The Inventory of the Conrad Lynn Collection #594 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center LYNN, CONRAD May 1973 Accession N'Wllber: 594 LEGAL FILES, arranged alphabetically. Most contain legal correspon­ dence, related printed material (newsclippings, etc.) and legal papers (transcripts, appeals, writs, and briefs) 194-0-1972 Box 1, Folder 1 1. '!Abelson, Glenn R." Draft Case, 1968 Folder 2 2. "Aberle, Kathleen" Cor2"espondence from Friend and associates 1963-1964 Folder 3 3. "Acker, Daniel" Draft Case. 1968-1969 Folder 4 4. "Active Selective Service File" 1967-1968 Including: Mungo Ray. CTL. October 16, 1967. Letter denouncing Selective Service system Folder 5 5. "Adams;James" Anthor-Publisher Dispute, 1951-1953 Folder 6 6. "Adams, ifosephine" CL directed her legal affair/a. Miss Adams was the famous "Madame X" of the 1940 1 s. 1958-1959. Folder 7 7. "African Academy of Arts" Landlord-tenant dispute. 1953-1959 Folder 8. 8. "Agett, James" Draft Case. 1970 Folder 9. 9. "Alabama vs. Wilson, Jimmie" Negro facing execution for theft of $1.95. 1958. Folder 10 10. "Albanese, Ralph" Draft Case. 1968-1969 Folder 11 11. "Alenky, Neill" Soldier seeking C. o. discharge from .Anny. 1970-1972 Folder 12 12. "Allen, Robert" Draft Case. 1966 Box 2, Folder 13 13. "Alexander, Rodney" Draft Case. 1968 I - LYNN, CON.RAD. May 197J Page 2 Folder lh 14. "Alleton-Barber" Mother seeking release of son/ from mental institutions 1971-1972 Folder 15. "U.S. vs. Ayalew, et al'! l'Demonstrating Ethiopian students on trial. 1969 Folder 16. 16. "Baehr vs. Baehr" D-vorce Case. 1967-1970 Boxes 3 and 4 17. "People vs. Baker, et al" Post Trial Appeals, 1971-1972. Also Folders 17 ,· 1..t . , ...d ·.') known as the "Harlem Six" Murder Convictions in 1964, seeking reversal (4 folders, two in each box) Box 5, Folder 18 18. "Baker, Robert" Defense of soldier on trial for being AWOL. 1968. Folder 19. 19. "Ballato-Brodsky" Soldier imprisoned for over-staying leave. 1969 Folder 20 20. "Bell vs. Bell" Divorce Case. 1970 Folder 21 21. "People vs. Bennet" Rape Case} 1968-1969 Folder 22 22. "Berry - Report on Veterans Program" 1971. Misappropriations of funds charge Folder 23 23. "Birns, Douglas" Draft case. 1968 Folder 24 24. "Black Defense Committee, Inc." Lynn involved in Incorporatior.; of Committee, 1967 Folder 25 25. "Black Revolt" Correspondence and press releases from Black organizations and groups. 1970-1971 Folder 26 26. "Blutcher" Assault charge. 1967-1968 Folder 27 27. "Boddie, Richard G." Draft case, 1968 Folder 28 28. "Bordas, Will~M." Draft case. 1968 Folder 29 29. "Boyland, Thomas S." Draft case, 1968 Box 6, Folder 30 30. "Braden vs. Kentucky" 1956. Carl Braden accused of bombing a house in Louisville, racial elements involved, Lynn working with ACLU. Braden, Carl. 6 TLS. 1956 LYNN, CONRAD. May 1973 Page 3 Folder 31 31. "U.S .. vs. Braden" Braden accused of being a Communist, refuses to testify to State of Florida investigation. 1960. Braden, Carl. 1 TLS, 1 ALS~ 1960 Foldar 32. 32. "Braithwaite, John" Draft case, 1968 Folder 33 33. "Brick, Steven" Draft case, 1968 Folder 34 34. "Broms, Stuart" Draft case, 1969 Folder 35 35. "U.S. vs. Brooks" Draft case, 1971-1972 Folder 36 36. "Buffalo Housing" Re: legislation for integrated housing, 1956-1959 Folder 37 37. "U.S .. vs. Bryant" Draft case, 1970 Folder 38 38. "People vs. Burch" Rape case, 1963 Box 7, Folder 39 39. "Burton" Real estate transaction, 1972 Folder 40 40. "Burwash" Trust ad.ministration, 1964-1968 Folder J-1,l 41. "Butts" Draft case, 1967 Folder 42 42. "Albizu Campos" Puerto Rican natio;nalist, considered a political prisoner while jailed in Puerto Rico during the 1960.r.s. Legal correspondence. Folder 43. 43. "Albizu Campos" Habeas Corpus documents and appeals, 1964-1965. Box 8, Folder 44 44. "U.S. vs. Cannon" Draft case, 1971 Folder 45 45. "Caritta Club Enterprises" Incorporation of firm, 1971 Folder 46 46. "Carter, Woodrow W." Draft case, 1969 Folder 47 47. "Casale, Philip" Draft case, 1969-1970 Folder 48 48. "Central Harlem Mothers" Incorporation proceedings, 1966 Folder 49 49. "Cherry, John" Child custody case, 1968 Folder 50 50. "City Street Theatre Ensemble, Inc." Inoo:r-poration proceedings, 1967-1968 LYl'fN, CONRAD. May 1973 Page 4 Folder 51 51. "Cleaver, Eldridge" Petitions to allow Cleaver freedom to write without restriction, plus plea for police protection while EC was in custod;t•.,- 1967-1968 Folder 52 52. "Cobleskill 39" Charge of incitement to riot at SUNY at Cobleskill, New York, 1972. Legal motions and me1no:ra.11d.a Folder 53 53. '"'Cofield, James" Draft case, 1969 Folder 51+ 51-1-. "Co.hen, Alan T. 11 Adoption case, 1964 Folder 55 55. "State vs. Colbert, OliYer, Ross" Three men charged with murder in Florida, 1969 Folder 56 56. "U.S. vs. Coleman, Pau.1 11 AWOL case, 1972 Folder 57 57. "U.S. vs. Coleman, George,'' conspiracy to defraud, l971 Folder 58 58. "People vs. Collazo" V~ation of liq_uor control laws, 1962-1963 Folder 59 59. "Commission of Inquiry" Charges by Communist Party of police irut'luence in various left-wing movements, 1971 Folder 60 60. "Committee of 13" Rohbery case, 1971 Folder 61 61. "Communes" Prospectus for a commune that will engage CLts services, 1969 Folder 62 62. "Concepcion, Jost" Widow's benefits case for drovrned AWOL Marine, Folder 63 63. "U.S. vs. Cook" Draft case, 1970 Folder 6}-4- 64. "Coordihating Committee" Correspondence with Black Civil Rig..~ts Groups, 1956. Including: Randolph, A. Philip. TLS. April 9 Folder 65 65. "U.S. vs. Crawford" Soldier accused of a·trocities in Vietnam. 1969-1970. Box 10, Folder 66 66. "Criminal File, 1970-1971" Folder 67 67. "Criminal Folder 1965-1967" LYNN, COiffiAD.. May 1973 Page 5 Folder 68 68. "Crispus At·taoks, Inc., Ys. City of New York" Incorporation proceedings and litigation. 1953-1958 Folder 69 69. "Cuba" Correspondence and printed material re: CL 1 s support of Castro's Cuban government, and re: his trip to Cuba, 1962. 1957-1965 Includ.ing: Aronson, James (Editor, National Guardian) TLS~ March 15, 1962 Ferry, Elinor. TLSu October 6, 1960 Hagan, Chet (producer, N.BC New1)• TLS. September 6, 1960 Kihss, Peter (New York Times reporter) TLSo September 19, 1963 Lynn, Conrad. CTLS- October 11 and December 7, 1960 Salisbury, Harrison E. (New Yor~ Times). TLS. September h& 20, 1963 Folder 70 70. "Statefcrowder, et. al" Four Negroes charged with kidnapping in North Carol:L."1.a, 1961-1962. "Monroe Defenden·t;s" Folder 71 71. "People -vs. Dabbs, et al" Case of attempted ·,uu.i:-de:~, ~f'i·dng into the Peeksld.11, ~ew York, police station, 1971 Folder 72 72. "Daniels" Case of marines tried for insubordination and disloyalty, 1968-1969 Folder 73. 73. "Dante Place Housing" Dispute in housing project in Bu.fflao New York, 1959-1960 Folder 74 74. U.S. vs. Da~s, .Andrew" Draft case, 1967-1969 Folder 75 75. "People vs. Davis, Garry" "World Government" Case, 1960 Including: Davia, Garry, 2 ALS:, 1 TLS .. 1960 Folder 76 76. "State vs. Davis, Johnnie" Rape case, 1969-1971 Folder 77 77. "Dedekian, George" Draft case, 1968 LYNN, COMRAD. May 1973 Page 6 Box 12, Folder 78 78. "U.S. vs. Des'chu" ROTC and Army reserve case, 1970-1971 Folder 79 79. "Dickson, Charles" Draft case, 1968 Folde:r.- 80 80. "State vs. Dijors" Murder case, 1957-1960 Folder 81 81. "Draft File" Inquiries concerning the draft from po 1Bntial draftees, 1968-1969 Folder 82 82. "Draf·h 1972, Army reserves". Inquiries conce ming draft, 1972 Folder 83 83. "Dudley, Edward." Draft case, 1968 Folder 84 84. "Dt.mgee, Frede:dc" Draf·h case, 1969 Box 13, Folder 85 85. "Draf·t and Vie·tnam" Correspondence and printed material re: Vietnam, 1966-1968 IncL1di11g: Macdonald, D~-right. TLS. May 8, 1968 O'Dwyer, Paul. TLS September 4, 1968 • ,tRader, David(war activist). TLS FebruarJ 26, 1966 • Folder 86 86. "Easterling, Darrel" Easterling refused :L--id.uction, defended by Lynn, 1968 Folder 87 87. 11 PGaple "TTS. Edward.a, Cu....~is" Disorderly conduct 0}19.rge, 1965 Folder 88 88. "Edwards, Fr3.J."1.k " Air Fo:cce discharge case, 1970 Folder 89 89. "Egelberg, Daniel" Lynn attempted to get Egelberg discharged from the Army, 1968 Folder 90 90. "U.S. vs. Eichel, Seymour" Eichel refused to register for draft in 1956. Correspondence and printed material, 1948-1966 Including: Rustin, Bayardo 3 TLS" ,Tuly 31, August 3, and December 10, 1956 Vandenbu.t"g, .A.r·hhu.r R. (Senator). TLS. May 4, 1948 Wilson, George Ao (Senator). TLS. April 2, 1948 Folder 91 91. "Elliot, Arthur" GI tried for striking MP 1 s, 1971 LYNN, CONRAD.. May 1973 Page 7 Boxal!~, Jrolder 92 92. "End the Draft" Co:rr:-espondenoe, mostly re: U.S. irs. Da·•... i.i Mitchell, draft case. Also printed anti-war mate~cia.l 1963-1966 Including: Geismar, M:a:~ell. A.Tf3.. August 9, 1965 Lamont, Corliss. ALS, TLH~ S~ptember 20 and October 5, 1965 Box if, Folder 93 93. "Evans vs. Eva.'11s" Divorce case. Corr:espondence and legal papers, 19.51-1972 Box 14, Folder 94 94. "Fashvyi, .Ayodele" Immigration case, 1969 Folder 95 95. "Fenner, L.s.mon" Draft case, 1968 Folder 96 95 ., "Fergu.s, Ross" Co:nscientious objector-Army, 1968. Mostly .A:r:my records. Folder 97 97.. "Ferguson, Michael" Draf·l; case, 1966-1967 11 Folder 98 98. "FIC~ •H Federated Ins titu.tes of Cultural Em.·ioh111ent, Inc. Incorporation proceedings, 1968 Box 15, Folder 99 99. "Fine Steven" Lt. in .Army seeking C.
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