata (LINNAEUS, 1758). For Mt. Bio- thological reserve (30 ha) on the northeast- kovo, which lies south of Lake Vrana, the ern shore. In the flooded areas next to the subspecies is not indicated (TVRTKOVIC & lake proper the dominant vegetation is KLETECKI 1993b). Juncus sp. Many fields in the vicinity are Rana sp. - Numerous in the shallow ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 86 NUSA VOGRIN BIOGRAD PAKOSTANE DRAGE I n Vi SIBENIK Fig. 1 : Lake Vrana and its vicinity (Daimacia, Croatia). Abb. 1 : Der Vrana See und seine Umgebung (Dalmatien, Kroatien). ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Herpetofauna of Lake Vrana and its vicinity (Dalmatia, Croatia) 87 water of Lake Vrana, in canals and pools on a rocky clearing in a Pinus halepensis used for irrigating the fields; also in small plantation. In coastal areas in Bulgaria, the streams. 30 specimens in a canal which density of L trilineata was between 22.5 was 30 m long and 1 m wide; up to 10 and 25 specimens/ha (NETTMANN & RY- specimens per pool. The Green frogs of KENA 1984). Dalmacia were generally recognized as R. Lacerta oxycephala DUMÉRIL & BlB- ridibunda PALLAS, 1771 (e. g., NÖLLERTÄ RON, 1839 - One specimen on a stone wall NÖLLERT 1992) which also inhabits Mt. near the road in Drage village. The north- Velebit (TVRTKOVIC & KLETECKI 1993a). ern limit of the species' range was thought Based on bioacoustic evidence (SCHNEIDER to be (he river Krka and the area of the & SINSCH 1992; SCHNEIDER & HAXHIU town Sibenik, while records fromZadar 1994), R. balcanica SCHNEIDER & SINSCH, might not be reliable (RADOVANOVIC 1951; 1992 was described from south of the Plit- BISCHOFF 1984). The new record from Dra- vica Lakes. Thus, without detailed bio- ge is about 30 km north of the hitherto nor- acoustic and enzyme electrophoretic analy- thernmost locality records of this species. ses, the systematic status of the Green Podarcis siculo campestris (DE BET- Frogs of Lake Vrana remains unclear. TA, 1857) - Most common reptile species in Testudo hermanni boettgeri (MOJSI- the area, abundant in Pakostane. For mor- sovics, 1889) - Numerous in different phometric characters see table 1. habitats, especially in carrigues. Frequently Coluber najadum dahlii SCHINZ, found in numbers of 5 to 6 specimens. All 1833 - One specimen in the camp near Pa- captured and measured tortoises were im- ko'stane, few meters from the see. This mature females according to the criteria in species is rare also on Mt. Velebit (MRSIC CARRETERO&al. (1995). 1977). Emys orbicularis (LINNAEUS, 1758) - Coluber gemonensis (LAURENTI, Common in Lake Vrana and in the neigh- 1768) - This snake was found in 40% of bouring canals. Juveniles in small pools the habitats under study (carrigues, clear- wich are no longer used for irrigating the ings, pastures with stone walls). Its density fields and, thus, are covered by floating estimated from the transect method was 2.8 vegetation. I found four juveniles in a pool specimens/ha in a rocky clearing of a Pinus of 9 m2 in size. Emys was never found in sp. forest. For morphometric characters see pools that were bare of water vegetation. table 2. Ophisaurus apodus (PALLAS, 1775) - Elaphe quatuorlineata quatuorlinea- One specimen (approximately 1 m; dead) ta (LACÉPÈDE, 1798) - One specimen (dead) on the road from Pako'stane to Vrana. on the main road between Pakostane and Lacerta trilineata major (BoULEN- Drage. GER, 1887) - Present in various habitats (e. Elaphe longissima longissima (LAU- g., clearings, pastures, coastal rocks). The RENTI, 1768) - One adult specimenv(dead) highest density (13.4 specimens/ha) de- on the road between Radovanovic i and termined by the transect method was found Banevci. On both sides of the road is car- Table 1: Descriptive statistics of meristic characters of female (left, n = 8) and male (right, n = 12) Podarcis sicula campestris (DE BETTA, 1857) of the study area, x- mean value, Min - minimum value, Max - maximum value, Std Dev - standard deviation, Lb - snout-vent lenght (mm), Ltail - tail lenght (mm), Lh - head lenght (mm), Wh - head width (mm), Coll - number of scales forming the collar, Vent - number of transversal rows of ventrals. Tab. 1: Beschreibende Statistiken meristischer Größen weiblicher (links, n = 8) und männlicher (rechts, n = 12) Podarcis sicula campestris (DE BETTA, 1857) aus dem Untersuchungsgebiet x- arithmetisches Mittel, Min - Minimum, Max - Maximum, Std Dev - Standardabweichung, Lb - Kopf-Rumpflänge, Ltail - Schwanzlänge, Lh - Kopflänge, Wh - Kopfbreite, Coli - Anzahl Halsbandschuppen, Vent - Anzahl Ventralia-Querreihen. Females / X Min Max Std Dev Males/ X Min Max Std Dev Weibchen Männchen Lb 63.0 52 70 7.57 Lb 72.8 59 80 5.55 Ltail 111.8 94 126 13.36 Ltail 125.9 112 140 10.17 Lh 13.5 12.1 15.1 1.11 Lh 16.0 9.2 18.8 3.48 Wh 7.7 7.0 8.3 0.42 Wh 10.7 7.6 17.3 2.34 Coli 9 7 11 1.35 Coli 9 8 11 1.00 Vent 28 27 29 0.82 Vent 25 24 27 1.04 ©Österreichische Gesellschaft für Herpetologie e.V., Wien, Austria, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at 88 NUSA VOGRIN Table 2: Meristic characters of 3 specimens of Coluber gemonensis (LAURENTL 1768) of the study area. Lb - snout-vent lenght (mm), Ltail - tail lenght Character Specimen No / (mm), Vent - number of ventrals, Scd - number of sub- Merkmal Exemplar Nr. caudals, Dors - number of longitudinal rows of dorsals at 1 2 3 midbody. Lb 680 555 450 Tab. 2: Meristische Merkmale von 3 Exemplaren Ltail 215 235 205 von Coluber gemonensis (LAURENTI, 1768) aus dem Vent 166 177 164 Untersuchungsgebiet. Lb - Kopf-Rumpflänge (mm), Scd 71 101 103 Ltail - Schwanzlänge (mm), Vent - Anzahl Ventralia, Dors 19 19 19 Scd - Anzahl Subcaudalia, Dors - Anzahl Dorsalia- Längsreihen in Rumpfmitte. rigue with some stacks of stone. main road between Pako'stane and Vrana, Natrix natrix persa (PALLAS, 1814) - very close to Lake Vrana; one juvenile in Not rare in all kinds of wetland. One out of the lake. 11 specimens without longitudinal stripes. Telescopus fallax fallax (FLEISCH- Natrix tessellata tessellata (LAUREN- MANN, 1837) - One adult specimen (dead) TI, 1768) - One specimen (dead) on the on the road between Pakostane and Vrana. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to MILAN VOGRIN for assistance Special thanks to POLONA ZAGAR for the linguistic im- with field work and his comments to the manuscript. provement of the manuscript. REFERENCES BlSCHOFF, W. (1984): Lacerta oxycephala Du- Stuttgart (Franckh - Kosmos). MÉRIL & BlBRON, 1839 - Spitzkopfeidechse. In: BÖH- OBST, F. J. & MEUSEL, W. (1963): Die Land- ME, W. (ed.): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien schildkröten Europas.vWittenberg (Ziemsen), pp. 52. Europas; Band 2/1. Echsen I., Wiesbaden, (AULA). RADOVANOVIC, M. (1951): Vodozemci i gmi- BRELIH, S. (1961): Sieben neuen Rassen der Art zavci nase zemlje. Naucna knjiga Beograd.
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